TrustForwardHeaderbool`yaml:"trust_forward_header" lc:"default: false" hc:"configure the limiter to trust X-Real-IP and X-Forwarded-For headers. Please be advised that using this option could be insecure (ie: spoofed) if your reverse proxy is not configured properly to forward a trustworthy client IP." env:"SERVER_TRUST_FORWARD_HEADER"`
TrustedClientIPHeaderstring`yaml:"trusted_client_ip_header" hc:"configure the limiter to use a custom header to obtain user IP. Please be advised that using this option could be insecure (ie: spoofed) if your reverse proxy is not configured properly to forward a trustworthy client IP." env:"SERVER_TRUSTED_CLIENT_IP_HEADER"`
TrustForwardHeaderbool`yaml:"trust_forward_header" lc:"default: false" hc:"configure the limiter to trust X-Real-IP and X-Forwarded-For headers. Please be advised that using this option could be insecure (ie: spoofed) if your reverse proxy is not configured properly to forward a trustworthy client IP." env:"SERVER_RATE_LIMIT_TRUST_FORWARD_HEADER"`
TrustedClientIPHeaderstring`yaml:"trusted_client_ip_header" hc:"configure the limiter to use a custom header to obtain user IP. Please be advised that using this option could be insecure (ie: spoofed) if your reverse proxy is not configured properly to forward a trustworthy client IP." env:"SERVER_RATE_LIMIT_TRUSTED_CLIENT_IP_HEADER"`