chore: update docs and translation for EMAIL_VERIFY

moonrailgun 2 years ago
parent 099a906b4a
commit e78f10a69c

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"k419da0ef": "Message explanation", "k419da0ef": "Message explanation",
"k4231ab36": "Performance statistics", "k4231ab36": "Performance statistics",
"k42a98418": "File Service", "k42a98418": "File Service",
"k4539164b": "The OTP code is 6 digits",
"k4603baea": "Create Group Panel", "k4603baea": "Create Group Panel",
"k47489688": "Group Service", "k47489688": "Group Service",
"k48a38bc1": "Group not found", "k48a38bc1": "Group not found",
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@
"k51243586": "Add friend", "k51243586": "Add friend",
"k517db7e5": "Text Channel", "k517db7e5": "Text Channel",
"k51db56bf": "Temporary Meeting", "k51db56bf": "Temporary Meeting",
"k52643761": "6-digit OTP code",
"k547a7a99": "This record was not found", "k547a7a99": "This record was not found",
"k551b0348": "Password", "k551b0348": "Password",
"k56f9469b": "No friends yet", "k56f9469b": "No friends yet",
@ -122,6 +124,7 @@
"k68022ee7": "All", "k68022ee7": "All",
"k68283d04": "Application sent", "k68283d04": "Application sent",
"k685a1e78": "Copied to clipboard", "k685a1e78": "Copied to clipboard",
"k6910ad02": "Send OTP code",
"k6b5e7ffe": "The current panel has been opened in a separate window", "k6b5e7ffe": "The current panel has been opened in a separate window",
"k6b82e672": "The plugin is installed successfully, and it will take effect after refreshing the page", "k6b82e672": "The plugin is installed successfully, and it will take effect after refreshing the page",
"k6c29eece": "Allows members to send message in text channels", "k6c29eece": "Allows members to send message in text channels",
@ -160,6 +163,7 @@
"k84a3bd27": "Invitation link", "k84a3bd27": "Invitation link",
"k8582af3f": "Refuse", "k8582af3f": "Refuse",
"k86f06fee": "7 days", "k86f06fee": "7 days",
"k872b58dd": "Send OTP code to email",
"k87a609ad": "Please do not install plugins from unknown sources, it may steal your personal information in Tailchat", "k87a609ad": "Please do not install plugins from unknown sources, it may steal your personal information in Tailchat",
"k87dd7754": "Mention (@) your message will appear here", "k87dd7754": "Mention (@) your message will appear here",
"k89df1d1e": "The network is abnormal", "k89df1d1e": "The network is abnormal",
@ -267,6 +271,7 @@
"kd40fe694": "Send OTP to mailbox", "kd40fe694": "Send OTP to mailbox",
"kd417f93a": "Do you want to delete the other party from your friend list? Note: You will not disappear from the other party's friend list", "kd417f93a": "Do you want to delete the other party from your friend list? Note: You will not disappear from the other party's friend list",
"kd4216b7b": "Create Link", "kd4216b7b": "Create Link",
"kd455acf4": "Sent successfully, please check your email.",
"kd4ff36fa": "Search Friends", "kd4ff36fa": "Search Friends",
"kd637a30": "Group Invite Service", "kd637a30": "Group Invite Service",
"kd8d2b865": "Group Configuration", "kd8d2b865": "Group Configuration",
@ -274,6 +279,7 @@
"kd983a61a": "{{nickname}} recall a message", "kd983a61a": "{{nickname}} recall a message",
"kd9fd7273": "Show more", "kd9fd7273": "Show more",
"kda0e155e": "Create multiplayer converse", "kda0e155e": "Create multiplayer converse",
"kda229684": "Request parameter verification failed",
"kda67b115": "Unknown panel type", "kda67b115": "Unknown panel type",
"kdae72bb7": "Unable to get panel info", "kdae72bb7": "Unable to get panel info",
"kdb57357d": "Connection failed", "kdb57357d": "Connection failed",
@ -304,6 +310,7 @@
"keda14478": "You are the group manager, leaving the group will cause the group to be dissolved", "keda14478": "You are the group manager, leaving the group will cause the group to be dissolved",
"kedee406c": "5 minutes", "kedee406c": "5 minutes",
"kee059e5e": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the group?", "kee059e5e": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the group?",
"kee3eb950": "Email OTP code",
"kee9108f1": "Modify success", "kee9108f1": "Modify success",
"kef25594f": "Nickname#0000", "kef25594f": "Nickname#0000",
"kef3676e1": "The invitation code has expired", "kef3676e1": "The invitation code has expired",

