@ -134,13 +134,17 @@ void CoreTiming::ScheduleLoopingEvent(std::chrono::nanoseconds start_time,
std::chrono::nanoseconds resched_time,
const std::shared_ptr<EventType>& event_type,
std::uintptr_t user_data, bool absolute_time) {
std::scoped_lock scope{basic_lock};
const auto next_time{absolute_time ? start_time : GetGlobalTimeNs() + start_time};
std::scoped_lock scope{basic_lock};
const auto next_time{absolute_time ? start_time : GetGlobalTimeNs() + start_time};
Event{next_time.count(), event_fifo_id++, user_data, event_type, resched_time.count()});
Event{next_time.count(), event_fifo_id++, user_data, event_type, resched_time.count()});
std::push_heap(event_queue.begin(), event_queue.end(), std::greater<>());
std::push_heap(event_queue.begin(), event_queue.end(), std::greater<>());
void CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(const std::shared_ptr<EventType>& event_type,
@ -229,17 +233,17 @@ std::optional<s64> CoreTiming::Advance() {
if (evt.reschedule_time != 0) {
const auto next_schedule_time{new_schedule_time.has_value()
? new_schedule_time.value().count()
: evt.reschedule_time};
// If this event was scheduled into a pause, its time now is going to be way behind.
// Re-set this event to continue from the end of the pause.
auto next_time{evt.time + evt.reschedule_time};
auto next_time{evt.time + next_schedule_time};
if (evt.time < pause_end_time) {
next_time = pause_end_time + evt.reschedule_time;
next_time = pause_end_time + next_schedule_time;
const auto next_schedule_time{new_schedule_time.has_value()
? new_schedule_time.value().count()
: evt.reschedule_time};
Event{next_time, event_fifo_id++, evt.user_data, evt.type, next_schedule_time});
std::push_heap(event_queue.begin(), event_queue.end(), std::greater<>());
@ -250,8 +254,7 @@ std::optional<s64> CoreTiming::Advance() {
if (!event_queue.empty()) {
const s64 next_time = event_queue.front().time - global_timer;
return next_time;
return event_queue.front().time;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
@ -264,11 +267,29 @@ void CoreTiming::ThreadLoop() {
paused_set = false;
const auto next_time = Advance();
if (next_time) {
if (*next_time > 0) {
std::chrono::nanoseconds next_time_ns = std::chrono::nanoseconds(*next_time);
// There are more events left in the queue, wait until the next event.
const auto wait_time = *next_time - GetGlobalTimeNs().count();
if (wait_time > 0) {
// Assume a timer resolution of 1ms.
static constexpr s64 TimerResolutionNS = 1000000;
// Sleep in discrete intervals of the timer resolution, and spin the rest.
const auto sleep_time = wait_time - (wait_time % TimerResolutionNS);
if (sleep_time > 0) {
while (!paused && !event.IsSet() && GetGlobalTimeNs().count() < *next_time) {
// Yield to reduce thread starvation.
if (event.IsSet()) {
} else {
// Queue is empty, wait until another event is scheduled and signals us to continue.
wait_set = true;