You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
1.6 KiB

Its doc will tell you how to deploy `Tailchat` in kubeneters.
## One Command
kubectl apply -f namespace.yml -f pv.yml -f mongo.yml -f minio.yml -f redis.yml -f tailchat.yml
### Delete
if you wanna delete all resource, just delete namespace.
kubectl delete -f namespace.yml
## Setup one by one
### Create Namespace
kubectl apply -f namespace.yml
### Create Persistent Volume
kubectl apply -f pv.yml
### Create Mongodb
kubectl apply -f mongo.yml
### Create Minio
kubectl apply -f minio.yml
### Create Redis
kubectl apply -f redis.yml
### Create Tailchat
kubectl apply -f tailchat.yml
## Check tailchat-service work
#### get services ClusterIP
kubectl get svc -n tailchat
#### create test container in kubernetes
kubectl run -it --rm test-pod --image=busybox --restart=Never
#### request health and checkout `nodeID`, send multi times.
wget -q -O - http://<tailchat-cluster-ip>:11000/health
## Router and Load Balance
For example, we use traefik.
### Install Traefik provider
helm repo add traefik
helm install traefik traefik/traefik -n tailchat
### Apply Ingress Config
kubectl apply -f ingress.yml
### Check Status
kubectl get services -n tailchat
If every is ok, its should be like this:
### Set DNS record
sudo vim /etc/hosts
append this record:
Now you can open browser and view `` to open tailchat in k8s.