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"k419da0ef": "消息解释", "k419da0ef": "消息解释",
"k4231ab36": "性能统计", "k4231ab36": "性能统计",
"k42a98418": "文件服务", "k42a98418": "文件服务",
"k4539164b": "校验码为6位",
"k4603baea": "创建群组面板", "k4603baea": "创建群组面板",
"k47489688": "群组服务", "k47489688": "群组服务",
"k48a38bc1": "群组不存在", "k48a38bc1": "群组不存在",
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@
"k51243586": "添加好友", "k51243586": "添加好友",
"k517db7e5": "文字频道", "k517db7e5": "文字频道",
"k51db56bf": "临时会议", "k51db56bf": "临时会议",
"k52643761": "6位校验码",
"k547a7a99": "没有找到该记录", "k547a7a99": "没有找到该记录",
"k551b0348": "密码", "k551b0348": "密码",
"k56f9469b": "暂无好友", "k56f9469b": "暂无好友",
@ -122,6 +124,7 @@
"k68022ee7": "全部", "k68022ee7": "全部",
"k68283d04": "已发送申请", "k68283d04": "已发送申请",
"k685a1e78": "已复制到剪切板", "k685a1e78": "已复制到剪切板",
"k6910ad02": "发送校验码",
"k6b5e7ffe": "当前面板已在独立窗口打开", "k6b5e7ffe": "当前面板已在独立窗口打开",
"k6b82e672": "插件安装成功, 刷新页面后生效", "k6b82e672": "插件安装成功, 刷新页面后生效",
"k6c29eece": "允许成员在文字频道发送消息", "k6c29eece": "允许成员在文字频道发送消息",
@ -160,6 +163,7 @@
"k84a3bd27": "邀请链接", "k84a3bd27": "邀请链接",
"k8582af3f": "拒绝", "k8582af3f": "拒绝",
"k86f06fee": "7天", "k86f06fee": "7天",
"k872b58dd": "向邮箱发送校验码",
"k87a609ad": "请不要安装不明来源的插件,这可能会盗取你在 Tailchat 的个人信息", "k87a609ad": "请不要安装不明来源的插件,这可能会盗取你在 Tailchat 的个人信息",
"k87dd7754": "提及(@)您的消息会在这里出现哦", "k87dd7754": "提及(@)您的消息会在这里出现哦",
"k89df1d1e": "网络出现异常", "k89df1d1e": "网络出现异常",
@ -267,6 +271,7 @@
"kd40fe694": "向邮箱发送OTP", "kd40fe694": "向邮箱发送OTP",
"kd417f93a": "是否要从自己的好友列表中删除对方? 注意:你不会从对方的好友列表消失", "kd417f93a": "是否要从自己的好友列表中删除对方? 注意:你不会从对方的好友列表消失",
"kd4216b7b": "创建链接", "kd4216b7b": "创建链接",
"kd455acf4": "发送成功, 请检查你的邮箱。",
"kd4ff36fa": "查找好友", "kd4ff36fa": "查找好友",
"kd637a30": "群组邀请服务", "kd637a30": "群组邀请服务",
"kd8d2b865": "群组配置", "kd8d2b865": "群组配置",
@ -274,6 +279,7 @@
"kd983a61a": "{{nickname}} 撤回了一条消息", "kd983a61a": "{{nickname}} 撤回了一条消息",
"kd9fd7273": "点击展开更多", "kd9fd7273": "点击展开更多",
"kda0e155e": "创建多人会话", "kda0e155e": "创建多人会话",
"kda229684": "请求参数校验失败",
"kda67b115": "未知的面板类型", "kda67b115": "未知的面板类型",
"kdae72bb7": "无法获取面板信息", "kdae72bb7": "无法获取面板信息",
"kdb57357d": "连接失败", "kdb57357d": "连接失败",
@ -304,6 +310,7 @@
"keda14478": "您是群组管理者,退出群组会导致解散群组", "keda14478": "您是群组管理者,退出群组会导致解散群组",
"kedee406c": "5分钟", "kedee406c": "5分钟",
"kee059e5e": "确认要将该用户移出群组么", "kee059e5e": "确认要将该用户移出群组么",
"kee3eb950": "邮箱校验码",
"kee9108f1": "修改成功", "kee9108f1": "修改成功",
"kef25594f": "用户昵称#0000", "kef25594f": "用户昵称#0000",
"kef3676e1": "该邀请码已过期", "kef3676e1": "该邀请码已过期",

