mirror of https://github.com/yuzu-mirror/yuzu
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <memory>
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/copy.hpp>
#include "core/hw/gpu.h"
#include "core/hw/lcd.h"
#include "video_core/pica.h"
#include "nihstro/float24.h"
#include "graphics_tracing.h"
GraphicsTracingWidget::GraphicsTracingWidget(std::shared_ptr<Pica::DebugContext> debug_context,
QWidget* parent)
: BreakPointObserverDock(debug_context, tr("CiTrace Recorder"), parent) {
QPushButton* start_recording = new QPushButton(tr("Start Recording"));
QPushButton* stop_recording = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme("document-save"), tr("Stop and Save"));
QPushButton* abort_recording = new QPushButton(tr("Abort Recording"));
connect(this, SIGNAL(SetStartTracingButtonEnabled(bool)), start_recording, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(SetStopTracingButtonEnabled(bool)), stop_recording, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(SetAbortTracingButtonEnabled(bool)), abort_recording, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
connect(start_recording, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(StartRecording()));
connect(stop_recording, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(StopRecording()));
connect(abort_recording, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(AbortRecording()));
auto main_widget = new QWidget;
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
auto sub_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
void GraphicsTracingWidget::StartRecording() {
auto context = context_weak.lock();
if (!context)
auto shader_binary = Pica::g_state.vs.program_code;
auto swizzle_data = Pica::g_state.vs.swizzle_data;
// Encode floating point numbers to 24-bit values
// TODO: Drop this explicit conversion once we store float24 values bit-correctly internally.
std::array<uint32_t, 4 * 16> default_attributes;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
for (unsigned comp = 0; comp < 3; ++comp) {
default_attributes[4 * i + comp] = nihstro::to_float24(Pica::g_state.vs.default_attributes[i][comp].ToFloat32());
std::array<uint32_t, 4 * 96> vs_float_uniforms;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 96; ++i)
for (unsigned comp = 0; comp < 3; ++comp)
vs_float_uniforms[4 * i + comp] = nihstro::to_float24(Pica::g_state.vs.uniforms.f[i][comp].ToFloat32());
CiTrace::Recorder::InitialState state;
std::copy_n((u32*)&GPU::g_regs, sizeof(GPU::g_regs) / sizeof(u32), std::back_inserter(state.gpu_registers));
std::copy_n((u32*)&LCD::g_regs, sizeof(LCD::g_regs) / sizeof(u32), std::back_inserter(state.lcd_registers));
std::copy_n((u32*)&Pica::g_state.regs, sizeof(Pica::g_state.regs) / sizeof(u32), std::back_inserter(state.pica_registers));
boost::copy(default_attributes, std::back_inserter(state.default_attributes));
boost::copy(shader_binary, std::back_inserter(state.vs_program_binary));
boost::copy(swizzle_data, std::back_inserter(state.vs_swizzle_data));
boost::copy(vs_float_uniforms, std::back_inserter(state.vs_float_uniforms));
//boost::copy(TODO: Not implemented, std::back_inserter(state.gs_program_binary));
//boost::copy(TODO: Not implemented, std::back_inserter(state.gs_swizzle_data));
//boost::copy(TODO: Not implemented, std::back_inserter(state.gs_float_uniforms));
auto recorder = new CiTrace::Recorder(state);
context->recorder = std::shared_ptr<CiTrace::Recorder>(recorder);
emit SetStartTracingButtonEnabled(false);
emit SetStopTracingButtonEnabled(true);
emit SetAbortTracingButtonEnabled(true);
void GraphicsTracingWidget::StopRecording() {
auto context = context_weak.lock();
if (!context)
QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save CiTrace"), "citrace.ctf",
tr("CiTrace File (*.ctf)"));
if (filename.isEmpty()) {
// If the user canceled the dialog, keep recording
context->recorder = nullptr;
emit SetStopTracingButtonEnabled(false);
emit SetAbortTracingButtonEnabled(false);
emit SetStartTracingButtonEnabled(true);
void GraphicsTracingWidget::AbortRecording() {
auto context = context_weak.lock();
if (!context)
context->recorder = nullptr;
emit SetStopTracingButtonEnabled(false);
emit SetAbortTracingButtonEnabled(false);
emit SetStartTracingButtonEnabled(true);
void GraphicsTracingWidget::OnBreakPointHit(Pica::DebugContext::Event event, void* data) {
void GraphicsTracingWidget::OnResumed() {
void GraphicsTracingWidget::OnEmulationStarting(EmuThread* emu_thread) {
// Disable tracing starting/stopping until a GPU breakpoint is reached
void GraphicsTracingWidget::OnEmulationStopping() {
// TODO: Is it safe to access the context here?
