diff --git a/dist/languages/ca.ts b/dist/languages/ca.ts
index bee0882c1..81835e749 100644
--- a/dist/languages/ca.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/ca.ts
@@ -926,102 +926,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Desactivar macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheQuan està marcat, yuzu registrarà estadístiques sobre la cache de canonada compilada
+ Enable Shader FeedbackActivar informació de shaders
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesQuan està marcat, s'executaran els shaders sense canvis de lògica de bucle
+ Disable Loop safety checksDesactivar comprovacions de seguretat de bucles
+ DebuggingDepuració
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Activa els serveis d'informes detallats**
+ Enable FS Access LogActivar registre d'accés al FS
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedAvançat
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeMode quiosc (Quest)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingActivar depuració de la CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsActivar alertes de depuració
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Activar Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller TypesActivar tots els tipus de controladors
+ Disable Web AppletDesactivar el Web Applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Això es restablirà automàticament quan es tanqui yuzu.
@@ -1036,12 +1046,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1092,13 +1102,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ AudioÀudio
@@ -1114,13 +1124,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ GraphicsGràfics
@@ -1136,7 +1146,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ControlsControls
@@ -1152,7 +1162,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ SystemSistema
@@ -1415,7 +1425,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ NoneCap
@@ -1526,112 +1536,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Filtre d'adaptació de finestra:
+ Nearest NeighborVeí més proper
+ BilinearBilineal
+ BicubicBicúbic
+ GaussianGaussià
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (només Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Mètode d'anti-aliasing
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorUtilitza un color de fons global
+ Set background color:Configura un color de fons:
+ Background Color:Color de fons:
@@ -1676,76 +1701,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync evita que la pantalla s'esquinci, però algunes tarjetes gràfiques tenen un rendiment menor amb VSync actiu. Mantén-lo actiu si no notes una diferència de rendiment.
+ Use VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Activa la compilació asíncrona de shaders, el qual podria reduir el tartamudeig dels shaders. Aquesta funcionalitat és experimental.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Utilitzar la construcció de shaders asíncrona (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Habilita el temps ràpid de la GPU. Aquesta opció obligarà a la majoria dels jocs a executar-se a la seva resolució nativa més alta.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Utilitzar temps ràpid a la GPU (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Filtrat anisotròpic:
+ AutomaticAutomàtic
+ DefaultValor predeterminat
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2133,7 +2178,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ConfigureConfigurar
@@ -2159,6 +2204,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzuNecessita reiniciar yuzu
@@ -2178,22 +2224,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Navegació del controlador
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningActivar desplaçament del ratolí
+ Mouse sensitivitySensibilitat del ratolí
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchMoviment / Tàctil
@@ -2305,7 +2356,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickPalanca esquerra
@@ -2399,14 +2450,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2425,7 +2476,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ PlusMés
@@ -2438,15 +2489,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2503,236 +2554,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickPalanca dreta
+ ClearEsborrar
+ [not set][no establert]
+ Invert buttonBotó d'inversió
+ Toggle buttonBotó commutador
+ Invert axisInvertir eixos
+ Set thresholdConfigurar llindar
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Esculli un valor entre 0% i 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro thresholdConfigurar llindar giroscopi
+ Map Analog StickConfiguració de palanca analògica
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Després de prémer D'acord, primer moveu el joystick horitzontalment i després verticalment.
Per invertir els eixos, primer moveu el joystick verticalment i després horitzontalment.
+ Center axisCentrar eixos
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona morta: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Rang del modificador: %1%
+ Pro ControllerControlador Pro
+ Dual JoyconsJoycons duals
+ Left JoyconJoycon esquerra
+ Right JoyconJoycon dret
+ HandheldPortàtil
+ GameCube ControllerControlador de GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerControlador NES
+ SNES ControllerControlador SNES
+ N64 ControllerControlador N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseInici / Pausa
+ ZZ
+ Control StickPalanca de control
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!Sacseja!
+ [waiting][esperant]
+ New ProfileNou perfil
+ Enter a profile name:Introdueixi un nom de perfil:
+ Create Input ProfileCrear perfil d'entrada
+ The given profile name is not valid!El nom de perfil introduït no és vàlid!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Error al crear el perfil d'entrada "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileEliminar perfil d'entrada
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Error al eliminar el perfil d'entrada "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileCarregar perfil d'entrada
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Error al carregar el perfil d'entrada "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileGuardar perfil d'entrada
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Error al guardar el perfil d'entrada "%1"
@@ -2780,7 +2831,7 @@ Per invertir els eixos, primer moveu el joystick verticalment i després horitzo
+ ConfigureConfiguració
@@ -2816,7 +2867,7 @@ Per invertir els eixos, primer moveu el joystick verticalment i després horitzo
+ TestProvar
@@ -2836,77 +2887,77 @@ Per invertir els eixos, primer moveu el joystick verticalment i després horitzo
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Més Informació</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersEl número de port té caràcters invàlids
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353El port ha d'estar entre el rang 0 i 65353
+ IP address is not validl'Adreça IP no és vàlida
+ This UDP server already existsAquest servidor UDP ja existeix
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversNo és possible afegir més de 8 servidors
+ TestingProvant
+ ConfiguringConfigurant
+ Test SuccessfulProva exitosa
+ Successfully received data from the server.S'han rebut dades des del servidor correctament.
+ Test FailedProva fallida
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.No s'han pogut rebre dades vàlides des del servidor.<br>Si us plau, verifiqui que el servidor està configurat correctament i que la direcció i el port són correctes.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.La prova del UDP o la configuració de la calibració està en curs.<br>Si us plau, esperi a que acabi el procés.
@@ -3234,7 +3285,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3255,33 +3306,90 @@ UUID: %2
Zona morta: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsRestaurar els valors predeterminats
+ ClearEsborrar
+ [not set][no establert]
+ Invert axisInvertir eixos
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona morta: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Configurant
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][esperant]
@@ -3586,8 +3694,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Anglès
+ American English
@@ -3720,22 +3828,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Els paràmetres del sistema només estan disponibles quan el joc no s'està executant.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Això reemplaçarà la seva Switch virtual actual amb una nova. La seva Switch virtual actual no serà recuperable. Això podria tenir efectes inesperats en els jocs. Això pot fallar si fa servir una partida guardada amb una configuració desactualitzada. Continuar?
+ WarningAvís
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID de la consola: 0x%1
@@ -3806,7 +3919,7 @@ UUID: %2
Configuració TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Selecciona el directori de càrrega TAS...
@@ -4362,7 +4475,7 @@ Arrossegui els punts per a canviar la posició, o faci doble clic a les cel·les
Controlador J1
+ &Controller P1&Controlador J1
@@ -4375,42 +4488,37 @@ Arrossegui els punts per a canviar la posició, o faci doble clic a les cel·les
- IP Address
+ Server Address
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4418,12 +4526,12 @@ Arrossegui els punts per a canviar la posició, o faci doble clic a les cel·les
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4494,472 +4602,482 @@ Arrossegui els punts per a canviar la posició, o faci doble clic a les cel·les
Temps que costa emular un fotograma de la Switch, sense tenir en compte la limitació de fotogrames o la sincronització vertical. Per a una emulació òptima, aquest valor hauria de ser com a màxim de 16.67 ms.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Esborrar arxius recents
+ &Continue&Continuar
+ &Pause&Pausar
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu està executant un joc
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatAdvertència format del joc desfasat
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Està utilitzant el format de directori de ROM deconstruït per a aquest joc, que és un format desactualitzat que ha sigut reemplaçat per altres, com NCA, NAX, XCI o NSP. Els directoris de ROM deconstruïts careixen d'icones, metadades i suport d'actualitzacions.<br><br>Per a obtenir una explicació dels diversos formats de Switch que suporta yuzu,<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>faci una ullada a la nostra wiki</a>. Aquest missatge no es tornarà a mostrar.
+ Error while loading ROM!Error carregant la ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.El format de la ROM no està suportat.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.S'ha produït un error inicialitzant el nucli de vídeo.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu ha trobat un error mentre executava el nucli de vídeo. Això sol ser causat per controladors de la GPU obsolets, inclosos els integrats. Si us plau, consulti el registre per a més detalls. Per obtenir més informació sobre com accedir al registre, consulti la següent pàgina: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Com carregar el fitxer de registre</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Error al carregar la ROM! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Si us plau, segueixi <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>la guia d'inici de yuzu</a> per a bolcar de nou els seus fitxers.<br>Pot consultar la wiki de yuzu wiki</a> o el Discord de yuzu</a> per obtenir ajuda.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.S'ha produït un error desconegut. Si us plau, consulti el registre per a més detalls.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataDades de partides guardades
+ Mod DataDades de mods
+ Error Opening %1 FolderError obrint la carpeta %1
+ Folder does not exist!La carpeta no existeix!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheError obrint la cache transferible de shaders
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.No s'ha pogut crear el directori de la cache dels shaders per aquest títol.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove EntryEliminar entrada
+ Successfully RemovedS'ha eliminat correctament
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.S'ha eliminat correctament el joc base instal·lat.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.El joc base no està instal·lat a la NAND i no pot ser eliminat.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.S'ha eliminat correctament l'actualització instal·lada.
+ There is no update installed for this title.No hi ha cap actualització instal·lada per aquest títol.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.No hi ha cap DLC instal·lat per aquest títol.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.S'ha eliminat correctament %1 DLC instal·lat/s.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Desitja eliminar la cache transferible de shaders d'OpenGL?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Desitja eliminar la cache transferible de shaders de Vulkan?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Desitja eliminar totes les caches transferibles de shaders?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Desitja eliminar la configuració personalitzada del joc?
+ Remove FileEliminar arxiu
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheError eliminant la cache transferible de shaders
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.No existeix una cache de shaders per aquest títol.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.S'ha eliminat correctament la cache transferible de shaders.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.No s'ha pogut eliminar la cache transferible de shaders.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesError al eliminar les caches de shaders transferibles
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Caches de shaders transferibles eliminades correctament.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.No s'ha pogut eliminar el directori de caches de shaders transferibles.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationError eliminant la configuració personalitzada
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.No existeix una configuració personalitzada per aquest joc.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.S'ha eliminat correctament la configuració personalitzada del joc.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.No s'ha pogut eliminar la configuració personalitzada del joc.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!La extracció de RomFS ha fallat!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.S'ha produït un error copiant els arxius RomFS o l'usuari ha cancel·lat la operació.
+ FullCompleta
+ SkeletonEsquelet
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeSeleccioni el mode de bolcat de RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Si us plau, seleccioni la forma en que desitja bolcar la RomFS.<br>Completa copiarà tots els arxius al nou directori mentre que<br>esquelet només crearà l'estructura de directoris.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump RootNo hi ha suficient espai lliure a %1 per extreure el RomFS. Si us plau, alliberi espai o esculli un altre directori de bolcat a Emulació > Configuració > Sistema > Sistema d'arxius > Carpeta arrel de bolcat
+ Extracting RomFS...Extraient RomFS...
+ CancelCancel·la
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Extracció de RomFS completada correctament!
+ The operation completed successfully.L'operació s'ha completat correctament.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Error obrint %1
+ Select DirectorySeleccionar directori
+ PropertiesPropietats
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Les propietats del joc no s'han pogut carregar.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Executable de Switch (%1);;Tots els Arxius (*.*)
+ Load FileCarregar arxiu
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryObrir el directori de la ROM extreta
+ Invalid Directory SelectedDirectori seleccionat invàlid
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.El directori que ha seleccionat no conté un arxiu 'main'.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Arxiu de Switch Instal·lable (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Arxiu de Continguts Nintendo (*.nca);;Paquet d'enviament Nintendo (*.nsp);;Imatge de Cartutx NX (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstal·lar arxius
+ %n file(s) remaining%n arxiu(s) restants%n arxiu(s) restants
+ Installing file "%1"...Instal·lant arxiu "%1"...
+ Install ResultsResultats instal·lació
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Per evitar possibles conflictes, no recomanem als usuaris que instal·lin jocs base a la NAND.
Si us plau, utilitzi aquesta funció només per a instal·lar actualitzacions i DLCs.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n nou(s) arxiu(s) s'ha(n) instal·lat
@@ -4967,7 +5085,7 @@ Si us plau, utilitzi aquesta funció només per a instal·lar actualitzacions i
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n arxiu(s) s'han sobreescrit
@@ -4975,7 +5093,7 @@ Si us plau, utilitzi aquesta funció només per a instal·lar actualitzacions i
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n arxiu(s) no s'han instal·lat
@@ -4983,377 +5101,377 @@ Si us plau, utilitzi aquesta funció només per a instal·lar actualitzacions i
+ System ApplicationAplicació del sistema
+ System ArchiveArxiu del sistema
+ System Application UpdateActualització de l'aplicació del sistema
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Paquet de firmware (Tipus A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Paquet de firmware (Tipus B)
+ GameJoc
+ Game UpdateActualització de joc
+ Game DLCDLC del joc
+ Delta TitleTítol delta
+ Select NCA Install Type...Seleccioni el tipus d'instal·lació NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Seleccioni el tipus de títol que desitja instal·lar aquest NCA com a:
(En la majoria dels casos, el valor predeterminat 'Joc' està bé.)
+ Failed to InstallHa fallat la instal·lació
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.El tipus de títol seleccionat per el NCA és invàlid.
+ File not foundArxiu no trobat
+ File "%1" not foundArxiu "%1" no trobat
+ OKD'acord
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountFalta el compte de yuzu
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Per tal d'enviar un cas de prova de compatibilitat de joc, ha de vincular el seu compte de yuzu.<br><br/>Per a vincular el seu compte de yuzu, vagi a Emulació & gt; Configuració & gt; Web.
+ Error opening URLError obrint URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".No es pot obrir la URL "%1".
+ TAS RecordingGravació TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Sobreescriure l'arxiu del jugador 1?
+ Invalid config detectedConfiguració invàlida detectada
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.El controlador del mode portàtil no es pot fer servir en el mode acoblat. Es seleccionarà el controlador Pro en el seu lloc.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedL'amiibo actual ha sigut eliminat
+ ErrorError
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosEl joc actual no està buscant amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Arxiu Amiibo (%1);; Tots els Arxius (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCarregar Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataError al carregar les dades d'Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotCaptura de pantalla
+ PNG Image (*.png)Imatge PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2Estat TAS: executant %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1Estat TAS: gravant %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2Estat TAS: inactiu %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidEstat TAS: invàlid
+ &Stop Running&Parar l'execució
+ &Start&Iniciar
+ Stop R&ecordingParar g&ravació
+ R&ecordG&ravar
+ Building: %n shader(s)Construint: %n shader(s)Construint: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorEscala: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Velocitat: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Velocitat: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Joc: %1 FPS (desbloquejat)
+ Game: %1 FPSJoc: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFotograma: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationConfirmi la clau de rederivació
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5370,37 +5488,37 @@ i opcionalment faci còpies de seguretat.
Això eliminarà els arxius de les claus generats automàticament i tornarà a executar el mòdul de derivació de claus.
+ Missing fusesFalten fusibles
+ - Missing BOOT0 - Falta BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - Falta BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO - Falta PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingFalten components de derivació
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Falten les claus d'encriptació. <br>Si us plau, segueixi <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>la guia ràpida de yuzu</a> per a obtenir totes les seves claus, firmware i jocs.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5409,39 +5527,39 @@ Això pot prendre fins a un minut depenent
del rendiment del seu sistema.
+ Deriving KeysDerivant claus
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetSeleccioni el destinatari per a bolcar el RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Si us plau, seleccioni quin RomFS desitja bolcar.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Està segur de que vol tancar yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Està segur de que vol aturar l'emulació? Qualsevol progrés no guardat es perdrà.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5453,44 +5571,44 @@ Desitja tancar-lo de totes maneres?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL no disponible!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu no ha estat compilat amb suport per OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Error al inicialitzar OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.La seva GPU no suporta OpenGL, o no té instal·lat els últims controladors gràfics.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Error inicialitzant OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1La seva GPU no suporta OpenGL 4.6, o no té instal·lats els últims controladors gràfics.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2És possible que la seva GPU no suporti una o més extensions necessàries d'OpenGL. Si us plau, asseguris de tenir els últims controladors de la tarjeta gràfica.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Extensions no suportades:<br>%2
@@ -5992,7 +6110,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDInstal·lar arxius a la NAND
@@ -6000,7 +6118,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1El text no pot contenir cap dels següents caràcters
@@ -6653,7 +6771,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6702,31 +6820,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][no establert]
@@ -6737,14 +6855,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Eix %1%2
@@ -6755,262 +6873,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][desconegut]
+ LeftEsquerra
+ RightDreta
+ DownAvall
+ UpAmunt
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartInici
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleCercle
+ CrossCreu
+ SquareCuadrat
+ TriangleTriangle
+ ShareCompartir
+ OptionsOpcions
+ [undefined][indefinit]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][invàlid]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Rotació %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Eix %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Eixos %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Moviment %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Botó %3
+ [unused][sense ús]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Més
+ Minus
+ Menys
+ HomeInici
+ Capture
+ Captura
+ TouchTàctil
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelRoda
+ BackwardEnrere
+ ForwardEndavant
+ TaskTasca
+ ExtraExtra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/cs.ts b/dist/languages/cs.ts
index d0f71808d..bafb8997b 100644
--- a/dist/languages/cs.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/cs.ts
@@ -918,102 +918,112 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
Zakázat Makro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheKdyž je zaškrtnuto, yuzu bude logovat statistiky o kompilované mezipaměti pipelinu
+ Enable Shader FeedbackPovolit Shader Feedback
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesKdyž je zaškrtnuto, shadery budou exekutovány bez změn logických smyček.
+ Disable Loop safety checks
+ DebuggingLadění
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access Log
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedPokročilé
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModePředváděcí (Quest/Kiosk) režim
+ Enable CPU Debugging
+ Enable Debug AssertsPovolit Debug Asserts
+ Enable Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller Types
+ Disable Web AppletZakázat Web Applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.
@@ -1028,12 +1038,12 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1084,13 +1094,13 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ AudioZvuk
@@ -1106,13 +1116,13 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ GeneralObecné
+ GraphicsGrafika
@@ -1128,7 +1138,7 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ ControlsOvládání
@@ -1144,7 +1154,7 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ SystemSystém
@@ -1407,7 +1417,7 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ NoneŽádné
@@ -1518,112 +1528,127 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
- 2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
- 3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)
- 4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)
- 5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:
+ Nearest Neighbor
+ Bilinear
+ Bicubic
+ Gaussian
+ ScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorPoužít globální barvu pozadí
+ Set background color:Nastavit barvu pozadí:
+ Background Color:Barva Pozadí:
@@ -1668,76 +1693,96 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.V-Sync brání obrazovce před trháním, ale některé grafické karty mají menší výkon se zapnutým V-Sync. Nechte toto zapnuté, pokud si nevšimnete žádných rozdílů ve výkonu.
+ Use VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Zapnout asynchronní kompilaci shaderů, která může snížit zasekávání shaderů. Tato funkce je experimentální.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Anizotropní filtrování:
+ Automatic
+ DefaultVýchozí
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2125,7 +2170,7 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ ConfigureNastavení
@@ -2151,6 +2196,7 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ Requires restarting yuzu
@@ -2170,22 +2216,27 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningPovolit naklánění myší
+ Mouse sensitivityCitlivost myši
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchPohyb / Dotyk
@@ -2297,7 +2348,7 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ Left StickLevá Páčka
@@ -2391,14 +2442,14 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ LL
@@ -2417,7 +2468,7 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ PlusPlus
@@ -2430,15 +2481,15 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ RR
@@ -2495,236 +2546,236 @@ Tato možnost zlepšuje rychlost díky závislosti na sémantice cmpxchg pro zaj
+ Right StickPravá páčka
+ ClearVyčistit
+ [not set][nenastaveno]
+ Invert button
+ Toggle buttonPřepnout tlačítko
+ Invert axisPřevrátit osy
+ Set threshold
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog StickNamapovat analogovou páčku
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Po stisknutí OK nejprve posuňte joystick horizontálně, poté vertikálně.
Pro převrácení os nejprve posuňte joystick vertikálně, poté horizontálně.
+ Center axis
+ Deadzone: %1%Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Rozsah modifikátoru: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual JoyconsDual Joycons
+ Left JoyconLevý Joycon
+ Right JoyconPravý Joycon
+ HandheldV rukou
+ GameCube ControllerOvladač GameCube
+ Poke Ball Plus
+ NES Controller
+ SNES Controller
+ N64 Controller
+ Sega Genesis
+ Start / PauseStart / Pause
+ ZZ
+ Control StickControl Stick
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!Shake!
+ [waiting][čekání]
+ New ProfileNový profil
+ Enter a profile name:Zadejte název profilu:
+ Create Input ProfileVytvořit profil vstupu
+ The given profile name is not valid!Zadaný název profilu není platný!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Nepodařilo se vytvořit profil vstupu "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileOdstranit profil vstupu
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Nepodařilo se odstranit profil vstupu "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileNačíst profil vstupu
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Nepodařilo se načíst profil vstupu "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileUložit profil vstupu
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Nepodařilo se uložit profil vstupu "%1"
@@ -2772,7 +2823,7 @@ Pro převrácení os nejprve posuňte joystick vertikálně, poté horizontáln
+ ConfigureKonfigurovat
@@ -2808,7 +2859,7 @@ Pro převrácení os nejprve posuňte joystick vertikálně, poté horizontáln
+ TestTest
@@ -2828,77 +2879,77 @@ Pro převrácení os nejprve posuňte joystick vertikálně, poté horizontáln
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Dozvědět se více</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersČíslo portu obsahuje neplatné znaky
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Port musí být v rozsahu 0 až 65353
+ IP address is not validIP adresa není platná
+ This UDP server already existsUDP server již existuje
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversNení možné přidat více než 8 serverů
+ TestingTestování
+ ConfiguringNastavování
+ Test SuccessfulTest byl úspěšný
+ Successfully received data from the server.Úspěšně jsme získali data ze serveru.
+ Test FailedTest byl neúspěšný
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Nedostali jsme platná data ze serveru.<br>Prosím zkontrolujte, že váš server je nastaven správně a že adresa a port jsou zadány správně.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Probíhá test UDP nebo konfigurace kalibrace.<br>Prosím vyčkejte na dokončení.
@@ -3226,7 +3277,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3247,33 +3298,90 @@ UUID: %2
Deadzone: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsVrátit výchozí nastavení
+ ClearVymazat
+ [not set][nenastaveno]
+ Invert axisPřevrátit osy
+ Deadzone: %1%Deadzone: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Nastavování
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][čekání]
@@ -3578,8 +3686,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Angličtina (English)
+ American English
@@ -3712,22 +3820,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Systémová nastavení jsou dostupná pouze, pokud hra neběží.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Toto vymění váš virtuální Switch za nový. Váš aktuální virtuální Switch nebude možno navrátit. Tohle může mít nečekané následky ve hrách. Tohle může selhat pokud použijete starý konfig savu. Pokračovat?
+ WarningVarování
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID Konzole: 0x%1
@@ -3798,7 +3911,7 @@ UUID: %2
+ Select TAS Load Directory...
@@ -4354,7 +4467,7 @@ Táhněte body pro změnu pozice nebo dvojitě klikněte na buňky tabulky pro z
Ovladač P1
+ &Controller P1&Ovladač P1
@@ -4367,42 +4480,37 @@ Táhněte body pro změnu pozice nebo dvojitě klikněte na buňky tabulky pro z
- IP Address
+ Server Address
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4410,12 +4518,12 @@ Táhněte body pro změnu pozice nebo dvojitě klikněte na buňky tabulky pro z
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4485,860 +4593,870 @@ Táhněte body pro změnu pozice nebo dvojitě klikněte na buňky tabulky pro z
Čas potřebný na emulaci framu scény, nepočítá se limit nebo v-sync. Pro plnou rychlost by se tohle mělo pohybovat okolo 16.67 ms.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Vymazat poslední soubory
+ &Continue&Pokračovat
+ &Pause&Pauza
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleeping
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatVarování Zastaralý Formát Hry
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Používáte rozbalený formát hry, který je zastaralý a byl nahrazen jinými jako NCA, NAX, XCI, nebo NSP. Rozbalená ROM nemá ikony, metadata, a podporu updatů.<br><br>Pro vysvětlení všech možných podporovaných typů, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>zkoukni naší wiki</a>. Tato zpráva se nebude znova zobrazovat.
+ Error while loading ROM!Chyba při načítání ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Tento formát ROM není podporován.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Nastala chyba při inicializaci jádra videa.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Chyba při načítání ROM! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Pro extrakci souborů postupujte podle <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>rychlého průvodce yuzu</a>. Nápovědu naleznete na <br>wiki</a> nebo na Discordu</a>.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Nastala chyba. Koukni do logu.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataUložit data
+ Mod DataMódovat Data
+ Error Opening %1 FolderChyba otevírání složky %1
+ Folder does not exist!Složka neexistuje!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheChyba při otevírání přenositelné mezipaměti shaderů
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove EntryOdebrat položku
+ Successfully RemovedÚspěšně odebráno
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Úspěšně odebrán nainstalovaný základ hry.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Základ hry není nainstalovaný na NAND a nemůže být odstraněn.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Úspěšně odebrána nainstalovaná aktualizace.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Není nainstalovaná žádná aktualizace pro tento titul.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Není nainstalované žádné DLC pro tento titul.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Úspěšně odstraněno %1 nainstalovaných DLC.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Odstranit vlastní konfiguraci hry?
+ Remove FileOdstranit soubor
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheChyba při odstraňování přenositelné mezipaměti shaderů
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Mezipaměť shaderů pro tento titul neexistuje.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Přenositelná mezipaměť shaderů úspěšně odstraněna
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Nepodařilo se odstranit přenositelnou mezipaměť shaderů
- Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationChyba při odstraňování vlastní konfigurace hry
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Vlastní konfigurace hry pro tento titul neexistuje.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Úspěšně odstraněna vlastní konfigurace hry.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Nepodařilo se odstranit vlastní konfiguraci hry.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!Extrakce RomFS se nepovedla!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Nastala chyba při kopírování RomFS souborů, nebo uživatel operaci zrušil.
+ FullPlný
+ SkeletonKostra
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeVyber RomFS Dump Mode
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Vyber jak by si chtěl RomFS vypsat.<br>Plné zkopíruje úplně všechno, ale<br>kostra zkopíruje jen strukturu složky.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Extracting RomFS...Extrahuji RomFS...
+ CancelZrušit
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Extrakce RomFS se povedla!
+ The operation completed successfully.Operace byla dokončena úspěšně.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Chyba při otevírání %1
+ Select DirectoryVybraná Složka
+ PropertiesVlastnosti
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Herní vlastnosti nemohly být načteny.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch Executable (%1);;Všechny soubory (*.*)
+ Load FileNačíst soubor
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryOtevřít složku s extrahovanou ROM
+ Invalid Directory SelectedVybraná složka je neplatná
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Složka kterou jste vybrali neobsahuje soubor "main"
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Instalovatelný soubor pro Switch (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstalovat Soubory
+ %n file(s) remaining
+ Installing file "%1"...Instalování souboru "%1"...
+ Install ResultsVýsledek instalace
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Abychom předešli možným konfliktům, nedoporučujeme uživatelům instalovat základní hry na paměť NAND.
Tuto funkci prosím používejte pouze k instalaci aktualizací a DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
+ %n file(s) failed to install
+ System ApplicationSystémová Aplikace
+ System ArchiveSystémový archív
+ System Application UpdateSystémový Update Aplikace
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Firmware-ový baliček (Typu A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Firmware-ový baliček (Typu B)
+ GameHra
+ Game UpdateUpdate Hry
+ Game DLCHerní DLC
+ Delta TitleDelta Title
+ Select NCA Install Type...Vyberte typ instalace NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Vyberte typ title-u, který chcete nainstalovat tenhle NCA jako:
(Většinou základní "game" stačí.)
+ Failed to InstallChyba v instalaci
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Tento typ pro tento NCA není platný.
+ File not foundSoubor nenalezen
+ File "%1" not foundSoubor "%1" nenalezen
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountChybí účet yuzu
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Pro přidání recenze kompatibility je třeba mít účet yuzu<br><br/>Pro nalinkování yuzu účtu jdi do Emulace > Konfigurace > Web.
+ Error opening URLChyba při otevírání URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Nelze otevřít URL "%1".
+ TAS Recording
+ Overwrite file of player 1?
+ Invalid config detectedZjištěno neplatné nastavení
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Ruční ovladač nelze používat v dokovacím režimu. Bude vybrán ovladač Pro Controller.
+ Amiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed
+ Error
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Soubor Amiibo (%1);; Všechny Soubory (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboNačíst Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataChyba načítání Amiiba
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotPořídit Snímek Obrazovky
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Image (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2
+ TAS State: Invalid
+ &Stop Running
+ &Start&Start
+ Stop R&ecording
+ R&ecord
+ Building: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Rychlost: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Rychlost: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)
+ Game: %1 FPSHra: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationPotvďte Rederivaci Klíčů
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5355,37 +5473,37 @@ a udělejte si zálohu.
Toto vymaže věechny vaše automaticky generované klíče a znova spustí modul derivace klíčů.
+ Missing fusesChybí Fuses
+ - Missing BOOT0- Chybí BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - Chybí BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO - Chybí PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingChybé odvozené komponenty
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5394,39 +5512,39 @@ Tohle může zabrat až minutu
podle výkonu systému.
+ Deriving KeysDerivuji Klíče
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetVyberte Cíl vypsaní RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Vyberte, kterou RomFS chcete vypsat.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Jste si jist, že chcete zavřít yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Jste si jist, že chcete ukončit emulaci? Jakýkolic neuložený postup bude ztracen.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5438,44 +5556,44 @@ Opravdu si přejete ukončit tuto aplikaci?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL není k dispozici!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu nebylo sestaveno s OpenGL podporou.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Chyba při inicializaci OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Vaše grafická karta pravděpodobně nepodporuje OpenGL nebo nejsou nainstalovány nejnovější ovladače.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Chyba při inicializaci OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Vaše grafická karta pravděpodobně nepodporuje OpenGL 4.6 nebo nejsou nainstalovány nejnovější ovladače.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Vaše grafická karta pravděpodobně nepodporuje jedno nebo více rozšíření OpenGL. Ujistěte se prosím, že jsou nainstalovány nejnovější ovladače.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Nepodporované rozšíření:<br>%2
@@ -5977,7 +6095,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDInstalovat soubory na NAND
@@ -5985,7 +6103,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6637,7 +6755,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6686,31 +6804,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][Nenastaveno]
@@ -6721,14 +6839,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Osa %1%2
@@ -6739,262 +6857,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][Neznámá]
+ LeftDoleva
+ RightDoprava
+ DownDolů
+ UpNahoru
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1
+ L2
+ L3
+ R1
+ R2
+ R3
+ Circle
+ Cross
+ Square
+ Triangle
+ Share
+ Options
+ [undefined]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3
+ %1%2Button %3
+ [unused][nepoužito]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Plus
+ Minus
+ Minus
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Capture
+ TouchDotyk
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheel
+ Backward
+ Forward
+ Task
+ Extra
+ %1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/da.ts b/dist/languages/da.ts
index 94f90dcea..b88b1b756 100644
--- a/dist/languages/da.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/da.ts
@@ -934,102 +934,112 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.Deaktivér Makro-JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheNår valgt, vil yuzu logføre statistikker om det kompilerede rørlinje-mellemlager
+ Enable Shader FeedbackAktivér Shader-Tilbagemelding
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesNår valgt, eksekverer den shadere, uden loop-logik-forandringer
+ Disable Loop safety checksDeaktivér Loop-sikkerhedskontrol
+ DebuggingFejlfinding
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Aktivér Vitterlig Rapporteringstjeneste
+ Enable FS Access LogAktivér FS-Tilgangslog
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.Aktivér dette, for at udgyde den senest genererede lyd-kommandoliste til konsollen. Påvirker kun spil, som gør brug af lyd-renderingen.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**Dump Lydkommandoer Til Konsol**
+ Create Minidump After CrashOpret Minidump Efter Nedbrud
+ AdvancedAvanceret
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk (Rejse)-Tilstand
+ Enable CPU DebuggingAktivér CPU-Fejlfinding
+ Enable Debug AssertsAktivér Fejlfindingshævdelser
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Aktivér Automatisk Stub**
+ Enable All Controller TypesAktivér Alle Kontrolenhedstyper
+ Disable Web AppletDeaktivér Net-Applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.Gør Yuzu i stand til at kontrollere for et funktionelt Vulkan-miljø, når programmet starter op. Deaktivering af dette forårsager problemer med at eksterne programmer ser Yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan CheckUdfør Vulkan-Kontrol Under Opstart
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Dette vil automatisk blive nulstillet, når yuzu lukkes.
@@ -1044,12 +1054,12 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.Yuzu kræver en genstart, for at anvende denne indstilling.
+ Web applet not compiledNet-applet ikke kompileret
+ MiniDump creation not compiledMiniDump oprettelse ikke kompileret
@@ -1100,13 +1110,13 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ AudioLyd
@@ -1122,13 +1132,13 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ GeneralGenerelt
+ GraphicsGrafik
@@ -1144,7 +1154,7 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ ControlsStyring
@@ -1160,7 +1170,7 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ SystemSystem
@@ -1423,7 +1433,7 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ NoneIngen
@@ -1534,112 +1544,127 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Vinduestilpassende Filter:
+ Nearest NeighborNærmeste Nabo
+ BilinearBilineær
+ BicubicBikubisk
+ GaussianGausisk
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Superopløsning (Kun Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Anti-Aliaseringsmetode:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorBrug global baggrundsfarve
+ Set background color:Angiv baggrundsfarve:
+ Background Color:Baggrundsfarve:
@@ -1684,76 +1709,96 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync forhindrer skærmen i at frynse, men nogle grafikkort har lavere ydeevne med VSync aktiveret. Behold det aktiveret, hvis du ikke bemærker en forskel i ydeevne.
+ Use VSyncBrug VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Aktiverer asynkron shader-kompilering, hvilket kan reducere shader-stammen. Denne funktion er eksperimentiel.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Brug asynkron shader-opbygning (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Aktiverer Hurtig GPU-Tid. Denne valgmulighed vil tvinge de fleste spil, til at køre i deres højeste indbyggede opløsning.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Brug Hurtig GPU-Tid (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Anisotropisk Filtrering:
+ Automatic
+ DefaultStandard
+ 2x
+ 4x
+ 8x
+ 16x
@@ -2141,7 +2186,7 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ ConfigureKonfigurér
@@ -2167,6 +2212,7 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ Requires restarting yuzuKræver genstart af yuzu
@@ -2186,22 +2232,27 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningAktivér kig med mus
+ Mouse sensitivityMus-følsomhed
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchBevægelse / Berøring
@@ -2313,7 +2364,7 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ Left StickVenstre Styrepind
@@ -2407,14 +2458,14 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ LL
@@ -2433,7 +2484,7 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ PlusPlus
@@ -2446,15 +2497,15 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ RR
@@ -2511,236 +2562,236 @@ Dette vil bandlyse både vedkommendes forum-brugernavn og IP-adresse.
+ Right StickHøjre Styrepind
+ ClearRyd
+ [not set][ikke indstillet]
+ Invert button
+ Toggle buttonFunktionsskifteknap
+ Invert axisOmvend akser
+ Set thresholdAngiv tærskel
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Vælg en værdi imellem 0% og 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog StickTilsted Analog Pind
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Bevæg, efter tryk på OK, først din styrepind vandret og så lodret.
Bevæg, for at omvende akserne, først din styrepind lodret og så vandret.
+ Center axis
+ Deadzone: %1%Dødzone: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Forandringsrækkevidde: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro-Styringsenhed
+ Dual JoyconsDobbelt-Joycon
+ Left JoyconVenstre Joycon
+ Right JoyconHøjre Joycon
+ HandheldHåndholdt
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube-Styringsenhed
+ Poke Ball Plus
+ NES Controller
+ SNES Controller
+ N64 Controller
+ Sega Genesis
+ Start / PauseStart / Pause
+ ZZ
+ Control StickStyrepind
+ C-StickC-Pind
+ Shake!Ryst!
+ [waiting][venter]
+ New ProfileNy Profil
+ Enter a profile name:Indtast et profilnavn:
+ Create Input ProfileOpret Input-Profil
+ The given profile name is not valid!Det angivne profilnavn er ikke gyldigt!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Oprettelse af input-profil "%1" mislykkedes
+ Delete Input ProfileSlet Input-Profil
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Sletning af input-profil "%1" mislykkedes
+ Load Input ProfileIndlæs Input-Profil
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Indlæsning af input-profil "%1" mislykkedes
+ Save Input ProfileGem Input-Profil
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Lagring af input-profil "%1" mislykkedes
@@ -2788,7 +2839,7 @@ Bevæg, for at omvende akserne, først din styrepind lodret og så vandret.
+ ConfigureKonfigurér
@@ -2824,7 +2875,7 @@ Bevæg, for at omvende akserne, først din styrepind lodret og så vandret.
+ TestAfprøv
@@ -2844,77 +2895,77 @@ Bevæg, for at omvende akserne, først din styrepind lodret og så vandret.<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Find Ud Af Mere</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersPortnummer indeholder ugyldige tegn
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Port skal være imellem 0 and 65353
+ IP address is not validIP-adresse er ikke gyldig
+ This UDP server already existsDenne UDP-server eksisterer allerede
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversUde af stand til, at tilføje mere end 8 servere
+ TestingAfprøvning
+ ConfiguringKonfigurér
+ Test SuccessfulAfprøvning Lykkedes
+ Successfully received data from the server.Modtagelse af data fra serveren lykkedes.
+ Test FailedAfprøvning Mislykkedes
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Kunne ikke modtage gyldig data fra serveren.<br>Bekræft venligst, at serveren er opsat korrekt, og at adressen og porten er korrekte.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP-Afprøvnings- eller -kalibreringskonfiguration er i gang.<br>vent venligst på, at de bliver færdige.
@@ -3242,7 +3293,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3263,33 +3314,90 @@ UUID: %2
Dødzone: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsGendan Standarder
+ ClearRyd
+ [not set][ikke indstillet]
+ Invert axisOmvend akser
+ Deadzone: %1%Dødzone: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Konfigurér
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][venter]
@@ -3594,8 +3702,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Engelsk
+ American English
@@ -3728,22 +3836,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Systemindstillinger er kun tilgængelige, når spil ikke kører.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Dette vil erstatte din nuværende virtuelle Switch med en ny. Din nuværende virtuelle Switch vil ikke kunne gendannes. Dette kan have uforudsete konsekvenser i spil. Dette kan fejle, hvis du bruger en forældet konfiguration fra gemte data. Fortsæt?
+ WarningAdvarsel
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsol-ID: 0x%1
@@ -3814,7 +3927,7 @@ UUID: %2
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Vælg TAS-Indlæsningsmappe...
@@ -4370,7 +4483,7 @@ Træk punkter, for at skifte position, eller dobbeltklik i tabelceller, for at r
Styringsenhed P1
+ &Controller P1&Styringsenhed P1
@@ -4383,42 +4496,37 @@ Træk punkter, for at skifte position, eller dobbeltklik i tabelceller, for at r
- IP Address
+ Server Address
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4426,12 +4534,12 @@ Træk punkter, for at skifte position, eller dobbeltklik i tabelceller, for at r
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4501,858 +4609,868 @@ Træk punkter, for at skifte position, eller dobbeltklik i tabelceller, for at r
+ &Clear Recent Files
+ &Continue
+ &Pause
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleeping
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatAdvarsel, Forældet Spilformat
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.
+ Error while loading ROM!Fejl under indlæsning af ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.ROM-formatet understøttes ikke.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Der skete en fejl under initialisering af video-kerne.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.
+ (64-bit)
+ (32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit
+ Closing software...
+ Save Data
+ Mod Data
+ Error Opening %1 FolderFejl ved Åbning af %1 Mappe
+ Folder does not exist!Mappe eksisterer ikke!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader Cache
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove Entry
+ Successfully Removed
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.
+ There is no update installed for this title.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?
+ Remove File
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.
- Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Custom Configuration
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFS-Udpakning Mislykkedes!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Der skete en fejl ved kopiering af RomFS-filerne, eller brugeren afbrød opgaven.
+ FullFuld
+ SkeletonSkelet
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeVælg RomFS-Nedfældelsestilstand
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Extracting RomFS...Udpakker RomFS...
+ CancelAfbryd
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS-Udpakning Lykkedes!
+ The operation completed successfully.Fuldførelse af opgaven lykkedes.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Fejl ved Åbning af %1
+ Select DirectoryVælg Mappe
+ PropertiesEgenskaber
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Spil-egenskaberne kunne ikke indlæses.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch-Eksekverbar (%1);;Alle filer (*.*)
+ Load FileIndlæs Fil
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryÅbn Udpakket ROM-Mappe
+ Invalid Directory SelectedUgyldig Mappe Valgt
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install Files
+ %n file(s) remaining
+ Installing file "%1"...Installér fil "%1"...
+ Install Results
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
+ %n file(s) failed to install
+ System ApplicationSystemapplikation
+ System ArchiveSystemarkiv
+ System Application UpdateSystemapplikationsopdatering
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Firmwarepakke (Type A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Firmwarepakke (Type B)
+ GameSpil
+ Game UpdateSpilopdatering
+ Game DLCSpiludvidelse
+ Delta TitleDelta-Titel
+ Select NCA Install Type...Vælg NCA-Installationstype...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)
+ Failed to InstallInstallation mislykkedes
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.
+ File not foundFil ikke fundet
+ File "%1" not foundFil "%1" ikke fundet
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountManglende yuzu-Konto
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.
+ Error opening URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".
+ TAS Recording
+ Overwrite file of player 1?
+ Invalid config detected
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.
+ Amiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed
+ Error
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo-Fil (%1);; Alle Filer (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboIndlæs Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataFejl ved indlæsning af Amiibo-data
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotOptag Skærmbillede
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG-Billede (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2
+ TAS State: Invalid
+ &Stop Running
+ &Start
+ Stop R&ecording
+ R&ecord
+ Building: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Hastighed: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Hastighed: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)
+ Game: %1 FPSSpil: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msBillede: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key Rederivation
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5363,76 +5481,76 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
+ Missing fuses
+ - Missing BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components Missing
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
+ Deriving Keys
+ Select RomFS Dump Target
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Er du sikker på, at du vil lukke yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Er du sikker på, at du vil stoppe emulereingen? Enhver ulagret data, vil gå tabt.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5442,44 +5560,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2
@@ -5981,7 +6099,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NAND
@@ -5989,7 +6107,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6637,7 +6755,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6686,31 +6804,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftSkift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][ikke indstillet]
@@ -6721,14 +6839,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Akse %1%2
@@ -6739,262 +6857,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][ukendt]
+ LeftVenstre
+ RightHøjre
+ Downed
+ UpOp
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1
+ L2
+ L3
+ R1
+ R2
+ R3
+ Circle
+ Cross
+ Square
+ Triangle
+ Share
+ Options
+ [undefined]
+ %1%2
+ [invalid]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3
+ %1%2Button %3
+ [unused][ubrugt]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Plus
+ Minus
+ Minus
+ HomeHjem
+ Capture
+ Optag
+ TouchBerøring
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheel
+ Backward
+ Forward
+ Task
+ Extra
+ %1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/de.ts b/dist/languages/de.ts
index eae45f337..6e4468f6f 100644
--- a/dist/languages/de.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/de.ts
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
<html><head/><body><p>Does the game boot?</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body>Startet das Spiel?</p></body></html>
@@ -270,12 +270,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Yes The game works without crashes
+ Ja Das Spiel funktioniert ohne Abstürze.No The game crashes or freezes during gameplay
+ Nein Das Spiel funktioniert nicht fehlerfrei. (Stürzt ab oder freezed)
@@ -285,12 +285,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Yes The game can be finished without any workarounds
+ Ja Das Spiel kann ohne Workarounds abgeschlossen werden.No The game can't progress past a certain area
+ Nein Spezielle Bereiche des Spieles können nicht abgeschlossen werden.
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
None Audio is played perfectly
+ Keine Audio wird perfekt abgespielt
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Enable Host MMU Emulation (exclusive memory instructions)
+ Aktiviere Host MMU Emulation (exlusive memory instructions).
@@ -914,102 +914,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Macro-JIT deaktivieren
- When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ Deaktiviert Macro-HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache
+ Wenn ausgewählt wird yuzu Log Statistiken über den kompilierte Pipeline Chache sammeln.
+ Enable Shader FeedbackShader-Feedback aktivieren
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes
+ Disable Loop safety checks
+ DebuggingDebugging
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access LogFS-Zugriffslog aktivieren
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedErweitert
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk(Quest)-Modus
+ Enable CPU DebuggingCPU Debugging aktivieren
+ Enable Debug Assertsaktiviere Debug-Meldungen
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Auto-Stub** aktivieren
+ Enable All Controller Types
+ Disable Web AppletDeaktiviere die Web Applikation
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Dies wird automatisch beim Schließen von yuzu zurückgesetzt.
@@ -1024,12 +1034,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
yuzu muss neugestartet werden, damit diese Einstellungen übernommen werden können.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ Web-Applet nicht kompiliert
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1080,13 +1090,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ AudioAudio
@@ -1102,13 +1112,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ GeneralAllgemein
+ GraphicsGrafik
@@ -1124,7 +1134,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ControlsSteuerung
@@ -1140,7 +1150,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ SystemSystem
@@ -1326,7 +1336,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Extended memory layout (6GB DRAM)
+ Erweitertes Speicherlayout (6GB DRAM)
@@ -1403,7 +1413,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ NoneKeiner
@@ -1514,112 +1524,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTELL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:
+ Nearest Neighbor
+ BilinearBilinear
+ BicubicBikubisch
+ Gaussian
+ Gaussian
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (nur Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Kantenglättungs-Methode:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%100%
+ Use global background colorGlobale Hintergrundfarbe verwenden
+ Set background color:Hintergrundfarbe:
+ Background Color:Hintergrundfarbe:
@@ -1664,76 +1689,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync verhindert Screen-Tearing, aber manche Grafikkarten haben eine schlechtere Leistung, wenn es aktiviert ist. Wenn du keinen Unterschied merkst, lasse es aktiviert.
+ Use VSyncVSync verwenden
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Nutze asynchrone Shader-Kompilierung. Dies kann Stottern durch Shader reduzieren. Dieses Feature ist experimentell.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)
+ Aktiviere asynchrones Shader Kompilieren. (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Vulkan-Pipeline-Cache verwernden
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Anisotrope Filterung:
+ AutomaticAutomatisch
+ DefaultStandard
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2121,7 +2166,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ConfigureKonfigurieren
@@ -2147,6 +2192,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzuErfordet Neustart von yuzu
@@ -2166,22 +2212,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningMaus-Panning aktivieren
+ Mouse sensitivityMaus-Empfindlichkeit
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchBewegung / Touch
@@ -2246,7 +2297,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Use global input configuration
+ Verwende globale Eingabe-Konfiguration
@@ -2293,7 +2344,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickLinker Analogstick
@@ -2387,14 +2438,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2413,7 +2464,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ PlusPlus
@@ -2426,15 +2477,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2491,236 +2542,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickRechter Analogstick
+ ClearLöschen
+ [not set][nicht belegt]
+ Invert buttonKnopf invertieren
+ Toggle buttonTaste umschalten
+ Invert axisAchsen umkehren
+ Set threshold
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Wert zwischen 0% und 100% wählen
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog StickAnalog-Stick festlegen
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Nach dem Drücken von OK den Joystick zuerst horizontal, dann vertikal bewegen.
Um die Achsen umzukehren, bewege den Joystick zuerst vertikal und dann horizontal.
+ Center axisAchse zentrieren
+ Deadzone: %1%Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Modifikator-Radius: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual JoyconsZwei Joycons
+ Left JoyconLinker Joycon
+ Right JoyconRechter Joycon
+ HandheldHandheld
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube-Controller
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke-Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerNES Controller
+ SNES ControllerSNES Controller
+ N64 ControllerN64 Controller
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseStart / Pause
+ ZZ
+ Control StickAnalog Stick
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!Schütteln!
+ [waiting][wartet]
+ New ProfileNeues Profil
+ Enter a profile name:Profilnamen eingeben:
+ Create Input ProfileEingabeprofil erstellen
+ The given profile name is not valid!Angegebener Profilname ist nicht gültig!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Erstellen des Eingabeprofils "%1" ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Delete Input ProfileEingabeprofil löschen
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Löschen des Eingabeprofils "%1" ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Load Input ProfileEingabeprofil laden
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Laden des Eingabeprofils "%1" ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Save Input ProfileEingabeprofil speichern
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Speichern des Eingabeprofils "%1" ist fehlgeschlagen
@@ -2768,7 +2819,7 @@ Um die Achsen umzukehren, bewege den Joystick zuerst vertikal und dann horizonta
+ ConfigureEinrichtung
@@ -2804,7 +2855,7 @@ Um die Achsen umzukehren, bewege den Joystick zuerst vertikal und dann horizonta
+ TestTesten
@@ -2824,77 +2875,77 @@ Um die Achsen umzukehren, bewege den Joystick zuerst vertikal und dann horizonta
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Mehr erfahren</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersPort-Nummer hat ungültige Zeichen
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Port muss zwischen 0 und 65353 liegen
+ IP address is not validIP Adresse ist ungültig
+ This UDP server already existsDieser UDP-Server existiert bereits
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversEs können nicht mehr als 8 Server hinzugefügt werden
+ TestingTesten
+ ConfiguringEinrichten
+ Test SuccessfulTest erfolgreich
+ Successfully received data from the server.Daten wurden erfolgreich vom Server empfangen.
+ Test FailedTest fehlgeschlagen
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Konnte keine Daten vom Server empfangen.<br>Prüfe bitte, dass der Server korrekt eingerichtet wurde und dass Adresse und Port korrekt sind.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP-Test oder Kalibration wird gerade durchgeführt.<br>Bitte warte einen Moment.
@@ -3222,7 +3273,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3243,33 +3294,90 @@ UUID: %2
Deadzone: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsStandardwerte wiederherstellen
+ ClearLöschen
+ [not set][nicht belegt]
+ Invert axisAchsen umkehren
+ Deadzone: %1%Deadzone: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Einrichten
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][wartet]
@@ -3574,8 +3682,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Englisch
+ American English
+ Amerikanisches Englisch
@@ -3675,7 +3783,7 @@ UUID: %2
Device Name
+ Gerätename
@@ -3708,22 +3816,27 @@ UUID: %2
Neu generieren
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Die Systemeinstellungen sind nur verfügbar, wenn kein Spiel aktiv ist.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Dieser Vorgang wird deine momentane "virtuelle Switch" mit einer Neuen ersetzen. Deine momentane "virtuelle Switch" wird nicht wiederherstellbar sein. Dies könnte einige unerwartete Effekte in manchen Spielen mit sich bringen. Zudem könnte der Prozess fehlschlagen, wenn zu alte Daten verwendet werden. Möchtest du den Vorgang fortsetzen?
+ WarningWarnung
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsolen ID: 0x%1
@@ -3794,9 +3907,9 @@ UUID: %2
+ Select TAS Load Directory...
+ TAS-Lade-Verzeichnis auswählen...
@@ -4350,7 +4463,7 @@ Ziehe die Punkte mit deiner Maus, um ihre Position zu ändern. Doppelklicke auf
Controller P1
+ &Controller P1&Controller P1
@@ -4363,42 +4476,37 @@ Ziehe die Punkte mit deiner Maus, um ihre Position zu ändern. Doppelklicke auf
Direkt verbinden
- IP Address
- IP-Addresse
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 Addresse des Hosts</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ PortPort
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ NicknameNickname
+ PasswordPasswort
+ ConnectVerbinden
@@ -4406,12 +4514,12 @@ Ziehe die Punkte mit deiner Maus, um ihre Position zu ändern. Doppelklicke auf
+ ConnectingVerbinde
+ ConnectVerbinden
@@ -4481,472 +4589,482 @@ Ziehe die Punkte mit deiner Maus, um ihre Position zu ändern. Doppelklicke auf
Zeit, die gebraucht wurde, um einen Switch-Frame zu emulieren, ohne Framelimit oder V-Sync. Für eine Emulation bei voller Geschwindigkeit sollte dieser Wert bei höchstens 16.67ms liegen.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Zuletzt geladene Dateien leeren
+ &Continue&Fortsetzen
+ &Pause&Pause
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu betreibt ein Speil
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatWarnung veraltetes Spielformat
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Du nutzt eine entpackte ROM-Ordnerstruktur für dieses Spiel, welches ein veraltetes Format ist und von anderen Formaten wie NCA, NAX, XCI oder NSP überholt wurde. Entpackte ROM-Ordner unterstützen keine Icons, Metadaten oder Updates.<br><br><a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>Unser Wiki</a> enthält eine Erklärung der verschiedenen Formate, die yuzu unterstützt. Diese Nachricht wird nicht noch einmal angezeigt.
