- make the tools tab buttons along the bottom row
- show the global storage tab by default
This costs little screen real-estate, makes the tools much more
visible and useful.
- use load() to start loading
- the FetchNextUnless class is useful in more spots in
the loading process
- set status explicitly on success (otherwise, a failure in a
previous URL would leave a failure message lying around even
when the module shows something useful)
- m_queue was not initialized to nullptr, crashes
- split queue-is-done to a separate slot rather than a lambda
- prefer queueing calls to fetchNext(), for responsiveness
Require a ; after RETRANSLATE macros. They are statement-like;
this makes it easier for some of them to be recognized by
clang-format and resolves some existing weird formatting.
Now all the business logic is in Config, the door is open to
building a QML-ified netinstall module. I'm not sure that
would be worth it: packagechooser offers more space for a
nice UI and should be QML'ed first.
- do some additions and check they work
- drop the ";add" annotation on the source, this is not
needed in the current situation with only adds available.
For methods that log a bunch of things, and which want to
consistently use SubEntry, but don't know when the **first**
log entry is within the method, Logger::Once can be used
to log one regular message (with function info) and the
rest are subentries.
- If the module knows about a preset, then it should be registered
even if there is not a value set for it specifically; this avoids
complaints from isEditable() for fields that are known, but
do not have a preset. (Reported by Anke)
There was a mix of autologin and autoLogin, leading to confusion
in the code. QML is sensitive to this, so go to one consistent name.
(Although the names of the settings in the `.conf` file are
different again)