lat9nq 1a2e7c4dbd ffmpeg: Checkout tag n4.3.1
Target a specific release version rather than some random development
Vulkan-Headers@8188e3fbbc vk_device: Enable VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state when available
cmake-modules Replace externals with Conan ()
cubeb@1d66483ad2 Update cubeb and request a persistent stream session
discord-rpc@e32d001809 Port web_service from Citra
dynarmic@8c09da666a externals: Dynarmic: Update to latest to include A32 ISB hook.
ffmpeg@6b6b9e593d ffmpeg: Checkout tag n4.3.1
find-modules CMakeLists: Use bundled FFmpeg as a fallback
getopt CMakeLists: Derive the source directory grouping from targets themselves
glad externals: Update glad to support OpenGL 4.6 compatibility profile
httplib web_service: follow-up fix to ...
inih externals: Update inih to r52
libressl@8289d0d07d web_backend: fix a regression introduced in 39c8d18
libusb externals: Work around libusb duplicate GUID errors
libzip externals: Track upstream libzip
mbedtls@a280e602f3 externals/mbedtls: Enable CMAC module
microprofile microprofile: Silence warning in headers
opus externals: Track opus as submodule instead of using conan
sirit@eefca56afd vk_shader_decompiler: Implement atomic image operations
soundtouch@060181eaf2 Add audio stretching support
xbyak@c306b8e578 externals: Update Xbyak to 5.96
CMakeLists.txt cmake: Always enable Vulkan