+ Error while loading ROM!ROM konnte nicht geladen werden!
+ The ROM format is not supported.ROM-Format wird nicht unterstützt.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Beim Initialisieren des Video-Kerns ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.ROM konnte nicht geladen werden! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Bitte folge der <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu-Schnellstart-Anleitung</a> um deine Dateien zu extrahieren.<br>Hilfe findest du im yuzu-Wiki</a> oder dem yuzu-Discord</a>.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte prüfe die Log-Dateien auf mögliche Fehlermeldungen.
+ (64-bit)(64-Bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-Bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...Schließe Software...
+ Save DataSpeicherdaten
+ Mod DataMod-Daten
+ Error Opening %1 FolderKonnte Verzeichnis %1 nicht öffnen
+ Folder does not exist!Verzeichnis existiert nicht!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheFehler beim Öffnen des transferierbaren Shader-Caches
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.
+ Fehler beim erstellen des Shader-Cache-Ordner für den ausgewählten Titel.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing UpdateFehler beim Entfernen des Updates
+ Error Removing DLCFehler beim Entfernen des DLCs
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Installierten Spiele-Content entfernen?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?Installierte Spiele-Updates entfernen?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?Installierte Spiele-DLCs entfernen?
+ Remove EntryEintrag entfernen
+ Successfully RemovedErfolgreich entfernt
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Das Spiel wurde entfernt.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Das Spiel ist nicht im NAND installiert und kann somit nicht entfernt werden.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Das Update wurde entfernt.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Es ist kein Update für diesen Titel installiert.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Es sind keine DLC für diesen Titel installiert.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.%1 DLC entfernt.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Transferierbaren OpenGL Shader Cache löschen?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Transferierbaren Vulkan Shader Cache löschen?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Alle transferierbaren Shader Caches löschen?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Spiel-Einstellungen entfernen?
+ Remove FileDatei entfernen
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheFehler beim Entfernen
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Es existiert kein Shader-Cache für diesen Titel.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Der transferierbare Shader-Cache wurde entfernt.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Konnte den transferierbaren Shader-Cache nicht entfernen.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Fehler beim Entfernen des Vulkan-Pipeline-Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Fehler beim Entfernen des Driver-Pipeline-Cache
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesFehler beim Entfernen der transferierbaren Shader Caches
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationFehler beim Entfernen
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Es existieren keine Spiel-Einstellungen für dieses Spiel.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Die Spiel-Einstellungen wurden entfernt.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Die Spiel-Einstellungen konnten nicht entfernt werden.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFS-Extraktion fehlgeschlagen!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Das RomFS konnte wegen eines Fehlers oder Abbruchs nicht kopiert werden.
+ FullKomplett
+ SkeletonNur Ordnerstruktur
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeRomFS Extraktions-Modus auswählen
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Bitte wähle, wie das RomFS gespeichert werden soll.<br>"Full" wird alle Dateien des Spiels extrahieren, während <br>"Skeleton" nur die Ordnerstruktur erstellt.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Es ist nicht genügend Speicher (%1) vorhanden um das RomFS zu entpacken. Bitte sorge für genügend Speicherplatze oder wähle ein anderes Verzeichnis aus. (Emulation > Konfiguration > System > Dateisystem > Dump Root)
+ Extracting RomFS...RomFS wird extrahiert...
+ CancelAbbrechen
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS wurde extrahiert!
+ The operation completed successfully.Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
+ Create ShortcutVerknüpfung erstellen
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Icon erstellen
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Fehler beim Öffnen von %1
+ Select DirectoryVerzeichnis auswählen
+ PropertiesEinstellungen
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Spiel-Einstellungen konnten nicht geladen werden.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch-Programme (%1);;Alle Dateien (*.*)
+ Load FileDatei laden
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryÖffne das extrahierte ROM-Verzeichnis
+ Invalid Directory SelectedUngültiges Verzeichnis ausgewählt
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Das Verzeichnis, das du ausgewählt hast, enthält keine 'main'-Datei.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Installierbares Switch-Programm (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submissions Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install FilesDateien installieren
+ %n file(s) remaining%n Datei verbleibend%n Dateien verbleibend
+ Installing file "%1"...Datei "%1" wird installiert...
+ Install ResultsNAND-Installation
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Um Konflikte zu vermeiden, raten wir Nutzern davon ab, Spiele im NAND zu installieren.
Bitte nutze diese Funktion nur zum Installieren von Updates und DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n file was newly installed
@@ -4954,389 +5072,389 @@ Bitte nutze diese Funktion nur zum Installieren von Updates und DLC.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
+ %n file(s) failed to install
+ System ApplicationSystemanwendung
+ System ArchiveSystemarchiv
+ System Application UpdateSystemanwendungsupdate
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Firmware-Paket (Typ A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Firmware-Paket (Typ B)
+ GameSpiel
+ Game UpdateSpiel-Update
+ Game DLCSpiel-DLC
+ Delta TitleDelta-Titel
+ Select NCA Install Type...Wähle den NCA-Installationstyp aus...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Bitte wähle, als was diese NCA installiert werden soll:
(In den meisten Fällen sollte die Standardeinstellung 'Spiel' ausreichen.)
+ Failed to InstallInstallation fehlgeschlagen
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Der Titel-Typ, den du für diese NCA ausgewählt hast, ist ungültig.
+ File not foundDatei nicht gefunden
+ File "%1" not foundDatei "%1" nicht gefunden
+ Hardware requirements not metHardwareanforderungen nicht erfüllt
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountFehlender yuzu-Account
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Um einen Kompatibilitätsbericht abzuschicken, musst du einen yuzu-Account mit yuzu verbinden.<br><br/>Um einen yuzu-Account zu verbinden, prüfe die Einstellungen unter Emulation > Konfiguration > Web.
+ Error opening URLFehler beim Öffnen der URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".URL "%1" kann nicht geöffnet werden.
+ TAS RecordingTAS Aufnahme
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Datei von Spieler 1 überschreiben?
+ Invalid config detectedUngültige Konfiguration erkannt
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Handheld-Controller können nicht im Dock verwendet werden. Der Pro-Controller wird verwendet.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedDas aktuelle Amiibo wurde entfernt
+ ErrorFehler
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosDas aktuelle Spiel sucht nicht nach Amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo-Datei (%1);; Alle Dateien (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboAmiibo laden
+ Error loading Amiibo dataFehler beim Laden der Amiibo-Daten
+ The selected file is not a valid amiiboDie ausgewählte Datei ist keine gültige Amiibo
+ The selected file is already on useDie ausgewählte Datei wird bereits verwendet
+ An unknown error occurredEin unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten
+ Capture ScreenshotScreenshot aufnehmen
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Bild (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2TAS Zustand: Läuft %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1TAS Zustand: Aufnahme %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidTAS Zustand: Ungültig
+ &Stop Running
+ &Start&Start
+ Stop R&ecording
+ R&ecord
+ Building: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorSkalierung: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Geschwindigkeit: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Geschwindigkeit: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Spiel: %1 FPS (Unbegrenzt)
+ Game: %1 FPSSpiel: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationSchlüsselableitung bestätigen
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5349,37 +5467,37 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
Dieser Prozess wird die generierten Schlüsseldateien löschen und die Schlüsselableitung neu starten.
+ Missing fusesFuses fehlen
+ - Missing BOOT0 - BOOT0 fehlt
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main fehlt
+ - Missing PRODINFO - PRODINFO fehlt
+ Derivation Components MissingDerivationskomponenten fehlen
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5387,39 +5505,39 @@ on your system's performance.
Dies könnte, je nach Leistung deines Systems, bis zu einer Minute dauern.
+ Deriving KeysSchlüsselableitung
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetRomFS wählen
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Wähle, welches RomFS du speichern möchtest.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Bist du sicher, dass du yuzu beenden willst?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Bist du sicher, dass du die Emulation stoppen willst? Jeder nicht gespeicherte Fortschritt geht verloren.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5431,44 +5549,44 @@ Möchtest du dies umgehen und sie trotzdem beenden?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL nicht verfügbar!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu wurde nicht mit OpenGL-Unterstützung kompiliert.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Fehler beim Initialisieren von OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Deine Grafikkarte unterstützt kein OpenGL oder du hast nicht den neusten Treiber installiert.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Fehler beim Initialisieren von OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Deine Grafikkarte unterstützt OpenGL 4.6 nicht, oder du benutzt nicht die neuste Treiberversion.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Deine Grafikkarte unterstützt anscheinend nicht eine oder mehrere von yuzu benötigten OpenGL-Erweiterungen. Bitte stelle sicher, dass du den neusten Grafiktreiber installiert hast.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Nicht unterstützte Erweiterungen:<br>%2
@@ -5574,7 +5692,7 @@ Möchtest du dies umgehen und sie trotzdem beenden?
Add to Desktop
+ Zum Desktop hinzufügen
@@ -5818,7 +5936,7 @@ Debug Message:
Audio Mute/Unmute
+ Audio aktivieren / deaktivieren
@@ -5970,7 +6088,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDDateien im NAND installieren
@@ -5978,10 +6096,10 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
+ Der Text darf keines der folgenden Zeichen enthalten: %1
@@ -6631,7 +6749,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6680,31 +6798,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlStrg
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][nicht gesetzt]
@@ -6715,14 +6833,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Achse %1%2
@@ -6733,262 +6851,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][unbekannt]
+ LeftLinks
+ RightRechts
+ DownRunter
+ UpHoch
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleKreis
+ CrossKreuz
+ SquareQuadrat
+ TriangleDreieck
+ ShareTeilen
+ OptionsOptionen
+ [undefined][undefiniert]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][ungültig]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Achse %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Achse %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Bewegung %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Knopf %3
+ [unused][unbenutzt]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Plus
+ Minus
+ Minus
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Screenshot
+ TouchTouch
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelMausrad
+ BackwardRückwärts
+ ForwardVorwärts
+ TaskAufgabe
+ ExtraExtra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/el.ts b/dist/languages/el.ts
index 09e3ff297..f6673c345 100644
--- a/dist/languages/el.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/el.ts
@@ -918,102 +918,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Απενεργοποίηση του Macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache
+ Enable Shader FeedbackΕνεργοποίηση Shader Feedback
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesΌταν είναι επιλεγμένο, εκτελεί shaders χωρίς αλλαγές στη λογική του βρόχου
+ Disable Loop safety checksΑπενεργοποίηση των ελέγχων ασφαλείας βρόχου
+ DebuggingΕντοπισμός Σφαλμάτων
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access Log
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After CrashΔημιουργία Minidump μετά από κατάρρευση
+ AdvancedΠροχωρημένα
+ Kiosk (Quest) Mode
+ Enable CPU DebuggingΕνεργοποίηση Εντοπισμού Σφαλμάτων CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsΕνεργοποίηση Βεβαιώσεων Εντοπισμού Σφαλμάτων
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Ενεργοποίηση Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller Types
+ Disable Web Applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.Επιτρέπει στο yuzu να ελέγχει για ένα λειτουργικό περιβάλλον Vulkan κατά την εκκίνηση του προγράμματος. Απενεργοποιήστε το αν αυτό προκαλεί προβλήματα με τα εξωτερικά προγράμματα που βλέπουν το yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan CheckΕκτέλεση ελέγχου Vulkan κατά την εκκίνηση
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Αυτό θα μηδενιστεί αυτόματα όταν το yuzu κλείσει.
@@ -1028,12 +1038,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
το yuzu πρέπει να επανεκκινηθεί για να εφαρμοστεί αυτή η ρύθμιση.
+ Web applet not compiledΤο web applet δεν έχει συσταθεί
+ MiniDump creation not compiledΔημιουργία MiniDump που δεν έχει συσταθεί
@@ -1084,13 +1094,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ AudioΉχος
@@ -1106,13 +1116,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ GeneralΓενικά
+ GraphicsΓραφικά
@@ -1128,7 +1138,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ControlsΧειρισμός
@@ -1144,7 +1154,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ SystemΣύστημα
@@ -1407,7 +1417,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ NoneΚανένα
@@ -1518,112 +1528,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Φίλτρο Προσαρμογής Παραθύρου:
+ Nearest NeighborΠλησιέστερος Γείτονας
+ BilinearΔιγραμμικό
+ BicubicΔικυβικό
+ GaussianGaussian
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (μόνο Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Μέθοδος Anti-Aliasing:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorΧρησιμοποιήστε καθολικό χρώμα φόντου
+ Set background color:Ορισμός χρώματος φόντου:
+ Background Color:Χρώμα Φόντου:
@@ -1668,76 +1693,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.Το VSync αποτρέπει το "σκίσιμο" της οθόνης, αλλά ορισμένες κάρτες γραφικών έχουν χαμηλότερη απόδοση με ενεργοποιημένο το VSync. Διατηρήστε το ενεργοποιημένο εάν δεν παρατηρείτε διαφορά απόδοσης.
+ Use VSyncΧρήση VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Ενεργοποιεί τη σύνταξη ασύγχρονων shader, η οποία μπορεί να μειώσει το shader stutter. Αυτή η δυνατότητα είναι πειραματική.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Χρήση ασύγχρονης σύνταξης σκίασης (Τέχνασμα)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Ενεργοποιεί τον Γοργό Ρυθμό GPU. Αυτή η επιλογή θα αναγκάσει τα περισσότερα παιχνίδια να εκτελούνται στην υψηλότερη εγγενή τους ανάλυση.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Χρήση Γοργού Ρυθμού GPU (Τέχνασμα)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.Ενεργοποιεί περιστασιακές εκκαθαρίσεις των ρυθμιστικών διαύλων. Αυτή η επιλογή θα αναγκάσει τους μη τροποποιημένους ρυθμιστικούς διαύλους να εκκαθαριστούν, πράγμα που μπορεί να κοστίσει σε απόδοση.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)Χρήση περιστασιακών εκκαθαρίσεων ρυθμιστικού διαύλου (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Ανισοτροπικό Φιλτράρισμα:
+ AutomaticΑυτόματα
+ DefaultΠροεπιλεγμένο
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2125,7 +2170,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ConfigureΔιαμόρφωση
@@ -2151,6 +2196,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzuΑπαιτεί επανεκκίνηση του yuzu
@@ -2170,22 +2216,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Πλοήγηση χειριστηρίου
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningΕνεργοποιήστε τη μετατόπιση του ποντικιού
+ Mouse sensitivityΕυαισθησία ποντικιού
+ %%
+ Motion / Touch
@@ -2297,7 +2348,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickΑριστερό Stick
@@ -2391,14 +2442,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2417,7 +2468,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ PlusΣυν
@@ -2430,15 +2481,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2495,236 +2546,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickΔεξιός Μοχλός
+ ClearΚαθαρισμός
+ [not set][άδειο]
+ Invert buttonΚουμπί αντιστροφής
+ Toggle buttonΚουμπί εναλλαγής
+ Invert axisΑντιστροφή άξονα
+ Set thresholdΟρισμός ορίου
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Επιλέξτε μια τιμή μεταξύ 0% και 100%
+ Toggle axisΕναλλαγή αξόνων
+ Set gyro thresholdΡύθμιση κατωφλίου γυροσκοπίου
+ Map Analog StickΧαρτογράφηση Αναλογικού Stick
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Αφού πατήσετε OK, μετακινήστε πρώτα το joystick σας οριζόντια και μετά κατακόρυφα.
Για να αντιστρέψετε τους άξονες, μετακινήστε πρώτα το joystick κατακόρυφα και μετά οριζόντια.
+ Center axisΚεντρικός άξονας
+ Deadzone: %1%Νεκρή Ζώνη: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Εύρος Τροποποιητή: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual JoyconsΔιπλά Joycons
+ Left JoyconΑριστερό Joycon
+ Right JoyconΔεξί Joycon
+ HandheldHandheld
+ GameCube ControllerΧειριστήριο GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerΧειριστήριο NES
+ SNES ControllerΧειριστήριο SNES
+ N64 ControllerΧειριστήριο N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / Pause
+ ZZ
+ Control Stick
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!
+ [waiting][αναμονή]
+ New ProfileΝέο Προφίλ
+ Enter a profile name:Εισαγάγετε ένα όνομα προφίλ:
+ Create Input ProfileΔημιουργία Προφίλ Χειρισμού
+ The given profile name is not valid!Το όνομα του προφίλ δεν είναι έγκυρο!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Η δημιουργία του προφίλ χειρισμού "%1" απέτυχε
+ Delete Input ProfileΔιαγραφή Προφίλ Χειρισμού
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Η διαγραφή του προφίλ χειρισμού "%1" απέτυχε
+ Load Input ProfileΦόρτωση Προφίλ Χειρισμού
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Η φόρτωση του προφίλ χειρισμού "%1" απέτυχε
+ Save Input ProfileΑποθήκευση Προφίλ Χειρισμού
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Η αποθήκευση του προφίλ χειρισμού "%1" απέτυχε
@@ -2772,7 +2823,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ ConfigureΔιαμόρφωση
@@ -2784,7 +2835,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
CemuhookUDP Config
+ CemuhookUDP Config
@@ -2808,7 +2859,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ TestΤεστ
@@ -2828,77 +2879,77 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersΟ αριθμός θύρας έχει μη έγκυρους χαρακτήρες
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Η θύρα πρέπει να ανήκει στο εύρος 0 και 65353
+ IP address is not validΗ διεύθυνση IP δεν είναι έγκυρη
+ This UDP server already existsΑυτός ο διακομιστής UDP υπάρχει ήδη
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversΔεν είναι δυνατή η προσθήκη περισσότερων από 8 διακομιστών
+ TestingΔοκιμή
+ ConfiguringΔιαμόρφωση
+ Test SuccessfulΤεστ Επιτυχές
+ Successfully received data from the server.Λήφθηκαν με επιτυχία δεδομένα από τον διακομιστή.
+ Test FailedΗ Δοκιμή Απέτυχε
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη έγκυρων δεδομένων από τον διακομιστή.<br>Βεβαιωθείτε ότι ο διακομιστής έχει ρυθμιστεί σωστά και ότι η διεύθυνση και η θύρα είναι σωστές.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Η δοκιμή UDP ή η διαμόρφωση βαθμονόμησης είναι σε εξέλιξη.<br>Παρακαλώ περιμένετε να τελειώσουν.
@@ -3226,7 +3277,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3247,33 +3298,90 @@ UUID: %2
Νεκρή Ζώνη: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsΕπαναφορά Προεπιλογών
+ ClearΚαθαρισμός
+ [not set][μη ορισμένο]
+ Invert axisΑντιστροφή άξονα
+ Deadzone: %1%Νεκρή Ζώνη: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Διαμόρφωση
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][αναμονή]
@@ -3578,8 +3686,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Αγγλικά
+ American English
@@ -3712,22 +3820,27 @@ UUID: %2
Εκ Νέου Αντικατάσταση
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Οι ρυθμίσεις συστήματος είναι διαθέσιμες μόνο όταν το παιχνίδι δεν εκτελείται.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Αυτό θα αντικαταστήσει το τρέχων εικονικό σας Switch με ένα νέο, και το παλιό δεν θα είναι πια ανακτήσιμο. Αυτό μπορεί να έχει απροσδόκητα αποτελέσματα στα παιχνίδια. Επίσης, μπορεί να αποτύχει εάν χρησιμοποιείτε ένα ξεπερασμένο μέσο αποθήκευσης παιχνιδιού. Συνέχιση;
+ WarningΠροσοχή
+ Console ID: 0x%1Console ID: 0x%1
@@ -3798,7 +3911,7 @@ UUID: %2
Ρυθμίσεις TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...
@@ -4353,7 +4466,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ &Controller P1
@@ -4366,42 +4479,37 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
- IP Address
+ Server Address
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4409,12 +4517,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4484,33 +4592,33 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ &Clear Recent Files
+ &Continue&Συνέχεια
+ &Pause&Παύση
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleeping
+ Warning Outdated Game Format
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Μη μεταφρασμένη συμβολοσειρά
@@ -4518,829 +4626,839 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ Error while loading ROM!Σφάλμα κατά τη φόρτωση της ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Εμφανίστηκε ένα απροσδιόριστο σφάλμα. Ανατρέξτε στο αρχείο καταγραφής για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataΑποθήκευση δεδομένων
+ Mod Data
+ Error Opening %1 Folder
+ Folder does not exist!Ο φάκελος δεν υπάρχει!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader Cache
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove Entry
+ Successfully Removed
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.
+ There is no update installed for this title.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?
+ Remove FileΑφαίρεση Αρχείου
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.
- Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Custom Configuration
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.
+ Full
+ Skeleton
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeΕπιλογή λειτουργίας απόρριψης RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Μη αποθηκευμένη μετάφραση.
Παρακαλούμε επιλέξτε τον τρόπο με τον οποίο θα θέλατε να γίνει η απόρριψη της RomFS.<br>
Η επιλογή Πλήρης θα αντιγράψει όλα τα αρχεία στο νέο κατάλογο, ενώ η επιλογή <br> Σκελετός θα δημιουργήσει μόνο τη δομή του καταλόγου.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Extracting RomFS...
+ CancelΑκύρωση
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!
+ The operation completed successfully.Η επέμβαση ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1
+ Select DirectoryΕπιλογή καταλόγου
+ PropertiesΙδιότητες
+ The game properties could not be loaded.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.
+ Load FileΦόρτωση αρχείου
+ Open Extracted ROM Directory
+ Invalid Directory Selected
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install Files
+ %n file(s) remaining
+ Installing file "%1"...
+ Install ResultsΑποτελέσματα εγκατάστασης
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
+ %n file(s) failed to install
+ System ApplicationΕφαρμογή συστήματος
+ System Archive
+ System Application Update
+ Firmware Package (Type A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)
+ GameΠαιχνίδι
+ Game UpdateΕνημέρωση παιχνιδιού
+ Game DLCDLC παιχνιδιού
+ Delta Title
+ Select NCA Install Type...Επιλέξτε τον τύπο εγκατάστασης NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)
+ Failed to Install
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.
+ File not foundΤο αρχείο δεν βρέθηκε
+ File "%1" not foundΤο αρχείο "%1" δεν βρέθηκε
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu Account
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.
+ Error opening URLΣφάλμα κατα το άνοιγμα του URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Αδυναμία ανοίγματος του URL "%1".
+ TAS Recording
+ Overwrite file of player 1?
+ Invalid config detected
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed
+ ErrorΣφάλμα
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboΦόρτωση Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataΣφάλμα φόρτωσης δεδομένων Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiiboΤο επιλεγμένο αρχείο δεν αποτελεί έγκυρο amiibo
+ The selected file is already on useΤο επιλεγμένο αρχείο χρησιμοποιείται ήδη
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotΛήψη στιγμιότυπου οθόνης
+ PNG Image (*.png)Εικόνα PBG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2
+ TAS State: Invalid
+ &Stop Running
+ &Start&Έναρξη
+ Stop R&ecording
+ R&ecord
+ Building: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorΚλίμακα: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Ταχύτητα: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Ταχύτητα: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)
+ Game: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msΚαρέ: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key Rederivation
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5351,76 +5469,76 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
+ Missing fuses
+ - Missing BOOT0- Λείπει το BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- Λείπει το BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO- Λείπει το PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components Missing
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
+ Deriving Keys
+ Select RomFS Dump Target
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να κλείσετε το yuzu;
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5430,44 +5548,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!Το OpenGL δεν είναι διαθέσιμο!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Σφάλμα κατα την αρχικοποίηση του OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2
@@ -5969,7 +6087,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NAND
@@ -5977,7 +6095,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6628,7 +6746,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6677,31 +6795,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][μη ορισμένο]
@@ -6712,14 +6830,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Άξονας%1%2
@@ -6730,262 +6848,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][άγνωστο]
+ LeftΑριστερά
+ RightΔεξιά
+ DownΚάτω
+ UpΠάνω
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XΧ
+ YΥ
+ Start
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ Circle
+ Cross
+ Square
+ Triangle
+ Share
+ Options
+ [undefined]
+ %1%2
+ [invalid]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3
+ %1%2Button %3
+ [unused][άδειο]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Συν
+ Minus
+ Μείον
+ HomeΑρχική
+ Capture
+ Στιγμιότυπο
+ Touch
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheel
+ Backward
+ Forward
+ Task
+ Extra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/es.ts b/dist/languages/es.ts
index c4025d9c4..dde787a15 100644
--- a/dist/languages/es.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/es.ts
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
Enable Host MMU Emulation (exclusive memory instructions)
- Habilitar Emulacion MMU del anfitrión (Instrucciones de memoria exclusiva)
+ Activar emulación MMU del anfitrión (Instrucciones de memoria exclusiva)
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
Enable recompilation of exclusive memory instructions
- Habilitar recompilación de las instrucciones de memoria exclusiva
+ Activar recompilación de las instrucciones de memoria exclusiva
@@ -808,12 +808,15 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
<div style="white-space: nowrap">This optimization speeds up memory accesses by allowing invalid memory accesses to succeed.</div>
<div style="white-space: nowrap">Enabling it reduces the overhead of all memory accesses and has no impact on programs that don't access invalid memory.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">Esta optimización acelera los accesos a la memoria al permitir que los accesos no válidos tengan éxito.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">Activarlo reduce la sobrecarga de todos los accesos a la memoria y no tiene ningún impacto en los programas que no acceden a la memoria no válida.</div>
+ Enable fallbacks for invalid memory accesses
+ Activar fallbacks para accesos inválidos de memoria
@@ -861,7 +864,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
When checked, the max size of the log increases from 100 MB to 1 GB
- Cuando se marque, el tamaño maximo del registro aumenta de 100 MB a 1 GB
+ Al activarlo, el tamaño máximo del registro aumenta de 100 MB a 1 GB.
@@ -886,7 +889,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
When checked, the graphics API enters a slower debugging mode
- Cuando esté marcado, la API gráfica entrará en un modo de depuración más lento.
+ Al activarlo, la API gráfica entrará en un modo de depuración más lento.
@@ -896,7 +899,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
When checked, it enables Nsight Aftermath crash dumps
- Cuando esté marcado, activará los volcados de los fallos Nsight Aftermath
+ Al activarlo, se habilitan los volcados Nsight Aftermath de bloqueos o errores.
@@ -906,17 +909,17 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
When checked, it will dump all the original assembler shaders from the disk shader cache or game as found
- Al activarlo, esto volcará todos los sombreadores originales del ensamblador de la caché de sombreadores en disco o del juego encontrado
+ Al activarlo, se volcarán todos los shaders del ensamblador original de la caché de sombreadores en disco o del juego tal y como se encuentren.Dump Game Shaders
- Volcar sombreadores del juego
+ Volcar shaders del juegoWhen checked, it will dump all the macro programs of the GPU
- Cuando esté activado, se volcarán todos los programas macro de la GPU
+ Al activarlo, se volcarán todos los programas macro de la GPU.
@@ -926,7 +929,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
When checked, it disables the macro Just In Time compiler. Enabling this makes games run slower
- Cuando esté marcado, se desactiva el compilador de macro Just In Time. Activar esto hace que los juegos se ejecuten más lento.
+ Al activarlo, se desactiva el compilador de macro Just In Time. Activar esto hace que los juegos se ejecuten más lento.
@@ -934,102 +937,112 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
Desactivar macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Al activarlo, desactiva las funciones de macro HLE. Activar esto hace que los juegos se ejecuten más lento.
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ Desactivar Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache
- Cuando esté marcado, yuzu hará un registro de las estadísticas del caché de tubería compilado
+ Al activarlo, yuzu realizará un registro de estadísticas del caché de canalización compilado.
+ Enable Shader FeedbackActivar información de shaders
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes
- Cuando esté marcado, se ejecutarán los shaders sin cambios de bucles lógicos.
+ Al activarlo, se ejecutarán los shaders sin cambios en bucles lógicos.
+ Disable Loop safety checksDesactivar comprobaciones de seguridad de bucles
+ DebuggingDepuración
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Activar servicios de reporte detallados**
+ Enable FS Access LogActivar registro de acceso FS
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.Activa esta opción para mostrar en la consola la última lista de comandos de audio generada. Solo afecta a los juegos que utilizan el renderizador de audio.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**Volcar comandos de audio a la consola**
+ Create Minidump After CrashCrear mini volcado tras un crash
+ AdvancedAvanzado
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeModo quiosco (Quest)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingActivar depuración de la CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsActivar alertas de depuración
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Activar Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller Types
- Habilitar todo tipo de controles
+ Activar todos los tipos de controladores
+ Disable Web AppletDesactivar Web applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.Permite que yuzu compruebe si el entorno de Vulkan funciona cuando el programa se inicia. Desactiva esto si está causando problemas con los programas externos ligados a yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan CheckRealizar comprobación de Vulkan al ejecutar
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Esto se reiniciará automáticamente cuando yuzu se cierre.
@@ -1044,12 +1057,12 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
Para aplicar estos ajustes es necesario reiniciar yuzu.
+ Web applet not compiledLa web applet no se ha compilado
+ MiniDump creation not compiledLa creación del mini volcado no se ha compilado
@@ -1100,13 +1113,13 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ AudioAudio
@@ -1122,13 +1135,13 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ GraphicsGráficos
@@ -1144,7 +1157,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ ControlsControles
@@ -1160,7 +1173,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ SystemSistema
@@ -1366,7 +1379,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
Mute audio when in background
- Silenciar audio cuando esté en segundo plano
+ Silenciar audio en segundo plano
@@ -1423,7 +1436,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ NoneNinguno
@@ -1435,7 +1448,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
Use disk pipeline cache
- Usar caché de shaders de tubería
+ Usar caché de canalización en disco
@@ -1534,124 +1547,139 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ x1.5 (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)x2 (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)x3 (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)x4 (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)x5 (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)x6 (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ x7 (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ x8 (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Filtro adaptable de ventana:
+ Nearest NeighborVecino más próximo
+ BilinearBilineal
+ BicubicBicúbico
+ GaussianGaussiano
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Solo Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Método de Anti-Aliasing:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Usar nitidez global FSR
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ Ajustar nitidez FSR
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ Nitidez FSR:
+ 100%
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorUsar el color de fondo global
+ Set background color:Establecer el color de fondo:
+ Background Color:Color de fondo:GLASM (Assembly Shaders, NVIDIA Only)
- GLASM (Assembly shaders, sólo NVIDIA)
+ GLASM (Shaders de ensamblado, sólo NVIDIA)SPIR-V (Experimental, Mesa Only)
+ SPIR-V (Experimental, sólo Mesa)
@@ -1684,76 +1712,96 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Ejecuta los procesos en segundo plano mientras espera las instrucciones gráficas para evitar que la GPU reduzca su velocidad de reloj.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ Forzar relojes máximos (sólo Vulkan)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.El VSync evita que la pantalla se distorsione, pero algunas tarjetas gráficas tienen un menor rendimiento con el VSync activado. Mantenlo activado si no notas diferencias en el rendimiento.
+ Use VSyncUsar VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Activa la compilación de shaders en modo asíncrono, lo que puede reducir la sobrecarga de shaders. Esta función es experimental.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Usar la construcción de shaders asíncronos (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Activa el tiempo rápido de GPU. Esta opción hará que muchos juegos estén forzados a ejecutarse en su resolución nativa máxima.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Usar tiempo rápido en la GPU (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.Activa el flujo de búferes pesado. Esta opción forzará el flujo de los búferes no modificados, lo que puede afectar al rendimiento.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)Utilizar flujos de búferes pesados (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Activa la caché de canalización específica del fabricante de la GPU. Esta opción puede mejorar significativamente el tiempo de carga de sombreadores en los casos en los que el controlador de Vulkan no almacena internamente archivos de caché de canalización.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Usar caché de canalización de Vulkan
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Filtrado anisotrópico:
+ AutomaticAutomático
+ DefaultValor predeterminado
+ 2xx2
+ 4xx4
+ 8xx8
+ 16xx16
@@ -2141,7 +2189,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ ConfigureConfigurar
@@ -2167,6 +2215,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ Requires restarting yuzuRequiere reiniciar yuzu
@@ -2186,22 +2235,27 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
Navegación de controles
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningActivar desplazamiento del ratón
+ Mouse sensitivitySensibilidad del ratón
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchMovimiento / táctil
@@ -2221,57 +2275,57 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
Input Profiles
+ Perfiles de entradaPlayer 1 Profile
+ Perfil del jugador 1Player 2 Profile
+ Perfil del jugador 2Player 3 Profile
+ Perfil del jugador 3Player 4 Profile
+ Perfil del jugador 4Player 5 Profile
+ Perfil del jugador 5Player 6 Profile
+ Perfil del jugador 6Player 7 Profile
+ Perfil del jugador 7Player 8 Profile
+ Perfil del jugador 8Use global input configuration
+ Utilizar la configuración global de entradaPlayer %1 profile
+ Perfil del jugador %1
@@ -2313,7 +2367,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ Left StickPalanca izquierda
@@ -2407,14 +2461,14 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ LL
@@ -2433,7 +2487,7 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ PlusMás
@@ -2446,15 +2500,15 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ RR
@@ -2511,236 +2565,236 @@ Esto banearía su nombre del foro y su dirección IP.
+ Right StickPalanca derecha
+ ClearBorrar
+ [not set][no definido]
+ Invert buttonInvertir botón
+ Toggle buttonAlternar botón
+ Invert axisInvertir ejes
+ Set thresholdConfigurar umbral
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Seleccione un valor entre 0% y 100%.
+ Toggle axisAlternar ejes
+ Set gyro thresholdConfigurar umbral del Giroscopio
+ Map Analog StickConfiguración de palanca analógico
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Después de pulsar OK, mueve primero el joystick de manera horizontal, y luego verticalmente.
Para invertir los ejes, mueve primero el joystick de manera vertical, y luego horizontalmente.
+ Center axisCentrar ejes
+ Deadzone: %1%Punto muerto: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Rango del modificador: %1%
+ Pro ControllerControlador Pro
+ Dual JoyconsJoycons duales
+ Left JoyconJoycon izquierdo
+ Right JoyconJoycon derecho
+ HandheldPortátil
+ GameCube ControllerControlador de GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerControlador NES
+ SNES ControllerControlador SNES
+ N64 ControllerControlador N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseInicio / Pausa
+ ZZ
+ Control StickPalanca de control
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!¡Agita!
+ [waiting][esperando]
+ New ProfileNuevo perfil
+ Enter a profile name:Introduce un nombre de perfil:
+ Create Input ProfileCrear perfil de entrada
+ The given profile name is not valid!¡El nombre de perfil introducido no es válido!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Error al crear el perfil de entrada "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileEliminar perfil de entrada
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Error al eliminar el perfil de entrada "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileCargar perfil de entrada
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Error al cargar el perfil de entrada "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileGuardar perfil de entrada
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Error al guardar el perfil de entrada "%1"
@@ -2788,7 +2842,7 @@ Para invertir los ejes, mueve primero el joystick de manera vertical, y luego ho
+ ConfigureConfigurar
@@ -2824,7 +2878,7 @@ Para invertir los ejes, mueve primero el joystick de manera vertical, y luego ho
+ TestProbar
@@ -2844,77 +2898,77 @@ Para invertir los ejes, mueve primero el joystick de manera vertical, y luego ho
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Más información</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersEl número del puerto tiene caracteres que no son válidos
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353El puerto debe estar en un rango entre 0 y 65353
+ IP address is not validDirección IP no válida
+ This UDP server already existsEste servidor UDP ya existe
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversNo es posible añadir más de 8 servidores
+ TestingProbando
+ ConfiguringConfigurando
+ Test SuccessfulPrueba existosa
+ Successfully received data from the server.Se han recibido con éxito los datos del servidor.
+ Test FailedPrueba fallida
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.No se han podido recibir datos válidos del servidor.<br>Por favor, verifica que el servidor esté configurado correctamente y que la dirección y el puerto sean correctos.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.La prueba de UDP o la configuración de la calibración está en curso.<br>Por favor, espera a que termine el proceso.
@@ -3032,7 +3086,7 @@ Para invertir los ejes, mueve primero el joystick de manera vertical, y luego ho
Input Profiles
+ Perfiles de entrada
@@ -3243,8 +3297,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- Parámetros del sensor Ring
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3264,33 +3318,90 @@ UUID: %2
Punto muerto: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsRestaurar valores predeterminados
+ ClearLimpiar
+ [not set][no definido]
+ Invert axisInvertir ejes
+ Deadzone: %1%Punto muerto: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Configurando
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][esperando]
@@ -3595,8 +3706,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Inglés (english)
+ American English
+ Inglés estadounidense
@@ -3696,7 +3807,7 @@ UUID: %2
Device Name
+ Nombre del dispositivo
@@ -3729,22 +3840,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Los ajustes del sistema sólo se encuentran disponibles cuando no se esté ejecutando ningún juego.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ Aviso: "%1" no es un idioma válido para la región "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Esto reemplazará tu Switch virtual con una nueva. Tu Switch virtual actual no será recuperable. Esto podría causar efectos inesperados en determinados juegos. Si usas un archivo de guardado de configuración obsoleto, esto podría fallar. ¿Continuar?
+ WarningAdvertencia
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID de consola: 0x%1
@@ -3815,7 +3931,7 @@ UUID: %2
Configuración TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Selecciona el directorio de carga TAS...
@@ -4371,7 +4487,7 @@ Arrastra los puntos para cambiar de posición, o haz doble clic en las celdas de
Controlador J1
+ &Controller P1&Controlador J1
@@ -4384,42 +4500,37 @@ Arrastra los puntos para cambiar de posición, o haz doble clic en las celdas de
Conexión directa
- IP Address
- Dirección IP
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Dirección IPv4 del anfitrión</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ PortPuerto
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Número de puerto en el que el anfitrión está trabajando</p></body></html>
+ NicknameApodo
+ PasswordContraseña
+ ConnectConectar
@@ -4427,12 +4538,12 @@ Arrastra los puntos para cambiar de posición, o haz doble clic en las celdas de
+ ConnectingConectando
+ ConnectConectar
@@ -4503,472 +4614,482 @@ Arrastra los puntos para cambiar de posición, o haz doble clic en las celdas de
Tiempo que lleva emular un fotograma de la Switch, sin tener en cuenta la limitación de fotogramas o sincronización vertical. Para una emulación óptima, este valor debería ser como máximo de 16.67 ms.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Eliminar archivos recientes
+ &Continue&Continuar
+ &Pause&Pausar
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu está ejecutando un juego
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatAdvertencia: formato del juego obsoleto
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Está utilizando el formato de directorio de ROM deconstruido para este juego, que es un formato desactualizado que ha sido reemplazado por otros, como los NCA, NAX, XCI o NSP. Los directorios de ROM deconstruidos carecen de íconos, metadatos y soporte de actualizaciones.<br><br>Para ver una explicación de los diversos formatos de Switch que soporta yuzu,<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>echa un vistazo a nuestra wiki</a>. Este mensaje no se volverá a mostrar.
+ Error while loading ROM!¡Error al cargar la ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.El formato de la ROM no es compatible.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Se ha producido un error al inicializar el núcleo de video.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu ha encontrado un error al ejecutar el núcleo de video. Esto suele ocurrir al no tener los controladores de la GPU actualizados, incluyendo los integrados. Por favor, revisa el registro para más detalles. Para más información sobre cómo acceder al registro, por favor, consulta la siguiente página: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Como cargar el archivo de registro</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.¡Error al cargar la ROM! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Por favor, sigue <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>la guía de inicio rápido de yuzu</a> para revolcar los archivos.<br>Puedes consultar la wiki de yuzu</a> o el Discord de yuzu</a> para obtener ayuda.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Error desconocido. Por favor, consulte el archivo de registro para ver más detalles.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Cerrando software...
+ Save DataDatos de guardado
+ Mod DataDatos de mods
+ Error Opening %1 FolderError al abrir la carpeta %1
+ Folder does not exist!¡La carpeta no existe!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheError al abrir el caché transferible de shaders
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.No se pudo crear el directorio de la caché de los shaders para este título.
+ Error Removing ContentsError al eliminar el contenido
+ Error Removing UpdateError al eliminar la actualización
+ Error Removing DLCError al eliminar el DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?¿Eliminar el contenido del juego instalado?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?¿Eliminar la actualización del juego instalado?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?¿Eliminar el DLC del juego instalado?
+ Remove EntryEliminar entrada
+ Successfully RemovedSe ha eliminado con éxito
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Se ha eliminado con éxito el juego base instalado.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.El juego base no está instalado en el NAND y no se puede eliminar.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Se ha eliminado con éxito la actualización instalada.
+ There is no update installed for this title.No hay ninguna actualización instalada para este título.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.No hay ningún DLC instalado para este título.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Se ha eliminado con éxito %1 DLC instalado(s).
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?¿Deseas eliminar el caché transferible de shaders de OpenGL?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?¿Deseas eliminar el caché transferible de shaders de Vulkan?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?¿Deseas eliminar todo el caché transferible de shaders?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?¿Deseas eliminar la configuración personalizada del juego?
+ Remove FileEliminar archivo
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheError al eliminar la caché de shaders transferibles
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.No existe caché de shaders para este título.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.El caché de shaders transferibles se ha eliminado con éxito.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.No se ha podido eliminar la caché de shaders transferibles.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Error al eliminar la caché de canalización del controlador Vulkan
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ No se ha podido eliminar la caché de canalización del controlador.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesError al eliminar las cachés de shaders transferibles
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Cachés de shaders transferibles eliminadas con éxito.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.No se ha podido eliminar el directorio de cachés de shaders transferibles.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationError al eliminar la configuración personalizada del juego
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.No existe una configuración personalizada para este título.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Se eliminó con éxito la configuración personalizada del juego.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.No se ha podido eliminar la configuración personalizada del juego.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!¡La extracción de RomFS ha fallado!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Se ha producido un error al copiar los archivos RomFS o el usuario ha cancelado la operación.
+ FullCompleto
+ SkeletonEn secciones
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeElegir método de volcado de RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Por favor, selecciona el método en que quieres volcar el RomFS.<br>Completo copiará todos los archivos al nuevo directorio <br> mientras que en secciones solo creará la estructura del directorio.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump RootNo hay suficiente espacio en %1 para extraer el RomFS. Por favor, libera espacio o elige otro directorio de volcado en Emulación > Configuración > Sistema > Sistema de archivos > Raíz de volcado
+ Extracting RomFS...Extrayendo RomFS...
+ CancelCancelar
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!¡La extracción RomFS ha tenido éxito!
+ The operation completed successfully.La operación se completó con éxito.
+ Create Shortcut
+ Crear acceso directo
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Esto creará un acceso directo a la AppImage actual. Esto puede no funcionar bien si se actualiza. ¿Continuar?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ No se puede crear un acceso directo en el escritorio. La ruta "%1" no existe.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ No se puede crear un acceso directo en el menú de aplicaciones. La ruta "%1" no existe y no se puede crear.
+ Create Icon
+ Crear icono
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ No se puede crear el archivo de icono. La ruta "%1" no existe y no se puede crear.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Iniciar %1 con el Emulador yuzu
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Error al crear un acceso directo en %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Se ha creado un acceso directo a %1
+ Error Opening %1Error al intentar abrir %1
+ Select DirectorySeleccionar directorio
+ PropertiesPropiedades
+ The game properties could not be loaded.No se pueden cargar las propiedades del juego.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Ejecutable de Switch (%1);;Todos los archivos (*.*)
+ Load FileCargar archivo
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryAbrir el directorio de la ROM extraída
+ Invalid Directory SelectedDirectorio seleccionado no válido
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.El directorio que ha seleccionado no contiene ningún archivo 'main'.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Archivo de Switch Instalable (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Archivo de contenidos de Nintendo (*.nca);;Paquete de envío de Nintendo (*.nsp);;Imagen de cartucho NX (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstalar archivos
+ %n file(s) remaining%n archivo(s) restantes%n archivo(s) restantes%n archivo(s) restantes
+ Installing file "%1"...Instalando el archivo "%1"...
+ Install ResultsInstalar resultados
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Para evitar posibles conflictos, no se recomienda a los usuarios que instalen juegos base en el NAND.
Por favor, utiliza esta función sólo para instalar actualizaciones y DLCs.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n archivo(s) recién instalado/s
@@ -4977,7 +5098,7 @@ Por favor, utiliza esta función sólo para instalar actualizaciones y DLCs.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n archivo(s) recién sobreescrito/s
@@ -4986,7 +5107,7 @@ Por favor, utiliza esta función sólo para instalar actualizaciones y DLCs.
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n archivo(s) no se instaló/instalaron
@@ -4995,377 +5116,377 @@ Por favor, utiliza esta función sólo para instalar actualizaciones y DLCs.
+ System ApplicationAplicación del sistema
+ System ArchiveArchivo del sistema
+ System Application UpdateActualización de la aplicación del sistema
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Paquete de firmware (Tipo A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Paquete de firmware (Tipo B)
+ GameJuego
+ Game UpdateActualización de juego
+ Game DLCDLC del juego
+ Delta TitleTitulo delta
+ Select NCA Install Type...Seleccione el tipo de instalación NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Seleccione el tipo de título en el que deseas instalar este NCA como:
(En la mayoría de los casos, el 'Juego' predeterminado está bien).
+ Failed to InstallFallo en la instalación
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.El tipo de título que seleccionó para el NCA no es válido.
+ File not foundArchivo no encontrado
+ File "%1" not foundArchivo "%1" no encontrado
+ OKAceptar
+ Hardware requirements not metNo se cumplen los requisitos de hardware
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.El sistema no cumple los requisitos de hardware recomendados. Los informes de compatibilidad se han desactivado.
+ Missing yuzu AccountFalta la cuenta de Yuzu
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Para enviar un caso de prueba de compatibilidad de juegos, debes vincular tu cuenta de yuzu.<br><br/> Para vincular tu cuenta de yuzu, ve a Emulación > Configuración > Web.
+ Error opening URLError al abrir la URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".No se puede abrir la URL "%1".
+ TAS RecordingGrabación TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?¿Sobrescribir archivo del jugador 1?
+ Invalid config detectedConfiguración no válida detectada
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.El controlador del modo portátil no puede ser usado en el modo sobremesa. Se seleccionará el controlador Pro en su lugar.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedEl amiibo actual ha sido eliminado
+ ErrorError
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosEl juego actual no está buscando amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Archivo amiibo (%1);; Todos los archivos (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCargar amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataError al cargar los datos Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiiboEl archivo seleccionado no es un amiibo válido
+ The selected file is already on useEl archivo seleccionado ya se encuentra en uso
+ An unknown error occurredHa ocurrido un error inesperado
+ Capture ScreenshotCaptura de pantalla
+ PNG Image (*.png)Imagen PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2Estado TAS: ejecutando %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1Estado TAS: grabando %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2Estado TAS: inactivo %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidEstado TAS: nulo
+ &Stop Running&Parar de ejecutar
+ &Start&Iniciar
+ Stop R&ecordingPausar g&rabación
+ R&ecordG&rabar
+ Building: %n shader(s)Creando: %n shader(s)Construyendo: %n shader(s)Construyendo: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorEscalado: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Velocidad: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Velocidad: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Juego: %1 FPS (desbloqueado)
+ Game: %1 FPSJuego: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFotogramas: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationConfirmar la clave de rederivación
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5382,37 +5503,37 @@ es lo que quieres hacer si es necesario.
Esto eliminará los archivos de las claves generadas automáticamente y volverá a ejecutar el módulo de derivación de claves.
+ Missing fusesFaltan fuses
+ - Missing BOOT0- Falta BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - Falta BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO - Falta PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingFaltan componentes de derivación
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Faltan las claves de encriptación. <br>Por favor, sigue <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>la guía rápida de yuzu</a> para obtener todas tus claves, firmware y juegos.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5421,39 +5542,39 @@ Esto puede llevar unos minutos dependiendo
del rendimiento de su sistema.
+ Deriving KeysObtención de claves
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetSelecciona el destinatario para volcar el RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Por favor, seleccione los RomFS que deseas volcar.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?¿Estás seguro de que quieres cerrar yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.¿Estás seguro de que quieres detener la emulación? Cualquier progreso no guardado se perderá.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5465,44 +5586,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!¡OpenGL no está disponible!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ Los contextos compartidos de OpenGL no son compatibles.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu no ha sido compilado con soporte de OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!¡Error al inicializar OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Tu GPU no soporta OpenGL, o no tienes instalados los últimos controladores gráficos.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!¡Error al iniciar OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Tu GPU no soporta OpenGL 4.6, o no tienes instalado el último controlador de la tarjeta gráfica.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Es posible que la GPU no soporte una o más extensiones necesarias de OpenGL . Por favor, asegúrate de tener los últimos controladores de la tarjeta gráfica.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Extensiones no soportadas:<br>%2
@@ -5537,7 +5658,7 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Open Transferable Pipeline Cache
- Abrir caché transferible de shaders en tubería
+ Abrir caché de canalización de shaders transferibles
@@ -5562,17 +5683,17 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Remove OpenGL Pipeline Cache
- Eliminar caché en tubería de OpenGL
+ Eliminar caché de canalización de OpenGLRemove Vulkan Pipeline Cache
- Eliminar caché en tubería de Vulkan
+ Eliminar caché de canalización de VulkanRemove All Pipeline Caches
- Eliminar todas las cachés en tubería
+ Eliminar todas las cachés de canalización
@@ -5603,17 +5724,17 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Create Shortcut
+ Crear Acceso directoAdd to Desktop
+ Añadir al EscritorioAdd to Applications Menu
+ Añadir al menú de Aplicaciones
@@ -5795,7 +5916,7 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
(Leave blank for open game)
- (Dejar en blanco para juego libre)
+ (Dejar vacío para crear sala abierta)
@@ -5815,7 +5936,7 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Load Previous Ban List
- Cargar lista de vetos anterior
+ Cargar lista de vetos anteriores
@@ -6005,7 +6126,7 @@ Mensaje de depuración:
+ Install Files to NANDInstalar archivos al NAND...
@@ -6013,7 +6134,7 @@ Mensaje de depuración:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1El texto no puede tener ninguno de estos caracteres:
@@ -6312,7 +6433,7 @@ Mensaje de depuración: &Direct Connect to Room
- &Conexión directa a la sala
+ &Conexión directa a una sala
@@ -6670,7 +6791,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6719,31 +6840,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][no definido]
@@ -6754,14 +6875,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Eje %1%2
@@ -6772,262 +6893,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][desconocido]
+ LeftIzquierda
+ RightDerecha
+ DownAbajo
+ UpArriba
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartComenzar
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleCírculo
+ CrossCruz
+ SquareCuadrado
+ TriangleTriángulo
+ ShareCompartir
+ OptionsOpciones
+ [undefined][sin definir]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][inválido]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Rotación %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Eje %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Eje %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Movimiento %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Botón %3
+ [unused][no usado]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Más
+ Minus
+ Menos
+ HomeInicio
+ Capture
+ Captura
+ TouchTáctil
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelRueda
+ BackwardAtrás
+ ForwardAdelante
+ TaskTarea
+ ExtraExtra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/fr.ts b/dist/languages/fr.ts
index d7d94dd30..b5119f409 100644
--- a/dist/languages/fr.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/fr.ts
@@ -936,102 +936,112 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
Désactiver les macros JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheLorsque la case est cochée, yuzu enregistrera les journaux de statistiques à propos de la cache de pipeline compilée
+ Enable Shader FeedbackActiver le retour d'information des shaders
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesLorsque la case est cochée, exécuter les shaders sans changer la boucle de logique
+ Disable Loop safety checksDésactiver les vérifications de boucle
+ DebuggingDébogage
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Activer les services de rapport verbeux**
+ Enable FS Access LogActiver la journalisation des accès du système de fichiers
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.Activez cette option pour afficher la dernière liste de commandes audio générée sur la console. N'affecte que les jeux utilisant le moteur de rendu audio.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**Déversez les commandes audio à la console**
+ Create Minidump After CrashCrée un Minidump après un crash
+ AdvancedAvancé
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeMode Kiosk (Quest)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingActiver le Débogage CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsActiver les assertions de débogage
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Activer l'Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller TypesActiver tous les types de contrôleurs
+ Disable Web AppletDésactiver l'applet web
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.Active yuzu pour chercher pour un environnement Vulkan fonctionnel quand le programme démarre. Desactiver ceci si cela cause des problèmes avec des programmes externes.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan CheckPerforme un check de Vulkan au démarrage
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Ces options seront réinitialisées automatiquement lorsque yuzu fermera.
@@ -1046,12 +1056,12 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
yuzu doit redémarrer pour appliquer ce paramètre.