auto context = context_weak.lock();
if (!context)
if (context->recorder) {
auto reply = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("CiTracing still active"),
tr("A CiTrace is still being recorded. Do you want to save it? If not, all recorded data will be discarded."),
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);
if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) {
} else {
// If the widget was disabled before, enable it now to allow starting
// tracing before starting the next emulation session
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include "graphics_breakpoint_observer.h"
class EmuThread;
class GraphicsTracingWidget : public BreakPointObserverDock {
GraphicsTracingWidget(std::shared_ptr<Pica::DebugContext> debug_context, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
private slots:
void StartRecording();
void StopRecording();
void AbortRecording();
void OnBreakPointHit(Pica::DebugContext::Event event, void* data) override;
void OnResumed() override;
void OnEmulationStarting(EmuThread* emu_thread);
void OnEmulationStopping();
void SetStartTracingButtonEnabled(bool enable);
void SetStopTracingButtonEnabled(bool enable);
void SetAbortTracingButtonEnabled(bool enable);
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace CiTrace {
// NOTE: Things are stored in little-endian
#pragma pack(1)
struct CTHeader {
static const char* ExpectedMagicWord() {
return "CiTr";
static uint32_t ExpectedVersion() {
return 1;
char magic[4];
uint32_t version;
uint32_t header_size;
struct {
// NOTE: Register range sizes are technically hardware-constants, but the actual limits
// aren't known. Hence we store the presumed limits along the offsets.
// Sizes are given in uint32_t units.
uint32_t gpu_registers;
uint32_t gpu_registers_size;
uint32_t lcd_registers;
uint32_t lcd_registers_size;
uint32_t pica_registers;
uint32_t pica_registers_size;
uint32_t default_attributes;
uint32_t default_attributes_size;
uint32_t vs_program_binary;
uint32_t vs_program_binary_size;
uint32_t vs_swizzle_data;
uint32_t vs_swizzle_data_size;
uint32_t vs_float_uniforms;
uint32_t vs_float_uniforms_size;
uint32_t gs_program_binary;
uint32_t gs_program_binary_size;
uint32_t gs_swizzle_data;
uint32_t gs_swizzle_data_size;
uint32_t gs_float_uniforms;
uint32_t gs_float_uniforms_size;
// Other things we might want to store here:
// - Initial framebuffer data, maybe even a full copy of FCRAM/VRAM
// - Lookup tables for fragment lighting
// - Lookup tables for procedural textures
} initial_state_offsets;
uint32_t stream_offset;
uint32_t stream_size;
enum CTStreamElementType : uint32_t {
FrameMarker = 0xE1,
MemoryLoad = 0xE2,
RegisterWrite = 0xE3,
struct CTMemoryLoad {
uint32_t file_offset;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t physical_address;
uint32_t pad;
struct CTRegisterWrite {
uint32_t physical_address;
enum : uint32_t {
SIZE_8 = 0xD1,
SIZE_16 = 0xD2,
SIZE_32 = 0xD3,
SIZE_64 = 0xD4
} size;
// TODO: Make it clearer which bits of this member are used for sizes other than 32 bits
uint64_t value;
struct CTStreamElement {
CTStreamElementType type;
union {
CTMemoryLoad memory_load;
CTRegisterWrite register_write;
#pragma pack()
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <cstring>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/file_util.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "recorder.h"
namespace CiTrace {
Recorder::Recorder(const InitialState& initial_state) : initial_state(initial_state) {
void Recorder::Finish(const std::string& filename) {
// Setup CiTrace header
CTHeader header;
std::memcpy(header.magic, CTHeader::ExpectedMagicWord(), 4);
header.version = CTHeader::ExpectedVersion();
header.header_size = sizeof(CTHeader);
// Calculate file offsets
auto& initial = header.initial_state_offsets;
initial.gpu_registers_size = initial_state.gpu_registers.size();
initial.lcd_registers_size = initial_state.lcd_registers.size();
initial.pica_registers_size = initial_state.pica_registers.size();
initial.default_attributes_size = initial_state.default_attributes.size();
initial.vs_program_binary_size = initial_state.vs_program_binary.size();
initial.vs_swizzle_data_size = initial_state.vs_swizzle_data.size();
initial.vs_float_uniforms_size = initial_state.vs_float_uniforms.size();
initial.gs_program_binary_size = initial_state.gs_program_binary.size();
initial.gs_swizzle_data_size = initial_state.gs_swizzle_data.size();
initial.gs_float_uniforms_size = initial_state.gs_float_uniforms.size();
header.stream_size = stream.size();
initial.gpu_registers = sizeof(header);
initial.lcd_registers = initial.gpu_registers + initial.gpu_registers_size * sizeof(u32);
initial.pica_registers = initial.lcd_registers + initial.lcd_registers_size * sizeof(u32);;
initial.default_attributes = initial.pica_registers + initial.pica_registers_size * sizeof(u32);
initial.vs_program_binary = initial.default_attributes + initial.default_attributes_size * sizeof(u32);
initial.vs_swizzle_data = initial.vs_program_binary + initial.vs_program_binary_size * sizeof(u32);
initial.vs_float_uniforms = initial.vs_swizzle_data + initial.vs_swizzle_data_size * sizeof(u32);
initial.gs_program_binary = initial.vs_float_uniforms + initial.vs_float_uniforms_size * sizeof(u32);
initial.gs_swizzle_data = initial.gs_program_binary + initial.gs_program_binary_size * sizeof(u32);
