@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import os from 'os' ;
import cluster from 'cluster ';
import throng from 'throng ';
import dotenv from 'dotenv' ;
import express from 'express' ;
import http from 'http' ;
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ dotenv.config({
path : env === 'production' ? '.env.production' : '.env' ,
} ) ;
log . level = process . env . LOG _LEVEL || 'verbose' ;
const dbUrlToConfig = ( dbUrl ) => {
if ( ! dbUrl ) {
return { } ;
@ -65,24 +67,15 @@ const redisUrlToClient = (defaultConfig, redisUrl) => {
} ) ) ;
} ;
if ( cluster . isMaster ) {
// Cluster master
const core = + process . env . STREAMING _CLUSTER _NUM || ( env === 'development' ? 1 : Math . max ( os . cpus ( ) . length - 1 , 1 ) ) ;
const fork = ( ) => {
const worker = cluster . fork ( ) ;
const numWorkers = + process . env . STREAMING _CLUSTER _NUM || ( env === 'development' ? 1 : Math . max ( os . cpus ( ) . length - 1 , 1 ) ) ;
worker . on ( 'exit' , ( code , signal ) => {
log . error ( ` Worker died with exit code ${ code } , signal ${ signal } received. ` ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => fork ( ) , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
const startMaster = ( ) => {
log . info ( ` Starting streaming API server master with ${ numWorkers } workers ` ) ;
} ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < core ; i ++ ) fork ( ) ;
const startWorker = ( workerId ) => {
log . info ( ` Starting worker ${ workerId } ` ) ;
log . info ( ` Starting streaming API server master with ${ core } workers ` ) ;
} else {
// Cluster worker
const pgConfigs = {
development : {
database : 'mastodon_development' ,
@ -130,6 +123,7 @@ if (cluster.isMaster) {
if ( ! callbacks ) {
return ;
callbacks . forEach ( callback => callback ( message ) ) ;
} ) ;
@ -215,9 +209,9 @@ if (cluster.isMaster) {
} ;
const errorMiddleware = ( err , req , res , next ) => {
log . error ( req . requestId , err );
log . error ( req . requestId , err .toString ( ) );
res . writeHead ( err . statusCode || 500 , { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' } ) ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( { error : err . statusCode ? ` ${ err } ` : 'An unexpected error occurred' } ) ) ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( { error : err . statusCode ? err . toString ( ) : 'An unexpected error occurred' } ) ) ;
} ;
const placeholders = ( arr , shift = 0 ) => arr . map ( ( _ , i ) => ` $ ${ i + 1 + shift } ` ) . join ( ', ' ) ;
@ -249,8 +243,9 @@ if (cluster.isMaster) {
const targetAccountIds = [ unpackedPayload . account . id ] . concat ( unpackedPayload . mentions . map ( item => item . id ) ) . concat ( unpackedPayload . reblog ? [ unpackedPayload . reblog . account . id ] : [ ] ) ;
const accountDomain = unpackedPayload . account . acct . split ( '@' ) [ 1 ] ;
if ( req . filteredLanguages . indexOf ( unpackedPayload . language ) !== - 1 ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( req . filteredLanguages ) && req . filteredLanguages . includes ( unpackedPayload . language ) ) {
log . silly ( req . requestId , ` Message ${ unpackedPayload . id } filtered by language ( ${ unpackedPayload . language } ) ` ) ;
done ( ) ;
return ;
@ -271,6 +266,7 @@ if (cluster.isMaster) {
transmit ( ) ;
} ) . catch ( err => {
done ( ) ;
log . error ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -309,19 +305,7 @@ if (cluster.isMaster) {
} ;
// Setup stream output to WebSockets
const streamToWs = ( req , ws ) => {
const heartbeat = setInterval ( ( ) => {
// TODO: Can't add multiple listeners, due to the limitation of uws.
if ( ws . readyState !== ws . OPEN ) {
log . verbose ( req . requestId , ` Ending stream for ${ req . accountId } ` ) ;
clearInterval ( heartbeat ) ;
return ;
ws . ping ( ) ;
} , 15000 ) ;
return ( event , payload ) => {
const streamToWs = ( req , ws ) => ( event , payload ) => {
if ( ws . readyState !== ws . OPEN ) {
log . error ( req . requestId , 'Tried writing to closed socket' ) ;
return ;
@ -329,7 +313,6 @@ if (cluster.isMaster) {
ws . send ( JSON . stringify ( { event , payload } ) ) ;
} ;
} ;
// Setup stream end for WebSockets
const streamWsEnd = ws => ( id , listener ) => {
@ -372,6 +355,12 @@ if (cluster.isMaster) {
const token = location . query . access _token ;
const req = { requestId : uuid . v4 ( ) } ;
ws . isAlive = true ;
ws . on ( 'pong' , ( ) => {
ws . isAlive = true ;
} ) ;
accountFromToken ( token , req , err => {
if ( err ) {
log . error ( req . requestId , err ) ;
@ -401,16 +390,40 @@ if (cluster.isMaster) {
} ) ;
} ) ;
server . listen ( process . env . PORT || 4000 , ( ) => {
log . level = process . env . LOG _LEVEL || 'verbose' ;
log . info ( ` Starting streaming API server worker on ${ server . address ( ) . address } : ${ server . address ( ) . port } ` ) ;
const wsInterval = setInterval ( ( ) => {
wss . clients . forEach ( ws => {
if ( ws . isAlive === false ) {
ws . terminate ( ) ;
return ;
ws . isAlive = false ;
ws . ping ( '' , false , true ) ;
} ) ;
} , 30000 ) ;
process . on ( 'SIGINT' , exit ) ;
process . on ( 'SIGTERM' , exit ) ;
process . on ( 'exit' , exit ) ;
server. listen ( process . env . PORT || 4000 , ( ) => {
log . info ( ` Worker ${ workerId } now listening on ${ server . address ( ) . address } : ${ server . address ( ) . port } ` ) ;
} ) ;
function exit ( ) {
const onExit = ( ) => {
log . info ( ` Worker ${ workerId } exiting, bye bye ` ) ;
server . close ( ) ;
} ;
const onError = ( err ) => {
log . error ( err ) ;
} ;
process . on ( 'SIGINT' , onExit ) ;
process . on ( 'SIGTERM' , onExit ) ;
process . on ( 'exit' , onExit ) ;
process . on ( 'error' , onError ) ;
} ;
throng ( {
workers : numWorkers ,
lifetime : Infinity ,
start : startWorker ,
master : startMaster ,
} ) ;