@ -1416,3 +1416,21 @@ ForceSoftwareRendererForReadbacks = true
# Stutter in text boxes due to 200+ readbacks per frame.
# Stutter in text boxes due to 200+ readbacks per frame.
ForceSoftwareRendererForReadbacks = true
ForceSoftwareRendererForReadbacks = true
# SLES-01064 (Mega Man 8 (Europe))
# Text boxes mismatch in RGBA8 format.
DisableTrueColor = true
# SLUS-00453 (Mega Man 8 (USA))
# Text boxes mismatch in RGBA8 format.
DisableTrueColor = true
# SLPS-00630 (Rockman 8 - Metal Heroes (Japan))
# Text boxes mismatch in RGBA8 format.
DisableTrueColor = true