From b3b34a1e76664c412fd7b37b3529cadd3983acfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Huw Pascoe <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 12:21:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Extracted the attribute setup and draw commands into their
 own functions

 src/video_core/command_processor.cpp | 439 ++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 222 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/video_core/command_processor.cpp b/src/video_core/command_processor.cpp
index 3ab4af374..caf9f7a06 100644
--- a/src/video_core/command_processor.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/command_processor.cpp
@@ -119,6 +119,224 @@ static void WriteUniformFloatReg(ShaderRegs& config, Shader::ShaderSetup& setup,
+static void LoadDefaultVertexAttributes(u32 register_value) {
+    auto& regs = g_state.regs;
+    // TODO: Does actual hardware indeed keep an intermediate buffer or does
+    //       it directly write the values?
+    default_attr_write_buffer[default_attr_counter++] = register_value;
+    // Default attributes are written in a packed format such that four float24 values are encoded
+    // in three 32-bit numbers.
+    // We write to internal memory once a full such vector is written.
+    if (default_attr_counter >= 3) {
+        default_attr_counter = 0;
+        auto& setup = regs.pipeline.vs_default_attributes_setup;
+        if (setup.index >= 16) {
+            LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Invalid VS default attribute index %d", (int)setup.index);
+            return;
+        }
+        Math::Vec4<float24> attribute;
+        // NOTE: The destination component order indeed is "backwards"
+        attribute.w = float24::FromRaw(default_attr_write_buffer[0] >> 8);
+        attribute.z = float24::FromRaw(((default_attr_write_buffer[0] & 0xFF) << 16) |
+                                       ((default_attr_write_buffer[1] >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
+        attribute.y = float24::FromRaw(((default_attr_write_buffer[1] & 0xFFFF) << 8) |
+                                       ((default_attr_write_buffer[2] >> 24) & 0xFF));
+        attribute.x = float24::FromRaw(default_attr_write_buffer[2] & 0xFFFFFF);
+        LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Set default VS attribute %x to (%f %f %f %f)", (int)setup.index,
+                  attribute.x.ToFloat32(), attribute.y.ToFloat32(), attribute.z.ToFloat32(),
+                  attribute.w.ToFloat32());
+        // TODO: Verify that this actually modifies the register!
+        if (setup.index < 15) {
+            g_state.input_default_attributes.attr[setup.index] = attribute;
+            setup.index++;
+        } else {
+            // Put each attribute into an immediate input buffer.  When all specified immediate
+            // attributes are present, the Vertex Shader is invoked and everything is sent to
+            // the primitive assembler.
+            auto& immediate_input = g_state.immediate.input_vertex;
+            auto& immediate_attribute_id = g_state.immediate.current_attribute;
+            immediate_input.attr[immediate_attribute_id] = attribute;
+            if (immediate_attribute_id < regs.pipeline.max_input_attrib_index) {
+                immediate_attribute_id += 1;
+            } else {
+                MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(GPU_Drawing);
+                immediate_attribute_id = 0;
+                auto* shader_engine = Shader::GetEngine();
+                shader_engine->SetupBatch(g_state.vs, regs.vs.main_offset);
+                // Send to vertex shader
+                if (g_debug_context)
+                    g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::VertexShaderInvocation,
+                                             static_cast<void*>(&immediate_input));
+                Shader::UnitState shader_unit;
+                Shader::AttributeBuffer output{};
+                shader_unit.LoadInput(regs.vs, immediate_input);
+                shader_engine->Run(g_state.vs, shader_unit);
+                shader_unit.WriteOutput(regs.vs, output);
+                // Send to geometry pipeline
+                if (g_state.immediate.reset_geometry_pipeline) {
+                    g_state.geometry_pipeline.Reconfigure();
+                    g_state.immediate.reset_geometry_pipeline = false;
+                }
+                ASSERT(!g_state.geometry_pipeline.NeedIndexInput());
+                g_state.geometry_pipeline.Setup(shader_engine);
+                g_state.geometry_pipeline.SubmitVertex(output);
+                // TODO: If drawing after every immediate mode triangle kills performance,
+                // change it to flush triangles whenever a drawing config register changes
+                // See:
+                VideoCore::g_renderer->Rasterizer()->DrawTriangles();
+                if (g_debug_context) {
+                    g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::FinishedPrimitiveBatch, nullptr);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+static void Draw(u32 command_id) {
+    auto& regs = g_state.regs;
+    DebugUtils::DumpTevStageConfig(regs.GetTevStages());
+    if (g_debug_context)
+        g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::IncomingPrimitiveBatch, nullptr);
+    // Processes information about internal vertex attributes to figure out how a vertex is
+    // loaded.
+    // Later, these can be compiled and cached.
