@ -816,25 +816,18 @@ TmEcode VerdictNFQThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data)
* \ brief Add a Netfilter queue
* \ brief Add a single Netfilter queue
* \ param string with the queue n ame
* \ param string with the queue n umber
* \ retval 0 on success .
* \ retval - 1 on failure .
int NFQRegisterQueue ( char * queue )
int NFQRegisterQueue ( const uint16_t number )
NFQThreadVars * ntv = NULL ;
NFQQueueVars * nq = NULL ;
/* Extract the queue number from the specified command line argument */
uint16_t queue_num = 0 ;
if ( ( ByteExtractStringUint16 ( & queue_num , 10 , strlen ( queue ) , queue ) ) < 0 )
SCLogError ( SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT , " specified queue number %s is not "
" valid " , queue ) ;
return - 1 ;
char queue [ 6 ] = { 0 } ;
SCMutexLock ( & nfq_init_lock ) ;
if ( receive_queue_num > = NFQ_MAX_QUEUE ) {
@ -853,16 +846,60 @@ int NFQRegisterQueue(char *queue)
ntv - > nfq_index = receive_queue_num ;
nq = & g_nfq_q [ receive_queue_num ] ;
nq - > queue_num = queue_ num;
nq - > queue_num = number ;
receive_queue_num + + ;
SCMutexUnlock ( & nfq_init_lock ) ;
snprintf ( queue , sizeof ( queue ) - 1 , " %hu " , number ) ;
LiveRegisterDeviceName ( queue ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " Queue \" %s \" registered. " , queue ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " Queue %d registered." , number ) ;
return 0 ;
* \ brief Parses and adds Netfilter queue ( s ) .
* \ param string with the queue number or range
* \ retval 0 on success .
* \ retval - 1 on failure .
int NFQParseAndRegisterQueues ( const char * queues )
uint16_t queue_start = 0 ;
uint16_t queue_end = 0 ;
// Either "id" or "start:end" format (e.g., "12" or "0:5")
int count = sscanf ( queues , " %hu:%hu " , & queue_start , & queue_end ) ;
if ( count < 1 ) {
SCLogError ( SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT , " specified queue(s) argument '%s' is not "
" valid (allowed queue numbers are 0-65535) " , queues ) ;
return - 1 ;
// Do we have a range?
if ( count = = 2 ) {
// Sanity check
if ( queue_start > queue_end ) {
SCLogError ( SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT , " start queue's number %d is greater than "
" ending number %d " , queue_start , queue_end ) ;
return - 1 ;
for ( uint16_t i = queue_start ; i < = queue_end ; i + + ) {
if ( NFQRegisterQueue ( i ) ! = 0 ) {
return - 1 ;
} else if ( NFQRegisterQueue ( queue_start ) ! = 0 ) {
SCLogError ( SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT , " queue(s) argument '%s' is not "
" valid " , queues ) ;
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
* \ brief Get a pointer to the NFQ queue at index