doc: update lua sandbox docs for allowed packages/functions

Jason Ish 9 months ago
parent 10e6028175
commit 3eb8c728fd

@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Syntax:
The script filename will be appended to your default rules location.
The script has 2 parts, an init function and a match function. First, the init.
A Lua rule script has 2 required functions, an ``init`` function and
``match`` function, discussed below.
Additionally, the script will run in a limited sandbox by default.
Init function
@ -104,25 +106,42 @@ Entire script:
Sandbox and Available functions
By default, the maximum memory and lua instruction count per execution of a detection rule will be limited. Additionally,
The following libraries and functions are blocked:
* package
Lua rule scripts are run in a sandbox environment the applies the
following restrictions:
* reduced libraries
* only allowed functions available
* instruction count limit
* memory allocation limit
The following table lists the library and functions available:
================== =================================================================
Package Name Functions
================== =================================================================
base assert, ipairs, next, pairs, print, rawequal, rawlen, select,
tonumber, tostring, type, warn, rawget, rawset, error
table concat, insert, move, pack, remove, sort, unpack
string byte, char, dump, find, format, gmatch, gsub, len, lower, match,
pack, packsize, rep, reverse, sub, unpack, upper
math abs, acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cosh, deg, exp, floor,
fmod, frexp, ldexp, log, log10, max, min, modf, pow, rad, random,
randomseed, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, tointeger, type, ult
utf8 offset, len, codes, char, codepoint
================== =================================================================
Of note, the following standard libraries are not available:
* coroutine
* io
* os
* collectgarbage
* dofile
* getmetatable
* loadfile
* load
* pcall
* setmetatable
* xpcall
* string.rep
* package
* input and output
* operating system facilities
* debug
This behavior can be modified via the ``security.lua`` section of :ref:`suricata-yaml-lua-config`
.. note:: Suricata 8.0 has moved to Lua 5.4 and has builtin support for bitwise and utf8 operations now.
A comprehensive list of existing lua functions - with examples - can be found at :ref:`lua-functions` (some of them, however,
work only for the lua-output functionality).
A comprehensive list of existing lua functions - with examples - can
be found at :ref:`lua-functions` (some of them, however, work only for
the lua-output functionality).