+    const u32 base_address = regs.pipeline.vertex_attributes.GetPhysicalBaseAddress();
+    VertexLoader loader(regs.pipeline);
+    // Load vertices
+    bool is_indexed = (command_id == PICA_REG_INDEX(pipeline.trigger_draw_indexed));
+    const auto& index_info = regs.pipeline.index_array;
+    const u8* index_address_8 = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(base_address + index_info.offset);
+    const u16* index_address_16 = reinterpret_cast<const u16*>(index_address_8);
+    bool index_u16 = index_info.format != 0;
+    PrimitiveAssembler<Shader::OutputVertex>& primitive_assembler = g_state.primitive_assembler;
+    if (g_debug_context && g_debug_context->recorder) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+            const auto texture = regs.texturing.GetTextures()[i];
+            if (!texture.enabled)
+                continue;
+            u8* texture_data = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(texture.config.GetPhysicalAddress());
+            g_debug_context->recorder->MemoryAccessed(
+                texture_data, Pica::TexturingRegs::NibblesPerPixel(texture.format) *
+                                  texture.config.width / 2 * texture.config.height,
+                texture.config.GetPhysicalAddress());
+        }
+    }
+    DebugUtils::MemoryAccessTracker memory_accesses;
+    // Simple circular-replacement vertex cache
+    // The size has been tuned for optimal balance between hit-rate and the cost of lookup
+    const size_t VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE = 32;
+    std::array<u16, VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE> vertex_cache_ids;
+    std::array<Shader::AttributeBuffer, VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE> vertex_cache;
+    Shader::AttributeBuffer vs_output;
+    unsigned int vertex_cache_pos = 0;
+    vertex_cache_ids.fill(-1);
+    auto* shader_engine = Shader::GetEngine();
+    Shader::UnitState shader_unit;
+    shader_engine->SetupBatch(g_state.vs, regs.vs.main_offset);
+    g_state.geometry_pipeline.Reconfigure();
+    g_state.geometry_pipeline.Setup(shader_engine);
+    if (g_state.geometry_pipeline.NeedIndexInput())
+        ASSERT(is_indexed);
+    for (unsigned int index = 0; index < regs.pipeline.num_vertices; ++index) {
+        // Indexed rendering doesn't use the start offset
+        unsigned int vertex = is_indexed
+                                  ? (index_u16 ? index_address_16[index] : index_address_8[index])
+                                  : (index + regs.pipeline.vertex_offset);
+        // -1 is a common special value used for primitive restart. Since it's unknown if
+        // the PICA supports it, and it would mess up the caching, guard against it here.
+        ASSERT(vertex != -1);
+        bool vertex_cache_hit = false;
+        if (is_indexed) {
+            if (g_state.geometry_pipeline.NeedIndexInput()) {
+                g_state.geometry_pipeline.SubmitIndex(vertex);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (g_debug_context && Pica::g_debug_context->recorder) {
+                int size = index_u16 ? 2 : 1;
+                memory_accesses.AddAccess(base_address + index_info.offset + size * index, size);
+            }
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE; ++i) {
+                if (vertex == vertex_cache_ids[i]) {
+                    vs_output = vertex_cache[i];
+                    vertex_cache_hit = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (!vertex_cache_hit) {
+            // Initialize data for the current vertex
+            Shader::AttributeBuffer input;
+            loader.LoadVertex(base_address, index, vertex, input, memory_accesses);
+            // Send to vertex shader
+            if (g_debug_context)
+                g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::VertexShaderInvocation,
+                                         (void*)&input);
+            shader_unit.LoadInput(regs.vs, input);
+            shader_engine->Run(g_state.vs, shader_unit);
+            shader_unit.WriteOutput(regs.vs, vs_output);
+            if (is_indexed) {
+                vertex_cache[vertex_cache_pos] = vs_output;
+                vertex_cache_ids[vertex_cache_pos] = vertex;
+                vertex_cache_pos = (vertex_cache_pos + 1) % VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE;
+            }
+        }
+        // Send to geometry pipeline
+        g_state.geometry_pipeline.SubmitVertex(vs_output);
+    }
+    for (auto& range : memory_accesses.ranges) {
+        g_debug_context->recorder->MemoryAccessed(Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(range.first),
+                                                  range.second, range.first);
+    }
+    VideoCore::g_renderer->Rasterizer()->DrawTriangles();
+    if (g_debug_context) {
+        g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::FinishedPrimitiveBatch, nullptr);
+    }
 static void WritePicaReg(u32 id, u32 value, u32 mask) {
     auto& regs = g_state.regs;
@@ -168,95 +386,9 @@ static void WritePicaReg(u32 id, u32 value, u32 mask) {
     // Load default vertex input attributes
     case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(pipeline.vs_default_attributes_setup.set_value[0], 0x233):
     case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(pipeline.vs_default_attributes_setup.set_value[1], 0x234):
-    case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(pipeline.vs_default_attributes_setup.set_value[2], 0x235): {
-        // TODO: Does actual hardware indeed keep an intermediate buffer or does
-        //       it directly write the values?
