@ -771,34 +771,17 @@ ChoicePage::createBootloaderComboBox( QWidget* parent )
m_core->setBootLoaderInstallPath( var.toString() );
} );
// If the user picks a new device, we update the bootloader choice to that
// same device automatically.
auto updateBootloaderDevice = [bcb, this]()
Device* currd = selectedDevice();
if ( !currd )
QString devPath = currd->deviceNode();
for ( int i = 0; i < bcb->count(); ++i )
QVariant var = bcb->itemData( i, BootLoaderModel::BootLoaderPathRole );
if ( !var.isValid() )
if ( var.toString() == devPath )
bcb->setCurrentIndex( i );
connect( this, &ChoicePage::deviceChosen,
this, updateBootloaderDevice );
connect( m_core, &PartitionCoreModule::deviceReverted,
this, [ this, bcb ]( Device* dev )
if ( bcb->model() != m_core->bootLoaderModel() )
bcb->setModel( m_core->bootLoaderModel() );
bcb->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex );
if ( dev &&
dev == selectedDevice() )
if ( bcb->model() != m_core->bootLoaderModel() )
bcb->setModel( m_core->bootLoaderModel() );
bcb->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex );
}, Qt::QueuedConnection );
// ^ Must be Queued so it's sure to run when the widget is already visible.