+ Web applet not compiledApplet Web non compilé
+ MiniDump creation not compiledCréation de MiniDump non compilé
@@ -1102,13 +1112,13 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ AudioSon
@@ -1124,13 +1134,13 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ GeneralGénéral
+ GraphicsVidéo
@@ -1146,7 +1156,7 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ ControlsContrôles
@@ -1162,7 +1172,7 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ SystemSystème
@@ -1425,7 +1435,7 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ NoneAucune
@@ -1536,112 +1546,127 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Filtre de fenêtre adaptatif
+ Nearest NeighborPlus proche voisin
+ BilinearBilinéaire
+ BicubicBicubique
+ GaussianGaussien
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan seulement)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Méthode d'anticrénelage :
+ Use global FSR SharpnessUtiliser la netteté FSR globale
+ Set FSR SharpnessDéfinir la netteté FSR
+ FSR Sharpness:Netteté FSR :
+ 100%100%
+ Use global background colorUtiliser une couleur d'arrière-plan globale
+ Set background color:Définir la couleur d'arrière-plan :
+ Background Color:Couleur de L’arrière plan :
@@ -1686,76 +1711,96 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.La VSync empêche les déchirements de l'image, mais cela peut causer des baisses de performances sur certaines cartes graphiques. Gardez la activée si vous ne voyez pas de différence.
+ Use VSyncUtiliser VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Active la compilation de shaders asynchrone, qui peut réduire les saccades des shaders. Cette fonctionnalité est expérimentale.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Utiliser la compilation asynchrone des shaders (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Active le Temps GPU Rapide. Cette option forcera la plupart des jeux à utiliser leur plus grande résolution native.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Utiliser le Temps GPU Rapide (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.Active les vidages de tampon pessimistes. Cette option va forcer les tampons non-modifiés à être vidé, cela peut affecter la performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)Utiliser des vidages de tampon pessimistes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Filtrage anisotropique :
+ AutomaticAutomatique
+ DefaultDéfaut
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2143,7 +2188,7 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ ConfigureConfigurer
@@ -2169,6 +2214,7 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ Requires restarting yuzuNécessite de redémarrer yuzu
@@ -2188,22 +2234,27 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
Manette de navigation
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningActiver le mouvement panorama avec la souris
+ Mouse sensitivitySensibilité de la souris
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchLa motion / Toucher
@@ -2315,7 +2366,7 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ Left StickStick Gauche
@@ -2409,14 +2460,14 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ LL
@@ -2435,7 +2486,7 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ PlusPlus
@@ -2448,15 +2499,15 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ RR
@@ -2513,236 +2564,236 @@ Cette option améliore la vitesse en réduisant la précision des instructions f
+ Right StickStick Droit
+ ClearEffacer
+ [not set][non défini]
+ Invert buttonInverser les boutons
+ Toggle buttonBouton d'activation
+ Invert axisInverser l'axe
+ Set thresholdDéfinir le seuil
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Choisissez une valeur entre 0% et 100%
+ Toggle axisBasculer les axes
+ Set gyro thresholdDéfinir le seuil du gyroscope
+ Map Analog StickMapper le stick analogique
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Après avoir appuyé sur OK, bougez d'abord votre joystick horizontalement, puis verticalement.
Pour inverser les axes, bougez d'abord votre joystick verticalement, puis horizontalement.
+ Center axisAxe central
+ Deadzone: %1%Zone morte : %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Modification de la course : %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual JoyconsDeux Joycons
+ Left JoyconJoycon de gauche
+ Right JoyconJoycon de droit
+ HandheldMode Portable
+ GameCube ControllerManette GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoké Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerManette NES
+ SNES ControllerManette SNES
+ N64 ControllerManette N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseStart / Pause
+ ZZ
+ Control StickStick de contrôle
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!Secouez !
+ [waiting][en attente]
+ New ProfileNouveau Profil
+ Enter a profile name:Entrez un nom de profil :
+ Create Input ProfileCréer un profil d'entrée
+ The given profile name is not valid!Le nom de profil donné est invalide !
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Échec de la création du profil d'entrée "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileSupprimer le profil d'entrée
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Échec de la suppression du profil d'entrée "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileCharger le profil d'entrée
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Échec du chargement du profil d'entrée "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileSauvegarder le profil d'entrée
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Échec de la sauvegarde du profil d'entrée "%1"
@@ -2790,7 +2841,7 @@ Pour inverser les axes, bougez d'abord votre joystick verticalement, puis h
+ ConfigureConfigurer
@@ -2826,7 +2877,7 @@ Pour inverser les axes, bougez d'abord votre joystick verticalement, puis h
+ TestTester
@@ -2846,77 +2897,77 @@ Pour inverser les axes, bougez d'abord votre joystick verticalement, puis h
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Plus d'informations</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersLe numéro de port contient des caractères invalides
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Le port doit être entre 0 et 65353
+ IP address is not validL'adresse IP n'est pas valide
+ This UDP server already existsCe serveur UDP existe déjà
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversImpossible d'ajouter plus de 8 serveurs
+ TestingEssai
+ ConfiguringConfiguration
+ Test SuccessfulTest réussi
+ Successfully received data from the server.Données reçues du serveur avec succès.
+ Test FailedTest échoué
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Impossible de recevoir des données valides du serveur.<br>Veuillez vérifier que le serveur est correctement configuré et que l'adresse et le port sont corrects.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Le test UDP ou la configuration de l'étalonnage est en cours.<br>Veuillez attendre qu'ils se terminent.
@@ -3245,8 +3296,8 @@ UUID : %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- Paramètres du Capteur de l'Anneau
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3266,33 +3317,90 @@ UUID : %2
Zone morte : 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsRestaurer les défauts
+ ClearEffacer
+ [not set][non défini]
+ Invert axisInverser l'axe
+ Deadzone: %1%Zone morte : %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Configuration
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][En attente]
@@ -3597,8 +3705,8 @@ UUID : %2
- English
- Anglais
+ American English
@@ -3731,22 +3839,27 @@ UUID : %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Les paramètres systèmes ne sont accessibles que lorsque le jeu n'est pas en cours.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Ceci remplacera la Switch virtuelle actuelle par une nouvelle. La Switch actuelle ne sera plus récupérable. cela peut entrainer des effets non désirés pendant le jeu. Ceci peut échouer si une configuration de sauvegarde périmée est utilisée. Continuer ?
+ WarningAvertissement
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID de la Console : 0x%1
@@ -3817,7 +3930,7 @@ UUID : %2
Configuration du TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Sélectionner le dossier de chargement du TAS...
@@ -4373,7 +4486,7 @@ Faites glisser les points pour modifier la position ou double-cliquez sur les ce
Contrôleur joueur 1
+ &Controller P1&Contrôleur joueur 1
@@ -4386,42 +4499,37 @@ Faites glisser les points pour modifier la position ou double-cliquez sur les ce
Connexion directe
- IP Address
- Adresse IP
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Adresse IPv4 de l'hôte</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ PortPort
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Numéro de port sur lequel l'hôte écoute</p></body></html>
+ NicknameSurnom
+ PasswordMot de passe
+ ConnectConnecter
@@ -4429,12 +4537,12 @@ Faites glisser les points pour modifier la position ou double-cliquez sur les ce
+ ConnectingConnexion
+ ConnectConnecter
@@ -4505,860 +4613,870 @@ Faites glisser les points pour modifier la position ou double-cliquez sur les ce
Temps pris pour émuler une image par seconde de la switch, sans compter le limiteur d'image par seconde ou la synchronisation verticale. Pour une émulation à pleine vitesse, ceci devrait être au maximum à 16.67 ms.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Effacer les fichiers récents
+ &Continue&Continuer
+ &Pause&Pause
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu exécute un jeu
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatAvertissement : Le Format de jeu est dépassé
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Vous utilisez un format de ROM déconstruite pour ce jeu, qui est donc un format dépassé qui à été remplacer par d'autre. Par exemple les formats NCA, NAX, XCI, ou NSP. Les destinations de ROM déconstruites manque des icônes, des métadonnée et du support de mise à jour.<br><br>Pour une explication des divers formats Switch que yuzu supporte, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>Regardez dans le wiki</a>. Ce message ne sera pas montré une autre fois.
+ Error while loading ROM!Erreur lors du chargement de la ROM !
+ The ROM format is not supported.Le format de la ROM n'est pas supporté.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'initialisation du noyau dédié à la vidéo.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu a rencontré une erreur en exécutant le cœur vidéo. Cela est généralement causé par des pilotes graphiques trop anciens. Veuillez consulter les logs pour plus d'informations. Pour savoir comment accéder aux logs, veuillez vous référer à la page suivante : <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Comment partager un fichier de log </a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Erreur lors du chargement de la ROM ! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Veuillez suivre <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>le guide de démarrage rapide yuzu</a> pour retransférer vos fichiers.<br>Vous pouvez vous référer au wiki yuzu</a> ou le Discord yuzu</a> pour de l'assistance.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Une erreur inconnue est survenue. Veuillez consulter le journal des logs pour plus de détails.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataEnregistrer les données
+ Mod DataDonnés du Mod
+ Error Opening %1 FolderErreur dans l'ouverture du dossier %1.
+ Folder does not exist!Le dossier n'existe pas !
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheErreur lors de l'ouverture des Shader Cache Transferable
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.Impossible de créer le dossier de cache du shader pour ce jeu.
+ Error Removing ContentsErreur en enlevant le contenu
+ Error Removing UpdateErreur en enlevant la Mise à Jour
+ Error Removing DLCErreur en enlevant le DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?Enlever les données des jeux installés ?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?Enlever la mise à jour du jeu installé ?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?Enlever le DLC du jeu installé ?
+ Remove EntrySupprimer l'entrée
+ Successfully RemovedSupprimé avec succès
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Suppression du jeu de base installé avec succès.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Le jeu de base n'est pas installé dans la NAND et ne peut pas être supprimé.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Suppression de la mise à jour installée avec succès.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Il n'y a pas de mise à jour installée pour ce titre.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Il n'y a pas de DLC installé pour ce titre.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Suppression de %1 DLC installé(s) avec succès.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Supprimer la Cache OpenGL de Shader Transférable?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Supprimer la Cache Vulkan de Shader Transférable?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Supprimer Toutes les Caches de Shader Transférable?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Supprimer la configuration personnalisée du jeu?
+ Remove FileSupprimer fichier
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheErreur lors de la suppression du cache de shader transférable
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Un shader cache pour ce titre n'existe pas.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Suppression du cache de shader transférable avec succès.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Échec de la suppression du cache de shader transférable.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesErreur durant la Suppression des Caches de Shader Transférable
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Suppression des caches de shader transférable effectuée avec succès.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.Impossible de supprimer le dossier de la cache de shader transférable.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationErreur lors de la suppression de la configuration personnalisée
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Il n'existe pas de configuration personnalisée pour ce titre.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Suppression de la configuration de jeu personnalisée avec succès.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Échec de la suppression de la configuration personnalisée du jeu.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!L'extraction de la RomFS a échoué !
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Une erreur s'est produite lors de la copie des fichiers RomFS ou l'utilisateur a annulé l'opération.
+ FullPlein
+ SkeletonSquelette
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeSélectionnez le mode d'extraction de la RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Veuillez sélectionner la manière dont vous souhaitez que le fichier RomFS soit extrait.<br>Full copiera tous les fichiers dans le nouveau répertoire, tandis que<br>skeleton créera uniquement la structure de répertoires.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump RootIl n'y a pas assez d'espace libre dans %1 pour extraire la RomFS. Veuillez libérer de l'espace ou sélectionner un autre dossier d'extraction dans Émulation > Configurer > Système > Système de fichiers > Extraire la racine
+ Extracting RomFS...Extraction de la RomFS ...
+ CancelAnnuler
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Extraction de la RomFS réussi !
+ The operation completed successfully.L'opération s'est déroulée avec succès.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Erreur lors de l'ouverture %1
+ Select DirectorySélectionner un répertoire
+ PropertiesPropriétés
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Les propriétés du jeu n'ont pas pu être chargées.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Exécutable Switch (%1);;Tous les fichiers (*.*)
+ Load FileCharger un fichier
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryOuvrir le dossier des ROM extraites
+ Invalid Directory SelectedDestination sélectionnée invalide
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Le répertoire que vous avez sélectionné ne contient pas de fichier "main".
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Fichier Switch installable (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstaller les fichiers
+ %n file(s) remaining%n fichier restant%n fichiers restants%n fichiers restants
+ Installing file "%1"...Installation du fichier "%1" ...
+ Install ResultsRésultats d'installation
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Pour éviter d'éventuels conflits, nous déconseillons aux utilisateurs d'installer des jeux de base sur la NAND.
Veuillez n'utiliser cette fonctionnalité que pour installer des mises à jour et des DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n fichier a été nouvellement installé%n fichiers ont été nouvellement installés%n fichiers ont été nouvellement installés
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n fichier a été écrasé%n fichiers ont été écrasés%n fichiers ont été écrasés
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n fichier n'a pas pu être installé%n fichiers n'ont pas pu être installés%n fichiers n'ont pas pu être installés
+ System ApplicationApplication Système
+ System ArchiveArchive Système
+ System Application UpdateMise à jour de l'application système
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Paquet micrologiciel (Type A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Paquet micrologiciel (Type B)
+ GameJeu
+ Game UpdateMise à jour de jeu
+ Game DLCDLC de jeu
+ Delta TitleTitre Delta
+ Select NCA Install Type...Sélectionner le type d'installation du NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Veuillez sélectionner le type de titre auquel vous voulez installer ce NCA :
(Dans la plupart des cas, le titre par défaut : 'Jeu' est correct.)
+ Failed to InstallÉchec de l'installation
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Le type de titre que vous avez sélectionné pour le NCA n'est pas valide.
+ File not foundFichier non trouvé
+ File "%1" not foundFichier "%1" non trouvé
+ Hardware requirements not metÉxigences matérielles non respectées
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.Votre système ne correspond pas aux éxigences matérielles. Les rapports de comptabilité ont été désactivés.
+ Missing yuzu AccountCompte yuzu manquant
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Pour soumettre un test de compatibilité pour un jeu, vous devez lier votre compte yuzu.<br><br/>Pour lier votre compte yuzu, aller à Emulation > Configuration> Web.
+ Error opening URLErreur lors de l'ouverture de l'URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Impossible d'ouvrir l'URL "%1".
+ TAS RecordingEnregistrement TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Écraser le fichier du joueur 1 ?
+ Invalid config detectedConfiguration invalide détectée
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Contrôleur portable ne peut pas être utilisé en mode téléviseur. La manette Pro sera sélectionnée.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedL'amiibo actuel a été retiré
+ ErrorErreur
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosLe jeu actuel ne cherche pas d'amiibos.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Fichier Amiibo (%1);; Tous les fichiers (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCharger un Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataErreur lors du chargement des données Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiiboLe fichier choisi n'est pas un amiibo valide
+ The selected file is already on useLe fichier sélectionné est déjà utilisé
+ An unknown error occurredUne erreur inconnue s'est produite
+ Capture ScreenshotCapture d'écran
+ PNG Image (*.png)Image PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2État du TAS : En cours d'exécution %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1État du TAS : Enregistrement %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2État du TAS : Inactif %1:%2
+ TAS State: InvalidÉtat du TAS : Invalide
+ &Stop Running&Stopper l'exécution
+ &Start&Start
+ Stop R&ecordingStopper l'en®istrement
+ R&ecordEn®istrer
+ Building: %n shader(s)Compilation: %n shaderCompilation : %n shadersCompilation : %n shaders
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorÉchelle : %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Vitesse : %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Vitesse : %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Jeu : %1 IPS (Débloqué)
+ Game: %1 FPSJeu : %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame : %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationConfirmer la réinstallation de la clé
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5375,37 +5493,37 @@ et éventuellement faites des sauvegardes.
Cela supprimera vos fichiers de clé générés automatiquement et ré exécutera le module d'installation de clé.
+ Missing fusesFusibles manquants
+ - Missing BOOT0- BOOT0 manquant
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main manquant
+ - Missing PRODINFO- PRODINFO manquant
+ Derivation Components MissingComposants de dérivation manquants
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Les clés de chiffrement sont manquantes. <br>Veuillez suivre <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>le guide de démarrage rapide yuzu</a> pour obtenir tous vos clés, firmware et jeux.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5414,39 +5532,39 @@ Cela peut prendre jusqu'à une minute en fonction
des performances de votre système.
+ Deriving KeysInstallation des clés
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetSélectionner la cible d'extraction du RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Veuillez sélectionner quel RomFS vous voulez extraire.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Êtes vous sûr de vouloir fermer yuzu ?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Êtes-vous sûr d'arrêter l'émulation ? Tout progrès non enregistré sera perdu.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5458,44 +5576,44 @@ Voulez-vous ignorer ceci and quitter quand même ?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL n'est pas disponible !
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu n'a pas été compilé avec le support OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Erreur lors de l'initialisation d'OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Votre GPU peut ne pas prendre en charge OpenGL, ou vous n'avez pas les derniers pilotes graphiques.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Erreur lors de l'initialisation d'OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Votre GPU peut ne pas prendre en charge OpenGL 4.6 ou vous ne disposez pas du dernier pilote graphique: %1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Votre GPU peut ne pas prendre en charge une ou plusieurs extensions OpenGL requises. Veuillez vous assurer que vous disposez du dernier pilote graphique.<br><br>GL Renderer :<br>%1<br><br>Extensions non prises en charge :<br>%2
@@ -5998,7 +6116,7 @@ Message de débogage :
+ Install Files to NANDInstaller des fichiers sur la NAND
@@ -6006,7 +6124,7 @@ Message de débogage :
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1Le texte ne peut contenir aucun des caractères suivants :
@@ -6663,7 +6781,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ START/PAUSEDémarrer/Pause
@@ -6712,31 +6830,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftMaj
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][non défini]
@@ -6747,14 +6865,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Axe %1%2
@@ -6765,262 +6883,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][inconnu]
+ LeftGauche
+ RightDroite
+ DownBas
+ UpHaut
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleCercle
+ CrossCroix
+ SquareCarré
+ TriangleTriangle
+ SharePartager
+ OptionsOptions
+ [undefined][non défini]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][invalide]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Chapeau %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Axe %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Axe %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Mouvement %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Bouton %3
+ [unused][inutilisé]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Plus
+ Minus
+ Moins
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Capturer
+ TouchTactile
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelMolette
+ BackwardReculer
+ ForwardAvancer
+ TaskTâche
+ ExtraExtra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/id.ts b/dist/languages/id.ts
index e50f6388c..1b014248a 100644
--- a/dist/languages/id.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/id.ts
@@ -893,102 +893,112 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
Matikan Macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheSaat dinyalakan, yuzu akan mencatat statstik tentang pipeline cache yang disusun
+ Enable Shader FeedbackNyalakan Umpan Balik Shader
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesSaat dinyalakan, akan menjalankan shader tanpa perubahan logika loop
+ Disable Loop safety checksMatikan cek keamanan Loop
+ DebuggingPengawakutuan
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Nyalakan Layanan Laporan Bertele-tele**
+ Enable FS Access LogNyalakan Log Akses FS
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedLanjutan
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeMode Kiosk (Pencarian)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingNyalakan Pengawakutuan CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsNyalakan Awakutu Assert
+ Enable Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller TypesAktifkan Semua Jenis Controller
+ Disable Web AppletMatikan Applet Web
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Ini akan diatur ulang secara otomatis ketika yuzu ditutup.
@@ -1003,12 +1013,12 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1059,13 +1069,13 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ AudioAudio
@@ -1081,13 +1091,13 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ GeneralUmum
+ GraphicsGrafis
@@ -1103,7 +1113,7 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ ControlsKendali
@@ -1119,7 +1129,7 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ SystemSistem
@@ -1382,7 +1392,7 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ NoneTak ada
@@ -1493,112 +1503,127 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Filter Menyelaraskan dengan Layar:
+ Nearest NeighborNearest Neighbor
+ BilinearBiliner
+ BicubicBikubik
+ GaussianGaussian
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Metode Anti-Aliasing:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorGunakan warna latar global
+ Set background color:Setel warna latar:
+ Background Color:Warna Latar:
@@ -1643,76 +1668,96 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync mencegah robekan layar, tapi beberapa kartu grafis memiliki performa yang lebih rendah dengan VSnyc dinyalakan. Biarkan menyala jika anda tidak memerhatikan perbedaan performa.
+ Use VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Anisotropic Filtering:
+ AutomaticOtomatis
+ DefaultBawaan
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2100,7 +2145,7 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ ConfigureKonfigurasi
@@ -2126,6 +2171,7 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ Requires restarting yuzuMemerlukan mengulang yuzu
@@ -2145,22 +2191,27 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningNyalakan geseran tetikus
+ Mouse sensitivitySensitivitas mouse
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchGerakan / Sentuhan
@@ -2272,7 +2323,7 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ Left StickStik Kiri
@@ -2366,14 +2417,14 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ LL
@@ -2392,7 +2443,7 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ PlusTambah
@@ -2405,15 +2456,15 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ RR
@@ -2470,236 +2521,236 @@ Memungkinkan berbagai macam optimasi IR.
+ Right StickStik Kanan
+ ClearBersihkan
+ [not set][belum diatur]
+ Invert buttonBalikkan tombol
+ Toggle buttonAtur tombol
+ Invert axisBalikkan poros
+ Set thresholdAtur batasan
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Pilih sebuah angka diantara 0% dan 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog StickPetakan Stik Analog
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Setelah menekan OK, pertama gerakkan joystik secara mendatar, lalu tegak lurus.
Untuk membalikkan sumbu, pertama gerakkan joystik secara tegak lurus, lalu mendatar.
+ Center axis
+ Deadzone: %1%Titik Mati: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Rentang Pengubah: %1%
+ Pro ControllerKontroler Pro
+ Dual JoyconsJoycon Dual
+ Left JoyconJoycon Kiri
+ Right JoyconJoycon Kanan
+ HandheldJinjing
+ GameCube ControllerKontroler GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerKontroler NES
+ SNES ControllerKontroler SNES
+ N64 ControllerKontroler N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseMulai / Jeda
+ ZZ
+ Control StickStik Kendali
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!Getarkan!
+ [waiting][menunggu]
+ New ProfileProfil Baru
+ Enter a profile name:Masukkan nama profil:
+ Create Input ProfileCiptakan Profil Masukan
+ The given profile name is not valid!Nama profil yang diberi tidak sah!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Gagal membuat profil masukan "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileHapus Profil Masukan
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Gagal menghapus profil masukan "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileMuat Profil Masukan
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Gagal memuat profil masukan "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileSimpat Profil Masukan
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Gagal menyimpan profil masukan "%1"
@@ -2747,7 +2798,7 @@ Untuk membalikkan sumbu, pertama gerakkan joystik secara tegak lurus, lalu menda
+ ConfigureKonfigurasi
@@ -2783,7 +2834,7 @@ Untuk membalikkan sumbu, pertama gerakkan joystik secara tegak lurus, lalu menda
+ TestUji coba
@@ -2803,77 +2854,77 @@ Untuk membalikkan sumbu, pertama gerakkan joystik secara tegak lurus, lalu menda
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Pelajari lebih lanjut</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersTerdapat karakter tidak sah di angka port
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Port harus berada dalam jangkauan 0 dan 65353
+ IP address is not validAlamat IP tidak sah
+ This UDP server already existsServer UDP ini sudah ada
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversTidak dapat menambah lebih dari 8 server
+ TestingMenguji
+ ConfiguringMengkonfigur
+ Test SuccessfulTes Berhasil
+ Successfully received data from the server.Berhasil menerima data dari server.
+ Test FailedUji coba Gagal
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Tidak dapat menerima data yang sah dari server.<br>Mohon periksa bahwa server telah diatur dengan benar dan alamat dan port sudah sesuai.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Uji coba UDP atau kalibrasi konfigurasi sedang berjalan.<br>Mohon tunggu hingga selesai.
@@ -3201,7 +3252,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3222,33 +3273,90 @@ UUID: %2
Titik Mati: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsKembalikan ke Semula
+ ClearBersihkan
+ [not set][belum diatur]
+ Invert axisBalikkan poros
+ Deadzone: %1%Titik Mati: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Mengkonfigur
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][menunggu]
@@ -3553,8 +3661,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Inggris
+ American English
@@ -3687,22 +3795,27 @@ UUID: %2
Hasilkan Ulang
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Pengaturan sistem hanya tersedia saat permainan tidak dijalankan.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Ini akan mengganti Switch virtual Anda dengan yang baru. Switch virtual Anda saat ini tidak akan bisa dipulihkan. Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan kesan tak terkira di dalam permainan. Ini juga mungkin akan gagal jika Anda menggunakan simpanan konfigurasi yang lawas. Lanjutkan?
+ WarningPeringatan
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID Konsol: 0x%1
@@ -3773,7 +3886,7 @@ UUID: %2
+ Select TAS Load Directory...
@@ -4328,7 +4441,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Kontroler P1
+ &Controller P1%Kontroler P1
@@ -4341,42 +4454,37 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
- IP Address
+ Server Address
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4384,12 +4492,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4459,862 +4567,872 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengemulasikan bingkai Switch, tak menghitung pembatas bingkai atau v-sync. Agar emulasi berkecepatan penuh, ini harus 16.67 mdtk.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Bersihkan Berkas Baru-baru Ini
+ &Continue&Lanjutkan
+ &Pause&Jeda
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu sedang menjalankan game
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatPeringatan Format Permainan yang Usang
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Anda menggunakan format direktori ROM yang sudah didekonstruksi untuk permainan ini, yang mana itu merupakan format lawas yang sudah tergantikan oleh yang lain seperti NCA, NAX, XCI, atau NSP. Direktori ROM yang sudah didekonstruksi kekurangan ikon, metadata, dan dukungan pembaruan.<br><br>Untuk penjelasan berbagai format Switch yang didukung yuzu, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>periksa wiki kami</a>. Pesan ini tidak akan ditampilkan lagi.
+ Error while loading ROM!Kesalahan ketika memuat ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Format ROM tak didukung.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Terjadi kesalahan ketika menginisialisasi inti video.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu telah mengalami error saat menjalankan inti video. Ini biasanya disebabkan oleh pemicu piranti (driver) GPU yang usang, termasuk yang terintegrasi. Mohon lihat catatan untuk informasi lebih rinci. Untuk informasi cara mengakses catatan, mohon lihat halaman berikut: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Cara Mengupload Berkas Catatan</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Terjadi kesalahan yang tak diketahui. Mohon lihat catatan untuk informasi lebih rinci.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataSimpan Data
+ Mod DataMod Data
+ Error Opening %1 FolderGagal Membuka Folder %1
+ Folder does not exist!Folder tak ada!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheGagal Ketika Membuka Tembolok Shader yang Dapat Ditransfer
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove EntryHapus Masukan
+ Successfully Removed
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.
+ There is no update installed for this title.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Tidak ada DLC yang terinstall untuk judul ini.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?
+ Remove FileHapus File
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheKesalahan Menghapus Transferable Shader Cache
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Cache shader bagi judul ini tidak ada
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.
- Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationKesalahan Menghapus Konfigurasi Buatan
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!Pengekstrakan RomFS Gagal!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Terjadi kesalahan ketika menyalin berkas RomFS atau dibatalkan oleh pengguna.
+ FullPenuh
+ SkeletonSkeleton
+ Select RomFS Dump ModePilih Mode Dump RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Mohon pilih cara RomFS akan di-dump.<br>FPenuh akan menyalin seluruh berkas ke dalam direktori baru sementara <br>jerangkong hanya akan menciptakan struktur direktorinya saja.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Extracting RomFS...Mengekstrak RomFS...
+ CancelBatal
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Pengekstrakan RomFS Berhasil!
+ The operation completed successfully.Operasi selesai dengan sukses,
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Gagal membuka %1
+ Select DirectoryPilih Direktori
+ PropertiesProperti
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Properti permainan tak dapat dimuat.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Eksekutabel Switch (%1);;Semua Berkas (*.*)
+ Load FileMuat Berkas
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryBuka Direktori ROM Terekstrak
+ Invalid Directory SelectedDirektori Terpilih Tidak Sah
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Direktori yang Anda pilih tak memiliki berkas 'utama.'
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstall File
+ %n file(s) remaining
+ Installing file "%1"...Memasang berkas "%1"...
+ Install ResultsHasil Install
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n file(s) baru diinstall
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n file(s) telah ditimpa
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n file(s) gagal di install
+ System ApplicationAplikasi Sistem
+ System ArchiveArsip Sistem
+ System Application UpdatePembaruan Aplikasi Sistem
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Paket Perangkat Tegar (Tipe A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Paket Perangkat Tegar (Tipe B)
+ GamePermainan
+ Game UpdatePembaruan Permainan
+ Game DLCDLC Permainan
+ Delta TitleJudul Delta
+ Select NCA Install Type...Pilih Tipe Pemasangan NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Mohon pilih jenis judul yang Anda ingin pasang sebagai NCA ini:
(Dalam kebanyakan kasus, pilihan bawaan 'Permainan' tidak apa-apa`.)
+ Failed to InstallGagal Memasang
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Jenis judul yang Anda pilih untuk NCA tidak sah.
+ File not foundBerkas tak ditemukan
+ File "%1" not foundBerkas "%1" tak ditemukan
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountAkun yuzu Hilang
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Agar dapat mengirimkan berkas uju kompatibilitas permainan, Anda harus menautkan akun yuzu Anda.<br><br/>TUntuk mennautkan akun yuzu Anda, pergi ke Emulasi > Konfigurasi > Web.
+ Error opening URLKesalahan saat membuka URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Tidak dapat membuka URL "%1".
+ TAS RecordingRekaman TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Timpa file pemain 1?
+ Invalid config detectedKonfigurasi tidak sah terdeteksi
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Kontroller jinjing tidak bisa digunakan dalam mode dock. Kontroller Pro akan dipilih
+ Amiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed
+ Error
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Berkas Amiibo (%1);; Semua Berkas (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboMuat Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataGagal memuat data Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotTangkapan Layar
+ PNG Image (*.png)Berkas PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2Status TAS: Berjalan %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1Status TAS: Merekam %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2Status TAS: Diam %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidStatus TAS: Tidak Valid
+ &Stop Running&Matikan
+ &Start&Mulai
+ Stop R&ecordingBerhenti Mer&ekam
+ R&ecordR&ekam
+ Building: %n shader(s)Membangun: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorSkala: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Kecepatan: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Kecepatan: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)
+ Game: %1 FPSPermainan: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key Rederivation
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5325,76 +5443,76 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
+ Missing fuses
+ - Missing BOOT0- Kehilangan BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- Kehilangan BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO- Kehilangan PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components Missing
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
+ Deriving Keys
+ Select RomFS Dump Target
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Apakah anda yakin ingin menutup yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5404,44 +5522,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL tidak tersedia!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Terjadi kesalahan menginisialisasi OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.VGA anda mungkin tidak mendukung OpenGL, atau anda tidak memiliki pemacu piranti (driver) grafis terbaharu.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Terjadi kesalahan menginisialisasi OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1VGA anda mungkin tidak mendukung OpenGL 4.6, atau anda tidak memiliki pemacu piranti (driver) grafis terbaharu.<br><br>Pemuat GL:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2VGA anda mungkin tidak mendukung satu atau lebih ekstensi OpenGL. Mohon pastikan bahwa anda memiliki pemacu piranti (driver) grafis terbaharu.<br><br>Pemuat GL:<br>%1<br><br>Ekstensi yang tidak didukung:<br>%2
@@ -5943,7 +6061,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDInstall File ke NAND
@@ -5951,7 +6069,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6599,7 +6717,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6648,31 +6766,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Shift
+ Ctrl
+ Alt
+ [not set][belum diatur]
@@ -6683,14 +6801,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2
@@ -6701,262 +6819,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown]
+ LeftKiri
+ RightKanan
+ DownBawah
+ UpAtas
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartMulai
+ L1
+ L2
+ L3
+ R1
+ R2
+ R3
+ Circle
+ Cross
+ Square
+ Triangle
+ Share
+ Options
+ [undefined]
+ %1%2
+ [invalid]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Gerakan %3
+ %1%2Button %3
+ [unused]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Tambah
+ Minus
+ Kurang
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Tangkapan
+ TouchSentuh
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheel
+ Backward
+ Forward
+ Task
+ Extra
+ %1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/it.ts b/dist/languages/it.ts
index b41728cb7..d205de5f6 100644
--- a/dist/languages/it.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/it.ts
@@ -922,102 +922,112 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.Disabilita JIT macro
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Quando l'opzione è selezionata, disabilita le funzioni HLE delle macro. Abilitare questa opzione rende i giochi più lenti
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ Disabilita HLE macro
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache
+ Enable Shader Feedback
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes
+ Disable Loop safety checks
+ DebuggingDebug
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access LogAbilita log di accesso al FS
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After CrashCrea Minidump dopo un arresto anomalo
+ AdvancedAvanzate
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeModalità Kiosk (Quest)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingAbilita il debug della CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsAbilita le asserzioni di debug
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Abilita stub automatico**
+ Enable All Controller TypesAbilita tutti i tipi di controller
+ Disable Web AppletDisabilita l'applet web
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan CheckEsegui controllo di Vulkan all'avvio
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**L'opzione verrà automaticamente ripristinata alla chiusura di yuzu.
@@ -1032,12 +1042,12 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.yuzu dev'essere riavviato affinché questa opzione venga applicata.
+ Web applet not compiledApplet web non compilato
+ MiniDump creation not compiledCreazione MiniDump non compilata
@@ -1088,13 +1098,13 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ AudioAudio
@@ -1110,13 +1120,13 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ GeneralGenerale
+ GraphicsGrafica
@@ -1132,7 +1142,7 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ ControlsComandi
@@ -1148,7 +1158,7 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ SystemSistema
@@ -1411,7 +1421,7 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ NoneNessuno
@@ -1522,112 +1532,127 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Filtro di adattamento alla finestra:
+ Nearest NeighborNearest neighbor
+ BilinearBilineare
+ BicubicBicubico
+ GaussianGaussiano
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (solo Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Metodo di anti-aliasing:
+ Use global FSR SharpnessUsa la nitidezza FSR globale
+ Set FSR SharpnessImposta la nitidezza FSR
+ FSR Sharpness:Nitidezza FSR:
+ 100%100%
+ Use global background colorUsa il colore di sfondo globale
+ Set background color:Imposta il colore di sfondo:
+ Background Color:Colore dello sfondo:
@@ -1672,76 +1697,96 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.Il VSync evita il tearing dello schermo, ma alcune schede video hanno prestazioni peggiori quando il VSync è abilitato. Lascialo abilitato se non noti una differenza nelle prestazioni.
+ Use VSyncUtilizza VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Abilita la compilazione degli shader asincrona, che può ridurre gli scatti causati dagli shader. Questa funzione è sperimentale.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Utilizza la compilazione asincrona degli shader (espediente)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Filtro anisotropico:
+ AutomaticAutomatico
+ DefaultPredefinito
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2129,7 +2174,7 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ ConfigureConfigura
@@ -2155,6 +2200,7 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ Requires restarting yuzuRichiede il riavvio di yuzu
@@ -2174,22 +2220,27 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.Navigazione con il controller
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningAbilita il mouse panning
+ Mouse sensitivitySensibilità del mouse
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchMovimento/tocco
@@ -2301,7 +2352,7 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ Left StickLevetta sinistra
@@ -2395,14 +2446,14 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ LL
@@ -2421,7 +2472,7 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ PlusPiù
@@ -2434,15 +2485,15 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ RR
@@ -2499,236 +2550,236 @@ Questo bannerà sia il suo nome utente del forum che il suo indirizzo IP.
+ Right StickLevetta destra
+ ClearCancella
+ [not set][non impost.]
+ Invert buttonInverti pulsante
+ Toggle buttonPremi il pulsante
+ Invert axisInverti asse
+ Set thresholdImposta soglia
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Scegli un valore compreso tra 0% e 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog StickMappa la levetta analogica
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Dopo aver premuto OK, prima muovi la levetta orizzontalmente, e poi verticalmente.
Per invertire gli assi, prima muovi la levetta verticalmente, e poi orizzontalmente.
+ Center axisCentra asse
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona morta: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Modifica raggio: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual JoyconsDue Joycon
+ Left JoyconJoycon sinistro
+ Right JoyconJoycon destro
+ HandheldPortatile
+ GameCube ControllerController GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoké Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerController NES
+ SNES ControllerController SNES
+ N64 ControllerController N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseAvvia / Metti in pausa
+ ZZ
+ Control StickLevetta di Controllo
+ C-StickLevetta C
+ Shake!Scuoti!
+ [waiting][in attesa]
+ New ProfileNuovo profilo
+ Enter a profile name:Inserisci un nome profilo:
+ Create Input ProfileCrea un profilo di input
+ The given profile name is not valid!Il nome profilo inserito non è valido!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Impossibile creare il profilo di input "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileElimina un profilo di input
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Impossibile eliminare il profilo di input "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileCarica un profilo di input
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Impossibile caricare il profilo di input "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileSalva un profilo di Input
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Impossibile creare il profilo di input "%1"
@@ -2776,7 +2827,7 @@ Per invertire gli assi, prima muovi la levetta verticalmente, e poi orizzontalme
+ ConfigureConfigura
@@ -2812,7 +2863,7 @@ Per invertire gli assi, prima muovi la levetta verticalmente, e poi orizzontalme
+ TestTest
@@ -2832,77 +2883,77 @@ Per invertire gli assi, prima muovi la levetta verticalmente, e poi orizzontalme
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Per saperne di più</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersIl numero di porta contiene caratteri non validi
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353La valore della porta deve essere compreso tra 0 e 65353 inclusi
+ IP address is not validIndirizzo IP non valido
+ This UDP server already existsQuesto server UDP esiste già
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversImpossibile aggiungere più di 8 server
+ TestingTestando
+ ConfiguringConfigurando
+ Test SuccessfulTest riuscito
+ Successfully received data from the server.Ricevuti con successo dati dal server.
+ Test FailedTest fallito
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Impossibile ricevere dati validi dal server.<br> Verificare che il server sia impostato correttamente e che indirizzo e porta siano corretti.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.È in corso il test UDP o la configurazione della calibrazione,<br> attendere che finiscano.
@@ -3231,7 +3282,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3252,33 +3303,90 @@ UUID: %2
Zona morta: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsRipristina valori predefiniti
+ ClearCancella
+ [not set][non impost.]
+ Invert axisInverti asse
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona morta: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Configurando
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][in attesa]
@@ -3583,8 +3691,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Inglese (English)
+ American English
+ Inglese americano
@@ -3717,22 +3825,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Le impostazioni di sistema sono disponibili solamente quando il gioco non è in esecuzione.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ Attenzione: "%1" non è una lingua valida per la regione "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Questo rimpiazzerà la tua Switch virtuale con una nuova. La tua Switch virtuale non sarà recuperabile. Questo potrebbe avere effetti indesiderati nei giochi. Questo potrebbe fallire, se usi un salvataggio non aggiornato. Desideri continuare?
+ WarningAttenzione
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID Console: 0x%1
@@ -3803,7 +3916,7 @@ UUID: %2
Configurazione TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Seleziona la cartella di caricamento TAS...
@@ -4359,7 +4472,7 @@ Trascina i punti per cambiare posizione, oppure clicca due volte la cella in tab
Controller G1
+ &Controller P1&Controller G1
@@ -4372,42 +4485,37 @@ Trascina i punti per cambiare posizione, oppure clicca due volte la cella in tab
Collegamento diretto
- IP Address
- Indirizzo IP
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Indirizzo IPv4 dell'host</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ PortPorta
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Numero della porta sulla quale l'host è in ascolto</p></body></html>
+ NicknameNickname
+ PasswordPassword
+ ConnectConnetti
@@ -4415,12 +4523,12 @@ Trascina i punti per cambiare posizione, oppure clicca due volte la cella in tab
+ ConnectingConnessione in corso
+ ConnectConnetti
@@ -4490,472 +4598,482 @@ Trascina i punti per cambiare posizione, oppure clicca due volte la cella in tab
Tempo necessario per emulare un fotogramma della Switch, senza tenere conto del limite al framerate o del V-Sync. Per un'emulazione alla massima velocità, il valore non dovrebbe essere superiore a 16.67 ms.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Cancella i file recenti
+ &Continue&Continua
+ &Pause&Pausa
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleeping
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatFormato del gioco obsoleto
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Stai usando una cartella con dentro una ROM decostruita come formato per avviare questo gioco, è un formato obsoleto ed è stato sostituito da altri come NCA, NAX, XCI o NSP. Le ROM decostruite non hanno icone, metadata e non supportano gli aggiornamenti. <br><br>Per una spiegazione sui vari formati di Switch che yuzu supporta, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>controlla la nostra wiki</a>. Questo messaggio non verrà più mostrato.
+ Error while loading ROM!Errore nel caricamento della ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Il formato della ROM non è supportato.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.È stato riscontrato un errore nell'inizializzazione del core video.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Errore nel caricamento della ROM! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Segui <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>la guida introduttiva di yuzu</a> per rifare il dump dei file.<br>Puoi fare riferimento alla wiki di yuzu</a> o al server Discord di yuzu</a> per assistenza.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto. Visualizza il log per maggiori dettagli.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...Chiusura del software in corso...
+ Save DataDati di salvataggio
+ Mod DataDati delle mod
+ Error Opening %1 FolderErrore nell'apertura della cartella %1
+ Folder does not exist!La cartella non esiste!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheErrore nell'apertura della cache trasferibile degli shader
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.Impossibile creare la cartella della cache degli shader per questo titolo.
+ Error Removing ContentsErrore nella rimozione del contentuto
+ Error Removing UpdateErrore nella rimozione dell'aggiornamento
+ Error Removing DLCErrore nella rimozione del DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?Rimuovere il contenuto del gioco installato?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?Rimuovere l'aggiornamento installato?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?Rimuovere il DLC installato?
+ Remove EntryRimuovi voce
+ Successfully RemovedRimozione completata
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Il gioco base installato è stato rimosso con successo.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Il gioco base non è installato su NAND e non può essere rimosso.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Aggiornamento rimosso con successo.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Non c'è alcun aggiornamento installato per questo gioco.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Non c'è alcun DLC installato per questo gioco.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.%1 DLC rimossi con successo.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Vuoi rimuovere la cache trasferibile degli shader OpenGL?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Vuoi rimuovere la cache trasferibile degli shader Vulkan?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Vuoi rimuovere tutte le cache trasferibili degli shader?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Rimuovere la configurazione personalizzata del gioco?
+ Remove FileRimuovi file
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheErrore nella rimozione della cache trasferibile degli shader
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Per questo titolo non esiste una cache degli shader.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.La cache trasferibile degli shader è stata rimossa con successo.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Impossibile rimuovere la cache trasferibile degli shader.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Errore nella rimozione della cache delle pipeline del driver Vulkan
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Impossibile rimuovere la cache delle pipeline del driver.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesErrore nella rimozione delle cache trasferibili degli shader
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Le cache trasferibili degli shader sono state rimosse con successo.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.Impossibile rimuovere la cartella della cache trasferibile degli shader.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationErrore nella rimozione della configurazione personalizzata
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Non esiste una configurazione personalizzata per questo gioco.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.La configurazione personalizzata del gioco è stata rimossa con successo.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Impossibile rimuovere la configurazione personalizzata del gioco.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!Estrazione RomFS fallita!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.C'è stato un errore nella copia dei file del RomFS o l'operazione è stata annullata dall'utente.
+ FullCompleta
+ SkeletonCartelle
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeSeleziona la modalità di estrazione della RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Seleziona come vorresti estrarre la RomFS. <br>La modalità Completa copierà tutti i file in una nuova cartella mentre<br>la modalità Cartelle creerà solamente le cartelle e le sottocartelle.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Extracting RomFS...Estrazione RomFS in corso...
+ CancelAnnulla
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Estrazione RomFS riuscita!
+ The operation completed successfully.L'operazione è stata completata con successo.
+ Create ShortcutCrea scorciatoia
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?Verrà creata una scorciatoia all'AppImage attuale. Potrebbe non funzionare correttamente se effettui un aggiornamento. Vuoi continuare?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.Impossibile creare la scorciatoia sul desktop. Il percorso "%1" non esiste.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.Impossibile creare la scorciatoia nel menù delle applicazioni. Il percorso "%1" non esiste e non può essere creato.
+ Create IconCrea icona
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.Impossibile creare il file dell'icona. Il percorso "%1" non esiste e non può essere creato.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu EmulatorAvvia %1 con l'emulatore yuzu
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1Impossibile creare la scorciatoia in %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1Scorciatoia creata con successo in %1
+ Error Opening %1Errore nell'apertura di %1
+ Select DirectorySeleziona cartella
+ PropertiesProprietà
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Non è stato possibile caricare le proprietà del gioco.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Eseguibile Switch (%1);;Tutti i file (*.*)
+ Load FileCarica file
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryApri cartella ROM estratta
+ Invalid Directory SelectedCartella selezionata non valida
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.La cartella che hai selezionato non contiene un file "main".
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)File installabili Switch (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstalla file
+ %n file(s) remaining%n file rimanente%n file rimanenti%n file rimanenti
+ Installing file "%1"...Installazione del file "%1"...
+ Install ResultsRisultati dell'installazione
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Per evitare possibli conflitti, sconsigliamo di installare i giochi base su NAND.
Usa questa funzione solo per installare aggiornamenti e DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n nuovo file è stato installato
@@ -4964,7 +5082,7 @@ Usa questa funzione solo per installare aggiornamenti e DLC.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n file è stato sovrascritto
@@ -4973,7 +5091,7 @@ Usa questa funzione solo per installare aggiornamenti e DLC.
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n file non è stato installato a causa di errori
@@ -4982,378 +5100,378 @@ Usa questa funzione solo per installare aggiornamenti e DLC.
+ System ApplicationApplicazione di sistema
+ System ArchiveArchivio di sistema
+ System Application UpdateAggiornamento di un'applicazione di sistema
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Pacchetto firmware (tipo A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Pacchetto firmware (tipo B)
+ GameGioco
+ Game UpdateAggiornamento di gioco
+ Delta TitleTitolo delta
+ Select NCA Install Type...Seleziona il tipo di installazione NCA
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Seleziona il tipo del file NCA da installare:
(Nella maggior parte dei casi, il valore predefinito 'Gioco' va bene.)
+ Failed to InstallInstallazione fallita
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Il tipo che hai selezionato per l'NCA non è valido.
+ File not foundFile non trovato
+ File "%1" not foundFile "%1" non trovato
+ Hardware requirements not metRequisiti hardware non soddisfatti
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.Il tuo sistema non soddisfa i requisiti hardware consigliati. La funzionalità di segnalazione della compatibilità è stata disattivata.
+ Missing yuzu AccountAccount di yuzu non trovato
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Per segnalare la compatibilità di un gioco, devi collegare il tuo account yuzu. <br><br/>Per collegare il tuo account yuzu, vai su Emulazione >
Configurazione > Web.
+ Error opening URLErrore aprendo l'URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Impossibile aprire l'URL "% 1".
+ TAS Recording
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Vuoi sovrascrivere il file del giocatore 1?
+ Invalid config detectedTrovata configurazione invalida
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Il controller portatile non può essere utilizzato in modalità dock. Verrà selezionato il controller Pro.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedL'Amiibo corrente è stato rimosso
+ ErrorErrore
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)File Amiibo (%1);; Tutti i file (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCarica Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataErrore nel caricamento dei dati dell'Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiiboIl file selezionato non è un Amiibo valido
+ The selected file is already on useIl file selezionato è già in uso
+ An unknown error occurredSi è verificato un errore sconosciuto
+ Capture ScreenshotCattura screenshot
+ PNG Image (*.png)Immagine PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2
+ TAS State: Invalid
+ &Stop Running&Interrompi
+ &Start&Avvia
+ Stop R&ecordingInterrompi r&egistrazione
+ R&ecordR&egistra
+ Building: %n shader(s)Compilazione di %n shaderCompilazione di %n shaderCompilazione di %n shader
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Velocità: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Velocità: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Gioco: %1 FPS (Sbloccati)
+ Game: %1 FPSGioco: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationConferma ri-derivazione chiavi
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5370,37 +5488,37 @@ e facoltativamente fai dei backup.
Questo eliminerà i tuoi file di chiavi autogenerati e ri-avvierà il processo di derivazione delle chiavi.
+ Missing fusesFusi mancanti
+ - Missing BOOT0 - BOOT0 mancante
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main mancante
+ - Missing PRODINFO- PRODINFO mancante
+ Derivation Components MissingComponenti di derivazione mancanti
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Chiavi di crittografia mancanti. <br>Segui <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>la guida introduttiva di yuzu</a> per ottenere tutte le tue chiavi, il tuo firmware e i tuoi giochi.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5409,39 +5527,39 @@ Questa operazione potrebbe durare fino a un minuto in
base alle prestazioni del tuo sistema.
+ Deriving KeysDerivazione chiavi
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetSeleziona Target dell'Estrazione del RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Seleziona quale RomFS vorresti estrarre.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Sei sicuro di voler chiudere yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Sei sicuro di voler arrestare l'emulazione? Tutti i progressi non salvati verranno perduti.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5453,44 +5571,44 @@ Desideri uscire comunque?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL non disponibile!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.Gli shared context di OpenGL non sono supportati.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu non è stato compilato con il supporto OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Errore durante l'inizializzazione di OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.La tua GPU potrebbe non supportare OpenGL, o non hai installato l'ultima versione dei driver video.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Errore durante l'inizializzazione di OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1La tua GPU potrebbe non supportare OpenGL 4.6, o non hai installato l'ultima versione dei driver video.<br><br>Renderer GL:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2La tua GPU potrebbe non supportare una o più estensioni OpenGL richieste. Assicurati di aver installato i driver video più recenti.<br><br>Renderer GL:<br>%1<br><br>Estensioni non supportate:<br>%2
@@ -5674,7 +5792,7 @@ Desideri uscire comunque?
Game starts, but crashes or major glitches prevent it from being completed.
- Il gioco parte, ma presenta degli arresti anomali o dei glitch importanti che ne impediscono il completamento.
+ Il gioco parte, ma non può essere completato a causa di arresti anomali o di glitch importanti.
@@ -5993,7 +6111,7 @@ Messaggio di debug:
+ Install Files to NANDInstalla file su NAND
@@ -6001,7 +6119,7 @@ Messaggio di debug:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1Il testo non può contenere i seguenti caratteri:
@@ -6657,7 +6775,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6706,31 +6824,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][non impost.]