-        default_attr_write_buffer[default_attr_counter++] = value;
-        // Default attributes are written in a packed format such that four float24 values are
-        // encoded in
-        // three 32-bit numbers. We write to internal memory once a full such vector is
-        // written.
-        if (default_attr_counter >= 3) {
-            default_attr_counter = 0;
-            auto& setup = regs.pipeline.vs_default_attributes_setup;
-            if (setup.index >= 16) {
-                LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Invalid VS default attribute index %d", (int)setup.index);
-                break;
-            }
-            Math::Vec4<float24> attribute;
-            // NOTE: The destination component order indeed is "backwards"
-            attribute.w = float24::FromRaw(default_attr_write_buffer[0] >> 8);
-            attribute.z = float24::FromRaw(((default_attr_write_buffer[0] & 0xFF) << 16) |
-                                           ((default_attr_write_buffer[1] >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
-            attribute.y = float24::FromRaw(((default_attr_write_buffer[1] & 0xFFFF) << 8) |
-                                           ((default_attr_write_buffer[2] >> 24) & 0xFF));
-            attribute.x = float24::FromRaw(default_attr_write_buffer[2] & 0xFFFFFF);
-            LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Set default VS attribute %x to (%f %f %f %f)", (int)setup.index,
-                      attribute.x.ToFloat32(), attribute.y.ToFloat32(), attribute.z.ToFloat32(),
-                      attribute.w.ToFloat32());
-            // TODO: Verify that this actually modifies the register!
-            if (setup.index < 15) {
-                g_state.input_default_attributes.attr[setup.index] = attribute;
-                setup.index++;
-            } else {
-                // Put each attribute into an immediate input buffer.  When all specified immediate
-                // attributes are present, the Vertex Shader is invoked and everything is sent to
-                // the primitive assembler.
-                auto& immediate_input = g_state.immediate.input_vertex;
-                auto& immediate_attribute_id = g_state.immediate.current_attribute;
-                immediate_input.attr[immediate_attribute_id] = attribute;
-                if (immediate_attribute_id < regs.pipeline.max_input_attrib_index) {
-                    immediate_attribute_id += 1;
-                } else {
-                    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(GPU_Drawing);
-                    immediate_attribute_id = 0;
-                    auto* shader_engine = Shader::GetEngine();
-                    shader_engine->SetupBatch(g_state.vs, regs.vs.main_offset);
-                    // Send to vertex shader
-                    if (g_debug_context)
-                        g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::VertexShaderInvocation,
-                                                 static_cast<void*>(&immediate_input));
-                    Shader::UnitState shader_unit;
-                    Shader::AttributeBuffer output{};
-                    shader_unit.LoadInput(regs.vs, immediate_input);
-                    shader_engine->Run(g_state.vs, shader_unit);
-                    shader_unit.WriteOutput(regs.vs, output);
-                    // Send to geometry pipeline
-                    if (g_state.immediate.reset_geometry_pipeline) {
-                        g_state.geometry_pipeline.Reconfigure();
-                        g_state.immediate.reset_geometry_pipeline = false;
-                    }
-                    ASSERT(!g_state.geometry_pipeline.NeedIndexInput());
-                    g_state.geometry_pipeline.Setup(shader_engine);
-                    g_state.geometry_pipeline.SubmitVertex(output);
-                    // TODO: If drawing after every immediate mode triangle kills performance,
-                    // change it to flush triangles whenever a drawing config register changes
-                    // See:
-                    VideoCore::g_renderer->Rasterizer()->DrawTriangles();
-                    if (g_debug_context) {
-                        g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::FinishedPrimitiveBatch,
-                                                 nullptr);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(pipeline.vs_default_attributes_setup.set_value[2], 0x235):
+        LoadDefaultVertexAttributes(value);
-    }
     case PICA_REG_INDEX(pipeline.gpu_mode):
         // This register likely just enables vertex processing and doesn't need any special handling
@@ -275,136 +407,9 @@ static void WritePicaReg(u32 id, u32 value, u32 mask) {
     // It seems like these trigger vertex rendering
     case PICA_REG_INDEX(pipeline.trigger_draw):
-    case PICA_REG_INDEX(pipeline.trigger_draw_indexed): {
-        DebugUtils::DumpTevStageConfig(regs.GetTevStages());
-        if (g_debug_context)
-            g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::IncomingPrimitiveBatch, nullptr);
-        // Processes information about internal vertex attributes to figure out how a vertex is
-        // loaded.
