fuzz: use dynamic number of app-layer protos

Ticket: 5053

delay after initialization so that StringToAppProto works
Philippe Antoine 6 months ago committed by Victor Julien
parent def6e1c719
commit f8136eff9a

@ -36,32 +36,15 @@ extern const char *configNoChecksum;
const uint8_t separator[] = {0x01, 0xD5, 0xCA, 0x7A};
SCInstance surifuzz;
AppProto forceLayer = 0;
char *target_suffix = NULL;
SC_ATOMIC_EXTERN(unsigned int, engine_stage);
int LLVMFuzzerInitialize(int *argc, char ***argv)
char *target_suffix = strrchr((*argv)[0], '_');
if (target_suffix != NULL) {
AppProto applayer = StringToAppProto(target_suffix + 1);
if (applayer != ALPROTO_UNKNOWN) {
forceLayer = applayer;
printf("Forcing %s=%" PRIu16 "\n", AppProtoToString(forceLayer), forceLayer);
return 0;
target_suffix = strrchr((*argv)[0], '_');
// else
const char *forceLayerStr = getenv("FUZZ_APPLAYER");
if (forceLayerStr) {
if (ByteExtractStringUint16(&forceLayer, 10, 0, forceLayerStr) < 0) {
forceLayer = 0;
printf("Invalid numeric value for FUZZ_APPLAYER environment variable");
} else {
printf("Forcing %s\n", AppProtoToString(forceLayer));
// http is the output name, but we want to fuzz HTTP1
if (forceLayer == ALPROTO_HTTP) {
forceLayer = ALPROTO_HTTP1;
if (!target_suffix) {
target_suffix = getenv("FUZZ_APPLAYER");
return 0;
@ -96,6 +79,17 @@ int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc();
if (target_suffix != NULL) {
AppProto applayer = StringToAppProto(target_suffix + 1);
if (applayer != ALPROTO_UNKNOWN) {
forceLayer = applayer;
printf("Forcing %s=%" PRIu16 "\n", AppProtoToString(forceLayer), forceLayer);
// http is the output name, but we want to fuzz HTTP1
if (forceLayer == ALPROTO_HTTP) {
forceLayer = ALPROTO_HTTP1;
if (size < HEADER_LEN) {
