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# Aegis Vault
Aegis persists the user's token secrets and related information to a file. This
file is referred to as the __vault__. Users can configure the app to store the
vault in plain text or to encrypt it with a password.
This document describes Aegis' security design and file format. It's split up
into two parts. First, the cryptographic primitives and use of them for
encryption are discussed. The second section documents the details of the file
format of the vault.
## Security
### Primitives
Two cryptographic primitives were selected for use in Aegis. An Authenticated
Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) cipher and a Key Derivation Function
#### AEAD
__AES-256__ in __GCM__ mode is used as the AEAD cipher to ensure the
confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the vault contents.
This cipher requires a unique 96-bit nonce for each invocation with the same
key. This is not ideal, because 96 bits is not large enough to comfortably
generate an unlimited amount of random numbers without getting collisions at
some point. It is not possible to use a monotonically increasing counter in this
case, because a future use case could involve using the vault on multiple
devices simultaneously, which would almost certainly result in nonce reuse. As a
repeat of the nonce would have catastrophic consequences for the confidentiality
of the ciphertext, NIST strongly recommends not exceeding 2<sup>32</sup>
invocations when using random nonces with GCM. As such, the security of the
Aegis vault also relies on the assumption that this limit is never exceeded.
This is a reasonable assumption to make, because it's highly unlikely that an
Aegis user will ever come close to saving the vault 2<sup>32</sup> times.
_Switching to a nonce misuse-resistant cipher like AES-GCM-SIV or a cipher with
a larger (192 bits) nonce like XChaCha-Poly1305 will be considered in the future._
#### KDF
__scrypt__ is used as the KDF to derive a key from a user-provided password,
with the following parameters:
| Parameter | Value |
| :-------- | :------------- |
| N | 2<sup>15</sup> |
| r | 8 |
| p | 1 |
These are the same parameters as Android itself uses to derive a key for
full-disk encryption. Because of the memory limitations Android apps have, it's
not possible to increase these parameters without running into OOM conditions on
most devices.
_Argon2 is a more modern KDF that's a bit more flexible than scrypt, because it
allows tweaking the memory-hardness parameter and CPU-hardness parameter
separately, whereas scrypt ties those together into one cost parameter (N). It
will be considered as an alternative option to switch to in the future._
### Encryption
When a vault is first created, a random 256-bit key is generated that is used to
encrypt the contents with AES in GCM mode. This key is referred to as the
__master key__.
Aegis supports unlocking a vault with multiple different credentials. The main
credential is a key derived from a user-provided password. In addition to that,
users can also add a key backed by the Android KeyStore as a credential, which
is only usable after biometrics authentication.
#### Slots
Each credential that should be able to encrypt/decrypt the contents of a vault
has its own __slot__. Every slot contains a copy of the master key that is
encrypted with its credential. The process of encrypting a key with another key
is known as __key wrapping__. This allows obtaining the master key by providing
any of the credentials. An important consequence is that the master key is only
as secure as the weakest credential.
This design is similar to and largely inspired by LUKS' key slot system.
#### Integrity
Because of the use of an AEAD for encryption, the vault contents and encrypted
master keys in the slots are checked for integrity and authenticity. The rest of
the file is not.
### Overview
## Format
The vault is stored in JSON and encoded in UTF-8. The upper-level structure is
shown below:
"version": 1,
"header": {},
"db": {}
It starts with a ``version`` number and a ``header``. If a backwards
incompatible change is introduced to the content format, the version number will
be incremented. The vault contents are stored under ``db``. Its value depends on
whether the vault is encrypted or not. If it is, the value is a string containing
the Base64 encoded (with padding) ciphertext of the vault contents. Otherwise,
the value is a JSON object.
Full examples of a [plain text
and an [encrypted
are available in the [test
data](/app/src/test/resources/com/beemdevelopment/aegis/importers) folder.
There's also an example Python script that can decrypt an Aegis vault given the
password: [](/docs/
### Header
The header starts with the list of ``slots``. It also has a ``params`` object
that holds the ``nonce`` and ``tag`` that were produced during encryption,
encoded as a hexadecimal string.
Setting ``slots`` and ``params`` to null indicates that the vault is not
encrypted and Aegis will try to parse it as such.
"slots": [],
"params": {
"nonce": "0123456789abcdef01234567",
"tag": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
#### Slots
The different slot types are identified with a numerical ID.
| Type | ID |
| :---------- | :--- |
| Raw | 0x00 |
| Password | 0x01 |
| Biometric | 0x02 |
##### Raw
This slot type is used for raw AES key credentials. It is not used directly in
the app, but all other slots are based on this slot type, so this section
applies to all of them.
Each slot transforms its credential in a way that it can be used to encrypt the
master key with AES-256 in GCM mode. The ``nonce``, ``tag`` and encrypted
``key`` are encoded as a hexadecimal string and stored together. Slots also have
a unique randomly generated ``UUID`` (version 4).
"type": 0,
"uuid": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"key": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"key_params": {
"nonce": "0123456789abcdef01234567",
"tag": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
##### Biometric
The structure of the Biometric slot is exactly the same as the Raw slot. The
difference is that the wrapper key is backed by the Android KeyStore, whereas
Raw slots don't imply use of a particular storage type.
##### Password
As noted earlier, scrypt is used to derive a 256-bit key from a user-provided
password. A random 256-bit ``salt`` is generated and passed to scrypt to protect
against rainbow table attacks. Its stored along with the ``N``, ``r`` and ``p``
"type": 1,
"uuid": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"key": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"key_params": {
"nonce": "0123456789abcdef01234567",
"tag": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
"n": 32768,
"r": 8,
"p": 1,
"salt": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
### Content
The content is a JSON object encoded in UTF-8.
"version": 1,
"entries": []
It has a ``version`` number and a list of ``entries``. If a backwards
incompatible change is introduced to the content format, the version number will
be incremented.
#### Entries
Each entry has a unique randomly generated ``UUID`` (version 4), as well as a
``name`` and ``issuer`` to identify the account name and service that the token
is for. Entries can also have an icon. These are JPEG's encoded in Base64 with
padding. The ``info`` object holds information specific to the OTP type. The
``secret`` is encoded in Base32 without padding.
There are a number of supported types:
| Type | ID | Spec |
| :------------------ | :------- | :-------- |
| HOTP | "hotp" | [RFC 4226](
| TOTP | "totp" | [RFC 6238](
| Steam | "steam" | N/A
| Yandex | "yandex" | N/A
There is no specification available for Steam's OTP algorithm. It's essentially
the same as TOTP, but it uses a different final encoding step. Aegis'
implementation of it can be found in
There is also no specification available for Yandex's OTP algorithm. Aegis'
implementation can be found in
The following algorithms are supported for HOTP and TOTP:
| Algorithm | ID |
| :-------- | :------- |
| SHA-1 | "SHA1" |
| SHA-256 | "SHA256" |
| SHA-512 | "SHA512" |
For Steam, only SHA-1 is supported. For Yandex, only SHA-256 is supported.
Example of a TOTP entry:
"type": "totp",
"uuid": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "Bob",
"issuer": "Google",
"icon": null,
"info": {
"algo": "SHA1",
"digits": 6,
"period": 30