@@ -6741,14 +6859,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Asse %1%2
@@ -6759,262 +6877,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][sconosciuto]
+ LeftSinistra
+ RightDestra
+ DownGiù
+ UpSu
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleCerchio
+ CrossCroce
+ SquareQuadrato
+ TriangleTriangolo
+ ShareCondividi
+ OptionsOpzioni
+ [undefined]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][non valido]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Asse %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Asse %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Pulsante %3
+ [unused][inutilizzato]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Più
+ Minus
+ Meno
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Cattura
+ TouchTouch
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelRotella
+ BackwardIndietro
+ ForwardAvanti
+ Task
+ Extra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/ja_JP.ts b/dist/languages/ja_JP.ts
index 59f4aa738..377c6b522 100644
--- a/dist/languages/ja_JP.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/ja_JP.ts
@@ -934,102 +934,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Macro JITを無効化
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheチェックすると、コンパイルしたパイプラインキャッシュの統計情報をロギングします
+ Enable Shader Feedbackシェーダフィードバックの有効j化
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesチェックすると、ループロジックを変更せずにシェーダーを実行します。
+ Disable Loop safety checksループ安全性チェックの無効化
+ Debuggingデバッグ
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**詳細なレポートサービスの有効化**
+ Enable FS Access LogFSアクセスログの有効化
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.これを有効にすると、最新のオーディオコマンドリストがコンソールに出力されます。オーディオレンダラーを使用するゲームにのみ影響します。
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crashクラッシュ時にミニダンプを生成
+ Advanced高度
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk (Quest) Mode
+ Enable CPU DebuggingCPUデバッグの有効化
+ Enable Debug Assertsデバッグアサートの有効化
+ Enable Auto-Stub**自動スタブの有効化**
+ Enable All Controller Typesすべてのコントローラタイプを有効にする
+ Disable Web AppletWebアプレットの無効化
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.** yuzuを終了したときに自動的にリセットされます。
@@ -1044,12 +1054,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
この設定を適用するには yuzu を再起動する必要があります.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1100,13 +1110,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Audioサウンド
@@ -1122,13 +1132,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ General全般
+ Graphicsグラフィック
@@ -1144,7 +1154,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Controls操作
@@ -1160,7 +1170,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Systemシステム
@@ -1423,7 +1433,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Noneなし
@@ -1534,112 +1544,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:ウィンドウ アダプティング フィルター:
+ Nearest NeighborNearest Neighbor
+ BilinearBilinear
+ BicubicBicubic
+ GaussianGaussian
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan のみ)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:アンチエイリアス方式:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background color共通設定を使用
+ Set background color:背景色の設定:
+ Background Color:背景色:
@@ -1684,76 +1709,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSyncは画面のちらつきを防ぎますが、一部のグラフィックカードではパフォーマンスが低下します。パフォーマンス低下を感じない限り、有効のままにしてください。
+ Use VSyncVSyncを使用
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.非同期でのシェーダーのコンパイルを有効にします。シェーダーのスタッターが減少する場合があります。この機能は実験的です。
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)非同期でのシェーダー構築を使用 (ハック)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.高速なGPUタイミングを有効にします。このオプションは、ほとんどのゲームをその最高のネイティブ解像度で実行することを強制します。
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)高速なGPUタイミングを有効化(ハック)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.悲観的なバッファフラッシュを有効にします. このオプションは, 変更されていないバッファを強制的にフラッシュさせるので, パフォーマンスが低下する可能性があります.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)悲観的なバッファフラッシュを使用 (ハック)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:異方性フィルタリング:
+ Automatic自動
+ Defaultデフォルト
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2141,7 +2186,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Configure設定
@@ -2167,6 +2212,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzuyuzuの再起動が必要
@@ -2186,22 +2232,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panning
+ Mouse sensitivityマウス感度
+ %%
+ Motion / Touchモーション / タッチ
@@ -2313,7 +2364,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickLスティック
@@ -2407,14 +2458,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2433,7 +2484,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Plus+
@@ -2446,15 +2497,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2511,236 +2562,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickRスティック
+ Clearクリア
+ [not set][未設定]
+ Invert buttonボタンを反転
+ Toggle button
+ Invert axis軸を反転
+ Set thresholdしきい値を設定
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%0%から100%の間の値を選択してください
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro thresholdジャイロのしきい値を設定
+ Map Analog Stickアナログスティックをマップ
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.OKを押した後、スティックを水平方向に動かし、次に垂直方向に動かしてください。
軸を反転させる場合、 最初に垂直方向に動かし、次に水平方向に動かしてください。
+ Center axis
+ Deadzone: %1%デッドゾーン:%1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%変更範囲:%1%
+ Pro ControllerProコントローラ
+ Dual JoyconsJoy-Con(L/R)
+ Left JoyconJoy-Con(L)
+ Right JoyconJoy-Con(R)
+ Handheld携帯モード
+ GameCube Controllerゲームキューブコントローラ
+ Poke Ball Plusモンスターボールプラス
+ NES Controllerファミコン・コントローラー
+ SNES Controllerスーパーファミコン・コントローラー
+ N64 Controllerニンテンドウ64・コントローラー
+ Sega Genesisメガドライブ
+ Start / Pauseスタート/ ポーズ
+ ZZ
+ Control Stick
+ C-StickCスティック
+ Shake!振ってください
+ [waiting][待機中]
+ New Profile新規プロファイル
+ Enter a profile name:プロファイル名を入力:
+ Create Input Profile入力プロファイルを作成
+ The given profile name is not valid!プロファイル名が無効です!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"入力プロファイル "%1" の作成に失敗しました
+ Delete Input Profile入力プロファイルを削除
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"入力プロファイル "%1" の削除に失敗しました
+ Load Input Profile入力プロファイルをロード
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"入力プロファイル "%1" のロードに失敗しました
+ Save Input Profile入力プロファイルをセーブ
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"入力プロファイル "%1" のセーブに失敗しました
@@ -2788,7 +2839,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ Configure設定
@@ -2824,7 +2875,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ Testテスト
@@ -2844,77 +2895,77 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">さらに詳しく</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersポート番号に無効な文字が含まれています
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353ポート番号は0から65353の間で設定してください
+ IP address is not validIPアドレスが無効です
+ This UDP server already existsこのUDPサーバはすでに存在してます
+ Unable to add more than 8 servers8個以上のサーバを追加することはできません
+ Testingテスト中
+ Configuring設定中
+ Test Successfulテスト成功
+ Successfully received data from the server.サーバーからのデータ受信に成功しました。
+ Test Failedテスト失敗
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.有効なデータを受信できませんでした。<br>サーバーが正しくセットアップされ、アドレスとポートが正しいことを確認してください。
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDPテストまたはキャリブレーション実行中です。<br>完了までお待ちください。
@@ -3242,8 +3293,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- センサーパラメータ
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3263,33 +3314,90 @@ UUID: %2
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore Defaultsデフォルトに戻す
+ Clearクリア
+ [not set][未設定]
+ Invert axis軸を反転
+ Deadzone: %1%デッドゾーン:%1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ 設定中
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][入力待ち]
@@ -3594,8 +3702,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- English
+ American English
@@ -3728,22 +3836,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.システム設定はゲーム未実行時にのみ変更できます。
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?仮想Switchコンソールを再作成しようとしています。現在使用中の仮想Switchコンソールを後から復旧させることはできません。ゲームに予期せぬ影響を与える可能性があり、古い設定などを使うと失敗するかもしれませんが、それでも続行しますか?
+ Warning警告
+ Console ID: 0x%1コンソールID: 0x%1
@@ -3814,7 +3927,7 @@ UUID: %2
TAS 設定
+ Select TAS Load Directory...TAS ロードディレクトリを選択...
@@ -4370,7 +4483,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Controller P1
+ &Controller P1&Controller P1
@@ -4383,42 +4496,37 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.ダイレクト接続
- IP Address
- IPアドレス
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>ホストのIPv4アドレス</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Portポート
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>ホストの待ち受けポート番号</p></body></html>
+ Nicknameニックネーム
+ Passwordパスワード
+ Connect接続
@@ -4426,12 +4534,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ Connecting接続中
+ Connect接続
@@ -4502,863 +4610,873 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Switchフレームをエミュレートするのにかかる時間で、フレームリミットやV-Syncは含まれません。フルスピードエミュレーションの場合、最大で16.67ミリ秒になります。
+ &Clear Recent Files最近のファイルをクリア(&C)
+ &Continue再開(&C)
+ &Pause中断(&P)
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzuはゲームを起動しています
+ Warning Outdated Game Format古いゲームフォーマットの警告
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.このゲームでは、分解されたROMディレクトリフォーマットを使用しています。これは、NCA、NAX、XCI、またはNSPなどに取って代わられた古いフォーマットです。分解されたROMディレクトリには、アイコン、メタデータ、およびアップデートサポートがありません。<br><br>yuzuがサポートするSwitchフォーマットの説明については、<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>wikiをチェックしてください</a>。このメッセージは二度と表示されません。
+ Error while loading ROM!ROMロード中にエラーが発生しました!
+ The ROM format is not supported.このROMフォーマットはサポートされていません。
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.ビデオコア初期化中にエラーが発生しました。
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzuは、ビデオコアの実行中にエラーが発生しました。これは通常、内蔵GPUも含め、古いGPUドライバが原因です。詳しくはログをご覧ください。ログへのアクセス方法については、以下のページをご覧ください:<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>ログファイルのアップロード方法について</a>。
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.ROMのロード中にエラー! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br><a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzuクイックスタートガイド</a>を参照してファイルを再ダンプしてください。<br>またはyuzu wiki及び</a>yuzu Discord</a>を参照するとよいでしょう。
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.不明なエラーが発生しました。詳細はログを確認して下さい。
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save Dataデータのセーブ
+ Mod DataModデータ
+ Error Opening %1 Folder”%1”フォルダを開けませんでした
+ Folder does not exist!フォルダが存在しません!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader Cacheシェーダキャッシュを開けませんでした
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.このタイトル用のシェーダキャッシュディレクトリの作成に失敗しました
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove Entryエントリ削除
+ Successfully Removed削除しました
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.インストールされたゲームを正常に削除しました。
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.ゲームはNANDにインストールされていないため、削除できません。
+ Successfully removed the installed update.インストールされたアップデートを正常に削除しました。
+ There is no update installed for this title.このタイトルのアップデートはインストールされていません。
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.このタイトルにはDLCがインストールされていません。
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.%1にインストールされたDLCを正常に削除しました。
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?転送可能なOpenGLシェーダキャッシュを削除しますか?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?転送可能なVulkanシェーダキャッシュを削除しますか?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?転送可能なすべてのシェーダキャッシュを削除しますか?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?このタイトルのカスタム設定を削除しますか?
+ Remove Fileファイル削除
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache転送可能なシェーダーキャッシュの削除エラー
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.このタイトル用のシェーダキャッシュは存在しません。
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.転送可能なシェーダーキャッシュが正常に削除されました。
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.転送可能なシェーダーキャッシュを削除できませんでした。
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches転送可能なシェーダキャッシュの削除エラー
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.転送可能なシェーダキャッシュを正常に削除しました。
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.転送可能なシェーダキャッシュディレクトリの削除に失敗しました。
+ Error Removing Custom Configurationカスタム設定の削除エラー
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.このタイトルのカスタム設定は存在しません。
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.カスタム設定を正常に削除しました。
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.カスタム設定の削除に失敗しました。
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFSの解析に失敗しました!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.RomFSファイルをコピー中にエラーが発生したか、ユーザー操作によりキャンセルされました。
+ Fullフル
+ Skeletonスケルトン
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeRomFSダンプモードの選択
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.RomFSのダンプ方法を選択してください。<br>”完全”はすべてのファイルが新しいディレクトリにコピーされます。<br>”スケルトン”はディレクトリ構造を作成するだけです。
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root%1 に RomFS を展開するための十分な空き領域がありません。Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root で、空き容量を確保するか、別のダンプディレクトリを選択してください。
+ Extracting RomFS...RomFSを解析中...
+ Cancelキャンセル
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS解析成功!
+ The operation completed successfully.操作は成功しました。
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1”%1”を開けませんでした
+ Select Directoryディレクトリの選択
+ Propertiesプロパティ
+ The game properties could not be loaded.ゲームプロパティをロード出来ませんでした。
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch実行ファイル (%1);;すべてのファイル (*.*)
+ Load Fileファイルのロード
+ Open Extracted ROM Directory展開されているROMディレクトリを開く
+ Invalid Directory Selected無効なディレクトリが選択されました
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.選択されたディレクトリに”main”ファイルが見つかりませんでした。
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)インストール可能なスイッチファイル (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;任天堂コンテンツアーカイブ (*.nca);;任天堂サブミッションパッケージ (*.nsp);;NXカートリッジイメージ (*.xci)
+ Install Filesファイルのインストール
+ %n file(s) remaining残り %n ファイル
+ Installing file "%1"..."%1"ファイルをインストールしています・・・
+ Install Resultsインストール結果
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.競合を避けるため、NANDにゲーム本体をインストールすることはお勧めしません。
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n ファイルが新たにインストールされました
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n ファイルが上書きされました
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n ファイルのインストールに失敗しました
+ System Applicationシステムアプリケーション
+ System Archiveシステムアーカイブ
+ System Application Updateシステムアプリケーションアップデート
+ Firmware Package (Type A)ファームウェアパッケージ(Type A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)ファームウェアパッケージ(Type B)
+ Gameゲーム
+ Game Updateゲームアップデート
+ Game DLCゲームDLC
+ Delta Title差分タイトル
+ Select NCA Install Type...NCAインストール種別を選択・・・
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)インストールするNCAタイトル種別を選択して下さい:
+ Failed to Installインストール失敗
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.選択されたNCAのタイトル種別が無効です。
+ File not foundファイルが存在しません
+ File "%1" not foundファイル”%1”が存在しません
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu Accountyuzuアカウントが存在しません
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.ゲームの互換性テストケースを送信するには、yuzuアカウントをリンクする必要があります。<br><br/>yuzuアカウントをリンクするには、エミュレーション > 設定 > Web から行います。
+ Error opening URLURLオープンエラー
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".URL"%1"を開けません。
+ TAS Recording TAS 記録中
+ Overwrite file of player 1?プレイヤー1のファイルを上書きしますか?
+ Invalid config detected無効な設定を検出しました
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.携帯コントローラはドックモードで使用できないため、Proコントローラが選択されます。
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed現在の amiibo は削除されました
+ Errorエラー
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos現在のゲームはamiiboを要求しません
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)amiiboファイル (%1);;すべてのファイル (*.*)
+ Load Amiiboamiiboのロード
+ Error loading Amiibo dataamiiboデータ読み込み中にエラーが発生しました
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture Screenshotスクリーンショットのキャプチャ
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG画像 (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2TAS 状態: 実行中 %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1TAS 状態: 記録中 %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2TAS 状態: アイドル %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidTAS 状態: 無効
+ &Stop Running実行停止(&S)
+ &Start実行(&S)
+ Stop R&ecording記録停止(&R)
+ R&ecord記録(&R)
+ Building: %n shader(s)構築中: %n シェーダー
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor拡大率: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%速度:%1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%速度:%1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Game: %1 FPS(制限解除)
+ Game: %1 FPSゲーム:%1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msフレーム:%1 ms
+ Confirm Key Rederivationキーの再取得確認
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5375,37 +5493,37 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
+ Missing fusesヒューズがありません
+ - Missing BOOT0 - BOOT0がありません
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - BCPKG2-1-Normal-Mainがありません
+ - Missing PRODINFO - PRODINFOがありません
+ Derivation Components Missing派生コンポーネントがありません
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>暗号化キーがありません。<br>キー、ファームウェア、ゲームを取得するには<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu クイックスタートガイド</a>を参照ください。<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5414,39 +5532,39 @@ on your system's performance.
+ Deriving Keys派生キー
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetRomFSダンプターゲットの選択
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.ダンプしたいRomFSを選択して下さい。
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?yuzuを終了しますか?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.エミュレーションを停止しますか?セーブされていない進行状況は失われます。
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5458,44 +5576,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGLは使用できません!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzuはOpenGLサポート付きでコンパイルされていません。
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!OpenGL初期化エラー
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.GPUがOpenGLをサポートしていないか、グラフィックスドライバーが最新ではありません。
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!OpenGL4.6初期化エラー!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1GPUがOpenGL4.6をサポートしていないか、グラフィックスドライバーが最新ではありません。<br><br>GL レンダラ:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2GPUが1つ以上の必要なOpenGL拡張機能をサポートしていない可能性があります。最新のグラフィックドライバを使用していることを確認してください。<br><br>GL レンダラ:<br>%1<br><br>サポートされていない拡張機能:<br>%2
@@ -5998,7 +6116,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDファイルをNANDへインストール
@@ -6006,7 +6124,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6662,7 +6780,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ START/PAUSEスタート/ ポーズ
@@ -6711,31 +6829,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][未設定]
@@ -6746,14 +6864,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2軸 %1%2
@@ -6764,262 +6882,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][不明]
+ Left左
+ Right右
+ Down下
+ Up上
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ Start開始
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ Circleマル
+ Crossバツ
+ Square四角
+ Triangle三角
+ ShareShare
+ OptionsOptions
+ [undefined][未定義]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][無効]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2ボタン %3
+ [unused][未使用]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ +
+ Minus
+ -
+ HomeHOME
+ Capture
+ キャプチャ
+ Touchタッチの設定
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelホイール
+ Backward後ろ
+ Forward前
+ Task
+ Extra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/ko_KR.ts b/dist/languages/ko_KR.ts
index 120ec1c21..6bed72a64 100644
--- a/dist/languages/ko_KR.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/ko_KR.ts
@@ -809,12 +809,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
<div style="white-space: nowrap">This optimization speeds up memory accesses by allowing invalid memory accesses to succeed.</div>
<div style="white-space: nowrap">Enabling it reduces the overhead of all memory accesses and has no impact on programs that don't access invalid memory.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">이 최적화는 유효하지 않은 메모리 접속에 성공하도록 허용하여 메모리 접속 속도를 높입니다.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">이를 활성화하면 모든 메모리 접속의 오버헤드가 줄어들고 유효하지 않은 메모리에 접속하지 않는 프로그램에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다.</div>
+ Enable fallbacks for invalid memory accesses
+ 유효하지 않은 메모리 접속에 대한 폴백 활성화
@@ -935,102 +938,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Macro JIT 비활성화
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ 선택하면 매크로 HLE 기능이 비활성화됩니다. 이 기능을 활성화하면 게임 실행 속도가 느려짐
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ 매크로 HLE 비활성화
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache선택하면 yuzu는 컴파일된 파이프라인 캐시에 대한 통계를 기록합니다.
+ Enable Shader Feedback셰이더 피드백 활성화
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes체크 시 루프 로직 변경 없이 셰이더 실행
+ Disable Loop safety checks루프 안전 검사 비활성화
+ Debugging디버깅
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**자세한 리포팅 서비스 활성화**
+ Enable FS Access LogFS 액세스 로그 활성화
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.이 옵션을 활성화하면 가장 최근에 생성된 오디오 명령어 목록을 콘솔에 출력할 수 있습니다. 오디오 렌더러를 사용하는 게임에만 영향을 줍니다.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**콘솔에 오디오 명령어 덤프
+ Create Minidump After Crash충돌후 미니덤프 생성
+ Advanced고급
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk (Quest) 모드
+ Enable CPU DebuggingCPU 디버깅 활성화
+ Enable Debug Asserts디버그 에러 검출 활성화
+ Enable Auto-Stub**자동 스텁 활성화**
+ Enable All Controller Types모든 컨트롤러 유형 활성화
+ Disable Web Applet웹 애플릿 비활성화
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.프로그램 시작시 yuzu가 Vulkan 환경을 확인할 수 있도록 합니다. 외부 프로그램에서 유자를 보는 데 문제가 있는 경우 이 기능을 비활성화합니다.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check시작시 Vulkan 검사 수행
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Yuzu가 종료되면 자동으로 재설정됩니다.
@@ -1045,12 +1058,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
이 설정을 적용하려면 yuzu를 다시 시작해야 합니다.
+ Web applet not compiled웹 애플릿이 컴파일되지 않음
+ MiniDump creation not compiledMiniDump 생성이 컴파일되지 않음
@@ -1101,13 +1114,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Audio오디오
@@ -1123,13 +1136,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ General일반
+ Graphics그래픽
@@ -1145,7 +1158,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Controls조작
@@ -1161,7 +1174,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ System시스템
@@ -1424,7 +1437,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ None없음
@@ -1535,112 +1548,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:윈도우 적응형 필터:
+ Nearest NeighborNearest Neighbor
+ Bilinear이중선형
+ Bicubic고등차수보간
+ Gaussian가우시안
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ 슈퍼 해상도 (Vulkan 전용)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:안티에일리어싱 방식:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness글로벌 FSR 선명도 사용
+ Set FSR SharpnessFSR 선명도 설정
+ FSR Sharpness:FSR 선명도:
+ 100%100%
+ Use global background color전역 배경색 사용
+ Set background color:배경색 설정:
+ Background Color:배경색:
@@ -1652,7 +1680,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
SPIR-V (Experimental, Mesa Only)
+ SPIR-V (실험용, Mesa 전용)
@@ -1685,76 +1713,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ 실행은 GPU가 클럭 속도를 낮추지 않도록 그래픽 명령을 기다리는 동안 백그라운드에서 작동합니다.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ 강제 최대 클록 (Vulkan 전용)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.수직 동기화는 화면 찢어짐 현상을 예방하지만, 몇몇의 그래픽카드는 수직 동기화로 인해 성능이 감소합니다. 성능의 변화를 느끼지 않는다면 활성화하는 것이 좋습니다.
+ Use VSync수직 동기화 사용
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.비동기 셰이더 컴파일을 활성화하여 셰이더의 버벅임을 감소시킬 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 실험적 기능입니다.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)비동기식 셰이더 빌드 사용(Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.빠른 GPU 시간을 활성화합니다. 이 옵션을 사용하면 대부분의 게임이 가장 높은 기본 해상도에서 실행됩니다.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)빠른 GPU 시간 사용(Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.비관적 버퍼 플러시를 활성화합니다. 이 옵션은 수정되지 않은 버퍼를 강제로 비우므로 성능이 저하될 수 있습니다.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)비관적 버퍼 플러시 사용(Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ GPU 공급업체별 파이프라인 캐시를 활성화합니다. 이 옵션은 Vulkan 드라이버가 파이프라인 캐시 파일을 내부에 저장하지 않는 경우 셰이더 로딩 시간을 크게 개선할 수 있습니다.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Vulkan 파이프라인 캐시 사용
+ Anisotropic Filtering:비등방성 필터링:
+ Automatic자동
+ Default기본값
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2142,7 +2190,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Configure설정
@@ -2168,6 +2216,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzuyuzu를 다시 시작해야 합니다.
@@ -2187,22 +2236,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
컨트롤러 탐색
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panning마우스 패닝 활성화
+ Mouse sensitivity마우스 감도
+ %%
+ Motion / Touch모션 컨트롤/ 터치
@@ -2222,57 +2276,57 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Input Profiles
+ 입력 프로파일Player 1 Profile
+ 플레이어 1 프로파일Player 2 Profile
+ 플레이어 2 프로파일Player 3 Profile
+ 플레이어 3 프로파일Player 4 Profile
+ 플레이어 4 프로파일Player 5 Profile
+ 플레이어 5 프로파일Player 6 Profile
+ 플레이어 6 프로파일Player 7 Profile
+ 플레이어 7 프로파일Player 8 Profile
+ 플레이어 8 프로파일Use global input configuration
+ 글로벌 입력 구성 사용Player %1 profile
+ 플레이어 %1 프로파일
@@ -2314,7 +2368,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickL 스틱
@@ -2408,14 +2462,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2434,7 +2488,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Plus+
@@ -2447,15 +2501,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2512,236 +2566,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickR 스틱
+ Clear초기화
+ [not set][설정 안 됨]
+ Invert button버튼 반전
+ Toggle button토글 버튼
+ Invert axis축 뒤집기
+ Set threshold임계값 설정
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%0%에서 100% 안의 값을 고르세요
+ Toggle axisaxis 토글
+ Set gyro threshold자이로 임계값 설정
+ Map Analog Stick아날로그 스틱 맵핑
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.OK 버튼을 누른 후에 먼저 조이스틱을 수평으로 움직이고, 그 다음 수직으로 움직이세요.
축을 뒤집으려면 수직으로 먼저 움직인 뒤에 수평으로 움직이세요.
+ Center axis중심축
+ Deadzone: %1%데드존: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%수정자 범위: %1%
+ Pro Controller프로 컨트롤러
+ Dual Joycons듀얼 조이콘
+ Left Joycon왼쪽 조이콘
+ Right Joycon오른쪽 조이콘
+ Handheld휴대 모드
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube 컨트롤러
+ Poke Ball Plus몬스터볼 Plus
+ NES ControllerNES 컨트롤러
+ SNES ControllerSNES 컨트롤러
+ N64 ControllerN64 컨트롤러
+ Sega Genesis세가 제네시스
+ Start / Pause시작 / 일시중지
+ ZZ
+ Control Stick컨트롤 스틱
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!흔드세요!
+ [waiting][대기중]
+ New Profile새 프로필
+ Enter a profile name:프로필 이름을 입력하세요:
+ Create Input Profile입력 프로필 생성
+ The given profile name is not valid!해당 프로필 이름은 사용할 수 없습니다!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1""%1" 입력 프로필 생성 실패
+ Delete Input Profile입력 프로필 삭제
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1""%1" 입력 프로필 삭제 실패
+ Load Input Profile입력 프로필 불러오기
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1""%1" 입력 프로필 불러오기 실패
+ Save Input Profile입력 프로필 저장
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1""%1" 입력 프로필 저장 실패
@@ -2789,7 +2843,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ Configure설정
@@ -2825,7 +2879,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ Test테스트
@@ -2845,77 +2899,77 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">자세히 알아보기</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid characters포트 번호에 유효하지 않은 글자가 있습니다.
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353포트 번호는 0부터 65353까지이어야 합니다.
+ IP address is not validIP 주소가 유효하지 않습니다.
+ This UDP server already exists해당 UDP 서버는 이미 존재합니다.
+ Unable to add more than 8 servers8개보다 많은 서버를 추가하실 수는 없습니다.
+ Testing테스트 중
+ Configuring설정 중
+ Test Successful테스트 성공
+ Successfully received data from the server.서버에서 성공적으로 데이터를 받았습니다.
+ Test Failed테스트 실패
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.서버에서 유효한 데이터를 수신할 수 없습니다.<br>서버가 올바르게 설정되어 있고 주소와 포트가 올바른지 확인하십시오.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP 테스트와 교정 설정이 진행 중입니다.<br>끝날 때까지 기다려주세요.
@@ -3033,7 +3087,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
Input Profiles
+ 입력 프로파일
@@ -3244,8 +3298,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- 링 센서 매개변수
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3265,33 +3319,90 @@ UUID: %2
데드존: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore Defaults기본값으로 초기화
+ Clear초기화
+ [not set][설정 안 됨]
+ Invert axis축 뒤집기
+ Deadzone: %1%데드존: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ 설정 중
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][대기중]
@@ -3596,8 +3707,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- 영어 (English)
+ American English
+ 미국 영어
@@ -3697,7 +3808,7 @@ UUID: %2
Device Name
+ 장치 이름
@@ -3730,22 +3841,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.시스템 설정은 게임이 꺼져 있을 때만 수정 가능합니다.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ 경고: "%1"은(는) 지역 "%2"에 유효한 언어가 아님
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?현재 사용하는 가상 Switch를 새로운 가상 Switch로 교체 합니다. 기존의 가상 Switch는 복구가 불가능해집니다. 게임에 예상치 못한 영향을 끼칠 수도 있습니다. 오래된 게임 설정을 사용할 경우 실패할 수도 있습니다. 계속하시겠습니까?
+ Warning경고
+ Console ID: 0x%1콘솔 ID: 0x%1
@@ -3816,7 +3932,7 @@ UUID: %2
TAS 설정
+ Select TAS Load Directory...TAS 로드 디렉토리 선택...
@@ -4372,7 +4488,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.컨트롤러 P1
+ &Controller P1컨트롤러 P1(&C)
@@ -4385,42 +4501,37 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.직접 연결
- IP Address
- IP 주소
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>호스트의 IPv4 주소</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port포트
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>호스트가 수신 대기 중인 포트 번호</p></body></html>
+ Nickname별명
+ Password비밀번호
+ Connect연결
@@ -4428,12 +4539,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ Connecting연결중
+ Connect연결
@@ -4504,863 +4615,873 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.프레임 제한이나 수직 동기화를 계산하지 않고 Switch 프레임을 에뮬레이션 하는 데 걸린 시간. 최대 속도로 에뮬레이트 중일 때에는 대부분 16.67 ms 근처입니다.
+ &Clear Recent FilesClear Recent Files(&C)
+ &Continue재개(&C)
+ &Pause일시중지(&P)
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu가 게임을 실행중입니다
+ Warning Outdated Game Format오래된 게임 포맷 경고
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.이 게임 파일은 '분해된 ROM 디렉토리'라는 오래된 포맷을 사용하고 있습니다. 해당 포맷은 NCA, NAX, XCI 또는 NSP와 같은 다른 포맷으로 대체되었으며 분해된 ROM 디렉토리에는 아이콘, 메타 데이터 및 업데이트가 지원되지 않습니다.<br><br>yuzu가 지원하는 다양한 Switch 포맷에 대한 설명은 <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>위키를 확인하세요.</a> 이 메시지는 다시 표시되지 않습니다.
+ Error while loading ROM!ROM 로드 중 오류 발생!
+ The ROM format is not supported.지원되지 않는 롬 포맷입니다.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.비디오 코어를 초기화하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. 비디오 코어를 실행하는 동안 yuzu에 오류가 발생했습니다. 이것은 일반적으로 통합 드라이버를 포함하여 오래된 GPU 드라이버로 인해 발생합니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하십시오. 로그 액세스에 대한 자세한 내용은 <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>로그 파일 업로드 방법</a> 페이지를 참조하세요.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.ROM 불러오는 중 오류 발생! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>파일들을 다시 덤프하기 위해<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu 빠른 시작 가이드</a> 를 따라주세요.<br>도움이 필요할 시 yuzu 위키</a> 를 참고하거나 yuzu 디스코드</a> 를 이용해보세요.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참고하십시오.
+ (64-bit)(64비트)
+ (32-bit)(32비트)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ 소프트웨어를 닫는 중...
+ Save Data세이브 데이터
+ Mod Data모드 데이터
+ Error Opening %1 Folder%1 폴더 열기 오류
+ Folder does not exist!폴더가 존재하지 않습니다!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader Cache전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시 열기 오류
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.이 타이틀에 대한 셰이더 캐시 디렉토리를 생성하지 못했습니다.
+ Error Removing Contents콘텐츠 제거 중 오류 발생
+ Error Removing Update업데이트 제거 오류
+ Error Removing DLCDLC 제거 오류
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?설치된 게임 콘텐츠를 제거하겠습니까?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?설치된 게임 업데이트를 제거하겠습니까?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?설치된 게임 DLC를 제거하겠습니까?
+ Remove Entry항목 제거
+ Successfully Removed삭제 완료
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.설치된 기본 게임을 성공적으로 제거했습니다.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.기본 게임은 NAND에 설치되어 있지 않으며 제거 할 수 없습니다.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.설치된 업데이트를 성공적으로 제거했습니다.
+ There is no update installed for this title.이 타이틀에 대해 설치된 업데이트가 없습니다.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.이 타이틀에 설치된 DLC가 없습니다.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.설치된 %1 DLC를 성공적으로 제거했습니다.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?OpenGL 전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시를 삭제하시겠습니까?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Vulkan 전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시를 삭제하시겠습니까?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?모든 전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시를 삭제하시겠습니까?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?사용자 지정 게임 구성을 제거 하시겠습니까?
+ Remove File파일 제거
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시 제거 오류
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.이 타이틀에 대한 셰이더 캐시가 존재하지 않습니다.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시를 성공적으로 제거했습니다.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시를 제거하지 못했습니다.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Vulkan 드라이버 파이프라인 캐시 제거 오류
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ 드라이버 파이프라인 캐시를 제거하지 못했습니다.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시 제거 오류
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시를 성공적으로 제거했습니다.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.전송 가능한 셰이더 캐시 디렉토리를 제거하지 못했습니다.
+ Error Removing Custom Configuration사용자 지정 구성 제거 오류
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.이 타이틀에 대한 사용자 지정 구성이 존재하지 않습니다.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.사용자 지정 게임 구성을 성공적으로 제거했습니다.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.사용자 지정 게임 구성을 제거하지 못했습니다.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFS 추출 실패!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.RomFS 파일을 복사하는 중에 오류가 발생했거나 사용자가 작업을 취소했습니다.
+ Full전체
+ Skeleton뼈대
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeRomFS 덤프 모드 선택
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.RomFS 덤프 방법을 선택하십시오.<br>전체는 모든 파일을 새 디렉토리에 복사하고<br>뼈대는 디렉토리 구조 만 생성합니다.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root%1에 RomFS를 추출하기에 충분한 여유 공간이 없습니다. 공간을 확보하거나 에뮬레이견 > 설정 > 시스템 > 파일시스템 > 덤프 경로에서 다른 덤프 디렉토리를 선택하십시오.
+ Extracting RomFS...RomFS 추출 중...
+ Cancel취소
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS 추출이 성공했습니다!
+ The operation completed successfully.작업이 성공적으로 완료되었습니다.
+ Create Shortcut
+ 바로가기 만들기
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ 현재 AppImage에 대한 바로 가기가 생성됩니다. 업데이트하면 제대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. 계속합니까?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ 바탕 화면에 바로가기를 만들 수 없습니다. 경로 "%1"이(가) 존재하지 않습니다.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ 애플리케이션 메뉴에서 바로가기를 만들 수 없습니다. 경로 "%1"이(가) 존재하지 않으며 생성할 수 없습니다.
+ Create Icon
+ 아이콘 만들기
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ 아이콘 파일을 만들 수 없습니다. 경로 "%1"이(가) 존재하지 않으며 생성할 수 없습니다.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ yuzu 에뮬레이터로 %1 시작
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ %1에서 바로가기를 만들기 실패
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ %1 바로가기를 성공적으로 만듬
+ Error Opening %1%1 열기 오류
+ Select Directory경로 선택
+ Properties속성
+ The game properties could not be loaded.게임 속성을 로드 할 수 없습니다.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch 실행파일 (%1);;모든 파일 (*.*)
+ Load File파일 로드
+ Open Extracted ROM Directory추출된 ROM 디렉토리 열기
+ Invalid Directory Selected잘못된 디렉토리 선택
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.선택한 디렉토리에 'main'파일이 없습니다.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)설치 가능한 Switch 파일 (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo 컨텐츠 아카이브 (*.nca);;Nintendo 서브미션 패키지 (*.nsp);;NX 카트리지 이미지 (*.xci)
+ Install Files파일 설치
+ %n file(s) remaining%n개의 파일이 남음
+ Installing file "%1"...파일 "%1" 설치 중...
+ Install Results설치 결과
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.충돌을 피하기 위해, 낸드에 베이스 게임을 설치하는 것을 권장하지 않습니다.
이 기능은 업데이트나 DLC를 설치할 때에만 사용해주세요.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n개의 파일이 새로 설치되었습니다.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n개의 파일을 덮어썼습니다.
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n개의 파일을 설치하지 못했습니다.
+ System Application시스템 애플리케이션
+ System Archive시스템 아카이브
+ System Application Update시스템 애플리케이션 업데이트
+ Firmware Package (Type A)펌웨어 패키지 (A타입)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)펌웨어 패키지 (B타입)
+ Game게임
+ Game Update게임 업데이트
+ Game DLC게임 DLC
+ Delta Title델타 타이틀
+ Select NCA Install Type...NCA 설치 유형 선택...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)이 NCA를 설치할 타이틀 유형을 선택하세요:
(대부분의 경우 기본값인 '게임'이 괜찮습니다.)
+ Failed to Install설치 실패
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.NCA 타이틀 유형이 유효하지 않습니다.
+ File not found파일을 찾을 수 없음
+ File "%1" not found파일 "%1"을 찾을 수 없습니다
+ Hardware requirements not met하드웨어 요구 사항이 충족되지 않음
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.시스템이 권장 하드웨어 요구 사항을 충족하지 않습니다. 호환성 보고가 비활성화되었습니다.
+ Missing yuzu Accountyuzu 계정 누락
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.게임 호환성 테스트 결과를 제출하려면 yuzu 계정을 연결해야합니다.<br><br/>yuzu 계정을 연결하려면 에뮬레이션 > 설정 > 웹으로 가세요.
+ Error opening URLURL 열기 오류
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".URL "%1"을 열 수 없습니다.
+ TAS RecordingTAS 레코딩
+ Overwrite file of player 1?플레이어 1의 파일을 덮어쓰시겠습니까?
+ Invalid config detected유효하지 않은 설정 감지
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.휴대 모드용 컨트롤러는 거치 모드에서 사용할 수 없습니다. 프로 컨트롤러로 대신 선택됩니다.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed현재 amiibo가 제거되었습니다.
+ Error오류
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos현재 게임은 amiibo를 찾고 있지 않습니다
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo 파일 (%1);; 모든 파일 (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboAmiibo 로드
+ Error loading Amiibo dataAmiibo 데이터 로드 오류
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo선택한 파일은 유효한 amiibo가 아닙니다
+ The selected file is already on use선택한 파일은 이미 사용 중입니다
+ An unknown error occurred알수없는 오류가 발생했습니다
+ Capture Screenshot스크린샷 캡처
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG 이미지 (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2TAS 상태: %1/%2 실행 중
+ TAS state: Recording %1TAS 상태: 레코딩 %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2TAS 상태: 유휴 %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidTAS 상태: 유효하지 않음
+ &Stop Running실행 중지(&S)
+ &Start시작(&S)
+ Stop R&ecording레코딩 중지(&e)
+ R&ecord레코드(&R)
+ Building: %n shader(s)빌드중: %n개 셰이더
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor스케일: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%속도: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%속도: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)게임: %1 FPS (제한없음)
+ Game: %1 FPS게임: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 ms프레임: %1 ms
+ DOCKED거치 모드
+ NO AAAA 없음
+ Confirm Key Rederivation키 재생성 확인
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5377,37 +5498,37 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
자동 생성되었던 키 파일들이 삭제되고 키 생성 모듈이 다시 실행됩니다.
+ Missing fusesfuses 누락
+ - Missing BOOT0 - BOOT0 누락
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main 누락
+ - Missing PRODINFO - PRODINFO 누락
+ Derivation Components Missing파생 구성 요소 누락
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>암호화 키가 없습니다. <br>모든 키, 펌웨어 및 게임을 얻으려면 <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu 빠른 시작 가이드</a>를 따르세요.<br><br> <small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5416,39 +5537,39 @@ on your system's performance.
소요될 수 있습니다.
+ Deriving Keys파생 키
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetRomFS 덤프 대상 선택
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.덤프할 RomFS를 선택하십시오.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?yuzu를 닫으시겠습니까?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.에뮬레이션을 중지하시겠습니까? 모든 저장되지 않은 진행 상황은 사라집니다.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5460,44 +5581,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL을 사용할 수 없습니다!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ OpenGL 공유 컨텍스트는 지원되지 않습니다.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu는 OpenGL 지원으로 컴파일되지 않았습니다.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!OpenGL을 초기화하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.사용하시는 GPU가 OpenGL을 지원하지 않거나, 최신 그래픽 드라이버가 설치되어 있지 않습니다.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!OpenGL 4.6 초기화 중 오류 발생!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1사용하시는 GPU가 OpenGL 4.6을 지원하지 않거나 최신 그래픽 드라이버가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. <br><br>GL 렌더링 장치:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2사용하시는 GPU가 1개 이상의 OpenGL 확장 기능을 지원하지 않습니다. 최신 그래픽 드라이버가 설치되어 있는지 확인하세요. <br><br>GL 렌더링 장치:<br>%1<br><br>지원하지 않는 확장 기능:<br>%2
@@ -5598,17 +5719,17 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Create Shortcut
+ 바로가기 만들기Add to Desktop
+ 데스크톱에 추가Add to Applications Menu
+ 애플리케이션 메뉴에 추가
@@ -6000,7 +6121,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDNAND에 파일 설치
@@ -6008,7 +6129,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1텍스트는 다음 문자를 포함할 수 없습니다:
@@ -6665,7 +6786,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ START/PAUSE시작/일시중지
@@ -6714,31 +6835,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][설정 안 됨]
@@ -6749,14 +6870,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2축 %1%2
@@ -6767,262 +6888,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][알 수 없음]
+ Left왼쪽
+ Right오른쪽
+ Down아래
+ Up위
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ Circle동그라미
+ Cross엑스
+ Square네모
+ Triangle세모
+ ShareShare
+ OptionsOptions
+ [undefined][설정안됨]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][유효하지않음]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2방향키 %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Axis %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Axis %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2모션 %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2버튼 %3
+ [unused][미사용]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Plus
+ Minus
+ Minus
+ Home홈
+ Capture
+ 캡쳐
+ Touch터치
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheel휠
+ Backward뒤로가기
+ Forward앞으로가기
+ TaskTask
+ ExtraExtra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/nb.ts b/dist/languages/nb.ts
index 105fab761..4f4fdee65 100644
--- a/dist/languages/nb.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/nb.ts
@@ -909,102 +909,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache
+ Enable Shader FeedbackSlå på shader-tilbakemelding
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesNår dette er på kjører shader-e uten endring i løkkelogikk
+ Disable Loop safety checks
+ DebuggingFeilsøking
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access Log
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedAvansert
+ Kiosk (Quest) Mode
+ Enable CPU DebuggingSlå på prosessorfeilsøking
+ Enable Debug Asserts
+ Enable Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller Types
+ Disable Web AppletSlå av web-applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Dette blir automatisk tilbakestilt når yuzu lukkes.
@@ -1019,12 +1029,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1075,13 +1085,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ AudioLyd
@@ -1097,13 +1107,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ GeneralGenerelt
+ GraphicsGrafikk
@@ -1119,7 +1129,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ControlsKontrollere
@@ -1135,7 +1145,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ SystemSystem
@@ -1398,7 +1408,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ NoneIngen
@@ -1509,112 +1519,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:
+ Nearest NeighborNærmeste nabo
+ BilinearBilineær
+ BicubicBikubisk
+ GaussianGaussisk
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (kun med Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Anti-aliasing–metode:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorBruk global bakgrunnsfarge
+ Set background color:Velg bakgrunnsfarge:
+ Background Color:Bakgrunnsfarge:
@@ -1659,76 +1684,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync hindrer skjermen fra å brytes, men noen grafikkort har lavere ytelse med VSync på. Behold det på hvis du ikke legger merke til forskjell i ytelse.
+ Use VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Slår på asynkron shader-kompilering, som kan redusere shader-hakking. Denne funksjonaliteten er eksperimentell.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Bruk asynkron shader-bygging (hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Anisotropisk filtrering:
+ AutomaticAutomatisk
+ DefaultStandard
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2116,7 +2161,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ConfigureKonfigurer
@@ -2142,6 +2187,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzuKrever omstart av yuzu
@@ -2161,22 +2207,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningSlå på musepanorering
+ Mouse sensitivityMusesensitivitet
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchBevegelse / Touch
@@ -2288,7 +2339,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickVenstre Pinne
@@ -2382,14 +2433,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2408,7 +2459,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ PlusPluss
@@ -2421,15 +2472,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2486,236 +2537,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickHøyre Pinne
+ ClearFjern
+ [not set][ikke satt]
+ Invert buttonInverter knapp
+ Toggle buttonVeksle knapp
+ Invert axisInverter akse
+ Set thresholdSet grense
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Velg en verdi mellom 0% og 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog Stick
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Etter du har trykker på OK, flytt først stikken horisontalt, og så vertikalt.
For å invertere aksene, flytt først stikken vertikalt, og så horistonalt.
+ Center axisSenterakse
+ Deadzone: %1%Dødsone: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Modifikatorområde: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro-Kontroller
+ Dual JoyconsDoble Joycons
+ Left JoyconVenstre Joycon
+ Right JoyconHøyre Joycon
+ HandheldHåndholdt
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube-kontroller
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerNES-kontroller
+ SNES ControllerSNES-kontroller
+ N64 ControllerN64-kontroller
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseStart / paus
+ ZZ
+ Control StickKontrollstikke
+ C-StickC-stikke
+ Shake!Rist!
+ [waiting][venter]
+ New ProfileNy Profil
+ Enter a profile name:Skriv inn et profilnavn:
+ Create Input ProfileLag inndataprofil
+ The given profile name is not valid!Det oppgitte profilenavnet er ugyldig!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Klarte ikke lage inndataprofil "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileSlett inndataprofil
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Klarte ikke slette inndataprofil "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileLast inn inndataprofil
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Klarte ikke laste inn inndataprofil "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileLagre inndataprofil
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Klarte ikke lagre inndataprofil "%1"
@@ -2763,7 +2814,7 @@ For å invertere aksene, flytt først stikken vertikalt, og så horistonalt.
+ ConfigureKonfigurer
@@ -2799,7 +2850,7 @@ For å invertere aksene, flytt først stikken vertikalt, og så horistonalt.
+ TestTest
@@ -2819,77 +2870,77 @@ For å invertere aksene, flytt først stikken vertikalt, og så horistonalt.<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Lær Mer</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersPortnummeret har ugyldige tegn
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Porten må være i intervallet 0 til 65353
+ IP address is not validIP-adressen er ugyldig
+ This UDP server already existsDenne UDP-tjeneren eksisterer allerede
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversKan ikke legge til mer enn 8 tjenere
+ TestingTesting
+ ConfiguringKonfigurering
+ Test SuccessfulTest Vellykket
+ Successfully received data from the server.Mottatt data fra serveren vellykket.
+ Test FailedTest Feilet
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Kunne ikke motta gyldig data fra serveren.<br>Vennligst bekreft at serveren er satt opp riktig og at adressen og porten er riktige.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP-Test eller kalibrasjonskonfigurering er i fremgang.<br>Vennligst vent for dem til å bli ferdig.
@@ -3217,7 +3268,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3238,33 +3289,90 @@ UUID: %2
Dødsone: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsGjenopprett Standardverdier
+ ClearFjern
+ [not set][ikke satt]
+ Invert axisInverter akse
+ Deadzone: %1%Dødsone: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Konfigurering
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][venter]
@@ -3569,8 +3677,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Engelsk
+ American English
@@ -3703,22 +3811,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Systeminnstillinger er bare tilgjengelige når ingen spill kjører.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Dette vil erstatte din nåværende virtuelle Switch med en ny en. Din nåværende virtuelle Switch vil ikke kunne bli gjenopprettet. Dette kan ha uventede effekter i spill. Dette kan feile om du bruker en utdatert lagret-spill konfigurasjon. Fortsette?
+ WarningAdvarsel
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsoll-ID: 0x%1
@@ -3789,7 +3902,7 @@ UUID: %2
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Velg TAS-lastemappe...
@@ -4345,7 +4458,7 @@ Dra punkter for å endre posisjon, eller dobbelttrykk på tabellfelter for å re
Kontroller P1
+ &Controller P1
@@ -4358,42 +4471,37 @@ Dra punkter for å endre posisjon, eller dobbelttrykk på tabellfelter for å re
- IP Address
+ Server Address
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4401,12 +4509,12 @@ Dra punkter for å endre posisjon, eller dobbelttrykk på tabellfelter for å re
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4476,471 +4584,481 @@ Dra punkter for å endre posisjon, eller dobbelttrykk på tabellfelter for å re
Tid det tar for å emulere et Switch bilde. Teller ikke med bildebegrensing eller v-sync. For full-hastighet emulering burde dette være 16.67 ms. på det høyeste.
+ &Clear Recent Files
+ &Continue
+ &Pause&Paus
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingEt spill kjører i yuzu
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatAdvarsel: Utdatert Spillformat
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Du bruker en dekonstruert ROM-mappe for dette spillet, som er et utdatert format som har blitt erstattet av andre formater som NCA, NAX, XCI, eller NSP. Dekonstruerte ROM-mapper mangler ikoner, metadata, og oppdateringsstøtte.<br><br>For en forklaring på diverse Switch-formater som yuzu støtter,<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>sjekk vår wiki</a>. Denne meldingen vil ikke bli vist igjen.
+ Error while loading ROM!Feil under innlasting av ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Dette ROM-formatet er ikke støttet.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.En feil oppstod under initialisering av videokjernen.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu har oppdaget en feil under kjøring av videokjernen. Dette er vanligvis forårsaket av utdaterte GPU-drivere, inkludert for integrert grafikk. Vennligst sjekk loggen for flere detaljer. For mer informasjon om å finne loggen, besøk følgende side: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Uploadd the Log File</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Feil under lasting av ROM! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.En ukjent feil oppstod. Se loggen for flere detaljer.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataLagre Data
+ Mod DataMod Data
+ Error Opening %1 FolderFeil Under Åpning av %1 Mappen
+ Folder does not exist!Mappen eksisterer ikke!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader Cache
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove EntryFjern oppføring
+ Successfully RemovedFjerning lykkes
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Grunnspillet er ikke installert i NAND og kan ikke bli fjernet.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Fjernet vellykket den installerte oppdateringen.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Det er ingen oppdatering installert for denne tittelen.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Det er ingen DLC installert for denne tittelen.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Fjernet vellykket %1 installerte DLC-er.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Fjern Tilpasset Spillkonfigurasjon?
+ Remove FileFjern Fil
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheFeil under fjerning av overførbar shader cache
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Lykkes i å fjerne den overførbare shader cachen.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Feil under fjerning av den overførbare shader cachen.
- Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationFeil Under Fjerning Av Tilpasset Konfigurasjon
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.En tilpasset konfigurasjon for denne tittelen finnes ikke.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Fjernet vellykket den tilpassede spillkonfigurasjonen.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Feil under fjerning av den tilpassede spillkonfigurasjonen.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!Utvinning av RomFS Feilet!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Det oppstod en feil under kopiering av RomFS filene eller så kansellerte brukeren operasjonen.
+ FullFullstendig
+ SkeletonSkjelett
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeVelg RomFS Dump Modus
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Velg hvordan du vil dumpe RomFS.<br>Fullstendig vil kopiere alle filene til en ny mappe mens <br>skjelett vil bare skape mappestrukturen.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Extracting RomFS...Utvinner RomFS...
+ CancelAvbryt
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS Utpakking lyktes!
+ The operation completed successfully.Operasjonen fullført vellykket.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Feil ved åpning av %1
+ Select DirectoryVelg Mappe
+ PropertiesEgenskaper
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Spillets egenskaper kunne ikke bli lastet inn.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch Kjørbar Fil (%1);;Alle Filer (*.*)
+ Load FileLast inn Fil
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryÅpne Utpakket ROM Mappe
+ Invalid Directory SelectedUgyldig Mappe Valgt
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Mappen du valgte inneholder ikke en 'main' fil.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Installerbar Switch-Fil (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xcI)
+ Install FilesInstaller Filer
+ %n file(s) remaining%n fil gjenstår%n filer gjenstår
+ Installing file "%1"...Installerer fil "%1"...
+ Install ResultsInsallasjonsresultater
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n fil ble nylig installert
@@ -4948,7 +5066,7 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n fil ble overskrevet
@@ -4956,7 +5074,7 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n fil ble ikke installert
@@ -4964,377 +5082,377 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ System ApplicationSystemapplikasjon
+ System ArchiveSystemarkiv
+ System Application UpdateSystemapplikasjonsoppdatering
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Firmware Pakke (Type A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Firmware-Pakke (Type B)
+ GameSpill
+ Game UpdateSpilloppdatering
+ Game DLCSpill tilleggspakke
+ Delta TitleDelta Tittel
+ Select NCA Install Type...Velg NCA Installasjonstype...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Vennligst velg typen tittel du vil installere denne NCA-en som:
(I de fleste tilfellene, standarden 'Spill' fungerer.)
+ Failed to InstallFeil under Installasjon
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Titteltypen du valgte for NCA-en er ugyldig.
+ File not foundFil ikke funnet
+ File "%1" not foundFilen "%1" ikke funnet
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountMangler yuzu Bruker
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.For å sende inn et testtilfelle for spillkompatibilitet, må du linke yuzu-brukeren din.<br><br/>For å linke yuzu-brukeren din, gå til Emulasjon > Konfigurasjon > Nett.
+ Error opening URLFeil under åpning av URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Kunne ikke åpne URL "%1".
+ TAS RecordingTAS-innspilling
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Overskriv filen til spiller 1?
+ Invalid config detectedUgyldig konfigurasjon oppdaget
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Håndholdt kontroller kan ikke brukes i dokket modus. Pro-kontroller vil bli valgt.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedDen valgte amiibo-en har blitt fjernet
+ ErrorFeil
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosDet kjørende spillet sjekker ikke for amiibo-er
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo-Fil (%1);; Alle Filer (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboLast inn Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataFeil ved lasting av Amiibo data
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotTa Skjermbilde
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Bilde (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2TAS-tilstand: Kjører %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1TAS-tilstand: Spiller inn %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2TAS-tilstand: Venter %1%2
+ TAS State: InvalidTAS-tilstand: Ugyldig
+ &Stop Running&Stopp kjøring
+ &Start&Start
+ Stop R&ecording
+ R&ecord
+ Building: %n shader(s)Bygger: %n shaderBygger: %n shader-e
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorSkala: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Hastighet: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Hastighet: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Spill: %1 FPS (ubegrenset)
+ Game: %1 FPSSpill: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msRamme: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationBekreft Nøkkel-Redirevasjon
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5351,37 +5469,37 @@ og eventuelt lag backups.
Dette vil slette dine autogenererte nøkkel-filer og kjøre nøkkel-derivasjonsmodulen på nytt.
+ Missing fusesMangler fuses
+ - Missing BOOT0- Mangler BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- Mangler BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO- Mangler PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingDerivasjonskomponenter Mangler
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Krypteringsnøkler mangler. <br>Vennligst følg <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzus oppstartsguide</a> for å få alle nøklene, fastvaren og spillene dine.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5390,39 +5508,39 @@ Dette kan ta opp til et minutt avhengig
av systemytelsen din.
