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Before you get started
Please read the FAQ before running your own server and you may want to read about additional notes relating to third-party instances.
Errata Notice
- amd64 builds are currently unavailable (#116).
- ❗ Important: if you deployed Revolt before 2022-10-29, you may have to tag the
image release if it's configured in "fs" mode.image: minio/minio:RELEASE.2022-10-24T18-35-07Z
Quick Start
This repository provides reasonable defaults, so you can immediately get started with it on your local machine.
Warning This is not recommended for production usage - see below for the full guide.
git clone https://github.com/revoltchat/self-hosted revolt
cd revolt
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose up -d
Then simply go to http://local.revolt.chat
Prerequisites before continuing:
Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/revoltchat/self-hosted revolt
cd revolt
Copy the .env
file and edit according to your needs.
Warning: The default configuration is intended for testing and only works on your local machine. If you want to deploy to a remote server, you need to edit the URLs in the
file, please see the section below on configuring a custom domain.
If you get a network error when trying to log in, double check your configuration before opening an issue.
cp .env.example .env
Then bring up Revolt:
docker-compose up -d
Updating Revolt
To update Revolt, first pull the latest copy of this repository to ensure you have the latest tags:
git pull
Then pull all the latest images:
docker-compose pull
Now you can restart your services:
docker-compose up -d
Additional Notes
Custom domain
To configure a custom domain, you should be able to do a search and replace on local.revolt.chat
in the .env
file, like so:
# .env
- REVOLT_APP_URL=http://local.revolt.chat
+ REVOLT_APP_URL=http://my.domain
You will also want to change the protocols to enable HTTPS:
# .env
- REVOLT_APP_URL=http://my.domain
+ REVOLT_APP_URL=https://my.domain
- REVOLT_EXTERNAL_WS_URL=ws://my.domain/ws
+ REVOLT_EXTERNAL_WS_URL=wss://my.domain/ws
Putting Revolt behind another reverse proxy (or on a non-standard port)
Override the port definitions on caddy
# docker-compose.yml
- "1234:80"
Warning This file is not Git ignored, it may be sufficient to use an override file but that will not remove port 80 / 443 allocations.
Update the hostname used by the web server:
# .env
- HOSTNAME=http://local.revolt.chat
You can now reverse proxy to http://localhost:1234.
Expose database
You can insecurely expose the database by adding a port definition:
# docker-compose.override.yml
- "27017:27017"
Mongo compatibility
Older processors may not support the latest MongoDB version, you may pin to MongoDB 4.4 as such:
# docker-compose.override.yml
image: mongo:4.4
Making your instance invite-only
Enable invite-only mode by setting REVOLT_INVITE_ONLY
in .env
to 1
Create an invite:
# drop into mongo shell
docker-compose exec database mongosh
# create the invite
use revolt
db.invites.insertOne({ _id: "enter_an_invite_code_here" })