@ -22,11 +22,29 @@
// Adapted from https://github.com/BreadFish64/ScaleFish/tree/master/scaleforce
#version 460
//! #version 460
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#ifdef YUZU_USE_FP16
#extension GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float : enable
#extension GL_NV_gpu_shader5 : enable
#define lfloat float16_t
#define lvec2 f16vec2
#define lvec3 f16vec3
#define lvec4 f16vec4
#define lfloat float
#define lvec2 vec2
#define lvec3 vec3
#define lvec4 vec4
#ifdef VULKAN
@ -45,25 +63,25 @@ layout (binding = BINDING_COLOR_TEXTURE) uniform sampler2D input_texture;
const bool ignore_alpha = true;
float16_t ColorDist1(f16vec4 a, f16vec4 b) {
lfloat ColorDist1(lvec4 a, lvec4 b) {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.2020_conversion
const f16vec3 K = f16vec3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593);
const float16_t scaleB = float16_t(0.5) / (float16_t(1.0) - K.b);
const float16_t scaleR = float16_t(0.5) / (float16_t(1.0) - K.r);
f16vec4 diff = a - b;
float16_t Y = dot(diff.rgb, K);
float16_t Cb = scaleB * (diff.b - Y);
float16_t Cr = scaleR * (diff.r - Y);
f16vec3 YCbCr = f16vec3(Y, Cb, Cr);
float16_t d = length(YCbCr);
const lvec3 K = lvec3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593);
const lfloat scaleB = lfloat(0.5) / (lfloat(1.0) - K.b);
const lfloat scaleR = lfloat(0.5) / (lfloat(1.0) - K.r);
lvec4 diff = a - b;
lfloat Y = dot(diff.rgb, K);
lfloat Cb = scaleB * (diff.b - Y);
lfloat Cr = scaleR * (diff.r - Y);
lvec3 YCbCr = lvec3(Y, Cb, Cr);
lfloat d = length(YCbCr);
if (ignore_alpha) {
return d;
return sqrt(a.a * b.a * d * d + diff.a * diff.a);
f16vec4 ColorDist(f16vec4 ref, f16vec4 A, f16vec4 B, f16vec4 C, f16vec4 D) {
return f16vec4(
lvec4 ColorDist(lvec4 ref, lvec4 A, lvec4 B, lvec4 C, lvec4 D) {
return lvec4(
ColorDist1(ref, A),
ColorDist1(ref, B),
ColorDist1(ref, C),
@ -72,36 +90,36 @@ f16vec4 ColorDist(f16vec4 ref, f16vec4 A, f16vec4 B, f16vec4 C, f16vec4 D) {
vec4 Scaleforce(sampler2D tex, vec2 tex_coord) {
f16vec4 bl = f16vec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(-1, -1)));
f16vec4 bc = f16vec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(0, -1)));
f16vec4 br = f16vec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(1, -1)));
f16vec4 cl = f16vec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(-1, 0)));
f16vec4 cc = f16vec4(texture(tex, tex_coord));
f16vec4 cr = f16vec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(1, 0)));
f16vec4 tl = f16vec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(-1, 1)));
f16vec4 tc = f16vec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(0, 1)));
f16vec4 tr = f16vec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(1, 1)));
f16vec4 offset_tl = ColorDist(cc, tl, tc, tr, cr);
f16vec4 offset_br = ColorDist(cc, br, bc, bl, cl);
lvec4 bl = lvec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(-1, -1)));
lvec4 bc = lvec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(0, -1)));
lvec4 br = lvec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(1, -1)));
lvec4 cl = lvec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(-1, 0)));
lvec4 cc = lvec4(texture(tex, tex_coord));
lvec4 cr = lvec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(1, 0)));
lvec4 tl = lvec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(-1, 1)));
lvec4 tc = lvec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(0, 1)));
lvec4 tr = lvec4(textureOffset(tex, tex_coord, ivec2(1, 1)));
lvec4 offset_tl = ColorDist(cc, tl, tc, tr, cr);
lvec4 offset_br = ColorDist(cc, br, bc, bl, cl);
// Calculate how different cc is from the texels around it
const float16_t plus_weight = float16_t(1.5);
const float16_t cross_weight = float16_t(1.5);
float16_t total_dist = dot(offset_tl + offset_br, f16vec4(cross_weight, plus_weight, cross_weight, plus_weight));
const lfloat plus_weight = lfloat(1.5);
const lfloat cross_weight = lfloat(1.5);
lfloat total_dist = dot(offset_tl + offset_br, lvec4(cross_weight, plus_weight, cross_weight, plus_weight));
if (total_dist == float16_t(0.0)) {
if (total_dist == lfloat(0.0)) {
return cc;
} else {
// Add together all the distances with direction taken into account
f16vec4 tmp = offset_tl - offset_br;
f16vec2 total_offset = tmp.wy * plus_weight + (tmp.zz + f16vec2(-tmp.x, tmp.x)) * cross_weight;
lvec4 tmp = offset_tl - offset_br;
lvec2 total_offset = tmp.wy * plus_weight + (tmp.zz + lvec2(-tmp.x, tmp.x)) * cross_weight;
// When the image has thin points, they tend to split apart.
// This is because the texels all around are different and total_offset reaches into clear areas.
// This works pretty well to keep the offset in bounds for these cases.
float16_t clamp_val = length(total_offset) / total_dist;
f16vec2 final_offset = clamp(total_offset, -clamp_val, clamp_val) / f16vec2(textureSize(tex, 0));
lfloat clamp_val = length(total_offset) / total_dist;
vec2 final_offset = vec2(clamp(total_offset, -clamp_val, clamp_val)) / textureSize(tex, 0);
return texture(tex, tex_coord - final_offset);
@ -109,4 +127,4 @@ vec4 Scaleforce(sampler2D tex, vec2 tex_coord) {
void main() {
frag_color = Scaleforce(input_texture, tex_coord);