[libcalamares] Apply current coding style to libcalamares/locale/

Adriaan de Groot 6 years ago
parent 43ba59361b
commit 7fcb7be1e4

@ -50,18 +50,24 @@ Label::setLabels( const QString& locale, LabelFormat format )
QString countryName;
if ( languageName.isEmpty() )
languageName = QString( "* %1 (%2)" ).arg( locale, englishName );
bool needsCountryName = ( format == LabelFormat::AlwaysWithCountry ) ||
(locale.contains( '_' ) && QLocale::countriesForLanguage( m_locale.language() ).count() > 1 );
bool needsCountryName = ( format == LabelFormat::AlwaysWithCountry )
|| ( locale.contains( '_' ) && QLocale::countriesForLanguage( m_locale.language() ).count() > 1 );
if ( needsCountryName )
countryName = m_locale.nativeCountryName();
m_label = needsCountryName ? longFormat.arg( languageName, countryName ) : languageName;
m_englishLabel = needsCountryName ? longFormat.arg( englishName, QLocale::countryToString( m_locale.country() ) ) : englishName;
m_englishLabel = needsCountryName ? longFormat.arg( englishName, QLocale::countryToString( m_locale.country() ) )
: englishName;
QLocale Label::getLocale( const QString& localeName )
Label::getLocale( const QString& localeName )
if ( localeName.contains( "@latin" ) )
@ -69,8 +75,10 @@ QLocale Label::getLocale( const QString& localeName )
return QLocale( loc.language(), QLocale::Script::LatinScript, loc.country() );
return QLocale( localeName );
} // namespace
} // namespace Locale
} // namespace CalamaresUtils

@ -39,7 +39,11 @@ class Label
/** @brief Formatting option for label -- add (country) to label. */
enum class LabelFormat { AlwaysWithCountry, IfNeededWithCountry } ;
enum class LabelFormat
/** @brief Empty locale. This uses the system-default locale. */
@ -56,54 +60,30 @@ public:
* English (@see isEnglish() -- it means en_US) is sorted at the top.
bool operator <( const Label& other ) const
return m_localeId < other.m_localeId;
bool operator<( const Label& other ) const { return m_localeId < other.m_localeId; }
/** @brief Is this locale English?
* en_US and en (American English) is defined as English. The Queen's
* English -- proper English -- is relegated to non-English status.
bool isEnglish() const
return m_localeId == QLatin1Literal( "en_US" ) || m_localeId == QLatin1Literal( "en" );
bool isEnglish() const { return m_localeId == QLatin1Literal( "en_US" ) || m_localeId == QLatin1Literal( "en" ); }
/** @brief Get the human-readable name for this locale. */
QString label() const
return m_label;
QString label() const { return m_label; }
/** @brief Get the *English* human-readable name for this locale. */
QString englishLabel() const
return m_englishLabel;
QString englishLabel() const { return m_englishLabel; }
/** @brief Get the Qt locale. */
QLocale locale() const
return m_locale;
QLocale locale() const { return m_locale; }
QString name() const
return m_locale.name();
QString name() const { return m_locale.name(); }
/// @brief Convenience accessor to the language part of the locale
QLocale::Language language() const
return m_locale.language();
QLocale::Language language() const { return m_locale.language(); }
/// @brief Convenience accessor to the country part (if any) of the locale
QLocale::Country country() const
return m_locale.country();
QLocale::Country country() const { return m_locale.country(); }
/** @brief Get a Qt locale for the given @p localeName
@ -121,7 +101,7 @@ protected:
QString m_englishLabel;
} // namespace
} // namespace Locale
} // namespace CalamaresUtils