-        // Later, these can be compiled and cached.
-        const u32 base_address = regs.pipeline.vertex_attributes.GetPhysicalBaseAddress();
-        VertexLoader loader(regs.pipeline);
-        // Load vertices
-        bool is_indexed = (id == PICA_REG_INDEX(pipeline.trigger_draw_indexed));
-        const auto& index_info = regs.pipeline.index_array;
-        const u8* index_address_8 = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(base_address + index_info.offset);
-        const u16* index_address_16 = reinterpret_cast<const u16*>(index_address_8);
-        bool index_u16 = index_info.format != 0;
-        PrimitiveAssembler<Shader::OutputVertex>& primitive_assembler = g_state.primitive_assembler;
-        if (g_debug_context && g_debug_context->recorder) {
-            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-                const auto texture = regs.texturing.GetTextures()[i];
-                if (!texture.enabled)
-                    continue;
-                u8* texture_data = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(texture.config.GetPhysicalAddress());
-                g_debug_context->recorder->MemoryAccessed(
-                    texture_data, Pica::TexturingRegs::NibblesPerPixel(texture.format) *
-                                      texture.config.width / 2 * texture.config.height,
-                    texture.config.GetPhysicalAddress());
-            }
-        }
-        DebugUtils::MemoryAccessTracker memory_accesses;
-        // Simple circular-replacement vertex cache
-        // The size has been tuned for optimal balance between hit-rate and the cost of lookup
-        const size_t VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE = 32;
-        std::array<u16, VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE> vertex_cache_ids;
-        std::array<Shader::AttributeBuffer, VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE> vertex_cache;
-        Shader::AttributeBuffer vs_output;
-        unsigned int vertex_cache_pos = 0;
-        vertex_cache_ids.fill(-1);
-        auto* shader_engine = Shader::GetEngine();
-        Shader::UnitState shader_unit;
-        shader_engine->SetupBatch(g_state.vs, regs.vs.main_offset);
-        g_state.geometry_pipeline.Reconfigure();
-        g_state.geometry_pipeline.Setup(shader_engine);
-        if (g_state.geometry_pipeline.NeedIndexInput())
-            ASSERT(is_indexed);
-        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < regs.pipeline.num_vertices; ++index) {
-            // Indexed rendering doesn't use the start offset
-            unsigned int vertex =
-                is_indexed ? (index_u16 ? index_address_16[index] : index_address_8[index])
-                           : (index + regs.pipeline.vertex_offset);
-            // -1 is a common special value used for primitive restart. Since it's unknown if
-            // the PICA supports it, and it would mess up the caching, guard against it here.
-            ASSERT(vertex != -1);
-            bool vertex_cache_hit = false;
-            if (is_indexed) {
-                if (g_state.geometry_pipeline.NeedIndexInput()) {
-                    g_state.geometry_pipeline.SubmitIndex(vertex);
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (g_debug_context && Pica::g_debug_context->recorder) {
-                    int size = index_u16 ? 2 : 1;
-                    memory_accesses.AddAccess(base_address + index_info.offset + size * index,
-                                              size);
-                }
-                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE; ++i) {
-                    if (vertex == vertex_cache_ids[i]) {
-                        vs_output = vertex_cache[i];
-                        vertex_cache_hit = true;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (!vertex_cache_hit) {
-                // Initialize data for the current vertex
-                Shader::AttributeBuffer input;
-                loader.LoadVertex(base_address, index, vertex, input, memory_accesses);
-                // Send to vertex shader
-                if (g_debug_context)
-                    g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::VertexShaderInvocation,
-                                             (void*)&input);
-                shader_unit.LoadInput(regs.vs, input);
-                shader_engine->Run(g_state.vs, shader_unit);
-                shader_unit.WriteOutput(regs.vs, vs_output);
-                if (is_indexed) {
-                    vertex_cache[vertex_cache_pos] = vs_output;
-                    vertex_cache_ids[vertex_cache_pos] = vertex;
-                    vertex_cache_pos = (vertex_cache_pos + 1) % VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE;
-                }
-            }
-            // Send to geometry pipeline
-            g_state.geometry_pipeline.SubmitVertex(vs_output);
-        }
-        for (auto& range : memory_accesses.ranges) {
-            g_debug_context->recorder->MemoryAccessed(Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(range.first),
-                                                      range.second, range.first);
-        }
-        VideoCore::g_renderer->Rasterizer()->DrawTriangles();
-        if (g_debug_context) {
-            g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::FinishedPrimitiveBatch, nullptr);
-        }
+    case PICA_REG_INDEX(pipeline.trigger_draw_indexed):
+        Draw(id);
-    }
     case PICA_REG_INDEX(gs.bool_uniforms):