Ticket: 7465
If a bug chunk of data is parsed in one go, we could create many
transactions even if marking them as complete, and have
quadratic complexity calling find_request.
Proposed solution is to fail on creating a new transaction if too
many already exist.
So we get:
1. request arrives - buffered due to not ackd
2. response arrives, acks request - request is now parsed, response isn't
3. ack for response, response parsed. Then detect runs for request,
generates alert. We now have 2 txs. txid will be 0 from AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId
But txid 1 is unidirectional in the other way, so we can use txid 0
metadata for logging
Ticket: 7449
Issue: 7466
This commit releases the memory for the flow variable "key" when
the flow variable is of type string. The key is allocated in the Lua
extension logic.
Issue: 7447
When the output file can't be opened, 2 error messages are displayed
for the same problem. The second message doesn't add value and lacks
context (error reason, e.g., "Permission denied").
Retaining the second message as a debug message.
Without this commit:
Error: logopenfile: Error opening file: "/home/jlucovsky/src/jal/suricata-verify/tests/bug-5198/output/noperms/eve.1.json": Permission denied [SCLogOpenFileFp:util-logopenfile.c:428]
Error: logopenfile: Unable to open slot 1 for file /home/jlucovsky/src/jal/suricata-verify/tests/bug-5198/output/noperms/eve.json [LogFileEnsureExists:util-logopenfile.c:737]
Error: runmodes: unable to initialize sub-module eve-log.stats [RunModeInitializeEveOutput:runmodes.c:692]
With commit:
Error: logopenfile: Error opening file: "/home/jlucovsky/src/jal/suricata-verify/tests/bug-5198/output/noperms/eve.1.json": Permission denied [SCLogOpenFileFp:util-logopenfile.c:428]
Error: runmodes: unable to initialize sub-module eve-log.stats [RunModeInitializeEveOutput:runmodes.c:692]
This commit improves error handling for cases when file(s) cannot be
- Return NULL if file object can't be opened
- checks whether the file object has been opened before
dereferencing the per-file context.
Issue: 7447
Allow `set_uint` to accept any number value that can be converted to a
u64. Prevents callers from having to do `as u64`.
This required fixing up any callers that used `.into()` to just pass in
their value without the into conversion.
Most calls using `as u64` can have that cast removed, with the exception
of `usize` values which must still be cast is conversion can't be
guaranteed to be non-fallible.
Describe how to use the git commit template. The template helps ensure
that the information needed for evaluation and context is included in
the commit message.
Ticket: <Redmine ticket number>
Issue: none
This commit adds a template that identifies commit message elements that
we find important. The Suricata development team requests that
contributions use the template to help improve commit messages. We
reserve the right to strictly enforce adherence to the template in the
Configure git to use this template with:
git config commit.template ..github/commit-template.txt
If TCP urgent handling is set to the OOB processing, the number of OOB
bytes is tracked for SEQ offset calculations. If this offset is
non-zero, add the field to the flow record.
Ticket: #7411.
TCP urgent handling is a complex topic due to conflicting RFCs and
Until now the URG flag and urgent pointer values were simply ignored,
leading to an effective "inline" processing of urgent data. Many
implementations however, do not default to this behavior.
Many actual implementations use the urgent mechanism to send 1 byte of
data out of band to the application.
Complicating the matter is that the way the urgent logic is handled is
generally configurable both of the OS and the app level. So from the
network it is impossible to know with confidence what the settings are.
This patch adds the following policies:
- drop: drop URG packets before they affect the stream engine
- inline: ignore the urgent pointer and process all data inline
- oob (out of band): treat the last byte as out of band
- gap: skip the last byte, but do no adjust sequence offsets, leading to
gaps in the data
For the `oob` option, tracking of a sequence number offset is required,
as the OOB data does "consume" sequence number space. This is limited to
64k. For this reason, there is a second policy:
- drop: drop URG packets before they affect the stream engine
- inline: ignore the urgent pointer and process all data inline
- gap: skip the last byte, but do no adjust sequence offsets, leading to
gaps in the data
Bug: #7411.
If there are still frames in the flow, the detection and logging logic
needs to be able to evaluate them. To do this, make the flow timeout
logic aware of the frames. If frames still exist in a direction, trigger
a FFR packet to be created.
Ticket: #7440.