+ Deriving KeysDeriverer Nøkler
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetVelg RomFS Dump-Mål
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Vennligst velg hvilken RomFS du vil dumpe.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Er du sikker på at du vil lukke yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Er du sikker på at du vil stoppe emulasjonen? All ulagret fremgang vil bli tapt.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5434,44 +5552,44 @@ Vil du overstyre dette og lukke likevel?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL ikke tilgjengelig!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu har ikke blitt kompilert med OpenGL-støtte.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Feil under initialisering av OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Det kan hende at GPU-en din ikke støtter OpenGL, eller at du ikke har den nyeste grafikkdriveren.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Feil under initialisering av OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Det kan hende at GPU-en din ikke støtter OpenGL 4.6, eller at du ikke har den nyeste grafikkdriveren.<br><br>GL-renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Det kan hende at GPU-en din ikke støtter én eller flere nødvendige OpenGL-utvidelser. Vennligst sørg for at du har den nyeste grafikkdriveren.<br><br>GL-renderer: <br>%1<br><br>Ikke-støttede utvidelser:<br>%2
@@ -5973,7 +6091,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDInstaller filer til NAND
@@ -5981,7 +6099,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1Teksten kan ikke inneholde noen av de følgende tegnene:
@@ -6634,7 +6752,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6683,31 +6801,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][ikke satt]
@@ -6718,14 +6836,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Akse %1%2
@@ -6736,262 +6854,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][ukjent]
+ LeftVenstre
+ RightHøyre
+ DownNed
+ UpOpp
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleSirkel
+ CrossKryss
+ SquareFirkant
+ TriangleTrekant
+ ShareDel
+ OptionsInstillinger
+ [undefined][udefinert]
+ %1%2
+ [invalid][ugyldig]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Akse %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Akse %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Bevegelse %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Knapp %3
+ [unused][ubrukt]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Pluss
+ Minus
+ Minus
+ HomeHjem
+ Capture
+ TouchTouch
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelHjul
+ BackwardBakover
+ ForwardFremover
+ Task
+ ExtraEkstra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/nl.ts b/dist/languages/nl.ts
index 280e974cb..eb78511ef 100644
--- a/dist/languages/nl.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/nl.ts
@@ -906,102 +906,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Schakel Macro JIT uit
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache
+ Enable Shader Feedback
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes
+ Disable Loop safety checks
+ DebuggingDebugging
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access Log
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedGeavanceerd
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk (Quest) Modus
+ Enable CPU Debugging
+ Enable Debug AssertsSchakel Debug asserties in
+ Enable Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller Types
+ Disable Web Applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Deze optie wordt automatisch gereset wanneer yuzu is gesloten.
@@ -1016,12 +1026,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1073,13 +1083,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ AudioGeluid
@@ -1095,13 +1105,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ GeneralAlgemeen
+ GraphicsGrafisch
@@ -1117,7 +1127,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ControlsBediening
@@ -1133,7 +1143,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ SystemSysteem
@@ -1396,7 +1406,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ NoneGeen
@@ -1507,112 +1517,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
- 2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
- 3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)
- 4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)
- 5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:
+ Nearest Neighbor
+ Bilinear
+ Bicubic
+ Gaussian
+ ScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorGebruik globale achtergrondkleur
+ Set background color:Gebruik achtergrondkleur:
+ Background Color:Achtergrondkleur:
@@ -1657,76 +1682,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync voorkomt dat het scherm beweegt, maar sommige grafische kaarten geven lagere prestaties wanneer VSync is ingeschakeld. Hou het aan als je geen prestatie verschil merkt.
+ Use VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Laat shaders asynchroon compileren, wat haperingen kunnen verminderen. Deze instelling is experimenteel.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Anisotrope Filtering:
+ Automatic
+ DefaultStandaard
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2114,7 +2159,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ConfigureConfigureer
@@ -2140,6 +2185,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzu
@@ -2159,22 +2205,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningSchakel muis panning in
+ Mouse sensitivityMuis Gevoeligheid
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchBeweging / Touch
@@ -2286,7 +2337,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickLinker Stick
@@ -2380,14 +2431,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2406,7 +2457,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ PlusPlus:
@@ -2419,15 +2470,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR:
@@ -2484,236 +2535,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickRechter Stick
+ ClearVerwijder
+ [not set][niet ingesteld]
+ Invert button
+ Toggle buttonShakel Knop
+ Invert axisSpiegel As
+ Set threshold
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog StickZet Analoge Stick
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Na OK in te drukken, beweeg je joystick eerst horizontaal en dan verticaal.
Om de assen te spiegelen, beweek je joystick eerst verticaal en dan horizontaal.
+ Center axis
+ Deadzone: %1%Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Bewerk Range: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual JoyconsTwee Joycons
+ Left JoyconLinker Joycon
+ Right JoyconRechter Joycon
+ HandheldMobiel
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube Controller
+ Poke Ball Plus
+ NES Controller
+ SNES Controller
+ N64 Controller
+ Sega Genesis
+ Start / PauseStart / Pauze
+ ZZ
+ Control StickControl Stick
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!Shudden!
+ [waiting][aan het wachten]
+ New ProfileNieuw Profiel
+ Enter a profile name:Voer nieuwe gebruikersnaam in:
+ Create Input ProfileCreëer een nieuw Invoer Profiel
+ The given profile name is not valid!De ingevoerde Profiel naam is niet geldig
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Het is mislukt om Invoer Profiel "%1 te Creëer
+ Delete Input ProfileVerwijder invoer profiel
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Het is mislukt om Invoer Profiel "%1 te Verwijderen
+ Load Input ProfileLaad invoer profiel
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Het is mislukt om Invoer Profiel "%1 te Laden
+ Save Input ProfileSla Invoer profiel op
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Het is mislukt om Invoer Profiel "%1 Op te slaan
@@ -2761,7 +2812,7 @@ Om de assen te spiegelen, beweek je joystick eerst verticaal en dan horizontaal.
+ ConfigureConfigureer
@@ -2797,7 +2848,7 @@ Om de assen te spiegelen, beweek je joystick eerst verticaal en dan horizontaal.
+ TestTest
@@ -2817,77 +2868,77 @@ Om de assen te spiegelen, beweek je joystick eerst verticaal en dan horizontaal.
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Leer Meer</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuYuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersPoortnummer bevat ongeldige tekens
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Poort moet in bereik 0 en 65353 zijn
+ IP address is not validIP adress is niet geldig
+ This UDP server already existsDeze UDP server bestaat al
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversKan niet meer dan 8 servers toevoegen
+ TestingTesten
+ ConfiguringConfigureren
+ Test SuccessfulTest Succesvol
+ Successfully received data from the server.De data van de server is succesvol ontvangen.
+ Test FailedTest Gefaald
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Kan niet de juiste data van de server ontvangen.<br>Verifieer dat de server is goed opgezet en dat het adres en poort correct zijn.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP Test of calibratie configuratie is bezig.<br>Wacht alstublieft totdat het voltooid is.
@@ -3215,7 +3266,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3236,33 +3287,90 @@ UUID: %2
Deadzone: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsStandaard Herstellen
+ ClearVerwijder
+ [not set][niet ingesteld]
+ Invert axisSpiegel As
+ Deadzone: %1%Deadzone: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Configureren
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][aan het wachten]
@@ -3567,8 +3675,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Engels (English)
+ American English
@@ -3701,22 +3809,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Systeeminstellingen zijn enkel toegankelijk wanneer er geen game draait.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Dit vervangt je huidige virtuele Switch met een nieuwe. Je huidige virtuele Switch kan dan niet meer worden hersteld. Dit kan onverwachte effecten hebben in spellen. Dit werkt niet als je een oude config savegame gebruikt. Doorgaan?
+ WarningWaarschuwing
+ Console ID: 0x%1Console ID: 0x%1
@@ -3787,7 +3900,7 @@ UUID: %2
+ Select TAS Load Directory...
@@ -4343,7 +4456,7 @@ Sleep punten om positie te veranderen, of dubbel klik één van de tabel cellen
+ &Controller P1
@@ -4356,42 +4469,37 @@ Sleep punten om positie te veranderen, of dubbel klik één van de tabel cellen
- IP Address
+ Server Address
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4399,12 +4507,12 @@ Sleep punten om positie te veranderen, of dubbel klik één van de tabel cellen
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4474,859 +4582,869 @@ Sleep punten om positie te veranderen, of dubbel klik één van de tabel cellen
Tijd gebruikt om een frame van de Switch te emuleren, waarbij framelimiteren of v-sync niet wordt meegerekend. Voor emulatie op volledige snelheid zou dit maximaal 16.67 ms zijn.
+ &Clear Recent Files
+ &Continue
+ &Pause&Pauzeren
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleeping
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatWaarschuwing Verouderd Spel Formaat
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Je gebruikt gedeconstrueerd ROM map formaat voor dit Spel, dit is een verouderd formaat en is vervangen door formaten zoals NCA, NAX, XCI of NSP. Gedeconstrueerd ROM map heeft geen iconen, metadata en update understeuning.<br><br>Voor een uitleg over welke Switch formaten yuzu ondersteund, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>kijk op onze wiki</a>. Dit bericht word niet nog een keer weergegeven.
+ Error while loading ROM!Fout tijdens het laden van een ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Het formaat van de ROM is niet ondersteunt.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het initialiseren van de videokern.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Een onbekende fout heeft plaatsgevonden. Kijk in de log voor meer details.
+ (64-bit)
+ (32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataSave Data
+ Mod DataMod Data
+ Error Opening %1 FolderFout tijdens het openen van %1 folder
+ Folder does not exist!Folder bestaat niet!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheFout Bij Het Openen Van Overdraagbare Shader Cache
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove Entry
+ Successfully Removed
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.
+ There is no update installed for this title.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?
+ Remove File
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Er bestaat geen shader cache voor deze game
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.
- Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Custom Configuration
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFS Extractie Mislukt!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Er was een fout tijdens het kopiëren van de RomFS bestanden of de gebruiker heeft de operatie geannuleerd.
+ FullVol
+ SkeletonSkelet
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeSelecteer RomFS Dump Mode
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Selecteer alstublieft hoe je de RomFS wilt dumpen.<br>Volledig kopieërd alle bestanden in een map terwijl <br> skelet maakt alleen het map structuur.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Extracting RomFS...RomFS uitpakken...
+ CancelAnnuleren
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS Extractie Geslaagd!
+ The operation completed successfully.De operatie is succesvol voltooid.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Fout bij openen %1
+ Select DirectorySelecteer Map
+ PropertiesEigenschappen
+ The game properties could not be loaded.De eigenschappen van de game kunnen niet geladen worden.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch Executable (%1);;Alle bestanden (*.*)
+ Load FileLaad Bestand
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryOpen Gedecomprimeerd ROM Map
+ Invalid Directory SelectedOngeldige Map Geselecteerd
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.De map die je hebt geselecteerd bevat geen 'main' bestand.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install Files
+ %n file(s) remaining
+ Installing file "%1"...Bestand "%1" Installeren...
+ Install Results
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
+ %n file(s) failed to install
+ System ApplicationSysteem Applicatie
+ System ArchiveSysteem Archief
+ System Application UpdateSysteem Applicatie Update
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Filmware Pakket (Type A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Filmware Pakket (Type B)
+ GameGame
+ Game UpdateGame Update
+ Game DLCGame DLC
+ Delta TitleDelta Titel
+ Select NCA Install Type...Selecteer NCA Installatie Type...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Selecteer het type titel hoe je wilt dat deze NCA installeerd:
(In de meeste gevallen is de standaard 'Game' juist.)
+ Failed to InstallInstallatie Mislukt
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Het type title dat je hebt geselecteerd voor de NCA is ongeldig.
+ File not foundBestand niet gevonden
+ File "%1" not foundBestand "%1" niet gevonden
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountJe yuzu account mist
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Om game campatibiliteit te raporteren, moet je je yuzu account koppelen.<br><br/> Om je yuzu account te koppelen, ga naar Emulatie > Configuratie > Web.
+ Error opening URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".
+ TAS Recording
+ Overwrite file of player 1?
+ Invalid config detected
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.
+ Amiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed
+ Error
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo Bestand (%1);; Alle Bestanden (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboLaad Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataFout tijdens het laden van de Amiibo data
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotScreenshot Vastleggen
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG afbeelding (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2
+ TAS State: Invalid
+ &Stop Running
+ &Start&Start
+ Stop R&ecording
+ R&ecord
+ Building: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Snelheid: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Snelheid: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)
+ Game: %1 FPSGame: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationBevestig Sleutel Herafleiding
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5343,37 +5461,37 @@ en optioneel maak backups.
Dit zal je automatisch gegenereerde sleutel bestanden verwijderen en de sleutel verkrijger module opnieuw starten
+ Missing fuses
+ - Missing BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components Missing
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5381,39 +5499,39 @@ on your system's performance.
op je systeem's performatie.
+ Deriving KeysSleutels afleiden
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetSelecteer RomFS Dump Doel
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Selecteer welke RomFS je zou willen dumpen.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Weet je zeker dat je yuzu wilt sluiten?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Weet je zeker dat je de emulatie wilt stoppen? Alle onopgeslagen voortgang will verloren gaan.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5425,44 +5543,44 @@ Wilt u dit omzeilen en toch afsluiten?
+ OpenGL not available!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2
@@ -5964,7 +6082,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDInstalleer Bestanden naar NAND
@@ -5972,7 +6090,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6620,7 +6738,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6669,31 +6787,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][niet aangegeven]
@@ -6704,14 +6822,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Axis %1%2
@@ -6722,262 +6840,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][onbekend]
+ LeftLinks:
+ RightRechts:
+ DownBeneden:
+ UpBoven:
+ ZZ
+ RR:
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1
+ L2
+ L3
+ R1
+ R2
+ R3
+ Circle
+ Cross
+ Square
+ Triangle
+ Share
+ Options
+ [undefined]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid]
+ %1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3
+ %1%2Button %3
+ [unused][ongebruikt]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Plus:
+ Minus
+ Min
+ HomeHome:
+ Capture
+ Vastleggen
+ TouchTouch
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheel
+ Backward
+ Forward
+ Task
+ Extra
+ %1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/pl.ts b/dist/languages/pl.ts
index c198f0381..b5046fbac 100644
--- a/dist/languages/pl.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/pl.ts
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Room Window
+ Okno pokoju
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ To zbanuje jego/jej nick na forum, oraz jego/jej adres IP.
Room Window
+ Okno pokoju
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ To zbanuje jego/jej nick na forum, oraz jego/jej adres IP.
%1 - %2 (%3/%4 members) - connected
+ %1 - %2 (%3/%4 członków) - połączono
@@ -242,102 +242,102 @@ To zbanuje jego/jej nick na forum, oraz jego/jej adres IP.
<html><head/><body><p>Does the game boot?</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Czy gra się uruchamia?</p></body></html>Yes The game starts to output video or audio
+ Tak, gra zaczyna pokazywać obraz lub słychać dźwięk.No The game doesn't get past the "Launching..." screen
+ Nie, gra nie przechodzi przez ekran "Ładowania..."Yes The game gets past the intro/menu and into gameplay
+ Tak, gra przechodzi przez intro/ekran główny oraz do rozgrywki.No The game crashes or freezes while loading or using the menu
+ Nie, gra zawiesza się podczas ładowania lub poruszania się w menu.<html><head/><body><p>Does the game reach gameplay?</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Czy gra dociera do rozgrywki?</p></body></html>Yes The game works without crashes
+ Tak, gra działa bezawaryjnie.No The game crashes or freezes during gameplay
+ Nie, gra się zawiesza podczas rozgrywki.<html><head/><body><p>Does the game work without crashing, freezing or locking up during gameplay?</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Czy gra działa bezawaryjnie podczas rozgrywki?</p></body></html>Yes The game can be finished without any workarounds
+ Tak, gra może być ukończona bez żadnych obejść.No The game can't progress past a certain area
+ Nie, w grze nie można przejść do określonego obszaru.<html><head/><body><p>Is the game completely playable from start to finish?</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Czy gra jest kompletnie grywalna od początku aż do jej końca?</p></body></html>Major The game has major graphical errors
+ Poważne, gra posiada poważne problemy graficzne.Minor The game has minor graphical errors
+ Drobne, gra zawiera drobne błędy graficzne.None Everything is rendered as it looks on the Nintendo Switch
+ Żadnych, Wszystko jest renderowane tak jak wygląda na Nintendo Switchu.<html><head/><body><p>Does the game have any graphical glitches?</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Czy gra posiada jakieś błędy graficzne?</p></body></html>Major The game has major audio errors
+ Poważne, gra posiada poważne problemy dźwiękowe.Minor The game has minor audio errors
+ Drobne, gra zawiera drobne błędy dźwiękowe.None Audio is played perfectly
+ Żadnych, Dźwięk jest odtwarzany perfekcyjnie.<html><head/><body><p>Does the game have any audio glitches / missing effects?</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Czy gra posiada jakiekolwiek błędy dźwiękowe/brakujące efekty?</p></body></html>
@@ -425,12 +425,12 @@ To zbanuje jego/jej nick na forum, oraz jego/jej adres IP.
Select where the image of the emulated camera comes from. It may be a virtual camera or a real camera.
+ Wybierz skąd zdjęcie emulowanej kamery pochodzi. Może być to wirtualna lub prawdziwa kamera. Camera Image Source:
+ Źródło zdjęcia kamery:
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ To zbanuje jego/jej nick na forum, oraz jego/jej adres IP.
+ Podgląd
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ To zbanuje jego/jej nick na forum, oraz jego/jej adres IP.
Click to preview
+ Kliknij aby obejrzeć podgląd
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ To zbanuje jego/jej nick na forum, oraz jego/jej adres IP.
Paranoid (disables most optimizations)
+ Paranoiczne (wyłącza większość optymalizacji)
@@ -592,12 +592,13 @@ Wyłączenie tej opcji może pozwolić grze na zapis lub odczyt pamięci emulato
<div>This option improves speed by relying only on the semantics of cmpxchg to ensure safety of exclusive access instructions. Please note this may result in deadlocks and other race conditions.</div>
+ <div>Ta opcja poprawia szybkość, opierając się wyłącznie na semantyce cmpxchg w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa instrukcji dostępu wyłącznego. Należy pamiętać, że może to spowodować awarie gier.</div>Ignore global monitor
+ Ignoruj ogólne monitorowanie
@@ -760,7 +761,7 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
Enable Host MMU Emulation (general memory instructions)
+ Włącz emulację MMU gościa (ogólne instrukcje pamięci)
@@ -769,12 +770,16 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
<div style="white-space: nowrap">Enabling it causes guest exclusive memory reads/writes to be done directly into memory and make use of Host's MMU.</div>
<div style="white-space: nowrap">Disabling this forces all exclusive memory accesses to use Software MMU Emulation.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">Ta optymalizacja przyspiesza wyłączny dostęp do pamięci przez program gościa.
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap"> Włączenie tej opcji powoduje, że wyłączne odczyty/zapisy pamięci gościa są wykonywane bezpośrednio w pamięci i korzystają z MMU hosta .</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">Wyłączenie tej opcji wymusza, aby wszystkie wyłączne dostępy do pamięci korzystały z programowej emulacji MMU.</div>
+Enable Host MMU Emulation (exclusive memory instructions)
+ Włącz emulację Host MMU (ekskluzywne instrukcje dotyczące pamięci)
@@ -782,12 +787,14 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
<div style="white-space: nowrap">This optimization speeds up exclusive memory accesses by the guest program.</div>
<div style="white-space: nowrap">Enabling it reduces the overhead of fastmem failure of exclusive memory accesses.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">Ta optymalizacja przyspiesza wyłączny dostęp do pamięci przez program gościa.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">Włączenie go zmniejsza narzut związany z awarią fastmem w przypadku wyłącznego dostępu do pamięci.</div>Enable recompilation of exclusive memory instructions
+ Włącz rekompilację wyłącznych instrukcji pamięci
@@ -795,12 +802,15 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
<div style="white-space: nowrap">This optimization speeds up memory accesses by allowing invalid memory accesses to succeed.</div>
<div style="white-space: nowrap">Enabling it reduces the overhead of all memory accesses and has no impact on programs that don't access invalid memory.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">Ta optymalizacja przyspiesza dostęp do pamięci, umożliwiając pomyślne uzyskanie nieprawidłowego dostępu do pamięci.</div>
+ <div style="white-space: nowrap">Włączenie zmniejsza narzut wszystkich dostępów do pamięci i nie ma wpływu na programy, które nie uzyskują dostępu do nieprawidłowej pamięci.</div>
+ Enable fallbacks for invalid memory accesses
+ Włącz rezerwę dla nieprawidłowych dostępów do pamięci
@@ -813,7 +823,7 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
+ Debuger
@@ -903,12 +913,12 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
When checked, it will dump all the macro programs of the GPU
+ Kiedy jest zaznaczone, będą zrzucane wszystkie makro programy GPUDump Maxwell Macros
+ Zrzuć Makra Maxwell
@@ -921,124 +931,134 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
Wyłącz Makro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Kiedy jest zaznaczone, wyłączane są funkcje makra HLE. Włączenie tego powoduje spadek wydajności w grach.
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ Wyłącz makra HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cachePo zaznaczeniu, yuzu będzie rejestrować statystyki dotyczące skompilowanej pamięci podręcznej.
+ Enable Shader FeedbackWłącz funkcję Feedbacku Shaderów
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesGdy zaznaczone, używa shaderów bez zmian logicznych pętli
+ Disable Loop safety checksWyłącz Zapętlanie sprawdzania bezpieczeństwa
+ DebuggingDebugowanie
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Włącz Pełne Usługi Raportowania**
+ Enable FS Access LogWłącz dziennik Dostępu FS
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Włącz tę opcję, aby wyświetlić ostatnio wygenerowaną listę poleceń dźwiękowych na konsoli. Wpływa tylko na gry korzystające z renderera dźwięku.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Zrzuć polecenia audio do konsoli**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ Utwórz mini zrzut po awarii
+ AdvancedZaawansowane
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeTryb Kiosk (Quest)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingWłącz Debugowanie CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsWłącz potwierdzenia debugowania
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Włącz Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller Types
+ Włącz wszystkie Typy Kontrolerów
+ Disable Web AppletWyłącz Aplet internetowy
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Umożliwia yuzu sprawdzanie działającego środowiska Vulkan podczas uruchamiania programu. Wyłącz to, jeśli powoduje to problemy z zewnętrznymi programami widzącymi yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ Przeprowadź sprawdzanie uruchamiania Vulkana
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**To zresetuje się automatycznie po wyłączeniu yuzu.Restart Required
+ Ponowne uruchomienie jest wymaganeyuzu is required to restart in order to apply this setting.
+ yuzu wymaga ponownego uruchomienia w przypadku zastosowania tego ustawienia.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ Aplet sieciowy nie został skompilowany
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
+ Tworzenie mini zrzutów nie zostało skompilowane
@@ -1087,13 +1107,13 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
+ AudioDźwięk
@@ -1109,13 +1129,13 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
+ GeneralOgólne
+ GraphicsGrafika
@@ -1131,7 +1151,7 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
+ ControlsSterowanie
@@ -1147,7 +1167,7 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
+ SystemSystem
@@ -1333,7 +1353,7 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
Extended memory layout (6GB DRAM)
+ Rozszerzony układ pamięci (6GB DRAM)
@@ -1410,7 +1430,7 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
+ NoneŻadny
@@ -1492,7 +1512,7 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
Force 16:10
+ Wymuś 16:10
@@ -1521,112 +1541,127 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Filtr Adaptującego Okna:
+ Nearest NeighborNajbliższy Sąsiad
+ BilinearBilinearny
+ BicubicBikubiczny
+ GaussianGauss
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Rozdzielczość (Tylko Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Metoda Anty-Aliasingu:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Użyj globalnej ostrości FSR
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ Ustaw ostrość FSR
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ Ostrość FSR:
+ 100%
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorUstaw globalny kolor tła
+ Set background color:Ustaw kolor tła:
+ Background Color:Kolor tła
@@ -1638,7 +1673,7 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
SPIR-V (Experimental, Mesa Only)
+ SPIR-V (Eksperymentalne, Tylko Mesa)
@@ -1671,77 +1706,97 @@ Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, niedopasowanie jest uruchamiane tylko wtedy, gdy d
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Uruchamia pracę w tle podczas oczekiwania na komendy graficzne aby GPU nie obniżało taktowania.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ Wymuś maksymalne zegary (Tylko Vulkan)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync zapobiega rozwarstwianiu obrazu, ale niektóre karty graficzne mogą działać wolniej używając VSync.
Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
+ Use VSyncUżywaj VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Włącza asynchroniczną kompilację shaderów, co może zmniejszyć zacinanie się shaderów. Ta funkcja jest eksperymentalna.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Użyj asynchronicznego budowania shaderów (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Włącza Szybszy Czas GPU. Ta opcja zmusza większość gier do wyświetlania w swojej najwyższej natywnej rozdzielczości.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Użyj Szybszego Czasu GPU (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Włącza pesymistyczne opróżnianie bufora. Ta opcja wymusi opróżnianie niezmodyfikowanych buforów, gdzie to wpłynie na wydajność.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Użyj pesymistycznego opróżniania buforów (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Włącza pamięć podręczną strumienia specyficzną dla dostawcy GPU. Ta opcja może znacznie skrócić czas ładowania modułu cieniującego w przypadkach, gdy sterownik Vulkan nie przechowuje wewnętrznie plików pamięci podręcznej strumienia.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Użyj pamięci podręcznej strumienia dla Vulkana
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Filtrowanie anizotropowe:
+ AutomaticAutomatyczne
+ DefaultDomyślne
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2129,19 +2184,19 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
+ ConfigureKonfigurujRing Controller
+ Kontroler RingInfrared Camera
+ Kamera podczerwieni
@@ -2155,6 +2210,7 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
+ Requires restarting yuzuNależy zrestartować yuzu
@@ -2174,22 +2230,27 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.Nawigacja Kontrolerem
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningWłącz panoramowanie myszą
+ Mouse sensitivityCzułość myszy
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchRuch / Dotyk
@@ -2209,57 +2270,57 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
Input Profiles
+ Profil wejściowyPlayer 1 Profile
+ Profil gracza 1Player 2 Profile
+ Profil gracza 2Player 3 Profile
+ Profil gracza 3Player 4 Profile
+ Profil gracza 4Player 5 Profile
+ Profil gracza 5Player 6 Profile
+ Profil gracza 6Player 7 Profile
+ Profil gracza 7Player 8 Profile
+ Profil gracza 8Use global input configuration
+ Użyj globalnej konfiguracji wejściowejPlayer %1 profile
+ Profil %1 gracza
@@ -2301,7 +2362,7 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
+ Left StickLewa gałka
@@ -2395,14 +2456,14 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
+ LL
@@ -2421,7 +2482,7 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
+ PlusPlus
@@ -2434,15 +2495,15 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
+ RR
@@ -2499,236 +2560,236 @@ Pozostaw tą funkcję włączoną, jeśli nie widać różnicy w wydajności.
+ Right StickPrawa gałka
+ ClearWyczyść
+ [not set][nie ustawione]
+ Invert buttonOdwróć przycisk
+ Toggle buttonPrzycisk Toggle
+ Invert axisOdwróć oś
+ Set thresholdUstaw próg
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Wybierz wartość od 0% do 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Przełącz oś
+ Set gyro thresholdUstaw próg gyro
+ Map Analog StickPrzypisz Drążek Analogowy
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Po naciśnięciu OK, najpierw przesuń joystick w poziomie, a następnie w pionie.
Aby odwrócić osie, najpierw przesuń joystick pionowo, a następnie poziomo.
+ Center axis
+ Środkowa oś
+ Deadzone: %1%Martwa strefa: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Zasięg Modyfikatora: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual JoyconsPara Joyconów
+ Left JoyconLewy Joycon
+ Right JoyconPrawy Joycon
+ HandheldHandheld
+ GameCube ControllerKontroler GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerKontroler NES/Pegasus
+ SNES ControllerKontroler SNES
+ N64 ControllerKontroler N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Mega Drive
+ Start / PauseStart / Pauza
+ ZZ
+ Control StickLewa gałka
+ C-StickC-gałka
+ Shake!Potrząśnij!
+ [waiting][oczekiwanie]
+ New ProfileNowy profil
+ Enter a profile name:Wpisz nazwę profilu:
+ Create Input ProfileUtwórz profil wejściowy
+ The given profile name is not valid!Podana nazwa profilu jest nieprawidłowa!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Nie udało się utworzyć profilu wejściowego "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileUsuń profil wejściowy
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Nie udało się usunąć profilu wejściowego "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileZaładuj profil wejściowy
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Nie udało się wczytać profilu wejściowego "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileZapisz profil wejściowy
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Nie udało się zapisać profilu wejściowego "%1"
@@ -2776,7 +2837,7 @@ Aby odwrócić osie, najpierw przesuń joystick pionowo, a następnie poziomo.
+ ConfigureKonfiguruj
@@ -2812,7 +2873,7 @@ Aby odwrócić osie, najpierw przesuń joystick pionowo, a następnie poziomo.
+ TestTest
@@ -2832,77 +2893,77 @@ Aby odwrócić osie, najpierw przesuń joystick pionowo, a następnie poziomo.
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Dowiedz się więcej</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersPort zawiera nieprawidłowe znaki
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Port musi być w zakresie 0-65353
+ IP address is not validAdres IP nie jest prawidłowy
+ This UDP server already existsTen serwer UDP już istnieje
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversNie można dodać więcej niż 8 serwerów
+ TestingTestowanie
+ ConfiguringKonfigurowanie
+ Test SuccessfulTest Udany
+ Successfully received data from the server.Pomyślnie odebrano dane z serwera.
+ Test FailedTest nieudany
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Nie można odebrać poprawnych danych z serwera.<br>Sprawdź, czy serwer jest poprawnie skonfigurowany, a adres i port są prawidłowe.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Trwa konfiguracja testu UDP lub kalibracji.<br>Poczekaj na zakończenie.
@@ -3020,7 +3081,7 @@ Aby odwrócić osie, najpierw przesuń joystick pionowo, a następnie poziomo.
Input Profiles
+ Profil wejściowy
@@ -3202,7 +3263,7 @@ Aby odwrócić osie, najpierw przesuń joystick pionowo, a następnie poziomo.
Delete this user? All of the user's save data will be deleted.
+ Czy usunąć tego użytkownika? Wszystkie dane zapisu użytkownika zostaną usunięte.
@@ -3213,7 +3274,8 @@ Aby odwrócić osie, najpierw przesuń joystick pionowo, a następnie poziomo.
Name: %1
UUID: %2
+ Nazwa: %1
+UUID: %2
@@ -3226,24 +3288,24 @@ UUID: %2
If you want to use this controller configure player 1 as right controller and player 2 as dual joycon before starting the game to allow this controller to be detected properly.
+ Jeżeli zamierzasz używać tego kontrolera, skonfiguruj Gracza 1 jako prawy kontroler oraz Gracza 2 jako podwójnego JoyCona przed uruchomieniem gry aby zezwolić temu kontrolerowi na jego poprawne wykrycie.
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor ParametersPull
+ CiągnijPush
+ Pchaj
@@ -3251,33 +3313,90 @@ UUID: %2
Martwa strefa: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsPrzywróć domyślne
+ ClearWyczyść
+ [not set][nie ustawione]
+ Invert axisOdwróć oś
+ Deadzone: %1%Martwa strefa: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Konfigurowanie
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][oczekiwanie]
@@ -3582,8 +3701,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Angielski (English)
+ American English
+ Angielski Amerykański
@@ -3683,7 +3802,7 @@ UUID: %2
Device Name
+ Nazwa urządzenia
@@ -3716,22 +3835,27 @@ UUID: %2
Wygeneruj ponownie
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Ustawienia systemu są dostępne tylko wtedy, gdy gra nie jest uruchomiona.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ Uwaga: "%1" nie jest poprawnym językiem dla regionu "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?To zamieni twojego obecnego Switch'a z nowym. Twojego obecnego Switch'a nie będzie można przywrócić. To może wywołać nieoczekiwane problemy w grach. To może nie zadziałać, jeśli używasz nieaktualnej konfiguracji zapisu gry. Kontynuować?
+ WarningOstrzeżenie
+ Console ID: 0x%1Identyfikator konsoli: 0x%1
@@ -3802,7 +3926,7 @@ UUID: %2
Konfiguracja TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Wybierz Ścieżkę Załadowania TAS-a
@@ -4042,7 +4166,7 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
Show Compatibility List
+ Pokaż listę kompatybilności
@@ -4052,12 +4176,12 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
Show Size Column
+ Pokaż kolumnę rozmiarówShow File Types Column
+ Pokaż kolumnę typów plików
@@ -4241,7 +4365,7 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
Web Service configuration can only be changed when a public room isn't being hosted.
+ Konfigurację usług sieciowych można tylko zmienić kiedy pokój publiczny nie jest hostowany.
@@ -4319,7 +4443,7 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
Unverified, please click Verify before saving configurationTooltip
+ Niezweryfikowany, kliknij proszę przycisk Weryfikacji przed zapisaniem konfiguracji
@@ -4331,7 +4455,7 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
+ Zweryfikowany
@@ -4358,7 +4482,7 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
Kontroler P1
+ &Controller P1&Kontroler P1
@@ -4368,45 +4492,40 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
Direct Connect
- IP Address
- Adres IP
+ Bezpośrednie połączenie
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Adres IPv4 hosta</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ PortPort
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Numer portu, na którym nasłuchuje host</p></body></html>
+ NicknameNick
+ PasswordHasło
+ ConnectPołącz
@@ -4414,12 +4533,12 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
+ ConnectingŁączenie
+ ConnectPołącz
@@ -4439,12 +4558,12 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
Broken Vulkan Installation Detected
+ Wykryto uszkodzoną instalację VulkanaVulkan initialization failed during boot.<br><br>Click <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/faq/#yuzu-starts-with-the-error-broken-vulkan-installation-detected'>here for instructions to fix the issue</a>.
+ Inicjalizacja Vulkana nie powiodła się podczas uruchamiania.<br><br>Kliknij<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/faq/#yuzu-starts-with-the-error-broken-vulkan-installation-detected'>tutaj aby uzyskać instrukcje dotyczące rozwiązania tego problemu</a>.
@@ -4490,473 +4609,483 @@ Przeciągnij punkty, aby zmienić pozycję, lub kliknij dwukrotnie komórki tabe
Czas potrzebny do emulacji klatki na sekundę Switcha, nie licząc ograniczania klatek ani v-sync. Dla emulacji pełnej szybkości powinno to wynosić co najwyżej 16,67 ms.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Usuń Ostatnie pliki
+ &Continue&Kontynuuj
+ &Pause&Pauza
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu jest w trakcie gry
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatOSTRZEŻENIE! Nieaktualny format gry
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Używasz zdekonstruowanego formatu katalogu ROM dla tej gry, który jest przestarzałym formatem, który został zastąpiony przez inne, takie jak NCA, NAX, XCI lub NSP. W zdekonstruowanych katalogach ROM brakuje ikon, metadanych i obsługi aktualizacji.<br><br> Aby znaleźć wyjaśnienie różnych formatów Switch obsługiwanych przez yuzu,<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'> sprawdź nasze wiki</a>. Ta wiadomość nie pojawi się ponownie.
+ Error while loading ROM!Błąd podczas wczytywania ROMu!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Ten format ROMu nie jest wspierany.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Wystąpił błąd podczas inicjowania rdzenia wideo.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu napotkał błąd podczas uruchamiania rdzenia wideo. Jest to zwykle spowodowane przestarzałymi sterownikami GPU, w tym zintegrowanymi. Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz w pliku log. Więcej informacji na temat dostępu do log-u można znaleźć na następującej stronie: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Jak przesłać plik log</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Błąd podczas wczytywania ROMu! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Postępuj zgodnie z<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu quickstart guide</a> aby zrzucić ponownie swoje pliki.<br>Możesz odwołać się do wiki yuzu</a>lub discord yuzu </a> po pomoc.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Wystąpił nieznany błąd. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w pliku log.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Zamykanie aplikacji...
+ Save DataZapis danych
+ Mod DataDane modów
+ Error Opening %1 FolderBłąd podczas otwarcia folderu %1
+ Folder does not exist!Folder nie istnieje!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheBłąd podczas otwierania przenośnej pamięci podręcznej Shaderów.
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.Nie udało się stworzyć ścieżki shaderów dla tego tytułu.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Błąd podczas usuwania zawartości
+ Error Removing Update
+ Błąd podczas usuwania aktualizacji
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Błąd podczas usuwania dodatków
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Czy usunąć zainstalowaną zawartość gry?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Czy usunąć zainstalowaną aktualizację gry?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Czy usunąć zainstalowane dodatki gry?
+ Remove EntryUsuń wpis
+ Successfully RemovedPomyślnie usunięto
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Pomyślnie usunięto zainstalowaną grę.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Gra nie jest zainstalowana w NAND i nie może zostać usunięta.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Pomyślnie usunięto zainstalowaną łatkę.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Brak zainstalowanych łatek dla tego tytułu.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Brak zainstalowanych DLC dla tego tytułu.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Pomyślnie usunięto %1 zainstalowane DLC.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Usunąć Transferowalne Shadery OpenGL?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Usunąć Transferowalne Shadery Vulkan?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Usunąć Wszystkie Transferowalne Shadery?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Usunąć niestandardową konfigurację gry?
+ Remove FileUsuń plik
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheBłąd podczas usuwania przenośnej pamięci podręcznej Shaderów.
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Pamięć podręczna Shaderów dla tego tytułu nie istnieje.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Pomyślnie usunięto przenośną pamięć podręczną Shaderów.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Nie udało się usunąć przenośnej pamięci Shaderów.
- Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
- Błąd podczas usuwania Transferowalnych Shaderów
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Błąd podczas usuwania pamięci podręcznej strumienia sterownika Vulkana
- Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
- Pomyślnie usunięto transferowalne shadery.
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Błąd podczas usuwania pamięci podręcznej strumienia sterownika.
- Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Błąd podczas usuwania Transferowalnych Shaderów
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Pomyślnie usunięto transferowalne shadery.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.Nie udało się usunąć ścieżki transferowalnych shaderów.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationBłąd podczas usuwania niestandardowej konfiguracji
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Niestandardowa konfiguracja nie istnieje dla tego tytułu.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Pomyślnie usunięto niestandardową konfiguracje gry.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Nie udało się usunąć niestandardowej konfiguracji gry.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!Wypakowanie RomFS nieudane!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Wystąpił błąd podczas kopiowania plików RomFS lub użytkownik anulował operację.
+ FullPełny
+ SkeletonSzkielet
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeWybierz tryb zrzutu RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Proszę wybrać w jaki sposób chcesz, aby zrzut pliku RomFS został wykonany. <br>Pełna kopia ze wszystkimi plikami do nowego folderu, gdy <br>skielet utworzy tylko strukturę folderu.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump RootNie ma wystarczająco miejsca w %1 aby wyodrębnić RomFS.
Zwolnij trochę miejsca, albo zmień ścieżkę zrzutu RomFs w Emulacja> Konfiguruj> System> System Plików> Źródło Zrzutu
+ Extracting RomFS...Wypakowywanie RomFS...
+ CancelAnuluj
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Wypakowanie RomFS zakończone pomyślnie!
+ The operation completed successfully.Operacja zakończona sukcesem.
+ Create Shortcut
+ Utwórz skrót
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Utworzy to skrót do obecnego AppImage. Może nie działać dobrze po aktualizacji. Kontynuować?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Nie można utworzyć skrótu na pulpicie. Ścieżka "%1" nie istnieje.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Nie można utworzyć skrótu w menu aplikacji. Ścieżka "%1" nie istnieje oraz nie może być utworzona.
+ Create Icon
+ Utwórz ikonę
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Nie można utworzyć pliku ikony. Ścieżka "%1" nie istnieje oraz nie może być utworzona.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Włącz %1 z emulatorem yuzu
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Nie udało się utworzyć skrótu pod %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Pomyślnie utworzono skrót do %1
+ Error Opening %1Błąd podczas otwierania %1
+ Select DirectoryWybierz folder...
+ PropertiesWłaściwości
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Właściwości tej gry nie mogły zostać załadowane.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Plik wykonywalny Switcha (%1);;Wszystkie pliki (*.*)
+ Load FileZaładuj plik...
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryOtwórz folder wypakowanego ROMu
+ Invalid Directory SelectedWybrano niewłaściwy folder
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Folder wybrany przez ciebie nie zawiera 'głownego' pliku.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Instalacyjne pliki Switch'a (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Archiwum zawartości Nintendo (*.nca);;Pakiet poddany Nintendo (*.nsp);;Obraz z kartridża NX (*.xci)
+ Install FilesZainstaluj pliki
+ %n file(s) remaining1 plik został%n plików zostało%n plików zostało%n plików zostało
+ Installing file "%1"...Instalowanie pliku "%1"...
+ Install ResultsWynik instalacji
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Aby uniknąć ewentualnych konfliktów, odradzamy użytkownikom instalowanie gier na NAND.
Proszę, używaj tej funkcji tylko do instalowania łatek i DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
1 nowy plik został zainstalowany
@@ -4966,389 +5095,389 @@ Proszę, używaj tej funkcji tylko do instalowania łatek i DLC.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
1 plik został nadpisany%n plików zostało nadpisane%n plików zostało nadpisane%n plików zostało nadpisane
+ %n file(s) failed to install
1 pliku nie udało się zainstalować%n plików nie udało się zainstalować%n plików nie udało się zainstalować%n plików nie udało się zainstalować
+ System ApplicationAplikacja systemowa
+ System ArchiveArchiwum systemu
+ System Application UpdateAktualizacja aplikacji systemowej
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Paczka systemowa (Typ A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Paczka systemowa (Typ B)
+ GameGra
+ Game UpdateAktualizacja gry
+ Game DLCDodatek do gry
+ Delta TitleTytuł Delta
+ Select NCA Install Type...Wybierz typ instalacji NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Wybierz typ tytułu, do którego chcesz zainstalować ten NCA, jako:
(W większości przypadków domyślna "gra" jest w porządku.)
+ Failed to InstallInstalacja nieudana
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Typ tytułu wybrany dla NCA jest nieprawidłowy.
+ File not foundNie znaleziono pliku
+ File "%1" not foundNie znaleziono pliku "%1"
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Wymagania sprzętowe nie są spełnione
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Twój system nie spełnia rekomendowanych wymagań sprzętowych. Raportowanie kompatybilności zostało wyłączone.
+ Missing yuzu AccountBrakuje konta Yuzu
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Aby przesłać test zgodności gry, musisz połączyć swoje konto yuzu.<br><br/> Aby połączyć swoje konto yuzu, przejdź do opcji Emulacja > Konfiguracja > Sieć.
+ Error opening URLBłąd otwierania adresu URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Nie można otworzyć adresu URL "%1".
+ TAS RecordingNagrywanie TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Nadpisać plik gracza 1?
+ Invalid config detectedWykryto nieprawidłową konfigurację
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Nie można używać kontrolera handheld w trybie zadokowanym. Zostanie wybrany kontroler Pro.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedAmiibo zostało "zdjęte"
+ ErrorBłąd
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosTa gra nie szuka amiibo
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Plik Amiibo (%1);;Wszyskie pliki (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboZaładuj Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataBłąd podczas ładowania pliku danych Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ Wybrany plik nie jest poprawnym amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ Wybrany plik jest już w użyciu
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Wystąpił nieznany błąd
+ Capture ScreenshotZrób zrzut ekranu
+ PNG Image (*.png)Obrazek PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2Status TAS: Działa %1%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1Status TAS: Nagrywa %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2Status TAS: Bezczynny %1%2
+ TAS State: InvalidStatus TAS: Niepoprawny
+ &Stop Running&Wyłącz
+ &Start&Start
+ Stop R&ecordingPrzestań N&agrywać
+ R&ecordN&agraj
+ Building: %n shader(s)Budowanie shaderaBudowanie: %n shaderówBudowanie: %n shaderówBudowanie: %n shaderów
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorSkala: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Prędkość: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Prędkość: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Gra: %1 FPS (Odblokowane)
+ Game: %1 FPSGra: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msKlatka: %1 ms
+ Zero
+ Confirm Key RederivationPotwierdź ponowną aktywacje klucza
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5365,37 +5494,37 @@ i opcjonalnie tworzyć kopie zapasowe.
Spowoduje to usunięcie wygenerowanych automatycznie plików kluczy i ponowne uruchomienie modułu pochodnego klucza.
+ Missing fusesBrakujące bezpieczniki
+ - Missing BOOT0 - Brak BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - Brak BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO - Brak PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingBrak komponentów wyprowadzania
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Brakuje elementów, które mogą uniemożliwić zakończenie wyprowadzania kluczy. <br>Postępuj zgodnie z <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu quickstart guide</a> aby zdobyć wszystkie swoje klucze i gry.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5404,39 +5533,39 @@ Zależnie od tego może potrwać do minuty
na wydajność twojego systemu.
+ Deriving KeysWyprowadzanie kluczy...
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetWybierz cel zrzutu RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Proszę wybrać RomFS, jakie chcesz zrzucić.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Czy na pewno chcesz zamknąć yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Czy na pewno chcesz zatrzymać emulację? Wszystkie niezapisane postępy zostaną utracone.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5448,44 +5577,44 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL niedostępny!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ Współdzielone konteksty OpenGL nie są obsługiwane.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu nie zostało skompilowane z obsługą OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Błąd podczas inicjowania OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Twoja karta graficzna może nie obsługiwać OpenGL lub nie masz najnowszych sterowników karty graficznej.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Błąd podczas inicjowania OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Twoja karta graficzna może nie obsługiwać OpenGL 4.6 lub nie masz najnowszych sterowników karty graficznej.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Twoja karta graficzna może nie obsługiwać co najmniej jednego wymaganego rozszerzenia OpenGL. Upewnij się, że masz najnowsze sterowniki karty graficznej<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Nieobsługiwane rozszerzenia:<br>%2
@@ -5586,17 +5715,17 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
Create Shortcut
+ Utwórz skrótAdd to Desktop
+ Dodaj do pulpituAdd to Applications Menu
+ Dodaj do menu aplikacji
@@ -5664,12 +5793,12 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
+ W grzeGame starts, but crashes or major glitches prevent it from being completed.
+ Gra uruchamia się, ale awarie lub poważne błędy uniemożliwiają jej ukończenie.
@@ -5679,17 +5808,17 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
Game can be played without issues.
+ Można grać bez problemów.Playable
+ GrywalnaGame functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish.
+ Gra działa z drobnymi błędami graficznymi lub dźwiękowymi oraz jest grywalna od początku aż do końca.
@@ -5699,7 +5828,7 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
Game loads, but is unable to progress past the Start Screen.
+ Gra się ładuje, ale nie może przejść przez ekran początkowy.
@@ -5778,7 +5907,7 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
(Leave blank for open game)
+ (Zostaw puste dla otwartej gry)
@@ -5798,7 +5927,7 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
Load Previous Ban List
+ Załaduj poprzednią listę banów
@@ -5808,12 +5937,12 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
+ Nie katalogowanyHost Room
+ Pokój hosta
@@ -5827,7 +5956,8 @@ Czy chcesz to ominąć i mimo to wyjść?
Failed to announce the room to the public lobby. In order to host a room publicly, you must have a valid yuzu account configured in Emulation -> Configure -> Web. If you do not want to publish a room in the public lobby, then select Unlisted instead.
Debug Message:
+ Nie udało się ogłosić pokoju w publicznym lobby. Aby udostępnić pokój publicznie, musisz mieć ważne konto yuzu skonfigurowane w Emulacja -> Konfiguruj... -> Sieć. Jeśli nie chcesz publikować pokoju w publicznym lobby, zamiast tego wybierz opcję Niepubliczny.
+Komunikat debugowania:
@@ -5861,17 +5991,17 @@ Debug Message:
Main Window
+ Okno główneAudio Volume Down
+ Zmniejsz głośność dźwiękuAudio Volume Up
+ Zwiększ głośność dźwięku
@@ -5881,17 +6011,17 @@ Debug Message:
Change Adapting Filter
+ Zmień filtr adaptacyjnyChange Docked Mode
+ Zmień tryb dokowaniaChange GPU Accuracy
+ Zmień dokładność GPU
@@ -5936,37 +6066,37 @@ Debug Message:
TAS Record
+ Nagrywanie TASTAS Reset
+ Reset TASTAS Start/Stop
+ TAS Start/StopToggle Filter Bar
+ Pokaż pasek filtrowaniaToggle Framerate Limit
+ Przełącz limit liczby klatek na sekundęToggle Mouse Panning
+ Włącz przesuwanie myszkąToggle Status Bar
+ Przełącz pasek stanu
@@ -5987,7 +6117,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDZainstaluj pliki na NAND
@@ -5995,7 +6125,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1Tekst nie może zawierać tych znaków:
@@ -6045,7 +6175,7 @@ Debug Message:
Public Room Browser
+ Przeglądarka publicznych pokoi
@@ -6061,7 +6191,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Szukaj
@@ -6189,7 +6319,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ &Multiplayer
@@ -6279,27 +6409,27 @@ Debug Message:
&Browse Public Game Lobby
+ &Przeglądaj publiczne lobby gier&Create Room
+ &Utwórz Pokój&Leave Room
+ &Wyjdź z Pokoju&Direct Connect to Room
+ &Bezpośrednie połączenie z pokojem&Show Current Room
+ &Pokaż bieżący pokój
@@ -6390,7 +6520,7 @@ Debug Message:
Ban List
+ Lista banów
@@ -6401,22 +6531,22 @@ Debug Message:
+ UnbanSubject
+ TematType
+ TypForum Username
+ Nazwa użytkownika forum
@@ -6434,12 +6564,12 @@ Debug Message:
Current connection status
+ Bieżący stan połączeniaNot Connected. Click here to find a room!
+ Nie połączono. Kliknij tutaj aby znaleźć pokój!
@@ -6465,7 +6595,8 @@ Debug Message:
Failed to update the room information. Please check your Internet connection and try hosting the room again.
Debug Message:
+ Nie udało się zaktualizować informacji o pokoju. Sprawdź swoje połączenie internetowe i spróbuj ponownie zahostować pokój.
+Komunikat debugowania:
@@ -6498,7 +6629,7 @@ Debug Message:
You must choose a Preferred Game to host a room. If you do not have any games in your game list yet, add a game folder by clicking on the plus icon in the game list.
+ Aby hostować pokój, musisz wybrać preferowaną grę. Jeżeli nie posiadasz żadnej gry w twojej liście gier, dodaj folder z grami poprzez kliknięcie ikonki plusa w liście gier.
@@ -6508,7 +6639,7 @@ Debug Message:
Unable to connect to the host. Verify that the connection settings are correct. If you still cannot connect, contact the room host and verify that the host is properly configured with the external port forwarded.
+ Nie można nawiązać połączenia z hostem. Sprawdź czy ustawienia sieciowe są poprawne. Jeżeli wciąż nie będziesz mógł nawiązać połączenia, skontaktuj się z hostem pokoju oraz sprawdźcie czy host ma poprawne skonfigurowane przekazywanie portów.
@@ -6533,12 +6664,12 @@ Debug Message:
Incorrect password.
+ Niepoprawne hasło.An unknown error occurred. If this error continues to occur, please open an issue
+ Wystąpił nieznany błąd. Jeśli ten błąd będzie się powtarzał, otwórz problem
@@ -6558,7 +6689,7 @@ Debug Message:
You do not have enough permission to perform this action.
+ Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień żeby przeprowadzić tę czynność.
@@ -6571,18 +6702,20 @@ Możliwe, że opuścił/a pokój.
No valid network interface is selected.
Please go to Configure -> System -> Network and make a selection.
+ Nie wybrano prawidłowego interfejsu sieciowego.
+Przejdź do Konfiguruj... -> System -> Sieć i dokonaj wyboru.Game already running
+ Gra już działaJoining a room when the game is already running is discouraged and can cause the room feature not to work correctly.
Proceed anyway?
+ Dołączanie do pokoju, gdy gra jest już uruchomiona, jest odradzane i może spowodować nieprawidłowe działanie funkcji pokoju.
+Czy kontynuować mimo to?
@@ -6649,7 +6782,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6698,31 +6831,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][nie ustawione]
@@ -6733,14 +6866,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Oś %1%2
@@ -6751,262 +6884,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][nieznane]
+ LeftLewo
+ RightPrawo
+ DownDół
+ UpGóra
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleKółko
+ CrossKrzyż
+ SquareKwadrat
+ TriangleTrójkąt
+ ShareUdostępnij
+ OptionsOpcje
+ [undefined][niezdefiniowane]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][niepoprawne]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Drążek %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Oś %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Oś %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Ruch %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Przycisk %3
+ [unused][nieużywane]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Plus
+ Minus
+ Minus
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Zrzut ekranu
+ TouchDotyk
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelKółko
+ BackwardDo tyłu
+ ForwardDo przodu
+ TaskZadanie
+ ExtraDodatkowe
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
@@ -7016,22 +7195,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Amiibo Settings
+ Ustawienia AmiiboAmiibo Info
+ Informacje o AmiiboSeries
+ SeriaType
+ Typ
@@ -7041,52 +7220,52 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Amiibo Data
+ Dane AmiiboCustom Name
+ Niestandardowa NazwaOwner
+ WłaścicielCreation Date
+ Data Utworzeniadd/MM/yyyy
+ dd/MM/yyyyModification Date
+ Data Modyfikacjidd/MM/yyyy
+ dd/MM/yyyy Game Data
+ Dane gryGame Id
+ ID GryMount Amiibo
+ Zamontuj Amiibo
@@ -7096,32 +7275,32 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
File Path
+ Ścieżka plikuNo game data present
+ Brak danych gryThe following amiibo data will be formatted:
+ Następujące dane amiibo zostaną sformatowane:The following game data will removed:
+ Następujące dane gry zostaną usunięte:Set nickname and owner:
+ Ustaw nick oraz właściciela:Do you wish to restore this amiibo?
