@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import classNames from 'classnames' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import NotificationsContainer from './containers/notifications_container' ;
import NotificationsContainer from './containers/notifications_container' ;
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' ;
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' ;
@ -84,10 +85,93 @@ const keyMap = {
goToMuted : 'g m' ,
goToMuted : 'g m' ,
} ;
} ;
class SwitchingColumnsArea extends React . PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
children : PropTypes . node ,
location : PropTypes . object ,
onLayoutChange : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
} ;
state = {
mobile : isMobile ( window . innerWidth ) ,
} ;
componentWillMount ( ) {
window . addEventListener ( 'resize' , this . handleResize , { passive : true } ) ;
componentDidUpdate ( prevProps ) {
if ( ! [ this . props . location . pathname , '/' ] . includes ( prevProps . location . pathname ) ) {
this . node . handleChildrenContentChange ( ) ;
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
window . removeEventListener ( 'resize' , this . handleResize ) ;
handleResize = debounce ( ( ) => {
// The cached heights are no longer accurate, invalidate
this . props . onLayoutChange ( ) ;
this . setState ( { mobile : isMobile ( window . innerWidth ) } ) ;
} , 500 , {
trailing : true ,
} ) ;
setRef = c => {
this . node = c . getWrappedInstance ( ) . getWrappedInstance ( ) ;
render ( ) {
const { children } = this . props ;
const { mobile } = this . state ;
return (
< ColumnsAreaContainer ref = { this . setRef } singleColumn = { mobile } >
< WrappedSwitch >
< Redirect from = '/' to = '/getting-started' exact / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/getting-started' component = { GettingStarted } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/keyboard-shortcuts' component = { KeyboardShortcuts } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/home' component = { HomeTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/public' exact component = { PublicTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/public/local' component = { CommunityTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/tag/:id' component = { HashtagTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/list/:id' component = { ListTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/notifications' component = { Notifications } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/favourites' component = { FavouritedStatuses } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/pinned' component = { PinnedStatuses } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/statuses/new' component = { Compose } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/statuses/:statusId' exact component = { Status } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/statuses/:statusId/reblogs' component = { Reblogs } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/statuses/:statusId/favourites' component = { Favourites } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId' exact component = { AccountTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId/with_replies' component = { AccountTimeline } content = { children } componentParams = { { withReplies : true } } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId/followers' component = { Followers } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId/following' component = { Following } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId/media' component = { AccountGallery } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/follow_requests' component = { FollowRequests } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/blocks' component = { Blocks } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/mutes' component = { Mutes } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/lists' component = { Lists } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute component = { GenericNotFound } content = { children } / >
< / W r a p p e d S w i t c h >
< / C o l u m n s A r e a C o n t a i n e r >
) ;
@ connect ( mapStateToProps )
@ connect ( mapStateToProps )
@ injectIntl
@ injectIntl
@ withRouter
@ withRouter
export default class UI extends React . Component {
export default class UI extends React . Pure Component {
static contextTypes = {
static contextTypes = {
router : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
router : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
@ -103,7 +187,6 @@ export default class UI extends React.Component {
} ;
} ;
state = {
state = {
width : window . innerWidth ,
draggingOver : false ,
draggingOver : false ,
} ;
} ;
@ -118,14 +201,10 @@ export default class UI extends React.Component {
handle Resize = debounce ( ( ) => {
handle LayoutChange = ( ) => {
// The cached heights are no longer accurate, invalidate
// The cached heights are no longer accurate, invalidate
this . props . dispatch ( clearHeight ( ) ) ;
this . props . dispatch ( clearHeight ( ) ) ;
this . setState ( { width : window . innerWidth } ) ;
} , 500 , {
trailing : true ,
} ) ;
handleDragEnter = ( e ) => {
handleDragEnter = ( e ) => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
@ -193,7 +272,6 @@ export default class UI extends React.Component {
componentWillMount ( ) {
componentWillMount ( ) {
window . addEventListener ( 'beforeunload' , this . handleBeforeUnload , false ) ;
window . addEventListener ( 'beforeunload' , this . handleBeforeUnload , false ) ;
window . addEventListener ( 'resize' , this . handleResize , { passive : true } ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'dragenter' , this . handleDragEnter , false ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'dragenter' , this . handleDragEnter , false ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'dragover' , this . handleDragOver , false ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'dragover' , this . handleDragOver , false ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'drop' , this . handleDrop , false ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'drop' , this . handleDrop , false ) ;
@ -214,28 +292,8 @@ export default class UI extends React.Component {
} ;
} ;
shouldComponentUpdate ( nextProps ) {
if ( nextProps . isComposing !== this . props . isComposing ) {
// Avoid expensive update just to toggle a class
this . node . classList . toggle ( 'is-composing' , nextProps . isComposing ) ;
return false ;
// Why isn't this working?!?
