@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ function printEnvHelp() {
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}RESULT_DIR${COLOR_RESET} - Set the build result directory (default: ${DEFAULT_RESULT_DIR})."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}BUILD_CONFIG${COLOR_RESET} - Set the build configuration file (default: ${DEFAULT_BUILD_CONFIG})."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}BIN_NAME${COLOR_RESET} - Set the binary name (default: source directory basename)."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}BIN_NAME_NO_SUFFIX${COLOR_RESET} - Do not append the architecture suffix to the binary name."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}PLATFORM${COLOR_RESET} - Set the target platform(s) (default: host platform, supports: all, linux, linux/arm*, ...)."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}DISABLE_MICRO${COLOR_RESET} - Disable building micro variants."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}CGO_ENABLED${COLOR_RESET} - Enable or disable CGO (default: ${DEFAULT_CGO_ENABLED})."
@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ function printHelp() {
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}-eh, --env-help${COLOR_RESET} - Display help information about environment variables."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}--disable-cgo${COLOR_RESET} - Disable CGO support."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}--source-dir=<dir>${COLOR_RESET} - Specify the source directory (default: ${DEFAULT_SOURCE_DIR})."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}--bin-name=<name>${COLOR_RESET} - Specify the binary name (default: source directory basename)."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}--bin-name-no-suffix${COLOR_RESET} - Do not append the architecture suffix to the binary name."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}--more-go-cmd-args='<args>'${COLOR_RESET} - Pass additional arguments to the 'go build' command."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}--disable-micro${COLOR_RESET} - Disable building micro architecture variants."
echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}--ldflags='<flags>'${COLOR_RESET} - Set linker flags (default: \"${DEFAULT_LDFLAGS}\")."
@ -139,6 +142,7 @@ function fixArgs() {
source_dir="$(cd "${SOURCE_DIR}" && pwd)"
setDefault "BIN_NAME" "$(basename "${SOURCE_DIR}")"
setDefault "BIN_NAME_NO_SUFFIX" ""
mkdir -p "${RESULT_DIR}"
RESULT_DIR="$(cd "${RESULT_DIR}" && pwd)"
@ -720,8 +724,9 @@ function buildTargetWithMicro() {
local goarch="${platform#*/}"
local ext=""
[[ "${goos}" == "windows" ]] && ext=".exe"
local target_file="${RESULT_DIR}/${BIN_NAME}-${goos}-${goarch}${micro:+"-$micro"}${ext}"
local default_target_file="${RESULT_DIR}/${BIN_NAME}-${goos}-${goarch}${ext}"
local target_file="${RESULT_DIR}/${BIN_NAME}"
[ -z "$BIN_NAME_NO_SUFFIX" ] && target_file="${target_file}-${goos}-${goarch}${micro:+"-$micro"}" || true
isCGOEnabled && build_env+=("CGO_ENABLED=1") || build_env+=("CGO_ENABLED=0")
@ -869,6 +874,12 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
addBuildArgs "${1#*=}"