@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ var audioFolderPath = config.get("YoutubeDLMaterial.Downloader.path-audio");
var videoFolderPath = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Downloader.path-video" ) ;
var downloadOnlyMode = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Extra.download_only_mode" )
var descriptors = { } ;
if ( usingEncryption )
@ -179,19 +181,82 @@ function getVideoFormatID(name)
function deleteAudioFile ( name ) {
var jsonPath = audioFolderPath + name + '.mp3.info.json' ;
var audioFilePath = audioFolderPath + name + '.mp3' ;
return new Promise ( resolve => {
// TODO: split descriptors into audio and video descriptors, as deleting an audio file will close all video file streams
var jsonPath = path . join ( audioFolderPath , name + '.mp3.info.json' ) ;
var audioFilePath = path . join ( audioFolderPath , name + '.mp3' ) ;
jsonPath = path . join ( _ _dirname , jsonPath ) ;
audioFilePath = path . join ( _ _dirname , audioFilePath ) ;
let jsonExists = fs . existsSync ( jsonPath ) ;
let audioFileExists = fs . existsSync ( audioFilePath ) ;
if ( descriptors [ name ] ) {
try {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < descriptors [ name ] . length ; i ++ ) {
descriptors [ name ] [ i ] . destroy ( ) ;
} catch {
fs . unlinkSync ( audioFilePath ) ;
fs . unlinkSync ( jsonPath ) ;
if ( jsonExists ) fs . unlinkSync ( jsonPath ) ;
if ( audioFileExists ) {
fs . unlink ( audioFilePath , function ( err ) {
if ( fs . existsSync ( jsonPath ) || fs . existsSync ( audioFilePath ) ) {
resolve ( false ) ;
} else {
resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// TODO: tell user that the file didn't exist
resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
function deleteVideoFile ( name ) {
var jsonPath = videoFolderPath + name + '.info.json' ;
var videoFilePath = videoFolderPath + name + '.mp4' ;
async function deleteVideoFile ( name ) {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
var jsonPath = path . join ( videoFolderPath , name + '.info.json' ) ;
var videoFilePath = path . join ( videoFolderPath , name + '.mp4' ) ;
jsonPath = path . join ( _ _dirname , jsonPath ) ;
videoFilePath = path . join ( _ _dirname , videoFilePath ) ;
fs . unlinkSync ( videoFilePath ) ;
fs . unlinkSync ( jsonPath ) ;
jsonExists = fs . existsSync ( jsonPath ) ;
videoFileExists = fs . existsSync ( videoFilePath ) ;
if ( descriptors [ name ] ) {
try {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < descriptors [ name ] . length ; i ++ ) {
descriptors [ name ] [ i ] . destroy ( ) ;
} catch {
if ( jsonExists ) fs . unlinkSync ( jsonPath ) ;
if ( videoFileExists ) {
fs . unlink ( videoFilePath , function ( err ) {
if ( fs . existsSync ( jsonPath ) || fs . existsSync ( videoFilePath ) ) {
resolve ( false ) ;
} else {
resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// TODO: tell user that the file didn't exist
resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
function getAudioInfos ( fileNames ) {
@ -228,13 +293,54 @@ function getVideoInfos(fileNames) {
return result ;
// currently only works for single urls
async function getUrlInfos ( urls ) {
let result = [ ] ;
return new Promise ( resolve => {
youtubedl . exec ( urls . join ( ' ' ) , [ '--external-downloader' , 'aria2c' , '--dump-json' ] , { } , ( err , output ) => {
if ( err ) {
console . log ( 'Error during parsing:' + err ) ;
resolve ( null ) ;
let try _putput = null ;
try {
try _putput = JSON . parse ( output ) ;
result = try _putput ;
catch {
// probably multiple urls
console . log ( 'failed to parse' ) ;
console . log ( output ) ;
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
app . post ( '/tomp3' , function ( req , res ) {
var url = req . body . url ;
var date = Date . now ( ) ;
var path = audioFolderPath ;
var audiopath = '%(title)s' ;