@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ LabelModel::LabelModel( const QStringList& locales, QObject* parent )
m_locales.reserve( locales.count() );
for ( const auto& l : locales )
m_locales.push_back( Label( l ) );
LabelModel::~LabelModel() {}
LabelModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex& ) const
@ -51,10 +51,14 @@ QVariant
LabelModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
if ( ( role != LabelRole ) && ( role != EnglishLabelRole ) )
return QVariant();
if ( !index.isValid() )
return QVariant();
const auto& locale = m_locales.at( index.row() );
switch ( role )
@ -75,7 +79,9 @@ LabelModel::locale( int row ) const
for ( const auto& l : m_locales )
if ( l.isEnglish() )
return l;
return m_locales[ 0 ];
return m_locales[ row ];
@ -87,47 +93,48 @@ LabelModel::find( std::function<bool ( const Label& )> predicate ) const
for ( int row = 0; row < m_locales.count(); ++row )
if ( predicate( m_locales[ row ] ) )
return row;
return -1;
LabelModel::find( std::function< bool( const QLocale& ) > predicate ) const
return find( [&]( const Label& l )
return predicate( l.locale() );
} );
return find( [&]( const Label& l ) { return predicate( l.locale() ); } );
LabelModel::find( const QLocale& locale ) const
return find( [&]( const Label& l )
return locale == l.locale();
} );
return find( [&]( const Label& l ) { return locale == l.locale(); } );
LabelModel::find( const QString& countryCode ) const
if ( countryCode.length() != 2 )
return -1;
auto c_l = countryData( countryCode );
int r = find( [&]( const Label& l ) { return ( l.language() == c_l.second ) && ( l.country() == c_l.first ); } );
if ( r >= 0 )
return r;
return find( [&]( const Label& l ) { return l.language() == c_l.second; } );
LabelModel* availableTranslations()
static LabelModel* model = new LabelModel( QString( CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES ).split( ';' ) );
return model;
} // namespace
} // namespace Locale
} // namespace CalamaresUtils

@ -80,6 +80,6 @@ private:
* NOTE: While the model is not typed const, it should be. Do not modify.
DLLEXPORT LabelModel* availableTranslations();
} // namespace
} // namespace Locale
} // namespace CalamaresUtils

@ -42,52 +42,65 @@ struct TwoChar
char cc2;
static const CountryData* lookup( TwoChar c )
static const CountryData*
lookup( TwoChar c )
if ( !c.cc1 )
return nullptr;
const CountryData* p = std::find_if(country_data_table, country_data_table + country_data_size,
[c=c]( const CountryData& d ){ return (d.cc1 == c.cc1) && (d.cc2 == c.cc2); }
const CountryData* p
= std::find_if( country_data_table, country_data_table + country_data_size, [c = c]( const CountryData& d ) {
return ( d.cc1 == c.cc1 ) && ( d.cc2 == c.cc2 );
} );
if ( p == country_data_table + country_data_size )
return nullptr;
return p;
QLocale::Country countryForCode(const QString& code)
countryForCode( const QString& code )
const CountryData* p = lookup( TwoChar( code ) );
return p ? p->c : QLocale::Country::AnyCountry;
QLocale::Language languageForCountry(const QString& code)
languageForCountry( const QString& code )
const CountryData* p = lookup( TwoChar( code ) );
return p ? p->l : QLocale::Language::AnyLanguage;
QPair<QLocale::Country, QLocale::Language> countryData(const QString& code)
QPair< QLocale::Country, QLocale::Language >
countryData( const QString& code )
const CountryData* p = lookup( TwoChar( code ) );
return p ? qMakePair( p->c, p->l ) : qMakePair( QLocale::Country::AnyCountry, QLocale::Language::AnyLanguage );
QLocale countryLocale(const QString& code)
countryLocale( const QString& code )
auto p = countryData( code );
return QLocale( p.second, p.first );
QLocale::Language languageForCountry(QLocale::Country country)
languageForCountry( QLocale::Country country )
const CountryData* p = std::find_if(country_data_table, country_data_table + country_data_size,
[c=country]( const CountryData& d ){ return d.c == c; }
const CountryData* p = std::find_if( country_data_table,
country_data_table + country_data_size,
[c = country]( const CountryData& d ) { return d.c == c; } );
if ( p == country_data_table + country_data_size )
return QLocale::Language::AnyLanguage;
return p->l;
} // namespace
} // namespace Locale
} // namespace CalamaresUtils

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace Locale
DLLEXPORT QPair< QLocale::Country, QLocale::Language > countryData( const QString& code );
/// @brief Get a likely locale for a 2-letter country code
DLLEXPORT QLocale countryLocale( const QString& code );
} // namespace
} // namespace Locale
} // namespace CalamaresUtils

@ -25,13 +25,9 @@
LocaleTests::LocaleTests() {}
LocaleTests::~LocaleTests() {}
