@ -117,10 +117,33 @@ class LoginController extends State<Login> {
.setItem(SettingKeys.jitsiInstance, jitsi);
AppConfig.jitsiInstance = jitsi;
final oldHomeserver = Matrix.of(context).client.homeserver;
await showFutureLoadingDialog(
context: context,
future: () => Matrix.of(context).client.checkHomeserver(newDomain),
// do nothing if we error, we'll handle it below
future: () => Matrix.of(context)
.catchError((e) => null),
if (Matrix.of(context).client.homeserver == null) {
Matrix.of(context).client.homeserver = oldHomeserver;
// okay, the server we checked does not appear to be a matrix server
'$newDomain is not running a homeserver, asking to use $oldHomeserver');
final dialogResult = await showOkCancelAlertDialog(
context: context,
useRootNavigator: false,
message: L10n.of(context).noMatrixServer(newDomain, oldHomeserver),
okLabel: L10n.of(context).ok,
cancelLabel: L10n.of(context).cancel,
if (dialogResult == OkCancelResult.ok) {
setState(() => usernameError = null);
} else {
Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: false).pop();
setState(() => usernameError = null);
} catch (e) {