youtubedl . exec ( url , [ '--external-downloader' , 'aria2c' , '-o' , path + audiopath + ".mp3" , '-x' , '--audio-format' , 'mp3' , '--write-info-json' , '--print-json' ] , { } , function ( err , output ) {
var customQualityConfiguration = req . body . customQualityConfiguration ;
var maxBitrate = req . body . maxBitrate ;
let downloadConfig = [ '--external-downloader' , 'aria2c' , '-o' , path + audiopath + ".mp3" , '-x' , '--audio-format' , 'mp3' , '--write-info-json' , '--print-json' ]
let qualityPath = '' ;
if ( customQualityConfiguration ) {
qualityPath = ` -f ${ customQualityConfiguration } ` ;
} else if ( maxBitrate ) {
if ( ! maxBitrate || maxBitrate === '' ) maxBitrate = '0' ;
qualityPath = ` --audio-quality ${ maxBitrate } `
if ( qualityPath !== '' ) {
downloadConfig . splice ( 2 , 0 , qualityPath ) ;
youtubedl . exec ( url , downloadConfig , { } , function ( err , output ) {
if ( debugMode ) {
let new _date = Date . now ( ) ;
let difference = ( new _date - date ) / 1000 ;
@ -253,8 +359,15 @@ app.post('/tomp3', function(req, res) {
} catch {
output _json = null ;
if ( ! output _json ) {
// only run on first go
return ;
var modified _file _name = output _json ? output _json [ 'title' ] : null ;
if ( modified _file _name ) file _names . push ( modified _file _name ) ;
var file _path = output _json [ '_filename' ] . split ( '\\' ) ;
var alternate _file _name = file _path [ file _path . length - 1 ] ;
alternate _file _name = alternate _file _name . substring ( 0 , alternate _file _name . length - 4 ) ;
if ( alternate _file _name ) file _names . push ( alternate _file _name ) ;
let is _playlist = file _names . length > 1 ;
@ -275,7 +388,20 @@ app.post('/tomp4', function(req, res) {
var path = videoFolderPath ;
var videopath = '%(title)s' ;
youtubedl . exec ( url , [ '--external-downloader' , 'aria2c' , '-o' , path + videopath + ".mp4" , '-f' , 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4' , '--write-info-json' , '--print-json' ] , { } , function ( err , output ) {
var selectedHeight = req . body . selectedHeight ;
var customQualityConfiguration = req . body . customQualityConfiguration ;
// console.log(selectedHeight);
let qualityPath = 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4' ;
if ( customQualityConfiguration ) {
qualityPath = customQualityConfiguration ;
} else if ( selectedHeight && selectedHeight !== '' ) {
qualityPath = ` bestvideo[height= ${ selectedHeight } ]+bestaudio/best[height= ${ selectedHeight } ] ` ;
youtubedl . exec ( url , [ '--external-downloader' , 'aria2c' , '-o' , path + videopath + ".mp4" , '-f' , qualityPath , '--write-info-json' , '--print-json' ] , { } , function ( err , output ) {
if ( debugMode ) {
let new _date = Date . now ( ) ;
let difference = ( new _date - date ) / 1000 ;
@ -295,7 +421,26 @@ app.post('/tomp4', function(req, res) {
output _json = null ;
var modified _file _name = output _json ? output _json [ 'title' ] : null ;
if ( modified _file _name ) file _names . push ( modified _file _name ) ;
if ( ! output _json ) {
// only get the first result
// console.log(output_json);
// console.log(output);
continue ;
res . sendStatus ( 500 ) ;
var file _path = output _json [ '_filename' ] . split ( '\\' ) ;
// renames file if necessary due to bug
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( output _json [ '_filename' ] && fs . existsSync ( output _json [ '_filename' ] + '.webm' ) ) ) {
try {
fs . renameSync ( output _json [ '_filename' ] + '.webm' , output _json [ '_filename' ] ) ;
console . log ( 'Renamed ' + file _path + '.webm to ' + file _path ) ;
} catch {
var alternate _file _name = file _path [ file _path . length - 1 ] ;
alternate _file _name = alternate _file _name . substring ( 0 , alternate _file _name . length - 4 ) ;
if ( alternate _file _name ) file _names . push ( alternate _file _name ) ;
let is _playlist = file _names . length > 1 ;
