@ -1616,11 +1616,14 @@ void ResetPerformanceCounters()
bool LoadEXE(const char* filename)
static bool LoadEXEToRAM(const char* filename, bool patch_bios)
std::FILE* fp = FileSystem::OpenCFile(filename, "rb");
if (!fp)
Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to open exe file '%s'", filename);
return false;
std::fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
const u32 file_size = static_cast<u32>(std::ftell(fp));
@ -1629,6 +1632,7 @@ bool LoadEXE(const char* filename)
BIOS::PSEXEHeader header;
if (std::fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp) != 1 || !BIOS::IsValidPSExeHeader(header, file_size))
Log_ErrorPrintf("'%s' is not a valid PS-EXE", filename);
return false;
@ -1672,6 +1676,18 @@ bool LoadEXE(const char* filename)
return BIOS::PatchBIOSForEXE(Bus::g_bios, Bus::BIOS_SIZE, r_pc, r_gp, r_sp, r_fp);
bool LoadEXE(const char* filename)
const std::string libps_path(FileSystem::BuildRelativePath(filename, "libps.exe"));
if (!libps_path.empty() && FileSystem::FileExists(libps_path.c_str()) && !LoadEXEToRAM(libps_path.c_str(), false))
Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to load libps.exe from '%s'", libps_path.c_str());
return false;
return LoadEXEToRAM(filename, true);
bool InjectEXEFromBuffer(const void* buffer, u32 buffer_size, bool patch_bios)
const u8* buffer_ptr = static_cast<const u8*>(buffer);