@ -284,7 +284,6 @@ bool DMA::TransferChannel(Channel channel)
case SyncMode : : LinkedList :
TickCount used_ticks = 0 ;
if ( ! copy_to_device )
Panic ( " Linked list not implemented for DMA reads " ) ;
@ -295,12 +294,13 @@ bool DMA::TransferChannel(Channel channel)
current_address & ADDRESS_MASK ) ;
u8 * ram_pointer = Bus : : g_ram ;
bool halt_transfer = false ;
while ( cs . request )
TickCount remaining_ticks = m_max_slice_ticks ;
while ( cs . request & & remaining_ticks > 0 )
u32 header ;
std : : memcpy ( & header , & ram_pointer [ current_address & ADDRESS_MASK ] , sizeof ( header ) ) ;
used_ticks + = 10 ;
CPU : : AddPendingTicks ( 10 ) ;
remaining_ticks - = 10 ;
const u32 word_count = header > > 24 ;
const u32 next_address = header & UINT32_C ( 0x00FFFFFF ) ;
@ -308,35 +308,26 @@ bool DMA::TransferChannel(Channel channel)
word_count * UINT32_C ( 4 ) , word_count , next_address ) ;
if ( word_count > 0 )
used_ticks + = 5 ;
used_ticks + =
CPU : : AddPendingTicks ( 5 ) ;
remaining_ticks - = 5 ;
const TickCount block_ticks =
TransferMemoryToDevice ( channel , ( current_address + sizeof ( header ) ) & ADDRESS_MASK , 4 , word_count ) ;
else if ( ( current_address & ADDRESS_MASK ) = = ( next_address & ADDRESS_MASK ) )
current_address = next_address ;
halt_transfer = true ;
break ;
CPU : : AddPendingTicks ( block_ticks ) ;
remaining_ticks - = block_ticks ;
current_address = next_address ;
if ( current_address & UINT32_C ( 0x800000 ) )
break ;
if ( used_ticks > = m_max_slice_ticks )
halt_transfer = true ;
break ;
cs . base_address = current_address ;
CPU : : AddPendingTicks ( used_ticks ) ;
if ( current_address & UINT32_C ( 0x800000 ) )
break ;
if ( halt_transfer )
if ( cs. request )
// stall the transfer for a bit if we ran for too long
HaltTransfer ( m_halt_ticks ) ;
@ -359,35 +350,55 @@ bool DMA::TransferChannel(Channel channel)
const u32 block_size = cs . block_control . request . GetBlockSize ( ) ;
u32 blocks_remaining = cs . block_control . request . GetBlockCount ( ) ;
TickCount used_ticks = 0 ;
TickCount ticks_remaining = m_max_slice_ticks ;
if ( copy_to_device )
blocks_remaining - - ;
used_ticks + = TransferMemoryToDevice ( channel , current_address & ADDRESS_MASK , increment , block_size ) ;
const TickCount ticks =
TransferMemoryToDevice ( channel , current_address & ADDRESS_MASK , increment , block_size ) ;
CPU : : AddPendingTicks ( ticks ) ;
ticks_remaining - = ticks ;
current_address = ( current_address + ( increment * block_size ) ) ;
} while ( cs . request & & blocks_remaining > 0 ) ;
} while ( cs . request & & blocks_remaining > 0 & & ticks_remaining > 0 ) ;
blocks_remaining - - ;
used_ticks + = TransferDeviceToMemory ( channel , current_address & ADDRESS_MASK , increment , block_size ) ;
const TickCount ticks =
TransferDeviceToMemory ( channel , current_address & ADDRESS_MASK , increment , block_size ) ;
CPU : : AddPendingTicks ( ticks ) ;
ticks_remaining - = ticks ;
current_address = ( current_address + ( increment * block_size ) ) ;
} while ( cs . request & & blocks_remaining > 0 ) ;
} while ( cs . request & & blocks_remaining > 0 & & ticks_remaining > 0 ) ;
cs . base_address = current_address & BASE_ADDRESS_MASK ;
cs . block_control . request . block_count = blocks_remaining ;
CPU : : AddPendingTicks ( used_ticks ) ;
// finish transfer later if the request was cleared
if ( blocks_remaining > 0 )
if ( cs . request )
// we got halted
if ( ! m_unhalt_event - > IsActive ( ) )
HaltTransfer ( m_halt_ticks ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
break ;
default :