+ Czy chcesz odnowić to amiibo?
diff --git a/dist/languages/pt_BR.ts b/dist/languages/pt_BR.ts
index 0fb30e3fa..18e133b2b 100644
--- a/dist/languages/pt_BR.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/pt_BR.ts
@@ -247,22 +247,22 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
Yes The game starts to output video or audio
+ Sim. O jogo começou por vídeo ou áudio.No The game doesn't get past the "Launching..." screen
+ Não O Jogo não passou da tela de inicialização "Launching..."Yes The game gets past the intro/menu and into gameplay
+ Sim O Jogo passou da tela de menu/introdução e começou o gameplayNo The game crashes or freezes while loading or using the menu
+ Não O jogo travou e/ou apresentou falhas graves durante o carregamento ou utilizando o menu
@@ -934,102 +934,112 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.Desativar macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheQuando ativado, o yuzu registrará estatísticas sobre o cache de pipeline compilado
+ Enable Shader FeedbackAtivar Feedback de Shaders
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesQuando ativado, executa shaders sem mudanças de lógica de loop
+ Disable Loop safety checksDesativar verificação de segurança de loops
+ DebuggingDepuração
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Ativar serviços de relatório detalhado**
+ Enable FS Access LogAtivar acesso de registro FS
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedAvançado
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeModo quiosque (Quest)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingAtivar depuração de CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsAtivar asserções de depuração
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Ativar auto-esboço**
+ Enable All Controller TypesAtivar todos os tipos de controles
+ Disable Web AppletDesativar o applet da web
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Isto será restaurado automaticamente assim que o yuzu for fechado.
@@ -1044,12 +1054,12 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1100,13 +1110,13 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ AudioÁudio
@@ -1122,13 +1132,13 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ GeneralGeral
+ GraphicsGráficos
@@ -1144,7 +1154,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ ControlsControles
@@ -1160,7 +1170,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ SystemSistema
@@ -1423,7 +1433,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ NoneNenhum
@@ -1534,112 +1544,127 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Filtro de adaptação de janela:
+ Nearest NeighborVizinho mais próximo
+ BilinearBilinear
+ BicubicBicúbico
+ GaussianGaussiano
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (somente Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Método de Anti-Aliasing
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorUsar cor de fundo global
+ Set background color:Configurar cor de fundo:
+ Background Color:Cor de fundo:
@@ -1684,76 +1709,96 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.A sincronização vertical (VSync) evita que as imagens do jogo pareçam cortadas, porém algumas placas gráficas apresentam redução de desempenho quando estiver ativa. Deixe-a ativada se você não reparar alguma diferença de desempenho.
+ Use VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Realiza a compilação de shaders de forma assíncrona, o que pode reduzir engasgos de shaders. Esta opção é experimental.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Usar compilação assíncrona de shaders (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Ativa um tempo de resposta rápido da GPU. Esta opção forçará a maioria dos jogos a rodar em sua resolução nativa mais alta.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Usar tempo de resposta rápido da GPU (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Filtragem anisotrópica:
+ AutomaticAutomático
+ DefaultPadrão
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2141,7 +2186,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ ConfigureConfigurar
@@ -2167,6 +2212,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Requires restarting yuzuRequer reiniciar o yuzu
@@ -2186,22 +2232,27 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.Navegação com controle
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningAtivar o giro do mouse
+ Mouse sensitivitySensibilidade do mouse
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchMovimento/toque
@@ -2313,7 +2364,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Left StickAnalógico esquerdo
@@ -2407,14 +2458,14 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ LL
@@ -2433,7 +2484,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ PlusMais
@@ -2446,15 +2497,15 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ RR
@@ -2511,236 +2562,236 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Right StickAnalógico direito
+ ClearLimpar
+ [not set][não definido]
+ Invert buttonInverter botão
+ Toggle buttonAlternar pressionamento do botão
+ Invert axisInverter eixo
+ Set thresholdDefinir limite
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Escolha um valor entre 0% e 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro thresholdDefinir limite do giroscópio
+ Map Analog StickMapear analógico
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Após pressionar OK, mova o seu direcional analógico primeiro horizontalmente e depois verticalmente.
Para inverter os eixos, mova seu analógico primeiro verticalmente e depois horizontalmente.
+ Center axisEixo central
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona morta: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Alcance de modificador: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual JoyconsPar de Joycons
+ Left JoyconJoycon Esquerdo
+ Right JoyconJoycon Direito
+ HandheldPortátil
+ GameCube ControllerControle de GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerControle NES
+ SNES ControllerControle SNES
+ N64 ControllerControle N64
+ Sega GenesisMega Drive
+ Start / PauseIniciar / Pausar
+ ZZ
+ Control StickDirecional de controle
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!Balance!
+ [waiting][esperando]
+ New ProfileNovo perfil
+ Enter a profile name:Insira um nome para o perfil:
+ Create Input ProfileCriar perfil de controle
+ The given profile name is not valid!O nome de perfil inserido não é válido!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Falha ao criar o perfil de controle "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileExcluir perfil de controle
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Falha ao excluir o perfil de controle "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileCarregar perfil de controle
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Falha ao carregar o perfil de controle "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileSalvar perfil de controle
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Falha ao salvar o perfil de controle "%1"
@@ -2788,7 +2839,7 @@ Para inverter os eixos, mova seu analógico primeiro verticalmente e depois hori
+ ConfigureConfigurar
@@ -2824,7 +2875,7 @@ Para inverter os eixos, mova seu analógico primeiro verticalmente e depois hori
+ TestTeste
@@ -2844,77 +2895,77 @@ Para inverter os eixos, mova seu analógico primeiro verticalmente e depois hori
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Saiba mais</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersO número da porta tem caracteres inválidos
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353A porta tem que estar entre 0 e 65353
+ IP address is not validO endereço IP não é válido
+ This UDP server already existsEste servidor UDP já existe
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversNão é possível adicionar mais de 8 servidores
+ TestingTestando
+ ConfiguringConfigurando
+ Test SuccessfulTeste bem-sucedido
+ Successfully received data from the server. Dados foram recebidos do servidor com sucesso.
+ Test FailedO teste falhou
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Não foi possível receber dados válidos do servidor.<br>Verifique se o servidor foi configurado corretamente e o endereço e porta estão corretos.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Um teste UDP ou configuração de calibração está em curso no momento.<br>Aguarde até a sua conclusão.
@@ -3242,8 +3293,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- Parâmetros do Sensor de Anel
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3263,33 +3314,90 @@ UUID: %2
Zona morta: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsRestaurar padrões
+ ClearLimpar
+ [not set][não definido]
+ Invert axisInverter eixo
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona morta: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Configurando
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][aguardando]
@@ -3594,8 +3702,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Inglês (English)
+ American English
@@ -3728,22 +3836,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.As configurações de sistema são acessíveis apenas quando não houver nenhum jogo em execução.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Isto substituirá o seu Switch virtual atual por um novo. O seu Switch virtual atual não poderá ser recuperado. Isto pode causar efeitos inesperados em jogos. Isto pode falhar caso você use um jogo salvo com configurações desatualizadas registradas nele. Continuar?
+ WarningAviso
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID do console: 0x%1
@@ -3814,7 +3927,7 @@ UUID: %2
Configurar TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Selecionar diretório de carregamento TAS
@@ -4370,7 +4483,7 @@ Mova os pontos para mudar a posição, ou clique duas vezes nas células da tabe
Controle J1
+ &Controller P1&Controle J1
@@ -4383,42 +4496,37 @@ Mova os pontos para mudar a posição, ou clique duas vezes nas células da tabe
- IP Address
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4426,12 +4534,12 @@ Mova os pontos para mudar a posição, ou clique duas vezes nas células da tabe
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4502,472 +4610,482 @@ Mova os pontos para mudar a posição, ou clique duas vezes nas células da tabe
Tempo que leva para emular um quadro do Switch, sem considerar o limitador de taxa de quadros ou a sincronização vertical. Um valor menor ou igual a 16.67 ms indica que a emulação está em velocidade plena.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Limpar arquivos recentes
+ &Continue&Continuar
+ &Pause&Pausar
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu está rodando um jogo
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatAviso - formato de jogo desatualizado
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Você está usando neste jogo o formato de ROM desconstruída e extraída em uma pasta, que é um formato desatualizado que foi substituído por outros, como NCA, NAX, XCI ou NSP. Pastas desconstruídas de ROMs não possuem ícones, metadados e suporte a atualizações.<br><br>Para saber mais sobre os vários formatos de ROMs de Switch compatíveis com o yuzu, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>confira a nossa wiki</a>. Esta mensagem não será exibida novamente.
+ Error while loading ROM!Erro ao carregar a ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.O formato da ROM não é suportado.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Ocorreu um erro ao inicializar o núcleo de vídeo.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu encontrou um erro enquanto rodando o núcleo de vídeo. Normalmente isto é causado por drivers de GPU desatualizados, incluindo integrados. Por favor veja o registro para mais detalhes. Para mais informações em acesso ao registro por favor veja a seguinte página: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Como fazer envio de arquivo de registro</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Erro ao carregar a ROM! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Por favor, siga <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>o guia de início rápido</a> para reextrair os seus arquivos.<br>Você pode consultar a wiki do yuzu</a> ou o Discord do yuzu</a> para obter ajuda.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Ocorreu um erro desconhecido. Consulte o registro para mais detalhes.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataDados de jogos salvos
+ Mod DataDados de mods
+ Error Opening %1 FolderErro ao abrir a pasta %1
+ Folder does not exist!A pasta não existe!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheErro ao abrir o cache de shaders transferível
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.Falha ao criar o diretório de cache de shaders para este título.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove EntryRemover item
+ Successfully RemovedRemovido com sucesso
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.O jogo base foi removido com sucesso.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.O jogo base não está instalado na NAND e não pode ser removido.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.A atualização instalada foi removida com sucesso.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Não há nenhuma atualização instalada para este título.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Não há nenhum DLC instalado para este título.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.%1 DLC(s) instalados foram removidos com sucesso.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Apagar o cache de shaders transferível do OpenGL?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Apagar o cache de shaders transferível do Vulkan?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Apagar todos os caches de shaders transferíveis?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Remover configurações customizadas do jogo?
+ Remove FileRemover arquivo
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheErro ao remover cache de shaders transferível
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Não existe um cache de shaders para este título.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.O cache de shaders transferível foi removido com sucesso.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Falha ao remover o cache de shaders transferível.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesErro ao remover os caches de shaders transferíveis
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Os caches de shaders transferíveis foram removidos com sucesso.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.Falha ao remover o diretório do cache de shaders transferível.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationErro ao remover as configurações customizadas do jogo.
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Não há uma configuração customizada para este título.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.As configurações customizadas do jogo foram removidas com sucesso.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Falha ao remover as configurações customizadas do jogo.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!Falha ao extrair RomFS!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Houve um erro ao copiar os arquivos RomFS ou o usuário cancelou a operação.
+ FullExtração completa
+ SkeletonApenas estrutura
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeSelecione o modo de extração do RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Selecione a forma como você gostaria que o RomFS seja extraído.<br>"Extração completa" copiará todos os arquivos para a nova pasta, enquanto que <br>"Apenas estrutura" criará apenas a estrutura de pastas.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump RootNão há espaço suficiente em %1 para extrair o RomFS. Por favor abra espaço ou selecione um diretório diferente em Emulação > Configurar > Sistema > Sistema de arquivos > Extrair raiz
+ Extracting RomFS...Extraindo RomFS...
+ CancelCancelar
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Extração do RomFS concluida!
+ The operation completed successfully.A operação foi concluída com sucesso.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Erro ao abrir %1
+ Select DirectorySelecionar pasta
+ PropertiesPropriedades
+ The game properties could not be loaded.As propriedades do jogo não puderam ser carregadas.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Executável do Switch (%1);;Todos os arquivos (*.*)
+ Load FileCarregar arquivo
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryAbrir pasta da ROM extraída
+ Invalid Directory SelectedPasta inválida selecionada
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.A pasta que você selecionou não contém um arquivo 'main'.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Arquivo de Switch instalável (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);; Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstalar arquivos
+ %n file(s) remaining%n arquivo restante%n arquivo(s) restante(s)%n arquivo(s) restante(s)
+ Installing file "%1"...Instalando arquivo "%1"...
+ Install ResultsResultados da instalação
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Para evitar possíveis conflitos, desencorajamos que os usuários instalem os jogos base na NAND.
Por favor, use esse recurso apenas para instalar atualizações e DLCs.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n arquivo(s) instalado(s)
@@ -4976,7 +5094,7 @@ Por favor, use esse recurso apenas para instalar atualizações e DLCs.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n arquivo(s) sobrescrito(s)
@@ -4985,7 +5103,7 @@ Por favor, use esse recurso apenas para instalar atualizações e DLCs.
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n arquivo(s) não instalado(s)
@@ -4994,377 +5112,377 @@ Por favor, use esse recurso apenas para instalar atualizações e DLCs.
+ System ApplicationAplicativo do sistema
+ System ArchiveArquivo do sistema
+ System Application UpdateAtualização de aplicativo do sistema
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Pacote de firmware (tipo A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Pacote de firmware (tipo B)
+ GameJogo
+ Game UpdateAtualização de jogo
+ Game DLCDLC de jogo
+ Delta TitleTítulo delta
+ Select NCA Install Type...Selecione o tipo de instalação do NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Selecione o tipo de título como o qual você gostaria de instalar este NCA:
(Na maioria dos casos, o padrão 'Jogo' serve bem.)
+ Failed to InstallFalha ao instalar
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.O tipo de título que você selecionou para o NCA é inválido.
+ File not foundArquivo não encontrado
+ File "%1" not foundArquivo "%1" não encontrado
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountConta do yuzu faltando
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Para enviar um caso de teste de compatibilidade de jogo, você precisa entrar com a sua conta do yuzu.<br><br/>Para isso, vá para Emulação > Configurar... > Rede.
+ Error opening URLErro ao abrir URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Não foi possível abrir o URL "%1".
+ TAS RecordingGravando TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Sobrescrever arquivo do jogador 1?
+ Invalid config detectedConfiguração inválida detectada
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.O controle portátil não pode ser usado no modo encaixado na base. O Pro Controller será selecionado.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedO amiibo atual foi removido
+ ErrorErro
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosO jogo atual não está procurando amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Arquivo Amiibo (%1);; Todos os arquivos (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCarregar Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataErro ao carregar dados do Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotCapturar tela
+ PNG Image (*.png)Imagem PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2Situação TAS: Rodando %1%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1Situação TAS: Gravando %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2Situação TAS: Repouso %1%2
+ TAS State: InvalidSituação TAS: Inválido
+ &Stop Running&Parar de rodar
+ &Start&Iniciar
+ Stop R&ecordingParar G&ravação
+ R&ecordG&ravação
+ Building: %n shader(s)Compilando: %n shader(s)Compilando: %n shader(s)Compilando: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorEscala: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Velocidade: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Velocidade: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Jogo: %1 FPS (Desbloqueado)
+ Game: %1 FPSJogo: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msQuadro: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationConfirmar rederivação de chave
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5381,37 +5499,37 @@ e opcionalmente faça cópias de segurança.
Isto excluirá o seus arquivos de chaves geradas automaticamente, e reexecutar o módulo de derivação de chaves.
+ Missing fusesFaltando fusíveis
+ - Missing BOOT0 - Faltando BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - Faltando BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO - Faltando PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingFaltando componentes de derivação
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Chaves de encriptação faltando. <br>Por favor, siga <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>o guia de início rápido</a> para extrair suas chaves, firmware e jogos. <br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5420,39 +5538,39 @@ Isto pode demorar até um minuto, dependendo
do desempenho do seu sistema.
+ Deriving KeysDerivando chaves
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetSelecionar alvo de extração do RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Selecione qual RomFS você quer extrair.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Você deseja mesmo fechar o yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Deseja mesmo parar a emulação? Qualquer progresso não salvo será perdido.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5464,44 +5582,44 @@ Deseja ignorar isso e sair mesmo assim?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL não disponível!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.O yuzu não foi compilado com suporte para OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Erro ao inicializar o OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Sua GPU pode não suportar OpenGL, ou você não possui o driver gráfico mais recente.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Erro ao inicializar o OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Sua GPU pode não suportar o OpenGL 4.6, ou você não possui os drivers gráficos mais recentes.<br><br>Renderizador GL:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Sua GPU pode não suportar uma ou mais extensões necessárias do OpenGL. Verifique se você possui a última versão dos drivers gráficos.<br><br>Renderizador GL:<br>%1<br><br>Extensões não suportadas:<br>%2
@@ -6003,7 +6121,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDInstalar arquivos para a NAND
@@ -6011,7 +6129,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1O texto não pode conter nenhum dos seguintes caracteres:
@@ -6664,7 +6782,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6713,31 +6831,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][não definido]
@@ -6748,14 +6866,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Eixo %1%2
@@ -6766,262 +6884,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][desconhecido]
+ LeftEsquerda
+ RightDireita
+ DownBaixo
+ UpCima
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleCírculo
+ CrossCruz
+ SquareQuadrado
+ TriangleTriângulo
+ ShareCompartilhar
+ OptionsOpções
+ [undefined][indefinido]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][inválido]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Direcional %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Eixo %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Eixo %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Movimentação %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Botão %3
+ [unused][não utilizado]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Mais
+ Minus
+ Menos
+ HomeBotão Home
+ Capture
+ Capturar
+ TouchToque
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelVolante
+ BackwardPara trás
+ ForwardPara a frente
+ TaskTarefa
+ ExtraExtra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/pt_PT.ts b/dist/languages/pt_PT.ts
index 4b6c2ec45..df5855573 100644
--- a/dist/languages/pt_PT.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/pt_PT.ts
@@ -247,22 +247,22 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
Yes The game starts to output video or audio
+ Sim. O jogo começou por vídeo ou áudio.No The game doesn't get past the "Launching..." screen
+ Não. O Jogo não passou da tela de inicialização "Launching..."Yes The game gets past the intro/menu and into gameplay
+ Sim O Jogo passou da tela de menu/introdução e começou o gameplayNo The game crashes or freezes while loading or using the menu
+ Não O jogo travou e/ou apresentou falhas graves durante o carregamento ou utilizando o menu
@@ -924,102 +924,112 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.Desactivar Macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheQuando ativado, o yuzu registrará estatísticas sobre o cache de pipeline compilado
+ Enable Shader FeedbackAtivar Feedback de Shaders
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesQuando ativado, executa shaders sem mudanças de lógica de loop
+ Disable Loop safety checksDesativar verificação de segurança de loops
+ DebuggingDepuração
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Ativar serviços de relatório detalhado**
+ Enable FS Access LogAtivar acesso de registro FS
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedAvançado
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeModo Quiosque (Quest)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingAtivar depuração de CPU
+ Enable Debug AssertsAtivar asserções de depuração
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Ativar auto-esboço**
+ Enable All Controller TypesAtivar todos os tipos de controles
+ Disable Web AppletDesativar Web Applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Isto será restaurado automaticamente assim que o yuzu for fechado.
@@ -1034,12 +1044,12 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1090,13 +1100,13 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ AudioAudio
@@ -1112,13 +1122,13 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ GeneralGeral
+ GraphicsGráficos
@@ -1134,7 +1144,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ ControlsControlos
@@ -1150,7 +1160,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ SystemSistema
@@ -1413,7 +1423,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ NoneNenhum
@@ -1524,112 +1534,127 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Filtro de adaptação de janela:
+ Nearest NeighborVizinho mais próximo
+ BilinearBilinear
+ BicubicBicúbico
+ GaussianGaussiano
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (somente Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Método de Anti-Aliasing
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorUsar cor de fundo global
+ Set background color:Definir cor de fundo:
+ Background Color:Cor de fundo:
@@ -1674,76 +1699,96 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.O Vsync previne cortes na imagem, mas algumas placas gráficas têm performance mais baixa com o Vsync activo. Mantém-no activo se não notares diferença na performance.
+ Use VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Activa a compilação de shader assíncrona, podendo reduzir o engasgue do shader. Esta função é experimental.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Usar compilação assíncrona de shaders (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Ativa um tempo de resposta rápido da GPU. Esta opção forçará a maioria dos jogos a rodar em sua resolução nativa mais alta.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Usar tempo de resposta rápido da GPU (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Filtro Anisotrópico:
+ AutomaticAutomático
+ DefaultPadrão
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2131,7 +2176,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ ConfigureConfigurar
@@ -2157,6 +2202,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Requires restarting yuzuRequer reiniciar o yuzu
@@ -2176,22 +2222,27 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.Navegação com controle
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningAtivar o giro do mouse
+ Mouse sensitivitySensibilidade do rato
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchMovimento / Toque
@@ -2303,7 +2354,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Left StickAnalógico Esquerdo
@@ -2397,14 +2448,14 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ LL
@@ -2423,7 +2474,7 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ PlusMais
@@ -2436,15 +2487,15 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ RR
@@ -2501,236 +2552,236 @@ Isto banirá tanto o nome de usuário do fórum como o endereço IP.
+ Right StickAnalógico Direito
+ ClearLimpar
+ [not set][não definido]
+ Invert buttonInverter botão
+ Toggle buttonAlternar pressionamento do botão
+ Invert axisInverter eixo
+ Set thresholdDefinir limite
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Escolha um valor entre 0% e 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro thresholdDefinir limite do giroscópio
+ Map Analog StickMapear analógicos
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Após pressionar OK, mova o seu analógico primeiro horizontalmente e depois verticalmente.
Para inverter os eixos, mova o seu analógico primeiro verticalmente e depois horizontalmente.
+ Center axisEixo central
+ Deadzone: %1%Ponto Morto: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Modificador de Alcance: %1%
+ Pro ControllerComando Pro
+ Dual JoyconsJoycons Duplos
+ Left JoyconJoycon Esquerdo
+ Right JoyconJoycon Direito
+ HandheldPortátil
+ GameCube ControllerControlador de depuração
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerControle NES
+ SNES ControllerControle SNES
+ N64 ControllerControle N64
+ Sega GenesisMega Drive
+ Start / PauseIniciar / Pausar
+ ZZ
+ Control StickDirecional de controle
+ C-StickC-Stick
+ Shake!Abane!
+ [waiting][em espera]
+ New ProfileNovo Perfil
+ Enter a profile name:Introduza um novo nome de perfil:
+ Create Input ProfileCriar perfil de controlo
+ The given profile name is not valid!O nome de perfil dado não é válido!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Falha ao criar o perfil de controlo "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileApagar Perfil de Controlo
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Falha ao apagar o perfil de controlo "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileCarregar perfil de controlo
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Falha ao carregar o perfil de controlo "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileGuardar perfil de controlo
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Falha ao guardar o perfil de controlo "%1"
@@ -2778,7 +2829,7 @@ Para inverter os eixos, mova o seu analógico primeiro verticalmente e depois ho
+ ConfigureConfigurar
@@ -2814,7 +2865,7 @@ Para inverter os eixos, mova o seu analógico primeiro verticalmente e depois ho
+ TestTestar
@@ -2834,77 +2885,77 @@ Para inverter os eixos, mova o seu analógico primeiro verticalmente e depois ho
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Saber Mais</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersO número da porta tem caracteres inválidos
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353A porta tem que estar entre 0 e 65353
+ IP address is not validO endereço IP não é válido
+ This UDP server already existsEste servidor UDP já existe
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversNão é possível adicionar mais de 8 servidores
+ TestingTestando
+ ConfiguringConfigurando
+ Test SuccessfulTeste Bem-Sucedido
+ Successfully received data from the server.Dados recebidos do servidor com êxito.
+ Test FailedTeste Falhou
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Não foi possível receber dados válidos do servidor.<br>Por favor verifica que o servidor está configurado correctamente e o endereço e porta estão correctos.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Teste UDP ou configuração de calibragem em progresso.<br> Por favor espera que termine.
@@ -3232,8 +3283,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- Parâmetros do sensor do anel
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3253,33 +3304,90 @@ UUID: %2
Ponto Morto: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsRestaurar Padrões
+ ClearLimpar
+ [not set][não definido]
+ Invert axisInverter eixo
+ Deadzone: %1%Ponto Morto: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Configurando
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][em espera]
@@ -3584,8 +3692,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Inglês
+ American English
@@ -3718,22 +3826,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.As configurações do sistema estão disponíveis apenas quando o jogo não está em execução.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Isto substituirá o seu Switch virtual actual por um novo. Seu Switch virtual actual não será recuperável. Isso pode ter efeitos inesperados nos jogos. Isto pode falhar, se você usar uma gravação de jogo de configuração desatualizado. Continuar?
+ WarningAviso
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID da Consola: 0x%1
@@ -3804,7 +3917,7 @@ UUID: %2
Configurar TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Selecionar diretório de carregamento TAS
@@ -4360,7 +4473,7 @@ Arrasta os pontos para mudar a posição, ou dá duplo-clique nas células da ta
Comando J1
+ &Controller P1&Comando J1
@@ -4373,42 +4486,37 @@ Arrasta os pontos para mudar a posição, ou dá duplo-clique nas células da ta
- IP Address
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4416,12 +4524,12 @@ Arrasta os pontos para mudar a posição, ou dá duplo-clique nas células da ta
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4492,860 +4600,870 @@ Arrasta os pontos para mudar a posição, ou dá duplo-clique nas células da ta
Tempo gasto para emular um frame da Switch, sem contar o a limitação de quadros ou o v-sync. Para emulação de velocidade máxima, esta deve ser no máximo 16.67 ms.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Limpar arquivos recentes
+ &Continue&Continuar
+ &Pause&Pausa
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu está rodando um jogo
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatAviso de Formato de Jogo Desactualizado
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Você está usando o formato de directório ROM desconstruído para este jogo, que é um formato desactualizado que foi substituído por outros, como NCA, NAX, XCI ou NSP. Os directórios de ROM não construídos não possuem ícones, metadados e suporte de actualização.<br><br>Para uma explicação dos vários formatos de Switch que o yuzu suporta,<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>Verifique a nossa Wiki</a>. Esta mensagem não será mostrada novamente.
+ Error while loading ROM!Erro ao carregar o ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.O formato do ROM não é suportado.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Ocorreu um erro ao inicializar o núcleo do vídeo.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu encontrou um erro enquanto rodando o núcleo de vídeo. Normalmente isto é causado por drivers de GPU desatualizados, incluindo integrados. Por favor veja o registro para mais detalhes. Para mais informações em acesso ao registro por favor veja a seguinte página: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Como fazer envio de arquivo de registro</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Erro ao carregar a ROM! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Por favor, siga <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>a guia de início rápido do yuzu</a> para fazer o redespejo dos seus arquivos.<br>Você pode consultar a wiki do yuzu</a> ou o Discord do yuzu</a> para obter ajuda.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Ocorreu um erro desconhecido. Por favor, veja o log para mais detalhes.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataSave Data
+ Mod DataMod Data
+ Error Opening %1 FolderErro ao abrir a pasta %1
+ Folder does not exist!A Pasta não existe!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheErro ao abrir os Shader Cache transferíveis
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.Falha ao criar o diretório de cache de shaders para este título.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove EntryRemover Entrada
+ Successfully RemovedRemovido com Sucesso
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Removida a instalação do jogo base com sucesso.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.O jogo base não está instalado no NAND e não pode ser removido.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Removida a actualização instalada com sucesso.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Não há actualização instalada neste título.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Não há DLC instalado neste título.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Removido DLC instalado %1 com sucesso.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Apagar o cache de shaders transferível do OpenGL?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Apagar o cache de shaders transferível do Vulkan?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Apagar todos os caches de shaders transferíveis?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Remover Configuração Personalizada do Jogo?
+ Remove FileRemover Ficheiro
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheError ao Remover Cache de Shader Transferível
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.O Shader Cache para este titulo não existe.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Removido a Cache de Shader Transferível com Sucesso.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Falha ao remover a cache de shader transferível.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesErro ao remover os caches de shaders transferíveis
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Os caches de shaders transferíveis foram removidos com sucesso.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.Falha ao remover o diretório do cache de shaders transferível.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationErro ao Remover Configuração Personalizada
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Não existe uma configuração personalizada para este titúlo.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Removida a configuração personalizada do jogo com sucesso.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Falha ao remover a configuração personalizada do jogo.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!A Extração de RomFS falhou!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Houve um erro ao copiar os arquivos RomFS ou o usuário cancelou a operação.
+ FullCheio
+ SkeletonEsqueleto
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeSelecione o modo de despejo do RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Por favor, selecione a forma como você gostaria que o RomFS fosse despejado<br>Full irá copiar todos os arquivos para o novo diretório enquanto<br>skeleton criará apenas a estrutura de diretórios.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump RootNão há espaço suficiente em %1 para extrair o RomFS. Por favor abra espaço ou selecione um diretório diferente em Emulação > Configurar > Sistema > Sistema de arquivos > Extrair raiz
+ Extracting RomFS...Extraindo o RomFS ...
+ CancelCancelar
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Extração de RomFS Bem-Sucedida!
+ The operation completed successfully.A operação foi completa com sucesso.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Erro ao abrir %1
+ Select DirectorySelecione o Diretório
+ PropertiesPropriedades
+ The game properties could not be loaded.As propriedades do jogo não puderam ser carregadas.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Executáveis Switch (%1);;Todos os Ficheiros (*.*)
+ Load FileCarregar Ficheiro
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryAbrir o directório ROM extraído
+ Invalid Directory SelectedDiretório inválido selecionado
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.O diretório que você selecionou não contém um arquivo 'Main'.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Ficheiro Switch Instalável (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Arquivo de Conteúdo Nintendo (*.nca);;Pacote de Envio Nintendo (*.nsp);;Imagem de Cartucho NX (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstalar Ficheiros
+ %n file(s) remaining
+ Installing file "%1"...Instalando arquivo "%1"...
+ Install ResultsInstalar Resultados
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Para evitar possíveis conflitos, desencorajamos que os utilizadores instalem os jogos base na NAND.
Por favor, use esse recurso apenas para instalar atualizações e DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
+ %n file(s) failed to install
+ System ApplicationAplicação do sistema
+ System ArchiveArquivo do sistema
+ System Application UpdateAtualização do aplicativo do sistema
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Pacote de Firmware (Tipo A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Pacote de Firmware (Tipo B)
+ GameJogo
+ Game UpdateActualização do Jogo
+ Game DLCDLC do Jogo
+ Delta TitleTítulo Delta
+ Select NCA Install Type...Selecione o tipo de instalação do NCA ...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Por favor, selecione o tipo de título que você gostaria de instalar este NCA como:
(Na maioria dos casos, o padrão 'Jogo' é suficiente).
+ Failed to InstallFalha na instalação
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.O tipo de título que você selecionou para o NCA é inválido.
+ File not foundArquivo não encontrado
+ File "%1" not foundArquivo "%1" não encontrado
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountConta Yuzu Ausente
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Para enviar um caso de teste de compatibilidade de jogos, você deve vincular sua conta yuzu.<br><br/>Para vincular sua conta yuzu, vá para Emulação > Configuração > Rede.
+ Error opening URLErro ao abrir URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Não foi possível abrir o URL "%1".
+ TAS RecordingGravando TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Sobrescrever arquivo do jogador 1?
+ Invalid config detectedConfigação inválida detectada
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.O comando portátil não pode ser usado no modo encaixado na base. O Pro controller será selecionado.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedO amiibo atual foi removido
+ ErrorErro
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosO jogo atual não está procurando amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Arquivo Amiibo (%1);; Todos os Arquivos (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCarregar Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataErro ao carregar dados do Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotCaptura de Tela
+ PNG Image (*.png)Imagem PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2Situação TAS: Rodando %1%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1Situação TAS: Gravando %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2Situação TAS: Repouso %1%2
+ TAS State: InvalidSituação TAS: Inválido
+ &Stop Running&Parar de rodar
+ &Start&Começar
+ Stop R&ecordingParar G&ravação
+ R&ecordG&ravação
+ Building: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorEscala: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Velocidade: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Velocidade: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Jogo: %1 FPS (Desbloqueado)
+ Game: %1 FPSJogo: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msQuadro: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationConfirme a rederivação da chave
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5362,37 +5480,37 @@ e opcionalmente faça backups.
Isso irá excluir os seus arquivos de chave gerados automaticamente e executará novamente o módulo de derivação de chave.
+ Missing fusesFusíveis em Falta
+ - Missing BOOT0- BOOT0 em Falta
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main em Falta
+ - Missing PRODINFO- PRODINFO em Falta
+ Derivation Components MissingComponentes de Derivação em Falta
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Chaves de encriptação faltando. <br>Por favor, siga <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>o guia de início rápido</a> para extrair suas chaves, firmware e jogos. <br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5401,39 +5519,39 @@ Isto pode demorar até um minuto, dependendo
do desempenho do seu sistema.
+ Deriving KeysDerivando Chaves
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetSelecione o destino de despejo do RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Por favor, selecione qual o RomFS que você gostaria de despejar.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Tem a certeza que quer fechar o yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Tem a certeza de que quer parar a emulação? Qualquer progresso não salvo será perdido.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5445,44 +5563,44 @@ Deseja ignorar isso e sair mesmo assim?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL não está disponível!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu não foi compilado com suporte OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Erro ao inicializar OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.O seu GPU pode não suportar OpenGL, ou não tem os drivers gráficos mais recentes.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Erro ao inicializar o OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1O teu GPU pode não suportar OpenGL 4.6, ou não tem os drivers gráficos mais recentes.
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Sua GPU pode não suportar uma ou mais extensões necessárias do OpenGL. Verifique se você possui a última versão dos drivers gráficos.<br><br>Renderizador GL:<br>%1<br><br>Extensões não suportadas:<br>%2
@@ -5984,7 +6102,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDInstalar Ficheiros no NAND
@@ -5992,7 +6110,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1O texto não pode conter nenhum dos seguintes caracteres:
@@ -6645,7 +6763,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6694,31 +6812,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][não configurado]
@@ -6729,14 +6847,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Eixo %1%2
@@ -6747,262 +6865,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][Desconhecido]
+ LeftEsquerda
+ RightDireita
+ DownBaixo
+ UpCima
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartComeçar
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleCírculo
+ CrossCruz
+ SquareQuadrado
+ TriangleTriângulo
+ ShareCompartilhar
+ OptionsOpções
+ [undefined][indefinido]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][inválido]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Direcional %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Eixo %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Eixo %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Movimentação %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Botão %3
+ [unused][sem uso]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Mais
+ Minus
+ Menos
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Capturar
+ TouchToque
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelVolante
+ BackwardPara trás
+ ForwardPara a frente
+ TaskTarefa
+ ExtraExtra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/ru_RU.ts b/dist/languages/ru_RU.ts
index 801532b20..1f38b5a3d 100644
--- a/dist/languages/ru_RU.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/ru_RU.ts
@@ -891,105 +891,115 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Disable Macro JIT
- Отключить Макрос JIT
+ Отключить Macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheЕсли включено, yuzu будет записывать статистику о скомпилированном кэше конвейера
+ Enable Shader FeedbackВключить обратную связь о шейдерах
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes
+ Disable Loop safety checks
+ DebuggingОтладка
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access Log
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ Создавать мини-дамп после краша
+ AdvancedРасширенные
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeРежим киоска (Квест)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingВключить отладку ЦП
+ Enable Debug Asserts
+ Включить отладочные утверждения
+ Enable Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller TypesВключить все типы контроллеров
+ Disable Web AppletОтключить веб-апплет
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.Позволяет yuzu проверять наличие рабочей среды Vulkan при запуске программы. Отключите эту опцию, если это вызывает проблемы с тем, что внешние программы видят yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan CheckВыполнять проверку Vulkan при запуске
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Это будет автоматически сброшено после закрытия yuzu.
@@ -1004,14 +1014,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
yuzu необходимо перезапустить, чтобы применить эту настройку.
+ Web applet not compiledВеб-апплет не скомпилирован
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
+ Создание мини-дампа не скомпилировано
@@ -1060,13 +1070,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ AudioЗвук
@@ -1082,13 +1092,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ GeneralОбщие
+ GraphicsГрафика
@@ -1104,7 +1114,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ControlsУправление
@@ -1120,7 +1130,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ SystemСистема
@@ -1383,7 +1393,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ NoneВыкл.
@@ -1494,112 +1504,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНО]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Фильтр адаптации окна:
+ Nearest NeighborБлижайший сосед
+ BilinearБилинейный
+ BicubicБикубический
+ GaussianГаусс
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Только для Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Метод сглаживания:
+ Use global FSR SharpnessИспользовать глобальную резкость FSR
+ Set FSR SharpnessУстановить резкость FSR
+ FSR Sharpness:Резкость FSR:
+ 100%100%
+ Use global background colorИспользовать общий фоновый цвет
+ Set background color:Установить фоновый цвет:
+ Background Color:Фоновый цвет:
@@ -1611,7 +1636,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
SPIR-V (Experimental, Mesa Only)
+ SPIR-V (Экспериментально, только для Mesa)
@@ -1644,76 +1669,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Выполняет работу в фоновом режиме в ожидании графических команд, не позволяя ГП снижать тактовую частоту.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ Принудительно заставить максимальную тактовую частоту (только для Vulkan)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.Вертикальная синхронизация предотвращает разрывы экрана, но некоторые видеокарты имеют более низкую производительность при вертикальной синхронизации. Оставляйте включенным если вы не замечаете разницы в производительности.
+ Use VSyncИспользовать вертикальную синхронизацию
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Включает асинхронную компиляцию шейдеров, что уменьшит зависания из-за шейдеров. Функция является экспериментальной.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Использовать асинхронное построение шейдеров (Хак)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Включает функцию Fast GPU Time. Этот параметр заставит большинство игр работать в максимальном родном разрешении.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Включить Fast GPU Time (Хак)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.Включает пессимистическую очистку буферов. Эта опция заставляет промывать немодифицированные буферы, что может снизить производительность.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)Использовать пессимистическую очистку буферов (Хак)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Включает кэш конвейера, специфичный для производителя ГП. Эта опция может значительно улучшить время загрузки шейдеров в тех случаях, когда драйвер Vulkan не хранит внутренние файлы кэша конвейера.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Использовать конвейерный кэш Vulkan
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Анизотропная фильтрация:
+ AutomaticАвтоматически
+ DefaultСтандартная
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2101,7 +2146,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ConfigureНастроить
@@ -2127,6 +2172,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzuТребует перезапуск yuzu
@@ -2146,22 +2192,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Навигация контроллера
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningВключить панорамирование мыши
+ Mouse sensitivityЧувствительность мыши
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchДвижение и сенсор
@@ -2181,57 +2232,57 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Input Profiles
+ Профили управленияPlayer 1 Profile
+ Профиль игрока 1Player 2 Profile
+ Профиль игрока 2Player 3 Profile
+ Профиль игрока 3Player 4 Profile
+ Профиль игрока 4Player 5 Profile
+ Профиль игрока 5Player 6 Profile
+ Профиль игрока 6Player 7 Profile
+ Профиль игрока 7Player 8 Profile
+ Профиль игрока 8Use global input configuration
+ Использовать глобальную настройку управленияPlayer %1 profile
+ Профиль игрока %1
@@ -2273,7 +2324,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickЛевый мини-джойстик
@@ -2367,14 +2418,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2393,7 +2444,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ PlusПлюс
@@ -2406,15 +2457,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2471,236 +2522,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickПравый мини-джойстик
+ ClearОчистить
+ [not set][не задано]
+ Invert buttonИнвертировать кнопку
+ Toggle buttonПереключить кнопку
+ Invert axisИнвертировать оси
+ Set thresholdУстановить порог
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Выберите значение между 0% и 100%
+ Toggle axisПереключить оси
+ Set gyro thresholdУстановить порог гироскопа
+ Map Analog StickЗадать аналоговый мини-джойстик
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.После нажатия на ОК, двигайте ваш мини-джойстик горизонтально, а затем вертикально.
Чтобы инвертировать оси, сначала двигайте ваш мини-джойстик вертикально, а затем горизонтально.
+ Center axisЦентрировать оси
+ Deadzone: %1%Мёртвая зона: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Диапазон модификатора: %1%
+ Pro ControllerКонтроллер Pro
+ Dual JoyconsДвойные Joy-Con'ы
+ Left JoyconЛевый Joy-Сon
+ Right JoyconПравый Joy-Сon
+ HandheldПортативный
+ GameCube ControllerКонтроллер GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerКонтроллер NES
+ SNES ControllerКонтроллер SNES
+ N64 ControllerКонтроллер N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseСтарт / Пауза
+ ZZ
+ Control StickМини-джойстик управления
+ C-StickC-Джойстик
+ Shake!Встряхните!
+ [waiting][ожидание]
+ New ProfileНовый профиль
+ Enter a profile name:Введите имя профиля:
+ Create Input ProfileСоздать профиль управления
+ The given profile name is not valid!Заданное имя профиля недействительно!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Не удалось создать профиль управления "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileУдалить профиль управления
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Не удалось удалить профиль управления "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileЗагрузить профиль управления
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Не удалось загрузить профиль управления "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileСохранить профиль управления
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Не удалось сохранить профиль управления "%1"
@@ -2748,7 +2799,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ ConfigureНастроить
@@ -2784,7 +2835,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ TestТест
@@ -2804,77 +2855,77 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Узнать больше</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersНомер порта содержит недопустимые символы
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Порт должен быть в районе от 0 до 65353
+ IP address is not validIP-адрес недействителен
+ This UDP server already existsЭтот UDP сервер уже существует
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversНевозможно добавить более 8 серверов
+ TestingТестирование
+ ConfiguringНастройка
+ Test SuccessfulТест успешен
+ Successfully received data from the server.Успешно получена информация с сервера
+ Test FailedТест провален
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Не удалось получить действительные данные с сервера.<br>Убедитесь, что сервер правильно настроен, а также проверьте адрес и порт.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Тест UDP или калибрация в процессе.<br>Пожалуйста, подождите завершения.
@@ -2992,7 +3043,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
Input Profiles
+ Профили управления
@@ -3203,8 +3254,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- Параметры сенсора Ring
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3224,33 +3275,90 @@ UUID: %2
Мёртвая зона: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsПо умолчанию
+ ClearОчистить
+ [not set][не задано]
+ Invert axisИнвертировать оси
+ Deadzone: %1%Мёртвая зона: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Настройка
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][ожидание]
@@ -3555,8 +3663,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Английский (English)
+ American English
+ Американский Английский
@@ -3656,7 +3764,7 @@ UUID: %2
Device Name
+ Название устройства
@@ -3689,22 +3797,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Настройки системы доступны только тогда, когда игра не запущена.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ Внимание: язык "%1" не подходит для региона "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Это заменит ваш текущий виртуальный Switch новым. Ваш текущий виртуальный Switch будет безвозвратно потерян. Это может иметь неожиданные последствия в играх. Может не сработать, если вы используете устаревшую конфигурацию сохраненных игр. Продолжить?
+ WarningВнимание
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID консоли: 0x%1
@@ -3775,7 +3888,7 @@ UUID: %2
Настройка TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Выбрать папку загрузки TAS...
@@ -4331,7 +4444,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Контроллер P1
+ &Controller P1[&C] Контроллер P1
@@ -4344,42 +4457,37 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Прямое подключение
- IP Address
- IP-адрес
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4-адрес хоста</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ PortПорт
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Номер порта, который прослушивается хостом</p></body></html>
+ NicknameПсевдоним
+ PasswordПароль
+ ConnectПодключиться
@@ -4387,12 +4495,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ ConnectingПодключение
+ ConnectПодключиться
@@ -4463,472 +4571,482 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Время, которое нужно для эмуляции 1 кадра Switch, не принимая во внимание ограничение FPS или вертикальную синхронизацию. Для эмуляции в полной скорости значение должно быть не больше 16,67 мс.
+ &Clear Recent Files[&C] Очистить недавние файлы
+ &Continue[&C] Продолжить
+ &Pause[&P] Пауза
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingВ yuzu запущена игра
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatПредупреждение устаревший формат игры
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Для этой игры вы используете разархивированный формат ROM'а, который является устаревшим и был заменен другими, такими как NCA, NAX, XCI или NSP. В разархивированных каталогах ROM'а отсутствуют иконки, метаданные и поддержка обновлений. <br><br>Для получения информации о различных форматах Switch, поддерживаемых yuzu, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>просмотрите нашу вики</a>. Это сообщение больше не будет отображаться.
+ Error while loading ROM!Ошибка при загрузке ROM'а!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Формат ROM'а не поддерживается.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Произошла ошибка при инициализации видеоядра.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu столкнулся с ошибкой при запуске видеоядра. Обычно это вызвано устаревшими драйверами ГП, включая интегрированные. Проверьте журнал для получения более подробной информации. Дополнительную информацию о доступе к журналу смотрите на следующей странице: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Как загрузить файл журнала</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Ошибка при загрузке ROM'а! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Пожалуйста, следуйте <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>краткому руководству пользователя yuzu</a> чтобы пере-дампить ваши файлы<br>Вы можете обратиться к вики yuzu</a> или Discord yuzu</a> для помощи.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Произошла неизвестная ошибка. Пожалуйста, проверьте журнал для подробностей.
+ (64-bit)(64-х битный)
+ (32-bit)(32-х битный)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Закрываем программу...
+ Save DataСохранения
+ Mod DataДанные модов
+ Error Opening %1 FolderОшибка при открытии папки %1
+ Folder does not exist!Папка не существует!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheОшибка при открытии переносного кэша шейдеров
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.Не удалось создать папку кэша шейдеров для этой игры.
+ Error Removing ContentsОшибка при удалении содержимого
+ Error Removing UpdateОшибка при удалении обновлений
+ Error Removing DLCОшибка при удалении DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?Удалить установленное содержимое игр?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?Удалить установленные обновления игры?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?Удалить установленные DLC игры?
+ Remove EntryУдалить запись
+ Successfully RemovedУспешно удалено
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Установленная игра успешно удалена.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Игра не установлена в NAND и не может быть удалена.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Установленное обновление успешно удалено.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Для этой игры не было установлено обновление.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Для этой игры не были установлены DLC.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Установленное DLC %1 было успешно удалено
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Удалить переносной кэш шейдеров OpenGL?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Удалить переносной кэш шейдеров Vulkan?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Удалить весь переносной кэш шейдеров?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Удалить пользовательскую настройку игры?
+ Remove FileУдалить файл
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheОшибка при удалении переносного кэша шейдеров
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Кэш шейдеров для этой игры не существует.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Переносной кэш шейдеров успешно удалён.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Не удалось удалить переносной кэш шейдеров.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Ошибка при удалении конвейерного кэша Vulkan
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Не удалось удалить конвейерный кэш шейдеров.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesОшибка при удалении переносного кэша шейдеров
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Переносной кэш шейдеров успешно удален.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.Ошибка при удалении папки переносного кэша шейдеров.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationОшибка при удалении пользовательской настройки
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Пользовательская настройка для этой игры не существует.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Пользовательская настройка игры успешно удалена.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Не удалось удалить пользовательскую настройку игры.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!Не удалось извлечь RomFS!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Произошла ошибка при копировании файлов RomFS или пользователь отменил операцию.
+ FullПолный
+ SkeletonСкелет
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeВыберите режим дампа RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Пожалуйста, выберите, как вы хотите выполнить дамп RomFS. <br>Полный скопирует все файлы в новую папку, в то время как <br>скелет создаст только структуру папок.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump RootВ %1 недостаточно свободного места для извлечения RomFS. Пожалуйста, освободите место или выберите другую папку для дампа в Эмуляция > Настройка > Система > Файловая система > Корень дампа
+ Extracting RomFS...Извлечение RomFS...
+ CancelОтмена
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Извлечение RomFS прошло успешно!
+ The operation completed successfully.Операция выполнена.
+ Create Shortcut
+ Создать ярлык
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Это создаст ярлык для текущего AppImage. Он может не работать после обновлений. Продолжить?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Не удается создать ярлык на рабочем столе. Путь "%1" не существует.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Невозможно создать ярлык в меню приложений. Путь "%1" не существует и не может быть создан.
+ Create Icon
+ Создать иконку
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Невозможно создать файл иконки. Путь "%1" не существует и не может быть создан.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Запустить %1 с помощью эмулятора yuzu
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Не удалось создать ярлык в %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Успешно создан ярлык в %1
+ Error Opening %1Ошибка открытия %1
+ Select DirectoryВыбрать папку
+ PropertiesСвойства
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Не удалось загрузить свойства игры.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Исполняемый файл Switch (%1);;Все файлы (*.*)
+ Load FileЗагрузить файл
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryОткрыть папку извлечённого ROM'а
+ Invalid Directory SelectedВыбрана недопустимая папка
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Папка, которую вы выбрали, не содержит файла 'main'.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Устанавливаемый файл Switch (*.nca, *.nsp, *.xci);;Архив контента Nintendo (*.nca);;Пакет подачи Nintendo (*.nsp);;Образ картриджа NX (*.xci)
+ Install FilesУстановить файлы
+ %n file(s) remainingОстался %n файлОсталось %n файл(ов)Осталось %n файл(ов)Осталось %n файл(ов)
+ Installing file "%1"...Установка файла "%1"...
+ Install ResultsРезультаты установки
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Чтобы избежать возможных конфликтов, мы не рекомендуем пользователям устанавливать игры в NAND.
Пожалуйста, используйте эту функцию только для установки обновлений и DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n файл был недавно установлен
@@ -4938,7 +5056,7 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n файл был перезаписан
@@ -4948,7 +5066,7 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n файл не удалось установить
@@ -4958,377 +5076,377 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ System ApplicationСистемное приложение
+ System ArchiveСистемный архив
+ System Application UpdateОбновление системного приложения
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Пакет прошивки (Тип А)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Пакет прошивки (Тип Б)
+ GameИгра
+ Game UpdateОбновление игры
+ Game DLCDLC игры
+ Delta TitleДельта-титул
+ Select NCA Install Type...Выберите тип установки NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Пожалуйста, выберите тип приложения, который вы хотите установить для этого NCA:
(В большинстве случаев, подходит стандартный выбор «Игра».)
+ Failed to InstallОшибка установки
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Тип приложения, который вы выбрали для NCA, недействителен.
+ File not foundФайл не найден
+ File "%1" not foundФайл "%1" не найден
+ Hardware requirements not metНе удовлетворены системные требования
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.Ваша система не соответствует рекомендуемым системным требованиям. Отчеты о совместимости были отключены.
+ Missing yuzu AccountОтсутствует аккаунт yuzu
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Чтобы отправить отчет о совместимости игры, необходимо привязать свою учетную запись yuzu.<br><br/>Чтобы привязать свою учетную запись yuzu, перейдите в раздел Эмуляция > Параметры > Сеть.
+ Error opening URLОшибка при открытии URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Не удалось открыть URL: "%1".
+ TAS RecordingЗапись TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Перезаписать файл игрока 1?
+ Invalid config detectedОбнаружена недопустимая конфигурация
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Портативный контроллер не может быть использован в режиме док-станции. Будет выбран контроллер Pro.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedТекущий amiibo был убран
+ ErrorОшибка
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosТекущая игра не ищет amiibo
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Файл Amiibo (%1);; Все Файлы (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboЗагрузить Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataОшибка загрузки данных Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiiboВыбранный файл не является допустимым amiibo
+ The selected file is already on useВыбранный файл уже используется
+ An unknown error occurredПроизошла неизвестная ошибка
+ Capture ScreenshotСделать скриншот
+ PNG Image (*.png)Изображение PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2Состояние TAS: Выполняется %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1Состояние TAS: Записывается %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2Состояние TAS: Простой %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidСостояние TAS: Неверное
+ &Stop Running[&S] Остановка
+ &Start[&S] Начать
+ Stop R&ecording[&E] Закончить запись
+ R&ecord[&E] Запись
+ Building: %n shader(s)Постройка: %n шейдерПостройка: %n шейдер(ов)Постройка: %n шейдер(ов)Постройка: %n шейдер(ов)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorМасштаб: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Скорость: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Скорость: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Игра: %1 FPS (Неограниченно)
+ Game: %1 FPSИгра: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msКадр: %1 мс
+ Confirm Key RederivationПодтвердите перерасчет ключа
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5339,43 +5457,43 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
Вы собираетесь принудительно пересчитать все ваши ключи.