// return super.shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState);
return true ;
componentDidUpdate ( prevProps ) {
if ( ! [ this . props . location . pathname , '/' ] . includes ( prevProps . location . pathname ) ) {
this . columnsAreaNode . handleChildrenContentChange ( ) ;
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
window . removeEventListener ( 'beforeunload' , this . handleBeforeUnload ) ;
window . removeEventListener ( 'beforeunload' , this . handleBeforeUnload ) ;
window . removeEventListener ( 'resize' , this . handleResize ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'dragenter' , this . handleDragEnter ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'dragenter' , this . handleDragEnter ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'dragover' , this . handleDragOver ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'dragover' , this . handleDragOver ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'drop' , this . handleDrop ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'drop' , this . handleDrop ) ;
@ -247,10 +305,6 @@ export default class UI extends React.Component {
this . node = c ;
this . node = c ;
setColumnsAreaRef = c => {
this . columnsAreaNode = c . getWrappedInstance ( ) . getWrappedInstance ( ) ;
handleHotkeyNew = e => {
handleHotkeyNew = e => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
@ -350,8 +404,8 @@ export default class UI extends React.Component {
render ( ) {
render ( ) {
const { width, draggingOver } = this . state ;
const { draggingOver } = this . state ;
const { children } = this . props ;
const { children , isComposing , location } = this . props ;
const handlers = {
const handlers = {
help : this . handleHotkeyToggleHelp ,
help : this . handleHotkeyToggleHelp ,
@ -374,43 +428,12 @@ export default class UI extends React.Component {
return (
return (
< HotKeys keyMap = { keyMap } handlers = { handlers } ref = { this . setHotkeysRef } >
< HotKeys keyMap = { keyMap } handlers = { handlers } ref = { this . setHotkeysRef } >
< div className = 'ui' ref = { this . setRef } >
< div className = { classNames ( 'ui' , { 'is-composing' : isComposing } ) } ref = { this . setRef } >
< TabsBar / >
< TabsBar / >
< ColumnsAreaContainer ref = { this . setColumnsAreaRef } singleColumn = { isMobile ( width ) } >
< SwitchingColumnsArea location = { location } onLayoutChange = { this . handleLayoutChange } >
< WrappedSwitch >
{ children }
< Redirect from = '/' to = '/getting-started' exact / >
< / S w i t c h i n g C o l u m n s A r e a >
< WrappedRoute path = '/getting-started' component = { GettingStarted } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/keyboard-shortcuts' component = { KeyboardShortcuts } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/home' component = { HomeTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/public' exact component = { PublicTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/public/local' component = { CommunityTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/tag/:id' component = { HashtagTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/timelines/list/:id' component = { ListTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/notifications' component = { Notifications } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/favourites' component = { FavouritedStatuses } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/pinned' component = { PinnedStatuses } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/statuses/new' component = { Compose } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/statuses/:statusId' exact component = { Status } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/statuses/:statusId/reblogs' component = { Reblogs } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/statuses/:statusId/favourites' component = { Favourites } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId' exact component = { AccountTimeline } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId/with_replies' component = { AccountTimeline } content = { children } componentParams = { { withReplies : true } } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId/followers' component = { Followers } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId/following' component = { Following } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/accounts/:accountId/media' component = { AccountGallery } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/follow_requests' component = { FollowRequests } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/blocks' component = { Blocks } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/mutes' component = { Mutes } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute path = '/lists' component = { Lists } content = { children } / >
< WrappedRoute component = { GenericNotFound } content = { children } / >
< / W r a p p e d S w i t c h >
< / C o l u m n s A r e a C o n t a i n e r >
< NotificationsContainer / >
< NotificationsContainer / >
< LoadingBarContainer className = 'loading-bar' / >
< LoadingBarContainer className = 'loading-bar' / >