@ -426,7 +571,7 @@ app.post('/getMp4s', function(req, res) {
} ) ;
// deletes mp3 file
app . post ( '/deleteMp3' , function ( req , res ) {
app . post ( '/deleteMp3' , async ( req , res ) => {
var name = req . body . name ;
var fullpath = audioFolderPath + name + ".mp3" ;
var wasDeleted = false ;
@ -446,14 +591,14 @@ app.post('/deleteMp3', function(req, res) {
} ) ;
// deletes mp4 file
app . post ( '/deleteMp4' , function ( req , res ) {
app . post ( '/deleteMp4' , async ( req , res ) => {
var name = req . body . name ;
var fullpath = videoFolderPath + name + ".mp4" ;
var wasDeleted = false ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( fullpath ) )
deleteVideoFile( name ) ;
wasDeleted = true ;
wasDeleted = await deleteVideoFile( name ) ;
// wasDeleted = true;
res . send ( wasDeleted ) ;
res . end ( "yes" ) ;
@ -479,7 +624,7 @@ app.post('/downloadFile', function(req, res) {
res . sendFile ( file ) ;
} ) ;
app . post ( '/deleteFile' , function ( req , res ) {
app . post ( '/deleteFile' , async ( req , res ) => {
let fileName = req . body . fileName ;
let type = req . body . type ;
if ( type === 'audio' ) {
@ -492,7 +637,7 @@ app.post('/deleteFile', function(req, res) {
app . get ( '/video/:id' , function ( req , res ) {
var head ;
const path = "video/" + req . params . id ;
const path = "video/" + req . params . id + '.mp4' ;
const stat = fs . statSync ( path )
const fileSize = stat . size
const range = req . headers . range
@ -504,6 +649,13 @@ app.get('/video/:id', function(req , res){
: fileSize - 1
const chunksize = ( end - start ) + 1
const file = fs . createReadStream ( path , { start , end } )
if ( descriptors [ req . params . id ] ) descriptors [ req . params . id ] . push ( file ) ;
else descriptors [ req . params . id ] = [ file ] ;
file . on ( 'close' , function ( ) {
let index = descriptors [ req . params . id ] . indexOf ( file ) ;
descriptors [ req . params . id ] . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
console . log ( 'Successfully closed stream and removed file reference.' ) ;
} ) ;
head = {
'Content-Range' : ` bytes ${ start } - ${ end } / ${ fileSize } ` ,
'Accept-Ranges' : 'bytes' ,
@ -524,7 +676,7 @@ app.get('/video/:id', function(req , res){
app . get ( '/audio/:id' , function ( req , res ) {
var head ;
let path = "audio/" + req . params . id ;
let path = "audio/" + req . params . id + '.mp3' ;
path = path . replace ( /\"/g , '\'' ) ;
const stat = fs . statSync ( path )
const fileSize = stat . size
@ -536,7 +688,14 @@ app.get('/audio/:id', function(req , res){
? parseInt ( parts [ 1 ] , 10 )
: fileSize - 1
const chunksize = ( end - start ) + 1
const file = fs . createReadStream ( path , { start , end } )
const file = fs . createReadStream ( path , { start , end } ) ;
if ( descriptors [ req . params . id ] ) descriptors [ req . params . id ] . push ( file ) ;
else descriptors [ req . params . id ] = [ file ] ;
file . on ( 'close' , function ( ) {
let index = descriptors [ req . params . id ] . indexOf ( file ) ;
descriptors [ req . params . id ] . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
console . log ( 'Successfully closed stream and removed file reference.' ) ;
} ) ;
head = {
'Content-Range' : ` bytes ${ start } - ${ end } / ${ fileSize } ` ,
'Accept-Ranges' : 'bytes' ,
@ -556,15 +715,21 @@ app.get('/audio/:id', function(req , res){
} ) ;
app . post ( '/getVideoInfos' , function ( req , res ) {
app . post ( '/getVideoInfos' , async ( req , res ) => {
let fileNames = req . body . fileNames ;
let urlMode = ! ! req . body . urlMode ;
let type = req . body . type ;
let result = null ;
// console.log(urlMode);
if ( ! urlMode ) {
if ( type === 'audio' ) {
result = getAudioInfos ( fileNames )
} else if ( type === 'video' ) {
result = getVideoInfos ( fileNames ) ;
} else {
result = await getUrlInfos ( fileNames ) ;
res . send ( {
result : result ,
success : ! ! result