archshift 228843c43e Logging: Log all called service functions (under trace). Compile out all trace logs under release for performance.
logging Logging: Log all called service functions (under trace). Compile out all trace logs under release for performance.
CMakeLists.txt Common: Add a clone of std::make_unique
bit_field.h Merge pull request from chinhodado/master
break_points.cpp License change
break_points.h License change
chunk_file.h Convert old logging calls to new logging macros
common.h Logging: Log all called service functions (under trace). Compile out all trace logs under release for performance.
common_funcs.h Fix merge conflicts
common_paths.h Archives: Changed the way paths are built for the archives.
common_types.h Common: Use std::abs instead of abs, using abs with cmath fails on some systems.
concurrent_ring_buffer.h License change
cpu_detect.h License change
debug_interface.h Common: Move header guards over to pragma once
emu_window.cpp License change
emu_window.h License change
extended_trace.cpp Change NULLs to nullptrs.
extended_trace.h Common: Move header guards over to pragma once
fifo_queue.h Change NULLs to nullptrs.
file_search.cpp License change
file_search.h License change
file_util.cpp Archives: Changed the way paths are built for the archives.
file_util.h Archives: Changed the way paths are built for the archives.
hash.cpp License change
hash.h License change
key_map.cpp License change
key_map.h License change
linear_disk_cache.h License change
log.h Logging: Log all called service functions (under trace). Compile out all trace logs under release for performance.
make_unique.h Common: Add a clone of std::make_unique
math_util.cpp License change
math_util.h License change
mem_arena.cpp Common: Remove dead platform #ifdefs to make the code more readable.
mem_arena.h Common: Remove dead platform #ifdefs to make the code more readable.
memory_util.cpp License change
memory_util.h License change
misc.cpp License change
msg_handler.cpp License change
msg_handler.h Fix MSVC-related #defines and add CMakeLists comment
platform.h Common: Remove dead platform #ifdefs to make the code more readable.
scm_rev.cpp.in Resolved undefined Common::g_scm_branch error.
scm_rev.h License change
scope_exit.h License change
string_util.cpp Fix MSVC-related #defines and add CMakeLists comment
string_util.h License change
swap.h Common: Remove dead platform #ifdefs to make the code more readable.
symbols.cpp License change
symbols.h License change
thread.cpp Fix MSVC-related #defines and add CMakeLists comment
thread.h License change
thread_queue_list.h Common: Clean up ThreadQueueList
thunk.h License change
timer.cpp License change
timer.h License change
utf8.cpp Change NULLs to nullptrs.
utf8.h fixed project includes to use new directory structure