@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ var async = require('async');
var fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
var path = require ( 'path' ) ;
var youtubedl = require ( 'youtube-dl' ) ;
var config = require ( 'config' ) ;
var https = require ( 'https' ) ;
var express = require ( "express" ) ;
var bodyParser = require ( "body-parser" ) ;
@ -10,6 +9,7 @@ var archiver = require('archiver');
const low = require ( 'lowdb' )
var URL = require ( 'url' ) . URL ;
const shortid = require ( 'shortid' )
var config _api = require ( './config.js' ) ;
var app = express ( ) ;
@ -18,65 +18,56 @@ const adapter = new FileSync('db.json');
const db = low ( adapter )
// Set some defaults
db . defaults ( { playlists : {
audio : [ ] ,
video : [ ]
} } ) . write ( ) ;
db . defaults (
playlists : {
audio : [ ] ,
video : [ ]
} ,
configWriteFlag : false
} ) . write ( ) ;
// config values
var frontendUrl = null ;
var backendUrl = null ;
var backendPort = 17442 ;
var usingEncryption = null ;
var basePath = null ;
var audioFolderPath = null ;
var videoFolderPath = null ;
var downloadOnlyMode = null ;
var useDefaultDownloadingAgent = null ;
var customDownloadingAgent = null ;
// other needed values
var options = null ; // encryption options
var url _domain = null ;
// check if debug mode
let debugMode = process . env . YTDL _MODE === 'debug' ;
if ( debugMode ) console . log ( 'YTDL-Material in debug mode!' ) ;
var frontendUrl = ! debugMode ? config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Host.frontendurl" ) : 'http://localhost:4200' ;
var backendUrl = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Host.backendurl" )
var backendPort = 17442 ;
var usingEncryption = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Encryption.use-encryption" ) ;
var basePath = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Downloader.path-base" ) ;
var audioFolderPath = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Downloader.path-audio" ) ;
var videoFolderPath = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Downloader.path-video" ) ;
var downloadOnlyMode = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Extra.download_only_mode" )
var useDefaultDownloadingAgent = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Advanced.use_default_downloading_agent" ) ;
var customDownloadingAgent = config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Advanced.custom_downloading_agent" ) ;
var validDownloadingAgents = [
if ( ! useDefaultDownloadingAgent && validDownloadingAgents . indexOf ( customDownloadingAgent ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( ` INFO: Using non-default downloading agent \' ${ customDownloadingAgent } \' ` )
var descriptors = { } ;
if ( usingEncryption )
var certFilePath = path . resolve ( config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Encryption.cert-file-path" ) ) ;
var keyFilePath = path . resolve ( config . get ( "YoutubeDLMaterial.Encryption.key-file-path" ) ) ;
// don't overwrite config if it already happened.. NOT
// let alreadyWritten = db.get('configWriteFlag').value();
let writeConfigMode = process . env . write _ytdl _config ;
var config = null ;
var certKeyFile = fs . readFileSync ( keyFilePath ) ;
var certFile = fs . readFileSync ( certFilePath ) ;
var options = {
key : certKeyFile ,
cert : certFile
} ;
if ( writeConfigMode ) {
setAndLoadConfig ( ) ;
} else {
loadConfig ( ) ;
var descriptors = { } ;
app . use ( bodyParser . urlencoded ( { extended : false } ) ) ;
app . use ( bodyParser . json ( ) ) ;
var url _domain = new URL ( frontendUrl ) ;
app . use ( function ( req , res , next ) {
res . header ( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" , url _domain . origin ) ;
res . header ( "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" , "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept" ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/using-encryption' , function ( req , res ) {
res . send ( usingEncryption ) ;
res . end ( "yes" ) ;
@ -94,6 +85,109 @@ function File(id, title, thumbnailURL, isAudio, duration) {
// actual functions
function startServer ( ) {
if ( usingEncryption )
https . createServer ( options , app ) . listen ( backendPort , function ( ) {
console . log ( 'HTTPS: Anchor set on 17442' ) ;
} ) ;
app . listen ( backendPort , function ( ) {
console . log ( "HTTP: Started on PORT " + backendPort ) ;
} ) ;
async function setAndLoadConfig ( ) {
await setConfigFromEnv ( ) ;
await loadConfig ( ) ;
// console.log(backendUrl);
async function setConfigFromEnv ( ) {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
let config _items = getEnvConfigItems ( ) ;
let success = config _api . setConfigItems ( config _items ) ;
if ( success ) {
console . log ( 'Config items set using ENV variables.' ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => resolve ( true ) , 100 ) ;
} else {
console . log ( 'ERROR: Failed to set config items using ENV variables.' ) ;
resolve ( false ) ;
} ) ;
async function loadConfig ( ) {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
// get config library
// config = require('config');
frontendUrl = ! debugMode ? config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_frontend_url' ) : 'http://localhost:4200' ;
backendUrl = config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_backend_url' )
backendPort = 17442 ;
usingEncryption = config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_use_encryption' ) ;
basePath = config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_base_path' ) ;
audioFolderPath = config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_audio_folder_path' ) ;
videoFolderPath = config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_video_folder_path' ) ;
downloadOnlyMode = config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_download_only_mode' ) ;
useDefaultDownloadingAgent = config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_use_default_downloading_agent' ) ;
customDownloadingAgent = config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_custom_downloading_agent' ) ;
if ( ! useDefaultDownloadingAgent && validDownloadingAgents . indexOf ( customDownloadingAgent ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( ` INFO: Using non-default downloading agent \' ${ customDownloadingAgent } \' ` )
if ( usingEncryption )
var certFilePath = path . resolve ( config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_cert_file_path' ) ) ;
var keyFilePath = path . resolve ( config _api . getConfigItem ( 'ytdl_key_file_path' ) ) ;
var certKeyFile = fs . readFileSync ( keyFilePath ) ;
var certFile = fs . readFileSync ( certFilePath ) ;
options = {
key : certKeyFile ,
cert : certFile
} ;
url _domain = new URL ( frontendUrl ) ;
// start the server here
startServer ( ) ;
resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
function getOrigin ( ) {
return url _domain . origin ;
// gets a list of config items that are stored as an environment variable
function getEnvConfigItems ( ) {
let config _items = [ ] ;
let config _item _keys = Object . keys ( config _api . CONFIG _ITEMS ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < config _item _keys . length ; i ++ ) {
let key = config _item _keys [ i ] ;
if ( process [ 'env' ] [ key ] ) {
const config _item = generateEnvVarConfigItem ( key ) ;
config _items . push ( config _item ) ;
return config _items ;
// gets value of a config item and stores it in an object
function generateEnvVarConfigItem ( key ) {
return { key : key , value : process [ 'env' ] [ key ] } ;
function getThumbnailMp3 ( name )
var obj = getJSONMp3 ( name ) ;
@ -382,6 +476,12 @@ async function getUrlInfos(urls) {
} ) ;
app . use ( function ( req , res , next ) {
res . header ( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" , getOrigin ( ) ) ;
res . header ( "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" , "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept" ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
app . post ( '/tomp3' , function ( req , res ) {
var url = req . body . url ;
var date = Date . now ( ) ;
@ -879,19 +979,3 @@ app.get('/audio/:id', function(req , res){
success : ! ! result
} )
} ) ;
if ( usingEncryption )
https . createServer ( options , app ) . listen ( backendPort , function ( ) {
console . log ( 'HTTPS: Anchor set on 17442' ) ;
} ) ;
app . listen ( backendPort , function ( ) {
console . log ( "HTTP: Started on PORT " + backendPort ) ;
} ) ;