Among them `<IMAGE_NAME>` represents the name of the mongodb image, and `-d tailchat` represents the name of the database used, the default database name is `tailchat`, you can modify it through the environment variable `MONGO_URL`
For user data security, it is recommended to create a scheduled task to regularly back up the database file
Created for enterprises and private domain users, highly free group management and customized panel display allow private domain owners to better display their works, manage users, and build their own brand and circle.
## 特性
## Feature
- 完整的即时通讯基础能力
- 插件化架构的赋予的自由拓展能力
- 微服务架构赋予的水平拓展能力
- Complete basic ability of instant messaging
- The free expansion ability endowed by the plugin architecture
- The horizontal expansion capability endowed by the microservice architecture
- The front-end micro-kernel architecture based on [mini-star]( and the back-end micro-service architecture based on [moleculer]( can adapt to various user usage, easy to expand
- A complete chat system that supports various syntaxes such as mentions, panel jumps, rich text, markdown, url links, etc.
- Message reaction mechanism, allowing you to express yourself through expressions
- File sharing and image sending
- Support voice calls and video calls
- Perfect identity group management, RBAC
- User Management and User Muting
- Email authentication and password retrieval
- Various panels: web page embedding, custom html, topic panel
- Simple message push and github notification subscription
- Admin platform
- Openapi platform
- Bot
- OAuth
- 插件带来的更多奇妙化学反应
- 自定义主题
- 在线听音乐
- 消息加密
- url获取元数据
- 隔空投送
- 任务管理
- 在线绘图
- 字体放大
- 工具箱
- More wonderful chemical reactions brought by plugins