**NOTICE: Although the core functionality of Tailchat is currently in a stable stage, its exposed interface for third-party developers is still being improved. Generally speaking, it is backward compatible, but retains the possibility of Break Change**
## Feature
## Feature
- 注重隐私,只有被邀请的成员才能加入群组
- Pay attention to privacy, only invited members can join the group
- 防止陌生人,只有通过昵称+一串随机的数字才能添加好友
- Prevent strangers, add friends only by nickname + a random string of numbers
- 二维的群组空间,通过频道来分割不同的话题
- Two-level group space, dividing different topics by panels
- Highly customized group space, create original group space by grouping with dragging and dropping. At the same time, more plugins can be used to add more capabilities
- It can be rigorous or fun. Through the combination of plugins, `Tailchat` can be created for different scenarios. It can be for individuals or for enterprises
- 后端微服务架构,已经为大规模部署做好了准备。不用担心用户量大了以后怎么办
- The backend microservice structure is ready for large-scale deployment. Don't worry about what to do after the number of user growth