Если вы не знаете, что это значит или что вы делаете,
это потенциально разрушительное действие.
-Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что это то, что вы хотите
+Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что это то, что вы хотите сделать
и при желании сделайте резервные копии.
Это удалит ваши автоматически сгенерированные файлы ключей и повторно запустит модуль расчета ключей.
+ Missing fusesОтсутствуют предохранители
+ - Missing BOOT0- Отсутствует BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- Отсутствует BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO- Отсутствует PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingКомпоненты расчета отсутствуют
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Ключи шифрования отсутствуют. <br>Пожалуйста, следуйте <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>краткому руководству пользователя yuzu</a>, чтобы получить все ваши ключи, прошивку и игры.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5384,39 +5502,39 @@ on your system's performance.
от производительности вашей системы.
+ Deriving KeysПолучение ключей
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetВыберите цель для дампа RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Пожалуйста, выберите, какой RomFS вы хотите сдампить.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Вы уверены, что хотите закрыть yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Вы уверены, что хотите остановить эмуляцию? Любой несохраненный прогресс будет потерян.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5428,44 +5546,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL не доступен!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ Общие контексты OpenGL не поддерживаются.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu не был скомпилирован с поддержкой OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Ошибка при инициализации OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Ваш ГП может не поддерживать OpenGL, или у вас установлен устаревший графический драйвер.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Ошибка при инициализации OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Ваш ГП может не поддерживать OpenGL 4.6, или у вас установлен устаревший графический драйвер.<br><br>Рендерер GL:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Ваш ГП может не поддерживать одно или несколько требуемых расширений OpenGL. Пожалуйста, убедитесь в том, что у вас установлен последний графический драйвер.<br><br>Рендерер GL:<br>%1<br><br>Неподдерживаемые расширения:<br>%2
@@ -5566,17 +5684,17 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Create Shortcut
+ Создать ярлыкAdd to Desktop
+ Добавить на Рабочий столAdd to Applications Menu
+ Добавить в меню приложений
@@ -5968,7 +6086,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDУстановить файлы в NAND
@@ -5976,7 +6094,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1В тексте недопустимы следующие символы:
@@ -6633,7 +6751,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6682,31 +6800,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][не задано]
@@ -6717,14 +6835,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Ось %1%2
@@ -6735,262 +6853,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][неизвестно]
+ LeftВлево
+ RightВправо
+ DownВниз
+ UpВверх
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleКруг
+ CrossКрестик
+ SquareКвадрат
+ TriangleТреугольник
+ ShareShare
+ OptionsOptions
+ [undefined][не определено]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][недопустимо]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Крест. %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Ось %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Ось %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Движение %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Кнопка %3
+ [unused][не используется]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Плюс
+ Minus
+ Минус
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Захват
+ TouchСенсор
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelКолёсико
+ BackwardНазад
+ ForwardВперёд
+ TaskЗадача
+ ExtraДополнительная
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/sv.ts b/dist/languages/sv.ts
index 2b9738cb3..efb6ebfe3 100644
--- a/dist/languages/sv.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/sv.ts
@@ -914,102 +914,112 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
Stäng av Macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache
+ Enable Shader Feedback
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes
+ Disable Loop safety checks
+ DebuggingFelsökning
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access Log
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedAvancerat
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk(Quest)-läge
+ Enable CPU Debugging
+ Enable Debug Asserts
+ Enable Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller Types
+ Disable Web Applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.
@@ -1024,12 +1034,12 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1080,13 +1090,13 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ AudioLjud
@@ -1102,13 +1112,13 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ GeneralAllmänt
+ GraphicsGrafik
@@ -1124,7 +1134,7 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ ControlsKontroller
@@ -1140,7 +1150,7 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ SystemSystem
@@ -1403,7 +1413,7 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ NoneIngen
@@ -1514,112 +1524,127 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
- 2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
- 3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)
- 4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)
- 5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:
+ Nearest Neighbor
+ Bilinear
+ Bicubic
+ Gaussian
+ ScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorAnvänd global bakgrundsfärg
+ Set background color:Sätt backgrundsfärg:
+ Background Color:Bakgrundsfärg:
@@ -1664,76 +1689,96 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync hindrar skärmen från tearing, men vissa grafikkort har lägre prestanda med VSync på. Ha det på om du inte noterar någon prestandaskillnad.
+ Use VSync
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Sätt på asynchronous shader-kompilering, vilket kan minska shader stutter. Denna funktion är experimentiell.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Anisotropisk filtrering:
+ Automatic
+ DefaultStandard
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2121,7 +2166,7 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ ConfigureKonfigurera
@@ -2147,6 +2192,7 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ Requires restarting yuzu
@@ -2166,22 +2212,27 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panning
+ Mouse sensitivity
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchRörelse / Touch
@@ -2293,7 +2344,7 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ Left StickVänster Spak
@@ -2387,14 +2438,14 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ LL
@@ -2413,7 +2464,7 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ PlusPluss
@@ -2426,15 +2477,15 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ RR
@@ -2491,235 +2542,235 @@ avgjord kod.</div>
+ Right StickHöger Spak
+ ClearRensa
+ [not set][ej angett]
+ Invert button
+ Toggle button
+ Invert axis
+ Set threshold
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog Stick
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.
+ Center axis
+ Deadzone: %1%Dödzon: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Modifieringsräckvidd: %1%
+ Pro ControllerProkontroller
+ Dual JoyconsDubbla Joycons
+ Left JoyconVänster Joycon
+ Right JoyconHöger Joycon
+ HandheldHandhållen
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube-kontroll
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerNES-kontroll
+ SNES ControllerSNES-kontroll
+ N64 ControllerN64-kontroll
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / Pause
+ ZZ
+ Control Stick
+ C-Stick
+ Shake!
+ [waiting][väntar]
+ New ProfileNy profil
+ Enter a profile name:
+ Create Input Profile
+ The given profile name is not valid!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"
+ Delete Input Profile
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"
+ Load Input Profile
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"
+ Save Input Profile
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"
@@ -2767,7 +2818,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ ConfigureKonfigurera
@@ -2803,7 +2854,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ TestTest
@@ -2823,77 +2874,77 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Lär dig mer</span></a>
+ %1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid characters
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353
+ IP address is not valid
+ This UDP server already exists
+ Unable to add more than 8 servers
+ TestingTestar
+ ConfiguringKonfigurerar
+ Test SuccessfulTest framgångsrikt
+ Successfully received data from the server.Tog emot data från servern framgångsrikt
+ Test FailedTest misslyckades
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Kunde inte ta emot giltig data från servern.<br>Var vänlig verifiera att servern är korrekt uppsatt och att adressen och porten är korrekta.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP Test eller kalibreringskonfiguration är igång.<br>Var vänlig vänta för dem att slutföras.
@@ -3221,7 +3272,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3242,33 +3293,90 @@ UUID: %2
Dödzon: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsÅterställ till standard
+ ClearRensa
+ [not set][ej angett]
+ Invert axis
+ Deadzone: %1%Dödzon: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Konfigurerar
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][väntar]
@@ -3573,8 +3681,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Engelska
+ American English
@@ -3707,22 +3815,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Systeminställningar är endast tillgängliga när spel inte körs.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Detta kommer att ersätta nuvarande virtuell Switch med en ny. Nuvarande virtuell Switch kommer att permanent tas bort. Detta kan ha oväntade konsekvenser i spel. Detta kan misslyckas om en utdaterad konfig sparning används. Vill du fortsätta?
+ WarningVarning
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsol ID: 0x%1
@@ -3793,7 +3906,7 @@ UUID: %2
+ Select TAS Load Directory...
@@ -4349,7 +4462,7 @@ Dra punkter för att ändra position, eller dubbelklicka tabellceller för att r
+ &Controller P1
@@ -4362,42 +4475,37 @@ Dra punkter för att ändra position, eller dubbelklicka tabellceller för att r
- IP Address
+ Server Address
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
+ Port
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
+ Nickname
+ Password
+ Connect
@@ -4405,12 +4513,12 @@ Dra punkter för att ändra position, eller dubbelklicka tabellceller för att r
+ Connecting
+ Connect
@@ -4480,859 +4588,869 @@ Dra punkter för att ändra position, eller dubbelklicka tabellceller för att r
Tid det tar att emulera en Switch bild, utan att räkna med framelimiting eller v-sync. För emulering på full hastighet så ska det vara som mest 16.67 ms.
+ &Clear Recent Files
+ &Continue
+ &Pause&Paus
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleeping
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatVarning Föråldrat Spelformat
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Du använder det dekonstruerade ROM-formatet för det här spelet. Det är ett föråldrat format som har överträffats av andra som NCA, NAX, XCI eller NSP. Dekonstruerade ROM-kataloger saknar ikoner, metadata och uppdatering.<br><br>För en förklaring av de olika format som yuzu stöder, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>kolla in vår wiki</a>. Det här meddelandet visas inte igen.
+ Error while loading ROM!Fel vid laddning av ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.ROM-formatet stöds inte.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Ett fel inträffade vid initiering av videokärnan.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Ett okänt fel har uppstått. Se loggen för mer information.
+ (64-bit)
+ (32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataSpardata
+ Mod DataMod-data
+ Error Opening %1 FolderFel Öppnar %1 Mappen
+ Folder does not exist!Mappen finns inte!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheFel Under Öppning Av Överförbar Shadercache
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove EntryTa bort katalog
+ Successfully RemovedFramgångsrikt borttagen
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Tog bort det installerade basspelet framgångsrikt.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Basspelet är inte installerat i NAND och kan inte tas bort.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Tog bort den installerade uppdateringen framgångsrikt.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Det finns ingen uppdatering installerad för denna titel.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Det finns inga DLC installerade för denna titel.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Tog framgångsrikt bort den %1 installerade DLCn.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Ta Bort Anpassad Spelkonfiguration?
+ Remove FileRadera fil
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheFel När Överförbar Shader Cache Raderades
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.En shader cache för denna titel existerar inte.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Raderade den överförbara shadercachen framgångsrikt.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Misslyckades att ta bort den överförbara shadercache
- Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationFel När Anpassad Konfiguration Raderades
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.En anpassad konfiguration för denna titel existerar inte.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Tog bort den anpassade spelkonfigurationen framgångsrikt.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Misslyckades att ta bort den anpassade spelkonfigurationen.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFS Extraktion Misslyckades!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Det uppstod ett fel vid kopiering av RomFS filer eller användaren avbröt operationen.
+ FullFull
+ SkeletonSkelett
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeVälj RomFS Dump-Läge
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Välj hur du vill att RomFS ska dumpas. <br>Full kommer att kopiera alla filer i den nya katalogen medan <br>skelett bara skapar katalogstrukturen.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root
+ Extracting RomFS...Extraherar RomFS...
+ CancelAvbryt
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS Extraktion Lyckades!
+ The operation completed successfully.Operationen var lyckad.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1Fel under öppning av %1
+ Select DirectoryVälj Katalog
+ PropertiesEgenskaper
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Spelegenskaperna kunde inte laddas.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch Körbar (%1);;Alla Filer (*.*)
+ Load FileLadda Fil
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryÖppna Extraherad ROM-Katalog
+ Invalid Directory SelectedOgiltig Katalog Vald
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Katalogen du har valt innehåller inte en 'main'-fil.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Installerbar Switch-fil (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install FilesInstallera filer
+ %n file(s) remaining
+ Installing file "%1"...Installerar Fil "%1"...
+ Install ResultsInstallera resultat
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
+ %n file(s) failed to install
+ System ApplicationSystemapplikation
+ System ArchiveSystemarkiv
+ System Application UpdateSystemapplikationsuppdatering
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Firmwarepaket (Typ A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Firmwarepaket (Typ B)
+ GameSpel
+ Game UpdateSpeluppdatering
+ Game DLCSpel DLC
+ Delta TitleDelta Titel
+ Select NCA Install Type...Välj NCA-Installationsläge...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Välj vilken typ av titel du vill installera som:
(I de flesta fallen, standard 'Spel' är bra.)
+ Failed to InstallMisslyckades med Installationen
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Den titeltyp du valt för NCA är ogiltig.
+ File not foundFilen hittades inte
+ File "%1" not foundFilen "%1" hittades inte
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu Accountyuzu Konto hittades inte
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.För att skicka ett spelkompatibilitetstest, du måste länka ditt yuzu-konto.<br><br/>För att länka ditt yuzu-konto, gå till Emulering >, Konfigurering >, Web.
+ Error opening URLFel när URL öppnades
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Oförmögen att öppna URL:en "%1".
+ TAS Recording
+ Overwrite file of player 1?
+ Invalid config detected
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.
+ Amiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed
+ ErrorFel
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo Fil (%1);; Alla Filer (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboLadda Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataFel vid laddning av Amiibodata
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotSkärmdump
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Bild (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2
+ TAS State: Invalid
+ &Stop Running
+ &Start&Start
+ Stop R&ecording
+ R&ecord
+ Building: %n shader(s)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Hastighet: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Hastighet: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)
+ Game: %1 FPSSpel: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msRuta: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationBekräfta Nyckel Rederivering
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5349,37 +5467,37 @@ och eventuellt göra säkerhetskopior.
Detta raderar dina autogenererade nyckelfiler och kör nyckelderivationsmodulen.
+ Missing fusesSaknade säkringar
+ - Missing BOOT0- Saknar BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- Saknar BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO- Saknar PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingDeriveringsdelar saknas
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5388,39 +5506,39 @@ Detta kan ta upp till en minut beroende
på systemets prestanda.
+ Deriving KeysHärleda Nycklar
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetVälj RomFS Dumpa Mål
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Välj vilken RomFS du vill dumpa.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Är du säker på att du vill stänga yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Är du säker på att du vill stoppa emuleringen? Du kommer att förlora osparade framsteg.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5432,44 +5550,44 @@ Vill du strunta i detta och avsluta ändå?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL inte tillgängligt!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu har inte komilerats med OpenGL support.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Fel under initialisering av OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2
@@ -5971,7 +6089,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDInstallera filer till NAND
@@ -5979,7 +6097,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6627,7 +6745,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6676,31 +6794,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][inte inställd]
@@ -6711,14 +6829,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Axel %1%2
@@ -6729,262 +6847,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][okänd]
+ LeftVänster
+ RightHöger
+ DownNer
+ UpUpp
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleCirkel
+ CrossKors
+ SquareFyrkant
+ TriangleTriangel
+ ShareDela
+ OptionsVal
+ [undefined][odefinerad]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][felaktig]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Hatt %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Axel %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Axel %3,%4%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Rörelse %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Knapp %3
+ [unused][oanvänd]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Pluss
+ Minus
+ Minus
+ HomeHem
+ Capture
+ Fånga
+ TouchTouch
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelHjul
+ BackwardBakåt
+ ForwardFramåt
+ TaskÅtgärd
+ ExtraExtra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/tr_TR.ts b/dist/languages/tr_TR.ts
index 4ec3b0bbc..bff93ae69 100644
--- a/dist/languages/tr_TR.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/tr_TR.ts
@@ -922,102 +922,112 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
Macro JIT'i devre dışı bırak
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheEtkinleştirildiğinde, yuzu derlenen pipeline cache istatistiklerini log'a kaydeder.
+ Enable Shader FeedbackShader Geribildirimini Etkinleştir
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changesİşaretlendiğinde shaderları döngü mantık değişimleri olmaksızın uygular
+ Disable Loop safety checksDöngü güvenliği kontrolünü devre dışı bırak
+ DebuggingHata ayıklama
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**Detaylı Raporlama Hizmetini Etkinleştir
+ Enable FS Access LogFS Erişim Kaydını Etkinleştir
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**Konsola Ses Komutlarını Aktar**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedGelişmiş
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk (Quest) Modu
+ Enable CPU DebuggingCPU Hata Ayıklama Modu'nu Etkinleştir
+ Enable Debug AssertsHata Ayıklama Assert'lerini Etkinleştir
+ Enable Auto-Stub**Auto-Stub'ı Etkinleştir
+ Enable All Controller TypesBütün Kontrolcü Türlerini Etkinleştir
+ Disable Web AppletWeb Uygulamasını Devre Dışı Bırak
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Bu yuzu kapandığında otomatik olarak eski haline dönecektir.
@@ -1032,12 +1042,12 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
yuzu'nun bu ayarı uygulayabilmesi için yeniden başlatılması gereklidir.
+ Web applet not compiled
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1088,13 +1098,13 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ AudioSes
@@ -1110,13 +1120,13 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ GeneralGenel
+ GraphicsGrafikler
@@ -1132,7 +1142,7 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ ControlsKontroller
@@ -1148,7 +1158,7 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ SystemSistem
@@ -1411,7 +1421,7 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ NoneYok
@@ -1522,112 +1532,127 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Pencereye Uyarlı Filtre:
+ Nearest NeighborEn Yakın Komşu Algoritması
+ BilinearBilinear
+ BicubicBicubic
+ GaussianGausyen
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan'a Özel)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Kenar Yumuşatma Yöntemi:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness
+ Set FSR Sharpness
+ FSR Sharpness:
+ 100%
+ Use global background colorGlobal arka plan rengini kullan
+ Set background color:Arka plan rengini ayarla:
+ Background Color:Arkaplan Rengi:
@@ -1672,76 +1697,96 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.VSync ekrandaki yırtılmaları önler fakat bazı ekran kartları VSync etkinleştirildiğinde daha düşük performans verebilir. Eğer bir fark görmüyorsanız etkinleştirin.
+ Use VSyncVSync Kullan
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Asenkronize shader derlemesini aktive eder. Bunu etkinleştirmek takılmaları azaltabilir. Bu özellik deneyseldir.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Asenkronize shader derlemesini kullan (Hack)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Hızlı GPU Saati'ni etkinleştir. Bu seçenek çoğu oyunu en yüksek gerçek çözünürlükte çalıştırır.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Hızlı GPU Saati Kullan (Hack)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Anisotropic Filtering:
+ AutomaticOtomatik
+ DefaultVarsayılan
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2129,7 +2174,7 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ ConfigureYapılandır
@@ -2155,6 +2200,7 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ Requires restarting yuzuYuzu'yu yeniden başlatmayı gerektirir
@@ -2174,22 +2220,27 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
Kontrolcü navigasyonu
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningMouse ile kaydırmayı etkinleştir
+ Mouse sensitivityFare hassasiyeti
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchHareket / Dokunmatik
@@ -2301,7 +2352,7 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ Left StickSol Analog
@@ -2395,14 +2446,14 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ LL
@@ -2421,7 +2472,7 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ PlusArtı
@@ -2434,15 +2485,15 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ RR
@@ -2499,236 +2550,236 @@ Bu seçenek belleğe yazma/okuma işlemlerindeki güvenlik kontrolünü kaldıra
+ Right StickSağ Analog
+ ClearTemizle
+ [not set][belirlenmedi]
+ Invert buttonTuşları ters çevir
+ Toggle buttonTuşu Aç/Kapa
+ Invert axisEkseni ters çevir
+ Set thresholdAlt sınır ayarla
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%%0 ve %100 arasında bir değer seçin
+ Toggle axis
+ Set gyro threshold
+ Map Analog StickAnalog Çubuğu Ayarla
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Tamama bastıktan sonra, joystikinizi önce yatay sonra dikey olarak hareket ettirin.
Eksenleri ters çevirmek için, önce joystickinizi dikey sonra yatay olarak hareket ettirin.
+ Center axis
+ Deadzone: %1%Ölü Bölge: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Düzenleyici Aralığı: %1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual Joyconsİkili Joyconlar
+ Left JoyconSol Joycon
+ Right JoyconSağ Joycon
+ HandheldHandheld
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube Kontrolcüsü
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerNES Kontrolcüsü
+ SNES ControllerSNES Kontrolcüsü
+ N64 ControllerN64 Kontrolcüsü
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseBaşlat / Duraklat
+ ZZ
+ Control StickKontrol Çubuğu
+ C-StickC-Çubuğu
+ Shake!Salla!
+ [waiting][bekleniyor]
+ New ProfileYeni Profil
+ Enter a profile name:Bir profil ismi girin:
+ Create Input ProfileKontrol Profili Oluştur
+ The given profile name is not valid!Girilen profil ismi geçerli değil!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1""%1" kontrol profili oluşturulamadı
+ Delete Input ProfileKontrol Profilini Kaldır
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1""%1" kontrol profili kaldırılamadı
+ Load Input ProfileKontrol Profilini Yükle
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1""%1" kontrol profili yüklenemedi
+ Save Input ProfileKontrol Profilini Kaydet
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1""%1" kontrol profili kaydedilemedi
@@ -2776,7 +2827,7 @@ Eksenleri ters çevirmek için, önce joystickinizi dikey sonra yatay olarak har
+ ConfigureYapılandır
@@ -2812,7 +2863,7 @@ Eksenleri ters çevirmek için, önce joystickinizi dikey sonra yatay olarak har
+ TestTest
@@ -2832,77 +2883,77 @@ Eksenleri ters çevirmek için, önce joystickinizi dikey sonra yatay olarak har
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Daha Fazlası</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersPort numarasında geçersiz karakterler var
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Port 0 ila 65353 aralığında olmalıdır
+ IP address is not validIP adresi geçerli değil
+ This UDP server already existsBu UDP sunucusu zaten var
+ Unable to add more than 8 servers8'den fazla server eklenemez
+ TestingTest Ediliyor
+ ConfiguringYapılandırılıyor
+ Test SuccessfulTest Başarılı
+ Successfully received data from the server.Bilgi başarıyla sunucudan kaldırıldı.
+ Test FailedTest Başarısız
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Serverdan geçerli veri alınamadı.<br>Lütfen sunucunun doğru ayarlandığını ya da adres ve portun doğru olduğunu kontrol edin.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP testi ya da yapılandırılması devrede.<br>Lütfen bitmesini bekleyin.
@@ -3230,8 +3281,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- Ring Sensör Parametreleri
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3251,33 +3302,90 @@ UUID: %2
Ölü Bölge: %0
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsVarsayılana Döndür
+ ClearTemizle
+ [not set][belirlenmedi]
+ Invert axisEkseni ters çevir
+ Deadzone: %1%Ölü Bölge: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Yapılandırılıyor
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][bekleniyor]
@@ -3582,8 +3690,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- İngilizce
+ American English
@@ -3716,22 +3824,27 @@ UUID: %2
Yeniden oluştur
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Sistem ayarlarına sadece oyun çalışmıyorken erişilebilir.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Bu sanal Switchinizi yeni biriyle değiştirir. Geçerli sanal switchiniz geri getirilemez. Bu oyunlarda beklenmeyen etkilere neden olabilir. Eski bir oyun yapılandırma kayıt dosyası kullanıyorsanız bu başarısız olabilir. Devam?
+ WarningUyarı
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsol ID: 0x%1
@@ -3802,7 +3915,7 @@ UUID: %2
TAS Yapılandırması
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Tas Yükleme Dizini Seçin
@@ -4358,7 +4471,7 @@ Noktanın konumunu değiştirmek için sürükleyin ya da sayıların üstüne
Kontrolcü O1
+ &Controller P1&Kontrolcü O1
@@ -4371,42 +4484,37 @@ Noktanın konumunu değiştirmek için sürükleyin ya da sayıların üstüne
Direkt Bağlan
- IP Address
- IP Adresi
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Ana bilgisayarın IPv4 adresi</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ PortPort
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Ana bilgisayarın dinlediği port numarası</p></body></html>
+ NicknameLakap
+ PasswordŞifre
+ ConnectBağlan
@@ -4414,12 +4522,12 @@ Noktanın konumunu değiştirmek için sürükleyin ya da sayıların üstüne
+ ConnectingBağlanılıyor
+ ConnectBağlan
@@ -4489,472 +4597,482 @@ Noktanın konumunu değiştirmek için sürükleyin ya da sayıların üstüne
Bir Switch karesini emüle etmekte geçen zaman, karelimitleme ve v-sync hariç. Tam hız emülasyon için bu en çok 16,67 ms olmalı.
+ &Clear Recent Files&Son Dosyaları Temizle
+ &Continue&Devam Et
+ &Pause&Duraklat
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu şu anda bir oyun çalıştırıyor
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatUyarı, Eski Oyun Formatı
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Bu oyun için dekonstrükte ROM formatı kullanıyorsunuz, bu fromatın yerine NCA, NAX, XCI ve NSP formatları kullanılmaktadır. Dekonstrükte ROM formatları ikon, üst veri ve güncelleme desteği içermemektedir.<br><br>Yuzu'nun desteklediği çeşitli Switch formatları için<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>Wiki'yi ziyaret edin</a>. Bu mesaj yeniden gösterilmeyecektir.
+ Error while loading ROM!ROM yüklenirken hata oluştu!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Bu ROM biçimi desteklenmiyor.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Video çekirdeğini başlatılırken bir hata oluştu.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu video çekirdeğini çalıştırırken bir hatayla karşılaştı. Bu sorun genellikle eski GPU sürücüleri sebebiyle ortaya çıkar. Daha fazla detay için lütfen log dosyasına bakın. Log dosyasını incelemeye dair daha fazla bilgi için lütfen bu sayfaya ulaşın: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Log dosyası nasıl yüklenir</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.ROM yüklenirken hata oluştu! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Lütfen dosyalarınızı yeniden dump etmek için<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu hızlı başlangıç kılavuzu'nu</a> takip edin.<br> Yardım için yuzu wiki</a>veya yuzu Discord'una</a> bakabilirsiniz.
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu. Lütfen daha fazla detay için kütüğe göz atınız.
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Save DataKayıt Verisi
+ Mod DataMod Verisi
+ Error Opening %1 Folder%1 klasörü açılırken hata
+ Folder does not exist!Klasör mevcut değil!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheTransfer Edilebilir Shader Cache'ini Açarken Bir Hata Oluştu
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.Bu oyun için shader cache konumu oluşturulamadı.
+ Error Removing Contents
+ Error Removing Update
+ Error Removing DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?
+ Remove EntryGirdiyi Kaldır
+ Successfully RemovedBaşarıyla Kaldırıldı
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Yüklenmiş oyun başarıyla kaldırıldı.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Asıl oyun NAND'de kurulu değil ve kaldırılamaz.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Yüklenmiş güncelleme başarıyla kaldırıldı.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Bu oyun için yüklenmiş bir güncelleme yok.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Bu oyun için yüklenmiş bir DLC yok.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.%1 yüklenmiş DLC başarıyla kaldırıldı.
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?OpenGL Transfer Edilebilir Shader Cache'ini Kaldırmak İstediğinize Emin Misiniz?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Vulkan Transfer Edilebilir Shader Cache'ini Kaldırmak İstediğinize Emin Misiniz?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Tüm Transfer Edilebilir Shader Cache'leri Kaldırmak İstediğinize Emin Misiniz?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Oyuna Özel Yapılandırmayı Kaldırmak İstediğinize Emin Misiniz?
+ Remove FileDosyayı Sil
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheTransfer Edilebilir Shader Cache Kaldırılırken Bir Hata Oluştu
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Bu oyun için oluşturulmuş bir shader cache yok.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Transfer edilebilir shader cache başarıyla kaldırıldı.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Transfer edilebilir shader cache kaldırılamadı.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesTransfer Edilebilir Shader Cache'ler Kaldırılırken Bir Hata Oluştu
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Transfer edilebilir shader cacheler başarıyla kaldırıldı.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.Transfer edilebilir shader cache konumu kaldırılamadı.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationOyuna Özel Yapılandırma Kaldırılırken Bir Hata Oluştu.
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Bu oyun için bir özel yapılandırma yok.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Oyuna özel yapılandırma başarıyla kaldırıldı.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Oyuna özel yapılandırma kaldırılamadı.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFS Çıkartımı Başarısız!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.RomFS dosyaları kopyalanırken bir hata oluştu veya kullanıcı işlemi iptal etti.
+ FullFull
+ SkeletonÇerçeve
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeRomFS Dump Modunu Seçiniz
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Lütfen RomFS'in nasıl dump edilmesini istediğinizi seçin.<br>"Full" tüm dosyaları yeni bir klasöre kopyalarken <br>"skeleton" sadece klasör yapısını oluşturur.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root%1 konumunda RomFS çıkarmaya yetecek alan yok. Lütfen yer açın ya da Emülasyon > Yapılandırma > Sistem > Dosya Sistemi > Dump konumu kısmından farklı bir çıktı konumu belirleyin.
+ Extracting RomFS...RomFS çıkartılıyor...
+ Cancelİptal
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS Çıkartımı Başarılı!
+ The operation completed successfully.İşlem başarıyla tamamlandı.
+ Create Shortcut
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Create Icon
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Error Opening %1%1 Açılırken Bir Hata Oluştu
+ Select DirectoryKlasör Seç
+ PropertiesÖzellikler
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Oyun özellikleri yüklenemedi.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch Çalıştırılabilir Dosyası (%1);;Tüm Dosyalar (*.*)
+ Load FileDosya Aç
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryÇıkartılmış ROM klasörünü aç
+ Invalid Directory SelectedGeçersiz Klasör Seçildi
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Seçtiğiniz klasör bir "main" dosyası içermiyor.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Yüklenilebilir Switch Dosyası (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submissions Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
+ Install FilesDosya Kur
+ %n file(s) remaining%n dosya kaldı%n dosya kaldı
+ Installing file "%1"..."%1" dosyası kuruluyor...
+ Install ResultsKurulum Sonuçları
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Olası çakışmaları önlemek için oyunları NAND'e yüklememenizi tavsiye ediyoruz.
Lütfen bu özelliği sadece güncelleme ve DLC yüklemek için kullanın.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n dosya güncel olarak yüklendi
@@ -4962,7 +5080,7 @@ Lütfen bu özelliği sadece güncelleme ve DLC yüklemek için kullanın.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n dosyanın üstüne yazıldı
@@ -4970,7 +5088,7 @@ Lütfen bu özelliği sadece güncelleme ve DLC yüklemek için kullanın.
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n dosya yüklenemedi
@@ -4978,377 +5096,377 @@ Lütfen bu özelliği sadece güncelleme ve DLC yüklemek için kullanın.
+ System ApplicationSistem Uygulaması
+ System ArchiveSistem Arşivi
+ System Application UpdateSistem Uygulama Güncellemesi
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Yazılım Paketi (Tür A)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Yazılım Paketi (Tür B)
+ GameOyun
+ Game UpdateOyun Güncellemesi
+ Game DLCOyun DLC'si
+ Delta TitleDelta Başlık
+ Select NCA Install Type...NCA Kurulum Tipi Seçin...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Lütfen bu NCA dosyası için belirlemek istediğiniz başlık türünü seçiniz:
(Çoğu durumda, varsayılan olan 'Oyun' kullanılabilir.)
+ Failed to InstallKurulum Başarısız Oldu
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.NCA için seçtiğiniz başlık türü geçersiz
+ File not foundDosya Bulunamadı
+ File "%1" not foundDosya "%1" Bulunamadı
+ OKTamam
+ Hardware requirements not met
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
+ Missing yuzu AccountKayıp yuzu Hesabı
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Oyun uyumluluk test çalışması göndermek için öncelikle yuzu hesabınla giriş yapmanız gerekiyor.<br><br/>Yuzu hesabınızla giriş yapmak için, Emülasyon > Yapılandırma > Web'e gidiniz.
+ Error opening URLURL açılırken bir hata oluştu
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".URL "%1" açılamıyor.
+ TAS RecordingTAS kayıtta
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Oyuncu 1'in dosyasının üstüne yazılsın mı?
+ Invalid config detectedGeçersiz yapılandırma tespit edildi
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Handheld kontrolcü dock modunda kullanılamaz. Pro kontrolcü seçilecek.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedAmiibo kaldırıldı
+ ErrorHata
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosAktif oyun amiibo beklemiyor
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo Dosyası (%1);; Tüm Dosyalar (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboAmiibo Yükle
+ Error loading Amiibo dataAmiibo verisi yüklenirken hata
+ The selected file is not a valid amiiboSeçtiğiniz dosya geçerli bir amiibo değil
+ The selected file is already on useSeçtiğiniz dosya hali hazırda kullanılıyor
+ An unknown error occurred
+ Capture ScreenshotEkran Görüntüsü Al
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG görüntüsü (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2TAS durumu: %1%2 çalışıyor
+ TAS state: Recording %1TAS durumu: %1 kaydediliyor
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2TAS durumu: %1%2 boşta
+ TAS State: InvalidTAS durumu: Geçersiz
+ &Stop Running&Çalıştırmayı durdur
+ &Start&Başlat
+ Stop R&ecordingK&aydetmeyi Durdur
+ R&ecordK&aydet
+ Building: %n shader(s)Oluşturuluyor: %n shaderOluşturuluyor: %n shader
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorÖlçek: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Hız %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Hız: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Oyun: %1 FPS (Sınırsız)
+ Game: %1 FPSOyun: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msKare: %1 ms
+ Confirm Key RederivationAnahtar Yeniden Türetimini Onayla
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5365,37 +5483,37 @@ ve opsiyonel olarak yedekler alın.
Bu sizin otomatik oluşturulmuş anahtar dosyalarınızı silecek ve anahtar türetme modülünü tekrar çalıştıracak.
+ Missing fusesAnahtarlar Kayıp
+ - Missing BOOT0- BOOT0 Kayıp
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main Kayıp
+ - Missing PRODINFO- PRODINFO Kayıp
+ Derivation Components MissingTüreten Bileşenleri Kayıp
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Şifreleme anahtarları eksik. <br>Lütfen takip edin<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu hızlı başlangıç kılavuzunu</a>tüm anahtarlarınızı, aygıt yazılımınızı ve oyunlarınızı almada.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5404,39 +5522,39 @@ Bu sistem performansınıza bağlı olarak
bir dakika kadar zaman alabilir.
+ Deriving KeysAnahtarlar Türetiliyor
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetRomFS Dump Hedefini Seçiniz
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Lütfen dump etmek istediğiniz RomFS'i seçiniz.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?yuzu'yu kapatmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Emülasyonu durdurmak istediğinizden emin misiniz? Kaydedilmemiş veriler kaybolur.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5448,44 +5566,44 @@ Görmezden gelip kapatmak ister misiniz?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL kullanıma uygun değil!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.Yuzu OpenGL desteklememektedir.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!OpenGl başlatılırken bir hata oluştu!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.GPU'nuz OpenGL desteklemiyor veya güncel bir grafik sürücüsüne sahip değilsiniz.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!OpenGl 4.6 başlatılırken bir hata oluştu!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1GPU'nuz OpenGL 4.6'yı desteklemiyor veya güncel bir grafik sürücüsüne sahip değilsiniz.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2GPU'nuz gereken bir yada daha fazla OpenGL eklentisini desteklemiyor Lütfen güncel bir grafik sürücüsüne sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br> Desteklenmeyen Eklentiler:<br>%2
@@ -5987,7 +6105,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDNAND'e Dosya Kur
@@ -5995,7 +6113,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1Yazı bu karakterleri içeremez:
@@ -6652,7 +6770,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6701,31 +6819,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][belirlenmedi]
@@ -6736,14 +6854,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Eksen %1%2
@@ -6754,262 +6872,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][bilinmeyen]
+ LeftSol
+ RightSağ
+ DownAşağı
+ UpYukarı
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleYuvarlak
+ CrossÇarpı
+ SquareKare
+ TriangleÜçgen
+ ShareShare
+ OptionsOptions
+ [undefined][belirsiz]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][geçersiz]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Hat %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Eksen %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Eksen %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Hareket %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Tuş %3
+ [unused][kullanılmayan]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Artı
+ Minus
+ Eksi
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Kaydet
+ TouchDokunmatik
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelFare Tekerleği
+ BackwardGeri
+ Forwardİleri
+ Task
+ ExtraEkstra
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/uk.ts b/dist/languages/uk.ts
index 48c77dc80..9c4d48029 100644
--- a/dist/languages/uk.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/uk.ts
@@ -894,102 +894,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Вимкнути Макрос JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cacheЯкщо увімкнено, yuzu записуватиме статистику про скомпільований кеш конвеєра
+ Enable Shader FeedbackУвімкнути зворотний зв'язок про шейдери
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes
+ Disable Loop safety checks
+ DebuggingНалагодження
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**
+ Enable FS Access Log
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**
+ Create Minidump After Crash
+ AdvancedРозширені
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeРежим кіоску (Квест)
+ Enable CPU DebuggingУвімкнути налагодження ЦП
+ Enable Debug Asserts
+ Enable Auto-Stub**
+ Enable All Controller TypesУвімкнути всі типи контролерів
+ Disable Web AppletВимкнути веб-аплет
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.Дозволяє yuzu перевіряти наявність робочого середовища Vulkan під час запуску програми. Вимкніть цю опцію, якщо це викликає проблеми з тим, що зовнішні програми бачать yuzu.
+ Perform Startup Vulkan CheckВиконувати перевірку Vulkan під час запуску
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**Це буде автоматично скинуто після закриття yuzu.
@@ -1004,12 +1014,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
yuzu потрібно перезапустити, щоб застосувати це налаштування.
+ Web applet not compiledВеб-аплет не скомпільовано
+ MiniDump creation not compiled
@@ -1060,13 +1070,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ AudioАудіо
@@ -1082,13 +1092,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ GeneralЗагальні
+ GraphicsГрафіка
@@ -1104,7 +1114,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ControlsКерування
@@ -1120,7 +1130,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ SystemСистема
@@ -1383,7 +1393,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ NoneВимкнено
@@ -1494,112 +1504,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:Фільтр адаптації вікна:
+ Nearest NeighborНайближчий сусід
+ BilinearБілінійне
+ BicubicБікубічне
+ GaussianГауса
+ ScaleForceScaleForce
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Лише для Vulkan)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:Метод згладжування:
+ Use global FSR SharpnessВикористовувати глобальну різкість FSR
+ Set FSR SharpnessВстановити різкість FSR
+ FSR Sharpness:Різкість FSR:
+ 100%100%
+ Use global background colorВикористовувати глобальний фоновий колір
+ Set background color:Встановити фоновий колір:
+ Background Color:Фоновий колір:
@@ -1611,7 +1636,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
SPIR-V (Experimental, Mesa Only)
+ SPIR-V (Експериментально, лише для Mesa)
@@ -1644,76 +1669,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ Виконує роботу у фоновому режимі в очікуванні графічних команд, не даючи змоги ГП знижувати тактову частоту.
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ Примусово змусити максимальну тактову частоту (тільки для Vulkan)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.Вертикальна синхронізація запобігає розривам екрана, але деякі відеокарти мають нижчу продуктивність при вертикальній синхронізації. Залишайте увімкненим, якщо ви не помічаєте різниці в продуктивності.
+ Use VSyncВикористувати вертикальну сінхронізацію
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.Вмикає асинхронну компіляцію шейдерів, що зменшить зависання через шейдери. Функція є експериментальною.
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)Використовувати асинхронну побудову шейдерів (хак)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.Вмикає функцію Fast GPU Time. Цей параметр змусить більшість ігор працювати в максимальній рідній роздільній здатності.
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)Увімкнути Fast GPU Time (Хак)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.Вмикає песимістичне очищення буферів. Ця опція змушує промивати немодифіковані буфери, що може знизити продуктивність.
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)Використовувати песимістичне очищення буферів (Хак)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ Вмикає кеш конвеєра, специфічний для виробника GPU. Ця опція може значно поліпшити час завантаження шейдерів у тих випадках, коли драйвер Vulkan не зберігає внутрішні файли кешу конвеєра.
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ Використовувати конвеєрний кеш Vulkan
+ Anisotropic Filtering:Анізотропна фільтрація:
+ AutomaticАвтоматично
+ DefaultЗа замовчуванням
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2101,7 +2146,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ ConfigureНалаштувати
@@ -2127,6 +2172,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzuПотребує перезапуску yuzu
@@ -2146,22 +2192,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Навігація контролера
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ Enable mouse panningУвімкнути панорамування миші
+ Mouse sensitivityЧутливість миші
+ %%
+ Motion / TouchРух і сенсор
@@ -2231,7 +2282,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Player %1 profile
+ Профіль гравця %1
@@ -2273,7 +2324,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left StickЛівий міні-джойстик
@@ -2367,14 +2418,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2393,7 +2444,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ PlusПлюс
@@ -2406,15 +2457,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2471,236 +2522,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right StickПравий міні-джойстик
+ ClearОчистити
+ [not set][не задано]
+ Invert buttonІнвертувати кнопку
+ Toggle buttonПереключити кнопку
+ Invert axisІнвертувати осі
+ Set thresholdВстановити поріг
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%Оберіть значення між 0% і 100%
+ Toggle axisПереключити осі
+ Set gyro thresholdВстановити поріг гіроскопа
+ Map Analog StickЗадати аналоговий міні-джойстик
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.Після натискання на ОК, рухайте ваш міні-джойстик горизонтально, а потім вертикально.
Щоб інвертувати осі, спочатку рухайте ваш міні-джойстик вертикально, а потім горизонтально.
+ Center axisЦентрувати осі
+ Deadzone: %1%Мертва зона: %1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%Діапазон модифікатора: %1%
+ Pro ControllerКонтролер Pro
+ Dual JoyconsПодвійні Joy-Con'и
+ Left JoyconЛівий Joy-Con
+ Right JoyconПравий Joy-Con
+ HandheldПортативний
+ GameCube ControllerКонтролер GameCube
+ Poke Ball PlusPoke Ball Plus
+ NES ControllerКонтролер NES
+ SNES ControllerКонтролер SNES
+ N64 ControllerКонтролер N64
+ Sega GenesisSega Genesis
+ Start / PauseСтарт / Пауза
+ ZZ
+ Control StickМіні-джойстик керування
+ C-StickC-Джойстик
+ Shake!Потрусіть!
+ [waiting][очікування]
+ New ProfileНовий профіль
+ Enter a profile name:Введіть ім'я профілю:
+ Create Input ProfileСтворити профіль контролю
+ The given profile name is not valid!Задане ім'я профілю недійсне!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"Не вдалося створити профіль контролю "%1"
+ Delete Input ProfileВидалити профіль контролю
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"Не вдалося видалити профіль контролю "%1"
+ Load Input ProfileЗавантажити профіль контролю
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"Не вдалося завантажити профіль контролю "%1"
+ Save Input ProfileЗберегти профіль контролю
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"Не вдалося зберегти профіль контролю "%1"
@@ -2748,7 +2799,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ ConfigureНалаштувати
@@ -2784,7 +2835,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ TestТест
@@ -2804,77 +2855,77 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Дізнатися більше</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid charactersНомер порту містить неприпустимі символи
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353Порт повинен бути в районі від 0 до 65353
+ IP address is not validIP-адреса недійсна
+ This UDP server already existsЦей UDP сервер уже існує
+ Unable to add more than 8 serversНеможливо додати більше 8 серверів
+ TestingТестування
+ ConfiguringНалаштування
+ Test SuccessfulТест успішний
+ Successfully received data from the server.Успішно отримано інформацію із сервера
+ Test FailedТест провалено
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Не вдалося отримати дійсні дані з сервера.<br>Переконайтеся, що сервер правильно налаштований, а також перевірте адресу та порт.
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Тест UDP або калібрація в процесі.<br>Будь ласка, зачекайте завершення.
@@ -3203,8 +3254,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- Параметри сенсора Ring
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
@@ -3224,33 +3275,90 @@ UUID: %2
Мертва зона: 0%
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Enable Ring Input
+ Enable
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ Not connected
+ Restore DefaultsЗа замовчуванням
+ ClearОчистити
+ [not set][не задано]
+ Invert axisІнвертувати осі
+ Deadzone: %1%Мертва зона: %1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ Configuring
+ Налаштування
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ [waiting][очікування]
@@ -3555,8 +3663,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- Англійська (English)
+ American English
+ Американська Англійська
@@ -3656,7 +3764,7 @@ UUID: %2
Device Name
+ Назва пристрою
@@ -3689,22 +3797,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.Налаштування системи доступні тільки тоді, коли гру не запущено.
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ Увага: мова "%1" не підходить для регіону "%2"
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Це замінить ваш поточний віртуальний Switch новим. Ваш поточний віртуальний Switch буде безповоротно втрачено. Це може мати несподівані наслідки в іграх. Може не спрацювати, якщо ви використовуєте застарілу конфігурацію збережених ігор. Продовжити?
+ WarningУвага
+ Console ID: 0x%1Ідентифікатор консолі: 0x%1
@@ -3775,7 +3888,7 @@ UUID: %2
Налаштування TAS
+ Select TAS Load Directory...Обрати папку завантаження TAS...
@@ -4331,7 +4444,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Контролер P1
+ &Controller P1[&C] Контролер P1
@@ -4344,42 +4457,37 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Пряме підключення
- IP Address
- IP-адреса
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 адреса хоста</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ PortПорт
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Номер порту, який прослуховується хостом</p></body></html>
+ NicknameПсевдонім
+ PasswordПароль
+ ConnectПідключитися
@@ -4387,12 +4495,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ ConnectingПідключення
+ ConnectПідключитися
@@ -4463,472 +4571,482 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Час, який потрібен для емуляції 1 кадру Switch, не беручи до уваги обмеження FPS або вертикальну синхронізацію. Для емуляції в повній швидкості значення має бути не більше 16,67 мс.
+ &Clear Recent Files[&C] Очистити нещодавні файли
+ &Continue[&C] Продовжити
+ &Pause[&P] Пауза
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingВ yuzu запущено гру
+ Warning Outdated Game FormatПопередження застарілий формат гри
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.Для цієї гри ви використовуєте розархівований формат ROM'а, який є застарілим і був замінений іншими, такими як NCA, NAX, XCI або NSP. У розархівованих каталогах ROM'а відсутні іконки, метадані та підтримка оновлень. <br><br>Для отримання інформації про різні формати Switch, підтримувані yuzu, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>перегляньте нашу вікі</a>. Це повідомлення більше не буде відображатися.
+ Error while loading ROM!Помилка під час завантаження ROM!
+ The ROM format is not supported.Формат ROM'а не підтримується.
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.Сталася помилка під час ініціалізації відеоядра.
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu зіткнувся з помилкою під час запуску відеоядра. Зазвичай це спричинено застарілими драйверами ГП, включно з інтегрованими. Перевірте журнал для отримання більш детальної інформації. Додаткову інформацію про доступ до журналу дивіться на наступній сторінці: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Як завантажити файл журналу</a>.
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.Помилка під час завантаження ROM'а! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>Будь ласка, дотримуйтесь <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>короткого керівництва користувача yuzu</a> щоб пере-дампити ваші файли<br>Ви можете звернутися до вікі yuzu</a> або Discord yuzu</a> для допомоги
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.Сталася невідома помилка. Будь ласка, перевірте журнал для подробиць.
+ (64-bit)(64-бітний)
+ (32-bit)(32-бітний)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...
+ Закриваємо програму...
+ Save DataЗбереження
+ Mod DataДані модів
+ Error Opening %1 FolderПомилка під час відкриття папки %1
+ Folder does not exist!Папка не існує!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader CacheПомилка під час відкриття переносного кешу шейдерів
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.Не вдалося створити папку кешу шейдерів для цієї гри.
+ Error Removing ContentsПомилка під час видалення вмісту
+ Error Removing UpdateПомилка під час видалення оновлень
+ Error Removing DLCПомилка під час видалення DLC
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?Видалити встановлений вміст ігор?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?Видалити встановлені оновлення гри?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?Видалити встановлені DLC гри?
+ Remove EntryВидалити запис
+ Successfully RemovedУспішно видалено
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.Встановлену гру успішно видалено.
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.Гру не встановлено в NAND і не може буде видалено.
+ Successfully removed the installed update.Встановлене оновлення успішно видалено.
+ There is no update installed for this title.Для цієї гри не було встановлено оновлення.
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.Для цієї гри не було встановлено DLC.
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.Встановлений DLC %1 було успішно видалено
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?Видалити переносний кеш шейдерів OpenGL?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?Видалити переносний кеш шейдерів Vulkan?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?Видалити весь переносний кеш шейдерів?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?Видалити користувацьке налаштування гри?
+ Remove FileВидалити файл
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CacheПомилка під час видалення переносного кешу шейдерів
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.Кеш шейдерів для цієї гри не існує.
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.Переносний кеш шейдерів успішно видалено.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.Не вдалося видалити переносний кеш шейдерів.
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ Помилка під час видалення конвеєрного кешу Vulkan
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ Не вдалося видалити конвеєрний кеш шейдерів.
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader CachesПомилка під час видалення переносного кешу шейдерів
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.Переносний кеш шейдерів успішно видалено.
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.Помилка під час видалення папки переносного кешу шейдерів.
+ Error Removing Custom ConfigurationПомилка під час видалення користувацького налаштування
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.Користувацьких налаштувань для цієї гри не існує.
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.Користувацьке налаштування гри успішно видалено.
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.Не вдалося видалити користувацьке налаштування гри.
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!Не вдалося вилучити RomFS!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.Сталася помилка під час копіювання файлів RomFS або користувач скасував операцію.
+ FullПовний
+ SkeletonСкелет
+ Select RomFS Dump ModeВиберіть режим дампа RomFS
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.Будь ласка, виберіть, як ви хочете виконати дамп RomFS <br>Повний скопіює всі файли в нову папку, тоді як <br>скелет створить лише структуру папок.
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump RootВ %1 недостатньо вільного місця для вилучення RomFS. Будь ласка, звільніть місце або виберіть іншу папку для дампа в Емуляція > Налаштування > Система > Файлова система > Корінь дампа
+ Extracting RomFS...Вилучення RomFS...
+ CancelСкасувати
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!Вилучення RomFS пройшло успішно!
+ The operation completed successfully.Операція завершилася успішно.
+ Create Shortcut
+ Створити ярлик
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?
+ Це створить ярлик для поточного AppImage. Він може не працювати після оновлень. Продовжити?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.
+ Не вдається створити ярлик на робочому столі. Шлях "%1" не існує.
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Неможливо створити ярлик у меню додатків. Шлях "%1" не існує і не може бути створений.
+ Create Icon
+ Створити іконку
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.
+ Неможливо створити файл іконки. Шлях "%1" не існує і не може бути створений.
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator
+ Запустити %1 за допомогою емулятора yuzu
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1
+ Не вдалося створити ярлик у %1
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1
+ Успішно створено ярлик у %1
+ Error Opening %1Помилка відкриття %1
+ Select DirectoryОбрати папку
+ PropertiesВластивості
+ The game properties could not be loaded.Не вдалося завантажити властивості гри.
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Виконуваний файл Switch (%1);;Усі файли (*.*)
+ Load FileЗавантажити файл
+ Open Extracted ROM DirectoryВідкрити папку вилученого ROM'а
+ Invalid Directory SelectedВибрано неприпустиму папку
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.Папка, яку ви вибрали, не містить файлу 'main'.
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)Встановлюваний файл Switch (*.nca, *.nsp, *.xci);;Архів контенту Nintendo (*.nca);;Пакет подачі Nintendo (*.nsp);;Образ картриджа NX (*.xci)
+ Install FilesВстановити файли
+ %n file(s) remainingЗалишився %n файлЗалишилося %n файл(ів)Залишилося %n файл(ів)Залишилося %n файл(ів)
+ Installing file "%1"...Встановлення файлу "%1"...
+ Install ResultsРезультати встановлення
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.Щоб уникнути можливих конфліктів, ми не рекомендуємо користувачам встановлювати ігри в NAND.
Будь ласка, використовуйте цю функцію тільки для встановлення оновлень і завантажуваного контенту.
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
%n файл було нещодавно встановлено
@@ -4938,7 +5056,7 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n файл було перезаписано
@@ -4948,7 +5066,7 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n файл не вдалося встановити
@@ -4958,377 +5076,377 @@ Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.
+ System ApplicationСистемний додаток
+ System ArchiveСистемний архів
+ System Application UpdateОновлення системного додатку
+ Firmware Package (Type A)Пакет прошивки (Тип А)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)Пакет прошивки (Тип Б)
+ GameГра
+ Game UpdateОновлення гри
+ Game DLCDLC до гри
+ Delta TitleДельта-титул
+ Select NCA Install Type...Виберіть тип установки NCA...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)Будь ласка, виберіть тип додатку, який ви хочете встановити для цього NCA:
(У більшості випадків, підходить стандартний вибір "Гра".)
+ Failed to InstallПомилка встановлення
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.Тип додатку, який ви вибрали для NCA, недійсний.
+ File not foundФайл не знайдено
+ File "%1" not foundФайл "%1" не знайдено
+ Hardware requirements not metНе задоволені системні вимоги
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.Ваша система не відповідає рекомендованим системним вимогам. Звіти про сумісність було вимкнено.
