@ -121,6 +121,22 @@ CheckerWidget::init( const QList< PrepareEntry >& checkEntries )
if ( allChecked && requirementsSatisfied )
if ( allChecked && requirementsSatisfied )
if ( !Calamares::Branding::instance()->
imagePath( Calamares::Branding::ProductWelcome ).isEmpty() )
QPixmap theImage = QPixmap( Calamares::Branding::instance()->
imagePath( Calamares::Branding::ProductWelcome ) );
if ( !theImage.isNull() )
QLabel* imageLabel = new QLabel;
imageLabel->setContentsMargins( 4, CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight(), 4, 4 );
m_entriesLayout->addWidget( imageLabel );
imageLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
imageLabel->setScaledContents( false );
imageLabel->setPixmap( theImage );
textLabel->setText( tr( "This program will ask you some questions and "
textLabel->setText( tr( "This program will ask you some questions and "
"set up %2 on your computer." )
"set up %2 on your computer." )