@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ If extended logging is enabled the following fields are also included:
* "fingerprint": The (SHA1) fingerprint of the TLS certificate
* "sni": The Server Name Indication (SNI) extension sent by the client
* "version": The SSL/TLS version used
* "notbefore": The NotBefore field from the TLS certificate
* "notafter": The NotAfter field from the TLS certificate
* "not_before": The NotBefore field from the TLS certificate
* "not_after": The NotAfter field from the TLS certificate
* "ja3": The JA3 fingerprint consisting of both a JA3 hash and a JA3 string
JA3 must be enabled in the Suricata config file (set 'app-layer.protocols.tls.ja3-fingerprints' to 'yes').