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"k590cb8b6": "Account does not exist", "k590cb8b6": "Account does not exist",
"k64a3c830": "User does not exist", "k64a3c830": "User does not exist",
"k65a070a1": "Not group admin cannot edit", "k65a070a1": "Not group admin cannot edit",
"k674f3f65": "Email verification failed, please enter correct email OTP",
"k719464e0": "This message has been recall", "k719464e0": "This message has been recall",
"k721cca1f": "User does not exist, please check your email", "k721cca1f": "User does not exist, please check your email",
"k7f4ea7c": "The file address is not a valid resource address", "k7f4ea7c": "The file address is not a valid resource address",
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
"k89bf46fc": "Unable to recall messages from {{minutes}} minutes ago", "k89bf46fc": "Unable to recall messages from {{minutes}} minutes ago",
"k986040de": "No group found", "k986040de": "No group found",
"ka3eb52f8": "Call ended, duration: {{num}} minutes", "ka3eb52f8": "Call ended, duration: {{num}} minutes",
"ka5b432c0": "Too frequent requests can share the same OTP within 10 minutes",
"ka8b712f7": "Email already exists!", "ka8b712f7": "Email already exists!",
"kb143afe": "This data is not allowed to be modified", "kb143afe": "This data is not allowed to be modified",
"kb32d3d62": "Anonymous", "kb32d3d62": "Anonymous",
@ -32,7 +34,6 @@
"kb8be9969": "Recall failed, no permission", "kb8be9969": "Recall failed, no permission",
"kba207c17": "No permission to view", "kba207c17": "No permission to view",
"kbb96754b": "Group OP not allowed to be kicked out", "kbb96754b": "Group OP not allowed to be kicked out",
"kbe83caeb": "Too frequent requests, please try again in 10 minutes",
"kc1e668f5": "Not allowed to kick yourself out", "kc1e668f5": "Not allowed to kick yourself out",
"kc4b77045": "{{nickname}} join this group with invite code from {{creator}}", "kc4b77045": "{{nickname}} join this group with invite code from {{creator}}",
"kcb07c88f": "Personal message subscription created, subscribeId: {{subscribeId}}", "kcb07c88f": "Personal message subscription created, subscribeId: {{subscribeId}}",

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"k590cb8b6": "账号不存在", "k590cb8b6": "账号不存在",
"k64a3c830": "用户不存在", "k64a3c830": "用户不存在",
"k65a070a1": "不是群组管理员无法编辑", "k65a070a1": "不是群组管理员无法编辑",
"k674f3f65": "邮箱校验失败, 请输入正确的邮箱OTP",
"k719464e0": "该消息已被撤回", "k719464e0": "该消息已被撤回",
"k721cca1f": "用户不存在, 请检查您的邮箱", "k721cca1f": "用户不存在, 请检查您的邮箱",
"k7f4ea7c": "文件地址不是一个合法的资源地址", "k7f4ea7c": "文件地址不是一个合法的资源地址",
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
"k89bf46fc": "无法撤回 {{minutes}} 分钟前的消息", "k89bf46fc": "无法撤回 {{minutes}} 分钟前的消息",
"k986040de": "没有找到群组", "k986040de": "没有找到群组",
"ka3eb52f8": "通话已结束, 时长: {{num}}分钟", "ka3eb52f8": "通话已结束, 时长: {{num}}分钟",
"ka5b432c0": "过于频繁的请求10 分钟内可以共用同一OTP",
"ka8b712f7": "邮箱已存在!", "ka8b712f7": "邮箱已存在!",
"kb143afe": "该数据不允许修改", "kb143afe": "该数据不允许修改",
"kb32d3d62": "匿名用户", "kb32d3d62": "匿名用户",
@ -32,7 +34,6 @@
"kb8be9969": "撤回失败, 没有权限", "kb8be9969": "撤回失败, 没有权限",
"kba207c17": "没有查看权限", "kba207c17": "没有查看权限",
"kbb96754b": "不允许踢出群组OP", "kbb96754b": "不允许踢出群组OP",
"kbe83caeb": "过于频繁的请求,请 10 分钟以后再试",
"kc1e668f5": "不允许踢出自己", "kc1e668f5": "不允许踢出自己",
"kc4b77045": "{{nickname}} 通过 {{creator}} 的邀请码加入群组", "kc4b77045": "{{nickname}} 通过 {{creator}} 的邀请码加入群组",
"kcb07c88f": "个人消息订阅已创建, subscribeId: {{subscribeId}}", "kcb07c88f": "个人消息订阅已创建, subscribeId: {{subscribeId}}",

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ title: 环境变量
| SMTP_SENDER | - | 邮件服务发件人(示例: `"Tailchat"`) | | SMTP_SENDER | - | 邮件服务发件人(示例: `"Tailchat"`) |
| SMTP_URI | - | 邮件服务连接地址(示例: `smtp://`) | | SMTP_URI | - | 邮件服务连接地址(示例: `smtp://`) |
| FILE_LIMIT | 1048576 | 文件/图片上传的大小限制默认为1m请输入数字 | | FILE_LIMIT | 1048576 | 文件/图片上传的大小限制默认为1m请输入数字 |
| EMAIL_VERIFY | - | 是否开启邮箱校验, 如果为 "1" 或者 "true" 则在注册时增加邮箱校验控制 |
> 部分环境变量示例可见: > 部分环境变量示例可见:
