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Calamares Release Process

Calamares releases are now rolling when-they-are-ready releases. Releases are made from master and tagged there. When, in future, LTS releases resume, these steps may be edited again.

Most things are automated through the release script

(0) A week in advance

  • Run Coverity scan, fix what's relevant. The Coverity scan runs automatically once a week on master. The badge is displayed on the project front page and in the wiki.
  • Build with clang -Weverything, fix what's relevant.
      rm -rf build ; mkdir build ; cd build
      CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake .. && make
  • Make sure all tests pass.
      make test
    Note that all means all-that-make-sense. The partition-manager tests need an additional environment variable to be set for some tests, which will destroy an attached disk. This is not always desirable. There are some sample config-files that are empty and which fail the config-tests.
  • Notify translators. In the dashboard there is an Announcements link that you can use to send a translation announcement. Note that regular use of will notify translators as well of any changes.

(1) Preparation

  • Pull latest translations from Transifex. We only push / pull translations from master, so longer-lived branches (e.g. 3.1.x) don't get translation updates. This is to keep the translation workflow simple. The script automatically commits changes to the translations.
      sh ci/
  • Update the list of enabled translation languages in CMakeLists.txt. Check the translation site for the list of languages with fairly complete translations, or use ci/ for an automated suggestion. If there are changes, commit them.
  • Push the changes.
  • Drop the RC variable to 0 in CMakeLists.txt, CALAMARES_VERSION_RC.
  • Check and the Coding Guide, make sure it's all still relevant. Run ci/calamaresstyle to check the C++ code style. Run pycodestyle on recently-modified Python modules, fix what makes sense.
  • Check defaults in settings.conf and other configuration files.
  • Edit CHANGES and set the date of the release.
  • Commit both. This is usually done with commit-message Changes: pre-release housekeeping.

(2) Release Day

  • Run the helper script ci/ or follow steps below. The script checks:
    • for uncommitted local changes,
    • if translations are up-to-date and translators have had enough time to chase new strings,
    • that the build is successful (with gcc and clang, if available),
    • tests pass,
    • tarball can be created,
    • tarball can be signed. On success, it prints out a suitable signature- and SHA256 blurb for use in the release announcement.

(2.1) Buld and Test

  • Build with gcc. If available, build again with Clang and double-check any warnings Clang produces.
  • Run the tests; make test in the build directory should have no failures (or if there are, know why they are there).

(2.2) Tag

  • git tag -s v1.1.0 Make sure the signing key is known in GitHub, so that the tag is shown as a verified tag. Do not sign -rc tags. You can use make show-version in the build directory to get the right version number -- this will fail if you didn't follow step (1).

(2.3) Tarball

  • Create tarball: git-archive-all -v calamares-1.1-rc1.tar.gz or without the helper script,
      git archive -o $V.tar.gz --prefix $V/ master
    Double check that the tarball matches the version number.
  • Test tarball (e.g. unpack somewhere else and run the tests from step 0).

(3) Housekeeping

  • Generate MD5 and SHA256 checksums.
  • Upload tarball.
  • Announce on mailing list, notify packagers.
  • Write release article.
  • Publish tarball.
  • Update download page.
  • Publish release article on
  • Publicize on social networks.
  • Close associated milestone on GitHub if this is the actual release.
  • Publish blog post.

(4) Post-Release

  • Bump the version number in CMakeLists.txt in the project() command.
  • Set CALAMARES_VERSION_RC back to 1.
  • Add a placeholder entry for the next release in CHANGES with date text not released yet.
  • Commit and push that, usually with the message Changes: post-release housekeeping.
# 3.2.XX (unreleased) #

This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):
 - No external contributors yet

## Core ##
 - No core changes yet

## Modules ##
 - No module changes yet