@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ def OpenBuildbotSession():
return cookie
def SubmitBuild(branch):
def SubmitBuild(branch, extension = ""):
raw_params = {'branch':branch,'reason':'Testing ' + branch, 'name':'force_build', 'forcescheduler':'force'}
params = urllib.urlencode(raw_params)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie))
request = urllib2.Request(BUILDERS_URI + username + '/force', params)
request = urllib2.Request(BUILDERS_URI + username + extension + '/force', params)
page = urllib2.urlopen(request)
result = page.read()
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ def SubmitBuild(branch):
return -1
# TODO honor the branch argument
def FindBuild(branch):
request = urllib2.Request(JSON_BUILDERS_URI + username + '/')
def FindBuild(branch, extension = ""):
request = urllib2.Request(JSON_BUILDERS_URI + username + extension + '/')
page = urllib2.urlopen(request)
json_result = json.loads(page.read())
# Pending build is unnumbered
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ def FindBuild(branch):
return json_result["cachedBuilds"][-1]
return -2
def GetBuildStatus(builder, buildid):
def GetBuildStatus(builder, buildid, extension=""):
# https://buildbot.suricata-ids.org/json/builders/build%20deb6/builds/11
request = urllib2.Request(JSON_BUILDERS_URI + username + '/builds/' + str(buildid))
request = urllib2.Request(JSON_BUILDERS_URI + username + extension + '/builds/' + str(buildid))
page = urllib2.urlopen(request)
result = page.read()
if args.verbose:
@ -117,6 +117,21 @@ def GetBuildStatus(builder, buildid):
return 0
return -1
def WaitForBuildResult(builder, buildid, extension=""):
# fetch result every 10 secs till task is over
res = 1
while res == 1:
res = GetBuildStatus(username,buildid, extension=extension)
if res == 1:
# return the result
if res == 0:
print "Build successful"
print "Build failure: " + BUILDERS_URI + username + extension + '/builds/' + str(buildid)
return res
# check that github branch and inliniac master branch are sync
if TestRepoSync(args.branch) == -1:
print "Branch " + args.branch + " is not in sync with inliniac's master branch. Rebase needed."
@ -132,29 +147,42 @@ if not args.check:
if res == -1:
print "Unable to start build. Check command line parameters"
res = SubmitBuild(args.branch, extension="-pcap")
if res == -1:
print "Unable to start pcap build. Check command line parameters"
# get build number and exit if we don't have
buildid = FindBuild(args.branch)
if buildid == -1:
print "Pending build tracking is not supported. Follow build by browsing " + BUILDERS_URI + username
if buildid == -2:
elif buildid == -2:
print "No build found for " + BUILDERS_URI + username
print "You can watch build progress at " + BUILDERS_URI + username + "/builds/" + str(buildid)
print "Waiting for build completion"
print "You can watch build progress at " + BUILDERS_URI + username + "/builds/" + str(buildid)
# get build number and exit if we don't have
buildidpcap = FindBuild(args.branch, extension = "-pcap")
if buildidpcap == -1:
print "Pending build tracking is not supported. Follow build by browsing " + BUILDERS_URI + username + "-pcap"
elif buildidpcap == -2:
print "No build found for " + BUILDERS_URI + username + "-pcap"
print "You can watch build progress at " + BUILDERS_URI + username + "-pcap/builds/" + str(buildidpcap)
if buildid != -1 or buildidpcap != -1:
print "Waiting for build completion"
res = 0
if buildid != -1:
res = WaitForBuildResult(username, buildid)
# fetch result every 10 secs till task is over
res = 1
while res == 1:
res = GetBuildStatus(username,buildid)
if res == 1:
if buildidpcap != -1:
res += WaitForBuildResult(username, buildidpcap, extension="-pcap")
# return the result
if res == 0:
print "Build successful"
print "Build failure: " + BUILDERS_URI + username + '/builds/' + str(buildid)