Eric Leblond
prscript: update URL
Buildbot server has been moved to another box.
11 years ago
Eric Leblond
prscript: add --norebase option
If --norebase option is provided, the prscript will start a build
that can be used to check if an out-of-sync branch pass the test.
11 years ago
Eric Leblond
qa: prscript now output pastable line for PR.
11 years ago
Eric Leblond
prscript: add support for pcap build
Now also start a pcap test build.
11 years ago
Eric Leblond
prscript: update code following buildbot upgrade
The authentication scheme did change on the buildbot due to a
software upgrade. This patch update to fix the build
12 years ago
Eric Leblond
prscript: support bigger PR
The script now looks for originan HEAD in 100 commits instead of 30.
It should be enough becasue a sane PR should not have 100 commits.
12 years ago
Eric Leblond
prscript: display url where user can watch build
12 years ago
Eric Leblond
prscript: add verbose option
12 years ago
Eric Leblond
prscript: exit when no build exists
12 years ago
Eric Leblond
prscript: check if branch is synced with master
The script now check if the tested branch is in sync with current
inliniac's master.
12 years ago
Eric Leblond
script: add script to start personal builder
This script HAS to be used by developer having an account on Suricata
buildbot. It MUST be run before doing a PR. It will trigger a build on
the branch and this will check the validity of the proposed branch.
The cinematic is simple:
- Push branch XXX to github
- Run ' -u USER -p PASSWORD XXX'
- Wait for the result
- If successful, PR can be done
12 years ago