+ Missing yuzu AccountВідсутній обліковий запис yuzu
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.Щоб надіслати звіт про сумісність гри, необхідно прив'язати свій обліковий запис yuzu. <br><br/>Щоб прив'язати свій обліковий запис yuzu, перейдіть у розділ Емуляція > Параметри > Мережа.
+ Error opening URLПомилка під час відкриття URL
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".Не вдалося відкрити URL: "%1".
+ TAS RecordingЗапис TAS
+ Overwrite file of player 1?Перезаписати файл гравця 1?
+ Invalid config detectedВиявлено неприпустиму конфігурацію
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.Портативний контролер не може бути використаний у режимі док-станції. Буде обрано контролер Pro.
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removedПоточний amiibo було прибрано
+ ErrorПомилка
+ The current game is not looking for amiibosПоточна гра не шукає amiibo
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Файл Amiibo (%1);; Всі Файли (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboЗавантажити Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo dataПомилка під час завантаження даних Amiibo
+ The selected file is not a valid amiiboОбраний файл не є допустимим amiibo
+ The selected file is already on useОбраний файл уже використовується
+ An unknown error occurredВиникла невідома помилка
+ Capture ScreenshotЗробити знімок екрану
+ PNG Image (*.png)Зображення PNG (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2Стан TAS: Виконується %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1Стан TAS: Записується %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2Стан TAS: Простий %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidСтан TAS: Неприпустимий
+ &Stop Running[&S] Зупинка
+ &Start[&S] Почати
+ Stop R&ecording[&E] Закінчити запис
+ R&ecord[&E] Запис
+ Building: %n shader(s)Побудова: %n шейдерПобудова: %n шейдер(ів)Побудова: %n шейдер(ів)Побудова: %n шейдер(ів)
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factorМасштаб: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Швидкість: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%Швидкість: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)Гра: %1 FPS (Необмежено)
+ Game: %1 FPSГра: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msКадр: %1 мс
+ Confirm Key RederivationПідтвердіть перерахунок ключа
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5345,37 +5463,37 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
Це видалить ваші автоматично згенеровані файли ключів і повторно запустить модуль розрахунку ключів.
+ Missing fusesВідсутні запобіжники
+ - Missing BOOT0- Відсутній BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main- Відсутній BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ - Missing PRODINFO - Відсутній PRODINFO
+ Derivation Components MissingКомпоненти розрахунку відсутні
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>Ключі шифрування відсутні.<br>Будь ласка, дотримуйтесь <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>короткого керівництва користувача yuzu</a>, щоб отримати всі ваші ключі, прошивку та ігри<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5384,39 +5502,39 @@ on your system's performance.
від продуктивності вашої системи.
+ Deriving KeysОтримання ключів
+ Select RomFS Dump TargetОберіть ціль для дампа RomFS
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.Будь ласка, виберіть, який RomFS ви хочете здампити.
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?Ви впевнені, що хочете закрити yuzu?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.Ви впевнені, що хочете зупинити емуляцію? Будь-який незбережений прогрес буде втрачено.
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5428,44 +5546,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL недоступний!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.
+ Загальні контексти OpenGL не підтримуються.
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu не було зібрано з підтримкою OpenGL.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!Помилка під час ініціалізації OpenGL!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Ваш ГП може не підтримувати OpenGL, або у вас встановлено застарілий графічний драйвер.
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!Помилка під час ініціалізації OpenGL 4.6!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Ваш ГП може не підтримувати OpenGL 4.6, або у вас встановлено застарілий графічний драйвер.<br><br>Рендерер GL:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2Ваш ГП може не підтримувати одне або кілька необхідних розширень OpenGL. Будь ласка, переконайтеся в тому, що у вас встановлено останній графічний драйвер.<br><br>Рендерер GL:<br>%1<br><br>Розширення, що не підтримуються:<br>%2
@@ -5566,17 +5684,17 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Create Shortcut
+ Створити ярликAdd to Desktop
+ Додати на Робочий стілAdd to Applications Menu
+ Додати до меню застосунків
@@ -5968,7 +6086,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NANDВстановити файли в NAND
@@ -5976,7 +6094,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
%1У тексті неприпустимі такі символи:
@@ -6633,7 +6751,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6682,31 +6800,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][не задано]
@@ -6717,14 +6835,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Ось %1%2
@@ -6735,262 +6853,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][невідомо]
+ LeftВліво
+ RightВправо
+ DownВниз
+ UpВгору
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ StartStart
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ CircleКружечок
+ CrossХрестик
+ SquareКвадратик
+ TriangleТрикутничок
+ ShareShare
+ OptionsOptions
+ [undefined][невизначено]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][неприпустимо]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Напр. %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2Ось %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2Ось %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2Рух %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2Кнопка %3
+ [unused][не використаний]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ Stick R
+ Plus
+ Плюс
+ Minus
+ Мінус
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ Захоплення
+ TouchСенсор
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheelКоліщатко
+ BackwardНазад
+ ForwardВперед
+ TaskЗадача
+ ExtraДодаткова
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
diff --git a/dist/languages/zh_CN.ts b/dist/languages/zh_CN.ts
index abbe2b408..6fc0ade17 100644
--- a/dist/languages/zh_CN.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/zh_CN.ts
@@ -267,17 +267,17 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
<html><head/><body><p>Does the game reach gameplay?</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>游戏是否具有游戏性?</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>游戏是否可玩?</p></body></html>Yes The game works without crashes
- 是的,游戏运行时没有崩溃
+ 没有,游戏运行时没有崩溃No The game crashes or freezes during gameplay
- 不,游戏运行时出现卡死或崩溃
+ 有,游戏运行时出现卡死或崩溃
@@ -287,12 +287,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Yes The game can be finished without any workarounds
- 没有,可以顺利地完成游戏过程
+ 是的,可以顺利地完成游戏过程No The game can't progress past a certain area
- 有,游戏在特定区段无法继续
+ 不,游戏在特定区段无法继续
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
<div>This option improves speed by reducing accuracy of fused-multiply-add instructions on CPUs without native FMA support.</div>
-<div>该选项通过降低积和熔加运算的精度而提高模拟器在不支持 FMA 指令集 CPU 上的运行速度。</div>
+<div>该选项通过降低积和熔加运算的精度来提高模拟器在不支持 FMA 指令集 CPU 上的运行速度。</div>
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
<div>This option improves the speed of 32 bits ASIMD floating-point functions by running with incorrect rounding modes.</div>
-<div>该选项通过在不正确的舍入模式下运行,能提高 32 位 ASIMD 浮点函数的运行速度。</div>
+<div>该选项通过不正确的舍入模式来提高 32 位 ASIMD 浮点函数的运行速度。</div>
@@ -931,105 +931,115 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Disable Macro JIT
- 禁用宏 JIT
+ 禁用宏即时编译
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ 启用时,将禁用宏高阶模拟。这会降低游戏运行速度。
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ 禁用宏高阶模拟
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache选中时,yuzu 将记录有关已编译着色器缓存的统计信息。
+ Enable Shader Feedback启用着色器反馈
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes启用后,yuzu 在执行着色器时,不会修改循环结构的条件判断
+ Disable Loop safety checks禁用循环体安全检查
+ Debugging调试选项
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**启用详细报告服务**
+ Enable FS Access Log启用文件系统访问记录
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.启用此选项会将最新的音频命令列表输出到控制台。只影响使用音频渲染器的游戏。
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**将音频命令转储至控制台**
+ Create Minidump After Crash微型故障转储
+ Advanced高级选项
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk (Quest) 模式
+ Enable CPU Debugging启用 CPU 模拟调试
+ Enable Debug Asserts启用调试
+ Enable Auto-Stub**启用自动函数打桩(Auto-Stub)**
+ Enable All Controller Types启用其他类型的控制器
+ Disable Web Applet禁用 Web 应用程序
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.允许 yuzu 在启动时检查 Vulkan 环境是否正常工作。如果是其他程序导致 yuzu 出现相关问题,请禁用此选项。
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check启动时进行 Vulkan 检测
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**该选项将在 yuzu 关闭时自动重置。
@@ -1044,12 +1054,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
重启 yuzu 后才能应用此设置。
+ Web applet not compiledWeb 应用程序未编译
+ MiniDump creation not compiled微型转储未编译
@@ -1059,7 +1069,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
Configure Debug Controller
- 调试控制器设置
+ 控制器调试设置
@@ -1100,13 +1110,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Audio声音
@@ -1122,13 +1132,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ General通用
+ Graphics图形
@@ -1144,7 +1154,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Controls控制
@@ -1160,7 +1170,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ System系统
@@ -1320,7 +1330,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
- Form
+ 类型
@@ -1394,7 +1404,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
- Form
+ 类型
@@ -1423,7 +1433,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ None无
@@ -1534,112 +1544,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [实验性]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:窗口滤镜:
+ Nearest Neighbor近邻取样
+ Bilinear双线性过滤
+ Bicubic双三线过滤
+ Gaussian高斯模糊
+ ScaleForce强制缩放
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ 超级分辨率锐画技术 (仅限 Vulkan 模式)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ 超级分辨率锐画技术
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:抗锯齿方式:
+ FXAA快速近似抗锯齿
+ SMAA子像素形态学抗锯齿
+ Use global FSR Sharpness启用全局 FSR 锐化
+ Set FSR Sharpness设置 FSR 锐化
+ FSR Sharpness:FSR 锐化度:
+ 100%100%
+ Use global background color使用全局背景颜色
+ Set background color:设置背景颜色:
+ Background Color:背景颜色:
@@ -1684,76 +1709,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ 在后台运行的同时等待图形命令,以防止 GPU 降低时钟速度。
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ 强制最大时钟 (仅限 Vulkan 模式)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.垂直同步可防止画面产生撕裂感。但启用垂直同步后,某些设备性能可能会有所降低。如果您没有感到性能差异,请保持启用状态。
+ Use VSync启用垂直同步
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.启用异步着色器编译,这可能会减少着色器卡顿。实验性功能。
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)启用异步着色器构建 (不稳定)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.启用快速 GPU 时钟。此选项将强制大多数游戏以其最高分辨率运行。
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)启用快速 GPU 时钟 (不稳定)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.启用悲观缓冲区刷新。此选项将强制刷新未修改的缓冲区,可能会降低性能。
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)启用悲观缓冲区刷新 (不稳定)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ 启用 GPU 供应商专用的管线缓存。在 Vulkan 驱动程序内部不存储管线缓存的情况下,此选项可显著提高着色器加载速度。
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ 启用 Vulkan 管线缓存
+ Anisotropic Filtering:各向异性过滤:
+ Automatic自动
+ Default系统默认
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -1811,7 +1856,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
The entered key sequence is already assigned to: %1
- 输入的密钥序列已分配给: %1
+ 输入的按键序列已分配给: %1
@@ -1851,7 +1896,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
The default key sequence is already assigned to: %1
- 默认密钥序列已分配给: %1
+ 默认的按键序列已分配给: %1
@@ -2141,7 +2186,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Configure设置
@@ -2167,6 +2212,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzu需要重启 yuzu
@@ -2186,22 +2232,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ 启用 JoyCon 直接驱动
+ Enable mouse panning启用鼠标平移
+ Mouse sensitivity鼠标灵敏度
+ %%
+ Motion / Touch体感/触摸
@@ -2313,7 +2364,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left Stick左摇杆
@@ -2407,14 +2458,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2433,7 +2484,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Plus+
@@ -2446,15 +2497,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2511,236 +2562,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right Stick右摇杆
+ Clear清除
+ [not set][未设置]
+ Invert button反转按钮
+ Toggle button切换按键
+ Invert axis体感方向倒置
+ Set threshold阈值设定
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%选择一个介于 0% 和 100% 之间的值
+ Toggle axis切换轴
+ Set gyro threshold陀螺仪阈值设定
+ Map Analog Stick映射摇杆
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.在按下确定后,首先水平移动你的手柄,然后垂直移动它。
+ Center axis中心轴
+ Deadzone: %1%摇杆死区:%1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%摇杆灵敏度:%1%
+ Pro ControllerPro Controller
+ Dual Joycons双 Joycons 手柄
+ Left Joycon左 Joycon 手柄
+ Right Joycon右 Joycon 手柄
+ Handheld掌机模式
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube 控制器
+ Poke Ball Plus精灵球 PLUS
+ NES ControllerNES 控制器
+ SNES ControllerSNES 控制器
+ N64 ControllerN64 控制器
+ Sega Genesis世嘉创世纪
+ Start / Pause开始 / 暂停
+ ZZ
+ Control Stick控制摇杆
+ C-StickC 摇杆
+ Shake!摇动!
+ [waiting][等待中]
+ New Profile
- 保存自定义设置
+ 新建自定义设置
+ Enter a profile name:输入配置文件名称:
+ Create Input Profile新建输入配置文件
+ The given profile name is not valid!输入的配置文件名称无效!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"新建输入配置文件 "%1" 失败
+ Delete Input Profile删除输入配置文件
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"删除输入配置文件 "%1" 失败
+ Load Input Profile加载输入配置文件
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"加载输入配置文件 "%1" 失败
+ Save Input Profile保存输入配置文件
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"保存输入配置文件 "%1" 失败
@@ -2788,7 +2839,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ Configure设置
@@ -2824,7 +2875,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ Test测试
@@ -2844,77 +2895,77 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">了解更多</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid characters端口号中包含无效字符
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353端口必须为 0 到 65353 之间
+ IP address is not valid无效的 IP 地址
+ This UDP server already exists此 UDP 服务器已存在
+ Unable to add more than 8 servers最多只能添加 8 个服务器
+ Testing测试中
+ Configuring配置中
+ Test Successful测试成功
+ Successfully received data from the server.已成功地从服务器获取数据。
+ Test Failed测试失败
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.无法从服务器获取数据。<br>请验证服务器是否正在运行,以及地址和端口是否配置正确。
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP 测试或触摸校准正在进行中。<br>请耐心等待。
@@ -3243,8 +3294,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- 健身环传感器参数
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
+ 虚拟健身环传感器参数
@@ -3264,33 +3315,90 @@ UUID: %2
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Joycon 直接驱动
+ Enable Ring Input
+ 启用健身环输入
+ Enable
+ 启用
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ 健身环传感器参数
+ Not connected
+ 未连接
+ Restore Defaults恢复默认
+ Clear清除
+ [not set][未设置]
+ Invert axis体感方向倒置
+ Deadzone: %1%摇杆死区:%1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ 启用健身环输入时出错
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ 未启用 Joycon 直接驱动
+ Configuring
+ 配置中
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ 当前映射的设备不支持健身环控制器
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ 当前映射的设备未连接健身环控制器
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ 意外的驱动结果: %1
+ [waiting][请按键]
@@ -3300,7 +3408,7 @@ UUID: %2
- Form
+ 类型
@@ -3595,8 +3703,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- 英语
+ American English
+ 美式英语
@@ -3729,22 +3837,27 @@ UUID: %2
重置 ID
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.只有当游戏不在运行时,系统设置才可用。
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ 警告:“ %1 ”并不是“ %2 ”地区的有效语言
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?这将使用一个新的虚拟 Switch 取代你当前的虚拟 Switch。您当前的虚拟 Switch 将无法恢复。在部分游戏中可能会出现意外效果。如果你使用一个过时的配置存档这可能会失败。确定要继续吗?
+ Warning警告
+ Console ID: 0x%1设备 ID: 0x%1
@@ -3815,7 +3928,7 @@ UUID: %2
TAS 设置
+ Select TAS Load Directory...选择 TAS 载入目录...
@@ -3879,7 +3992,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
New Profile
- 保存自定义设置
+ 新建自定义设置
@@ -4035,7 +4148,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
Note: Changing language will apply your configuration.
- 注意: 切换语言将应用您的配置。
+ 注意: 切换语言将直接应用您当前的配置。
@@ -4208,7 +4321,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
- Form
+ 类型
@@ -4371,7 +4484,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.控制器 P1
+ &Controller P1控制器 P1 (&C)
@@ -4384,42 +4497,37 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.直接连接
- IP Address
- IP 地址
+ Server Address
+ 服务器地址
- IP
- IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>服务器地址</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>服务器 IPv4 地址</p></body></html>
+ Port端口
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>服务器端口</p></body>
+ <html><head/><body><p>服务器端口</p></body></html>
+ Nickname昵称
+ Password密码
+ Connect连接
@@ -4427,12 +4535,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ Connecting连接中
+ Connect连接
@@ -4490,7 +4598,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a Switch.
- 当前的模拟速度。高于或低于 100% 的值表示模拟正在运行得比实际 Switch 更快或更慢。
+ 当前的模拟速度。高于或低于 100% 的值表示运行速度比实际的 Switch 更快或更慢。
@@ -4503,863 +4611,873 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.在不计算速度限制和垂直同步的情况下,模拟一个 Switch 帧的实际时间。若要进行全速模拟,这个数值不应超过 16.67 毫秒。
+ &Clear Recent Files清除最近文件 (&C)
+ &Continue继续 (&C)
+ &Pause暂停 (&P)
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu 正在运行中
+ Warning Outdated Game Format过时游戏格式警告
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.目前使用的游戏为解体的 ROM 目录格式,这是一种过时的格式,已被其他格式替代,如 NCA,NAX,XCI 或 NSP。解体的 ROM 目录缺少图标、元数据和更新支持。<br><br>有关 yuzu 支持的各种 Switch 格式的说明,<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>请查看我们的 wiki</a>。此消息将不会再次出现。
+ Error while loading ROM!加载 ROM 时出错!
+ The ROM format is not supported.该 ROM 格式不受支持。
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.
- 在初始化视频核心时发生错误。
+ 初始化视频核心时发生错误
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu 在运行视频核心时发生错误。这可能是由 GPU 驱动程序过旧造成的。有关详细信息,请参阅日志文件。关于日志文件的更多信息,请参考以下页面:<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>如何上传日志文件</a>。
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.加载 ROM 时出错! %1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>请参考<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu 快速导航</a>以获取相关文件。<br>您可以参考 yuzu 的 wiki 页面</a>或 Discord 社区</a>以获得帮助。
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.发生了未知错误。请查看日志了解详情。
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...正在关闭…
+ Save Data保存数据
+ Mod DataMod 数据
+ Error Opening %1 Folder打开 %1 文件夹时出错
+ Folder does not exist!文件夹不存在!
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader Cache打开可转移着色器缓存时出错
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.为该游戏创建着色器缓存目录时失败。
+ Error Removing Contents删除内容时出错
+ Error Removing Update删除更新时出错
+ Error Removing DLC删除 DLC 时出错
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?删除已安装的游戏内容?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?删除已安装的游戏更新?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?删除已安装的游戏 DLC 内容?
+ Remove Entry删除项目
+ Successfully Removed删除成功
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.成功删除已安装的游戏。
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.该游戏未安装于 NAND 中,无法删除。
+ Successfully removed the installed update.成功删除已安装的游戏更新。
+ There is no update installed for this title.这个游戏没有任何已安装的更新。
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.这个游戏没有任何已安装的 DLC 。
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.成功删除游戏 %1 安装的 DLC 。
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?删除 OpenGL 模式的着色器缓存?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?删除 Vulkan 模式的着色器缓存?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?删除所有的着色器缓存?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?移除自定义游戏设置?
+ Remove File删除文件
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache删除着色器缓存时出错
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.这个游戏的着色器缓存不存在。
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.成功删除着色器缓存。
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.删除着色器缓存失败。
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ 删除 Vulkan 驱动程序管线缓存时出错
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ 删除驱动程序管线缓存失败。
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches删除着色器缓存时出错
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.着色器缓存删除成功。
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.删除着色器缓存目录失败。
+ Error Removing Custom Configuration移除自定义游戏设置时出错
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.这个游戏的自定义设置不存在。
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.成功移除自定义游戏设置。
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.移除自定义游戏设置失败。
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFS 提取失败!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.复制 RomFS 文件时出错,或用户取消了操作。
+ Full完整
+ Skeleton框架
+ Select RomFS Dump Mode选择 RomFS 转储模式
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.
- 请选择希望 RomFS 转储的方式。<br>“Full” 会将所有文件复制到新目录中,而<br>“Skeleton” 只会创建目录结构。
+ 请选择 RomFS 转储的方式。<br>“完整” 会将所有文件复制到新目录中,而<br>“框架” 只会创建目录结构。
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root%1 没有足够的空间用于提取 RomFS。请保持足够的空间或于模拟—>设置—>系统—>文件系统—>转储根目录中选择一个其他目录。
+ Extracting RomFS...正在提取 RomFS...
+ Cancel取消
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS 提取成功!
+ The operation completed successfully.操作成功完成。
+ Create Shortcut创建快捷方式
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?这将为当前的游戏创建快捷方式。但在其更新后,快捷方式可能无法正常工作。是否继续?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.无法在桌面创建快捷方式。路径“ %1 ”不存在。
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.无法在应用程序菜单中创建快捷方式。路径“ %1 ”不存在且无法被创建。
+ Create Icon创建图标
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.无法创建图标文件。路径“ %1 ”不存在且无法被创建。
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator使用 yuzu 启动 %1
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1在 %1 处创建快捷方式时失败
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1成功地在 %1 处创建快捷方式
+ Error Opening %1打开 %1 时出错
+ Select Directory选择目录
+ Properties属性
+ The game properties could not be loaded.无法加载该游戏的属性信息。
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch 可执行文件 (%1);;所有文件 (*.*)
+ Load File加载文件
+ Open Extracted ROM Directory打开提取的 ROM 目录
+ Invalid Directory Selected选择的目录无效
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.选择的目录不包含 “main” 文件。
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)
- 可安装的 Switch 文件 (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;任天堂内容档案 (*.nca);;任天堂应用包 (*.nsp);;NX 卡带镜像 (*.xci)
+ 可安装 Switch 文件 (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;任天堂内容档案 (*.nca);;任天堂应用包 (*.nsp);;NX 卡带镜像 (*.xci)
+ Install Files安装文件
+ %n file(s) remaining剩余 %n 个文件
+ Installing file "%1"...正在安装文件 "%1"...
+ Install Results安装结果
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.为了避免可能存在的冲突,我们不建议将游戏本体安装到 NAND 中。
此功能仅用于安装游戏更新和 DLC 。
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
最近安装了 %n 个文件
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n 个文件被覆盖
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n 个文件安装失败
+ System Application系统应用
+ System Archive系统档案
+ System Application Update系统应用更新
+ Firmware Package (Type A)固件包 (A型)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)固件包 (B型)
+ Game游戏
+ Game Update游戏更新
+ Game DLC游戏 DLC
+ Delta Title差量程序
+ Select NCA Install Type...选择 NCA 安装类型...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)请选择此 NCA 的程序类型:
+ Failed to Install安装失败
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.选择的 NCA 程序类型无效。
+ File not found找不到文件
+ File "%1" not found文件 "%1" 未找到
+ OK确定
+ Hardware requirements not met硬件不满足要求
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.
- 您的系统不满足运行 yuzu 推荐的推荐配置。兼容性报告已被禁用。
+ 您的系统不满足运行 yuzu 的推荐配置。兼容性报告已被禁用。
+ Missing yuzu Account未设置 yuzu 账户
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.要提交游戏兼容性测试用例,您必须设置您的 yuzu 帐户。<br><br/>要设置您的 yuzu 帐户,请转到模拟 > 设置 > 网络。
+ Error opening URL打开 URL 时出错
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".无法打开 URL : "%1" 。
+ TAS RecordingTAS 录制中
+ Overwrite file of player 1?覆盖玩家 1 的文件?
+ Invalid config detected检测到无效配置
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.掌机手柄无法在主机模式中使用。将会选择 Pro controller。
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed当前的 Amiibo 已被移除。
+ Error错误
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos当前游戏并没有在寻找 Amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo 文件 (%1);; 全部文件 (*.*)
+ Load Amiibo加载 Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo data加载 Amiibo 数据时出错
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo选择的文件并不是有效的 amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use选择的文件已在使用中
+ An unknown error occurred发生了未知错误
+ Capture Screenshot捕获截图
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG 图像 (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2TAS 状态:正在运行 %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1TAS 状态:正在录制 %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2TAS 状态:空闲 %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidTAS 状态:无效
+ &Stop Running停止运行 (&S)
+ &Start开始 (&S)
+ Stop R&ecording停止录制 (&E)
+ R&ecord录制 (&E)
+ Building: %n shader(s)正在编译 %n 个着色器文件
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor缩放比例: %1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%速度: %1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%速度: %1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)
- 游戏: %1 FPS (未锁定)
+ FPS: %1 (未锁定)
+ Game: %1 FPSFPS: %1
+ Frame: %1 ms
- 帧延迟:%1 毫秒
+ 帧延迟: %1 毫秒
+ DOCKED主机模式
+ BICUBIC双三线过滤
+ NO AA抗锯齿关
+ Confirm Key Rederivation确认重新生成密钥
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5375,37 +5493,37 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
+ Missing fuses项目丢失
+ - Missing BOOT0- 丢失 BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - 丢失 BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ Derivation Components Missing组件丢失
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>密钥缺失。<br>请查看<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu 快速导航</a>以获得你的密钥、固件和游戏。<br><br><small>(%1)</small>
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5414,39 +5532,39 @@ on your system's performance.
+ Deriving Keys生成密钥
+ Select RomFS Dump Target选择 RomFS 转储目标
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.请选择希望转储的 RomFS。
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?您确定要关闭 yuzu 吗?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.您确定要停止模拟吗?未保存的进度将会丢失。
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5458,44 +5576,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!OpenGL 模式不可用!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.不支持 OpenGL 共享上下文。
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu 没有使用 OpenGL 进行编译。
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!初始化 OpenGL 时出错!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.您的 GPU 可能不支持 OpenGL ,或者您没有安装最新的显卡驱动。
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!初始化 OpenGL 4.6 时出错!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1您的 GPU 可能不支持 OpenGL 4.6 ,或者您没有安装最新的显卡驱动。<br><br>GL 渲染器:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2您的 GPU 可能不支持某些必需的 OpenGL 扩展。请确保您已经安装最新的显卡驱动。<br><br>GL 渲染器:<br>%1<br><br>不支持的扩展:<br>%2
@@ -5704,7 +5822,7 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
- 开场 / 菜单
+ 开场/菜单
@@ -5714,12 +5832,12 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Won't Boot
- 无法打开
+ 无法启动The game crashes when attempting to startup.
- 在启动游戏时直接崩溃了。
+ 在启动游戏时直接崩溃。
@@ -5737,7 +5855,7 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
- 双击以添加新的游戏文件夹
+ 双击添加新的游戏文件夹
@@ -5998,7 +6116,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NAND安装文件到 NAND
@@ -6006,7 +6124,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6092,7 +6210,7 @@ Debug Message:
Password Required to Join
- 加入此房间需要密码
+ 需要密码
@@ -6663,7 +6781,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
@@ -6712,31 +6830,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][未设置]
@@ -6747,14 +6865,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2轴 %1%2
@@ -6765,262 +6883,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][未知]
+ Left左
+ Right右
+ Down下
+ Up上
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ Start开始
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ Circle○
+ Cross╳
+ Square□
+ TriangleΔ
+ Share分享
+ Options选项
+ [undefined][未指定]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][无效]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Hat 控制器 %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2轴 %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2轴 %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2体感 %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2按键 %3
+ [unused][未使用]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ 左摇杆
+ Stick R
+ 右摇杆
+ Plus
+ +
+ Minus
+ -
+ HomeHome
+ Capture
+ 截图
+ Touch触摸
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheel鼠标滚轮
+ Backward后退
+ Forward前进
+ Task任务键
+ Extra额外按键
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3
@@ -7493,7 +7657,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Enter a hotkey
- 键入热键
+ 输入热键
@@ -7558,12 +7722,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
- 暂停
+ 已暂停sleeping
- 睡眠
+ 睡眠中
diff --git a/dist/languages/zh_TW.ts b/dist/languages/zh_TW.ts
index 5ef629e41..364cb8556 100644
--- a/dist/languages/zh_TW.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/zh_TW.ts
@@ -936,102 +936,112 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
停用 Macro JIT
+ When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions. Enabling this makes games run slower
+ 启用时,将禁用宏高阶模拟。这会降低游戏运行速度。
+ Disable Macro HLE
+ 禁用宏高阶模拟
+ When checked, yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache啟用時 yuzu 將記錄有關編譯著色器快取的統計資訊。
+ Enable Shader Feedback啟用著色器回饋
+ When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes啟用時 yuzu 在執行著色器時,不會修改循環結構的條件判斷。
+ Disable Loop safety checks停用循環安全檢查
+ Debugging偵錯
+ Enable Verbose Reporting Services**啟用詳細報告服務
+ Enable FS Access Log啟用檔案系統存取記錄
+ Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console. Only affects games using the audio renderer.启用此选项会将最新的音频命令列表输出到控制台。只影响使用音频渲染器的游戏。
+ Dump Audio Commands To Console**将音频命令转储至控制台**
+ Create Minidump After Crash微型故障转储
+ Advanced進階
+ Kiosk (Quest) ModeKiosk (Quest) 模式
+ Enable CPU Debugging啟用 CPU 模擬偵錯
+ Enable Debug Asserts啟用偵錯
+ Enable Auto-Stub**啟用自動偵錯**
+ Enable All Controller Types启用其他控制器
+ Disable Web Applet停用 Web Applet
+ Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up. Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu.允许 yuzu 在启动时检查 Vulkan 环境是否正常工作。如果是其他程序导致 yuzu 出现此问题,请禁用此选项。
+ Perform Startup Vulkan Check启动时进行 Vulkan 检测
+ **This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes.**當 yuzu 關閉時會自動重設。
@@ -1046,12 +1056,12 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
重启 yuzu 后才能应用此设置。
+ Web applet not compiledWeb 应用程序未编译
+ MiniDump creation not compiled小型转储创建未编译
@@ -1102,13 +1112,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Audio音訊
@@ -1124,13 +1134,13 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ General一般
+ Graphics圖形
@@ -1146,7 +1156,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Controls控制
@@ -1162,7 +1172,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ System系統
@@ -1425,7 +1435,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ None無
@@ -1536,112 +1546,127 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ 1.5X (1080p/1620p) [实验性]
+ 2X (1440p/2160p)2X (1440p/2160p)
+ 3X (2160p/3240p)3X (2160p/3240p)
+ 4X (2880p/4320p)4X (2880p/4320p)
+ 5X (3600p/5400p)5X (3600p/5400p)
+ 6X (4320p/6480p)6X (4320p/6480p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 7X (5040p/7560p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ 8X (5760p/8640p)
+ Window Adapting Filter:視窗濾鏡:
+ Nearest Neighbor最近鄰域
+ Bilinear雙線性
+ Bicubic雙三次
+ Gaussian高斯
+ ScaleForce強制縮放
- AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution (Vulkan Only)
- AMD FidelityFX™️ 超高畫質技術 (僅限 Vulkan 模式)
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution
+ AMD FidelityFX™️ 超级分辨率锐画技术
+ Anti-Aliasing Method:抗鋸齒方式:
+ Use global FSR Sharpness启用全局 FSR 锐化
+ Set FSR Sharpness设置 FSR 锐化
+ FSR Sharpness:FSR 锐化度:
+ 100%100%
+ Use global background color使用全域背景顏色
+ Set background color:設定背景顏色:
+ Background Color:背景顏色:
@@ -1686,76 +1711,96 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.
+ 在后台运行的同时等待图形命令,以防止 GPU 降低时钟速度。
+ Force maximum clocks (Vulkan only)
+ 强制最大时钟 (仅限 Vulkan 模式)
+ VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.垂直同步可防止畫面撕裂,但啟用後某些顯示卡效能可能會降低。如果您沒有發現效能降低,請保持啟用。
+ Use VSync启用垂直同步
+ Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter. This feature is experimental.啟用非同步著色器編譯,可能會減少著色器不流暢的問題。實驗性功能。
+ Use asynchronous shader building (Hack)使用非同步著色器編譯(不穩定)
+ Enables Fast GPU Time. This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.啟用快速 GPU 時間。此選項將強制大多數遊戲以其最高解析度執行。
+ Use Fast GPU Time (Hack)使用快速 GPU 時間(不穩定)
+ Enables pessimistic buffer flushes. This option will force unmodified buffers to be flushed, which can cost performance.启用悲观缓冲区刷新。此选项将强制刷新未修改的缓冲区,可能会降低性能。
+ Use pessimistic buffer flushes (Hack)启用悲观缓冲区刷新 (不稳定)
+ Enables GPU vendor-specific pipeline cache. This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.
+ 启用 GPU 专用的管线缓存。在 Vulkan 驱动程序内部不存储管线缓存的情况下,此选项可显著提高着色器加载速度。
+ Use Vulkan pipeline cache
+ 启用 Vulkan 管线缓存
+ Anisotropic Filtering:各向異性過濾:
+ Automatic自動
+ Default預設
+ 2x2x
+ 4x4x
+ 8x8x
+ 16x16x
@@ -2143,7 +2188,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Configure設定
@@ -2169,6 +2214,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Requires restarting yuzu需要重新啟動 yuzu
@@ -2188,22 +2234,27 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Enable direct JoyCon driver
+ 启用 JoyCon 直接驱动
+ Enable mouse panning啟用滑鼠平移
+ Mouse sensitivity滑鼠靈敏度
+ %%
+ Motion / Touch體感/觸控
@@ -2315,7 +2366,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Left Stick左搖桿
@@ -2409,14 +2460,14 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ LL
@@ -2435,7 +2486,7 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Plus+
@@ -2448,15 +2499,15 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ RR
@@ -2513,236 +2564,236 @@ This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.
+ Right Stick右搖桿
+ Clear清除
+ [not set][未設定]
+ Invert button無效按鈕
+ Toggle button切換按鍵
+ Invert axis方向反轉
+ Set threshold設定閾值
+ Choose a value between 0% and 100%選擇介於 0% 和 100% 之間的值
+ Toggle axis切换轴
+ Set gyro threshold陀螺仪阈值设定
+ Map Analog Stick搖桿映射
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.按下確定後,先水平再上下移動您的搖桿。
+ Center axis中心轴
+ Deadzone: %1%無感帶:%1%
+ Modifier Range: %1%輕推靈敏度:%1%
+ Pro ControllerPro 手把
+ Dual Joycons雙 Joycon 手把
+ Left Joycon左 Joycon 手把
+ Right Joycon右 Joycon 手把
+ Handheld掌機模式
+ GameCube ControllerGameCube 手把
+ Poke Ball Plus精靈球 PLUS
+ NES ControllerNES 控制器
+ SNES ControllerSNES 控制器
+ N64 ControllerN64 控制器
+ Sega GenesisMega Drive
+ Start / Pause開始 / 暫停
+ ZZ
+ Control Stick控制搖桿
+ C-StickC 搖桿
+ Shake!搖動!
+ [waiting][等待中]
+ New Profile新增設定檔
+ Enter a profile name:輸入設定檔名稱:
+ Create Input Profile建立輸入設定檔
+ The given profile name is not valid!輸入的設定檔名稱無效!
+ Failed to create the input profile "%1"建立輸入設定檔「%1」失敗
+ Delete Input Profile刪除輸入設定檔
+ Failed to delete the input profile "%1"刪除輸入設定檔「%1」失敗
+ Load Input Profile載入輸入設定檔
+ Failed to load the input profile "%1"載入輸入設定檔「%1」失敗
+ Save Input Profile儲存輸入設定檔
+ Failed to save the input profile "%1"儲存輸入設定檔「%1」失敗
@@ -2790,7 +2841,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ Configure設定
@@ -2826,7 +2877,7 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
+ Test測試
@@ -2846,77 +2897,77 @@ To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.<
<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">了解更多</span></a>
+ %1:%2%1:%2
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Port number has invalid characters連線埠中包含無效字元
+ Port has to be in range 0 and 65353連線埠必須為 0 到 65353 之間
+ IP address is not valid無效的 IP 位址
+ This UDP server already exists此 UDP 伺服器已存在
+ Unable to add more than 8 servers最多只能新增 8 個伺服器
+ Testing測試中
+ Configuring設定中
+ Test Successful測試成功
+ Successfully received data from the server.已成功從伺服器取得資料
+ Test Failed測試失敗
+ Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.無法從伺服器取得有效的資料。<br>請檢查伺服器是否正確設定以及位址和連接埠是否正確。
+ UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.UDP 測試或觸控校正進行中。<br>請耐心等候。
@@ -3245,8 +3296,8 @@ UUID: %2
- Ring Sensor Parameters
- 环形传感器参数
+ Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters
+ 虚拟健身环传感器参数
@@ -3266,33 +3317,90 @@ UUID: %2
+ Direct Joycon Driver
+ Joycon 直接驱动
+ Enable Ring Input
+ 启用健身环输入
+ Enable
+ 启用
+ Ring Sensor Value
+ 健身环传感器参数
+ Not connected
+ 未连接
+ Restore Defaults還原預設值
+ Clear清除
+ [not set][未設定]
+ Invert axis方向反轉
+ Deadzone: %1%無感帶:%1%
+ Error enabling ring input
+ 启用健身环输入时出错
+ Direct Joycon driver is not enabled
+ 未启用 Joycon 直接驱动
+ Configuring
+ 設定中
+ The current mapped device doesn't support the ring controller
+ 当前映射的输入设备不支持健身环控制器
+ The current mapped device doesn't have a ring attached
+ 当前映射的设备未连接健身环控制器
+ Unexpected driver result %1
+ 意外的驱动结果: %1
+ [waiting][請按按鍵]
@@ -3597,8 +3705,8 @@ UUID: %2
- English
- 英文 (English)
+ American English
+ 美式英语
@@ -3731,22 +3839,27 @@ UUID: %2
+ System settings are available only when game is not running.僅在遊戲未執行時才能修改使用者設定檔
+ Warning: "%1" is not a valid language for region "%2"
+ 警告:“ %1 ”并不是“ %2 ”地区的有效语言。
+ This will replace your current virtual Switch with a new one. Your current virtual Switch will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?這會使用新的虛擬 Switch 取代你目前的虛擬 Switch,且將無法還原目前的虛擬 Switch。在部分遊戲中可能會出現意外後果。此動作可能因您使用過時的設定存檔而失敗。確定要繼續嗎?
+ Warning警告
+ Console ID: 0x%1主機 ID:0x%1
@@ -3817,7 +3930,7 @@ UUID: %2
TAS 設定
+ Select TAS Load Directory...選擇 TAS 載入資料夾...
@@ -4373,7 +4486,7 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Controller P1
+ &Controller P1&Controller P1
@@ -4386,42 +4499,37 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.直接连接
- IP Address
- IP 地址
- IP
- IP
+ Server Address
+ 服务器地址
- <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>服务器 IPv4 地址</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>服务器地址</p></body></html>
+ Port端口
+ <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>服务器端口</p></body>
+ Nickname昵称
+ Password密码
+ Connect连接
@@ -4429,12 +4537,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ Connecting连接中
+ Connect连接
@@ -4505,862 +4613,872 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.在不考慮幀數限制和垂直同步的情況下模擬一個 Switch 畫格的實際時間,若要全速模擬,此數值不得超過 16.67 毫秒。
+ &Clear Recent Files清除最近的檔案(&C)
+ &Continue繼續(&C)
+ &Pause&暫停
+ yuzu is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleepingyuzu 正在執行中
+ Warning Outdated Game Format過時遊戲格式警告
+ You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP. Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.<br><br>For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports, <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.此遊戲為解構的 ROM 資料夾格式,這是一種過時的格式,已被其他格式取代,如 NCA、NAX、XCI、NSP。解構的 ROM 目錄缺少圖示、中繼資料和更新支援。<br><br>有關 yuzu 支援的各種 Switch 格式說明,<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>請參閱我們的 wiki </a>。此訊息將不再顯示。
+ Error while loading ROM!載入 ROM 時發生錯誤!
+ The ROM format is not supported.此 ROM 格式不支援
+ An error occurred initializing the video core.初始化視訊核心時發生錯誤
+ yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core. This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones. Please see the log for more details. For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. yuzu 在執行視訊核心時發生錯誤。 這可能是 GPU 驅動程序過舊造成的。 詳細資訊請查閱日誌檔案。 關於日誌檔案的更多資訊,請參考以下頁面:<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>如何上傳日誌檔案</a>。
+ Error while loading ROM! %1%1 signifies a numeric error code.載入 ROM 時發生錯誤!%1
+ %1<br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.%1 signifies an error string.%1<br>請參閱 <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>yuzu 快速指引</a>以重新傾印檔案。<br>您可以前往 yuzu 的 wiki</a> 或 Discord 社群</a>以獲得幫助。
+ An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.發生未知錯誤,請檢視紀錄了解細節。
+ (64-bit)(64-bit)
+ (32-bit)(32-bit)
+ %1 %2%1 is the title name. %2 indicates if the title is 64-bit or 32-bit%1 %2
+ Closing software...正在关闭…
+ Save Data儲存資料
+ Mod Data模組資料
+ Error Opening %1 Folder開啟資料夾 %1 時發生錯誤
+ Folder does not exist!資料夾不存在
+ Error Opening Transferable Shader Cache開啟通用著色器快取位置時發生錯誤
+ Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.無法新增此遊戲的著色器快取資料夾。
+ Error Removing Contents删除内容时出错
+ Error Removing Update删除更新时出错
+ Error Removing DLC删除 DLC 时出错
+ Remove Installed Game Contents?删除已安装的游戏内容?
+ Remove Installed Game Update?删除已安装的游戏更新?
+ Remove Installed Game DLC?删除已安装的游戏 DLC 内容?
+ Remove Entry移除項目
+ Successfully Removed移除成功
+ Successfully removed the installed base game.成功移除已安裝的遊戲。
+ The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.此遊戲並非安裝在內部儲存空間,因此無法移除。
+ Successfully removed the installed update.成功移除已安裝的遊戲更新。
+ There is no update installed for this title.此遊戲沒有已安裝的更新。
+ There are no DLC installed for this title.此遊戲沒有已安裝的 DLC。
+ Successfully removed %1 installed DLC.成功移除遊戲 %1 已安裝的 DLC。
+ Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache?刪除 OpenGL 模式的著色器快取?
+ Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache?刪除 Vulkan 模式的著色器快取?
+ Delete All Transferable Shader Caches?刪除所有的著色器快取?
+ Remove Custom Game Configuration?移除額外遊戲設定?
+ Remove File刪除檔案
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache刪除通用著色器快取時發生錯誤
+ A shader cache for this title does not exist.此遊戲沒有著色器快取
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.成功刪除著色器快取。
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.刪除通用著色器快取失敗。
+ Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache
+ 移除 Vulkan 驱动程序管线缓存时出错
+ Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.
+ 删除驱动程序管线缓存失败。
+ Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches刪除通用著色器快取時發生錯誤
+ Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.成功刪除通用著色器快取。
+ Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.無法刪除著色器快取資料夾。
+ Error Removing Custom Configuration移除額外遊戲設定時發生錯誤
+ A custom configuration for this title does not exist.此遊戲沒有額外設定。
+ Successfully removed the custom game configuration.成功移除額外遊戲設定。
+ Failed to remove the custom game configuration.移除額外遊戲設定失敗。
+ RomFS Extraction Failed!RomFS 抽取失敗!
+ There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.複製 RomFS 檔案時發生錯誤或使用者取消動作。
+ Full全部
+ Skeleton部分
+ Select RomFS Dump Mode選擇RomFS傾印模式
+ Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.<br>Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while <br>skeleton will only create the directory structure.請選擇如何傾印 RomFS。<br>「全部」會複製所有檔案到新資料夾中,而<br>「部分」只會建立資料夾結構。
+ There is not enough free space at %1 to extract the RomFS. Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation > Configure > System > Filesystem > Dump Root%1 沒有足夠的空間用於抽取 RomFS。請確保有足夠的空間或於模擬 > 設定 >系統 >檔案系統 > 傾印根目錄中選擇其他資料夾。
+ Extracting RomFS...抽取 RomFS 中...
+ Cancel取消
+ RomFS Extraction Succeeded!RomFS 抽取完成!
+ The operation completed successfully.動作已成功完成
+ Create Shortcut创建快捷方式
+ This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?这将为当前的软件镜像创建快捷方式。但在其更新后,快捷方式可能无法正常使用。是否继续?
+ Cannot create shortcut on desktop. Path "%1" does not exist.无法在桌面创建快捷方式。路径“ %1 ”不存在。
+ Cannot create shortcut in applications menu. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.无法在应用程序菜单中创建快捷方式。路径“ %1 ”不存在且无法被创建。
+ Create Icon创建图标
+ Cannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.无法创建图标文件。路径“ %1 ”不存在且无法被创建。
+ Start %1 with the yuzu Emulator使用 yuzu 启动 %1
+ Failed to create a shortcut at %1在 %1 处创建快捷方式时失败
+ Successfully created a shortcut to %1成功地在 %1 处创建快捷方式
+ Error Opening %1開啟 %1 時發生錯誤
+ Select Directory選擇資料夾
+ Properties屬性
+ The game properties could not be loaded.無法載入遊戲屬性
+ Switch Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.Switch 執行檔 (%1);;所有檔案 (*.*)
+ Load File開啟檔案
+ Open Extracted ROM Directory開啟已抽取的 ROM 資料夾
+ Invalid Directory Selected選擇的資料夾無效
+ The directory you have selected does not contain a 'main' file.選擇的資料夾未包含「main」檔案。
+ Installable Switch File (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image (*.xci)可安装的 Switch 檔案 (*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive (*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package (*.nsp);;NX 卡帶映像 (*.xci)
+ Install Files安裝檔案
+ %n file(s) remaining剩餘 %n 個檔案
+ Installing file "%1"...正在安裝檔案「%1」...
+ Install Results安裝結果
+ To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.為了避免潛在的衝突,不建議將遊戲本體安裝至內部儲存空間。
此功能僅用於安裝遊戲更新和 DLC。
+ %n file(s) were newly installed
最近安裝了 %n 個檔案
+ %n file(s) were overwritten
%n 個檔案被取代
+ %n file(s) failed to install
%n 個檔案安裝失敗
+ System Application系統應用程式
+ System Archive系統檔案
+ System Application Update系統應用程式更新
+ Firmware Package (Type A)韌體包(A型)
+ Firmware Package (Type B)韌體包(B型)
+ Game遊戲
+ Game Update遊戲更新
+ Game DLC遊戲 DLC
+ Delta TitleDelta Title
+ Select NCA Install Type...選擇 NCA 安裝類型...
+ Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default 'Game' is fine.)請選擇此 NCA 的安裝類型:
+ Failed to Install安裝失敗
+ The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.選擇的 NCA 安裝類型無效。
+ File not found找不到檔案
+ File "%1" not found找不到「%1」檔案
+ OK確定
+ Hardware requirements not met硬件不满足要求
+ Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements. Compatibility reporting has been disabled.您的系统不满足运行 yuzu 推荐的推荐配置。兼容性报告已被禁用。
+ Missing yuzu Account未設定 yuzu 帳號
+ In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your yuzu account.<br><br/>To link your yuzu account, go to Emulation > Configuration > Web.為了上傳相容性測試結果,您必須登入 yuzu 帳號。<br><br/>欲登入 yuzu 帳號請至模擬 > 設定 > 網路。
+ Error opening URL開啟 URL 時發生錯誤
+ Unable to open the URL "%1".無法開啟 URL:「%1」。
+ TAS RecordingTAS 錄製
+ Overwrite file of player 1?覆寫玩家 1 的檔案?
+ Invalid config detected偵測到無效設定
+ Handheld controller can't be used on docked mode. Pro controller will be selected.掌機手把無法在主機模式中使用。將會選擇 Pro 手把。
+ AmiiboAmiibo
+ The current amiibo has been removed当前的 Amiibo 已被移除。
+ Error错误
+ The current game is not looking for amiibos当前游戏并没有在寻找 Amiibos
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo 檔案 (%1);; 所有檔案 (*.*)
+ Load Amiibo開啟 Amiibo
+ Error loading Amiibo data載入 Amiibo 資料時發生錯誤
+ The selected file is not a valid amiibo选择的文件并不是有效的 amiibo
+ The selected file is already on use选择的文件已在使用中
+ An unknown error occurred发生了未知错误
+ Capture Screenshot截圖
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG 圖片 (*.png)
+ TAS state: Running %1/%2TAS 狀態:正在執行 %1/%2
+ TAS state: Recording %1TAS 狀態:正在錄製 %1
+ TAS state: Idle %1/%2TAS 狀態:閒置 %1/%2
+ TAS State: InvalidTAS 狀態:無效
+ &Stop Running&停止執行
+ &Start開始(&S)
+ Stop R&ecording停止錄製
+ R&ecord錄製 (&E)
+ Building: %n shader(s)正在編譯 %n 個著色器檔案
+ Scale: %1x%1 is the resolution scaling factor縮放比例:%1x
+ Speed: %1% / %2%速度:%1% / %2%
+ Speed: %1%速度:%1%
+ Game: %1 FPS (Unlocked)遊戲: %1 FPS(未限制)
+ Game: %1 FPS遊戲:%1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 ms畫格延遲:%1 ms
+ DOCKED主机模式
+ NO AA抗鋸齒關
+ Confirm Key Rederivation確認重新產生金鑰
+ You are about to force rederive all of your keys.
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing,
this is a potentially destructive action.
@@ -5376,37 +5494,37 @@ This will delete your autogenerated key files and re-run the key derivation modu
+ Missing fuses遺失項目
+ - Missing BOOT0- 遺失 BOOT0
+ - Missing BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main - 遺失 BCPKG2-1-Normal-Main
+ Derivation Components Missing遺失產生元件
+ Encryption keys are missing. <br>Please follow <a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small>缺少加密金鑰。 <br>請按照<a href='https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>《Yuzu快速入門指南》來取得所有金鑰、韌體、遊戲<br><br><small>(%1)。
+ Deriving keys...
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system's performance.
@@ -5415,39 +5533,39 @@ on your system's performance.
+ Deriving Keys產生金鑰
+ Select RomFS Dump Target選擇 RomFS 傾印目標
+ Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.請選擇希望傾印的 RomFS。
+ Are you sure you want to close yuzu?您確定要關閉 yuzu 嗎?
+ yuzuyuzu
+ Are you sure you want to stop the emulation? Any unsaved progress will be lost.您確定要停止模擬嗎?未儲存的進度將會遺失。
+ The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
@@ -5459,44 +5577,44 @@ Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway?
+ OpenGL not available!無法使用 OpenGL 模式!
+ OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.不支持 OpenGL 共享上下文。
+ yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support.yuzu 未以支援 OpenGL 的方式編譯。
+ Error while initializing OpenGL!初始化 OpenGL 時發生錯誤!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.您的 GPU 可能不支援 OpenGL,或是未安裝最新的圖形驅動程式
+ Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6!初始化 OpenGL 4.6 時發生錯誤!
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1您的 GPU 可能不支援 OpenGL 4.6,或是未安裝最新的圖形驅動程式<br><br>GL 渲染器:<br>%1
+ Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions. Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1<br><br>Unsupported extensions:<br>%2您的 GPU 可能不支援某些必需的 OpenGL 功能。請確保您已安裝最新的圖形驅動程式。<br><br>GL 渲染器:<br>%1<br><br>不支援的功能:<br>%2
@@ -5999,7 +6117,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ Install Files to NAND安裝檔案至內部儲存空間
@@ -6007,7 +6125,7 @@ Debug Message:
+ The text can't contain any of the following characters:
@@ -6663,7 +6781,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ START/PAUSE開始 / 暫停
@@ -6712,31 +6830,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][未設定]
@@ -6747,14 +6865,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Axis %1%2Axis %1%2
@@ -6765,262 +6883,308 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ [unknown][未知]
+ Left左
+ Right右
+ Down下
+ Up上
+ ZZ
+ RR
+ LL
+ AA
+ BB
+ XX
+ YY
+ Start開始
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ L3L3
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ R3R3
+ Circle○
+ Cross╳
+ Square□
+ TriangleΔ
+ Share分享
+ Options選項
+ [undefined][未指定]
+ %1%2%1%2
+ [invalid][無效]
+ %1%2Hat %3%1%2Hat 控制器 %3
+ %1%2Axis %3%1%2軸 %3
+ %1%2Axis %3,%4,%5%1%2軸 %3,%4,%5
+ %1%2Motion %3%1%2體感 %3
+ %1%2Button %3%1%2按鈕 %3
+ [unused][未使用]
+ ZR
+ ZR
+ ZL
+ ZL
+ SR
+ SR
+ SL
+ SL
+ Stick L
+ 左摇杆
+ Stick R
+ 右摇杆
+ Plus
+ +
+ Minus
+ -
+ HomeHOME
+ Capture
+ 截圖
+ Touch觸控
+ WheelIndicates the mouse wheel滑鼠滾輪
+ Backward後退
+ Forward前進
+ Task任務鍵
+ Extra額外按鍵
+ %1%2%3%1%2%3