initial.gs_float_uniforms = initial.gs_swizzle_data + initial.gs_swizzle_data_size * sizeof(u32);
header.stream_offset = initial.gs_float_uniforms + initial.gs_float_uniforms_size * sizeof(u32);
// Iterate through stream elements, update relevant stream element data
for (auto& stream_element : stream) {
switch (stream_element.data.type) {
case MemoryLoad:
auto& file_offset = memory_regions[stream_element.hash];
if (!stream_element.uses_existing_data) {
file_offset = header.stream_offset;
stream_element.data.memory_load.file_offset = file_offset;
// Other commands don't use any extra data
DEBUG_ASSERT(stream_element.extra_data.size() == 0);
header.stream_offset += stream_element.extra_data.size();
try {
// Open file and write header
FileUtil::IOFile file(filename, "wb");
size_t written = file.WriteObject(header);
if (written != 1 || file.Tell() != initial.gpu_registers)
throw "Failed to write header";
// Write initial state
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.gpu_registers.data(), initial_state.gpu_registers.size());
if (written != initial_state.gpu_registers.size() || file.Tell() != initial.lcd_registers)
throw "Failed to write GPU registers";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.lcd_registers.data(), initial_state.lcd_registers.size());
if (written != initial_state.lcd_registers.size() || file.Tell() != initial.pica_registers)
throw "Failed to write LCD registers";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.pica_registers.data(), initial_state.pica_registers.size());
if (written != initial_state.pica_registers.size() || file.Tell() != initial.default_attributes)
throw "Failed to write Pica registers";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.default_attributes.data(), initial_state.default_attributes.size());
if (written != initial_state.default_attributes.size() || file.Tell() != initial.vs_program_binary)
throw "Failed to write default vertex attributes";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.vs_program_binary.data(), initial_state.vs_program_binary.size());
if (written != initial_state.vs_program_binary.size() || file.Tell() != initial.vs_swizzle_data)
throw "Failed to write vertex shader program binary";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.vs_swizzle_data.data(), initial_state.vs_swizzle_data.size());
if (written != initial_state.vs_swizzle_data.size() || file.Tell() != initial.vs_float_uniforms)
throw "Failed to write vertex shader swizzle data";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.vs_float_uniforms.data(), initial_state.vs_float_uniforms.size());
if (written != initial_state.vs_float_uniforms.size() || file.Tell() != initial.gs_program_binary)
throw "Failed to write vertex shader float uniforms";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.gs_program_binary.data(), initial_state.gs_program_binary.size());
if (written != initial_state.gs_program_binary.size() || file.Tell() != initial.gs_swizzle_data)
throw "Failed to write geomtry shader program binary";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.gs_swizzle_data.data(), initial_state.gs_swizzle_data.size());
if (written != initial_state.gs_swizzle_data.size() || file.Tell() != initial.gs_float_uniforms)
throw "Failed to write geometry shader swizzle data";
written = file.WriteArray(initial_state.gs_float_uniforms.data(), initial_state.gs_float_uniforms.size());
if (written != initial_state.gs_float_uniforms.size() || file.Tell() != initial.gs_float_uniforms + sizeof(u32) * initial.gs_float_uniforms_size)
throw "Failed to write geometry shader float uniforms";
// Iterate through stream elements, write "extra data"
for (const auto& stream_element : stream) {
if (stream_element.extra_data.size() == 0)
written = file.WriteBytes(stream_element.extra_data.data(), stream_element.extra_data.size());
if (written != stream_element.extra_data.size())
throw "Failed to write extra data";
if (file.Tell() != header.stream_offset)
throw "Unexpected end of extra data";
// Write actual stream elements
for (const auto& stream_element : stream) {
if (1 != file.WriteObject(stream_element.data))
throw "Failed to write stream element";
} catch(const char* str) {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Writing CiTrace file failed: %s", str);
void Recorder::FrameFinished() {
stream.push_back( { FrameMarker } );
void Recorder::MemoryAccessed(const u8* data, u32 size, u32 physical_address) {
StreamElement element = { MemoryLoad };
element.data.memory_load.size = size;
element.data.memory_load.physical_address = physical_address;
// Compute hash over given memory region to check if the contents are already stored internally
boost::crc_32_type result;
result.process_bytes(data, size);
element.hash = result.checksum();
element.uses_existing_data = (memory_regions.find(element.hash) != memory_regions.end());
if (!element.uses_existing_data) {
memcpy(element.extra_data.data(), data, size);
memory_regions.insert({element.hash, 0}); // file offset will be initialized in Finish()
template<typename T>
void Recorder::RegisterWritten(u32 physical_address, T value) {
StreamElement element = { RegisterWrite };
element.data.register_write.size = (sizeof(T) == 1) ? CTRegisterWrite::SIZE_8
: (sizeof(T) == 2) ? CTRegisterWrite::SIZE_16
: (sizeof(T) == 4) ? CTRegisterWrite::SIZE_32
: CTRegisterWrite::SIZE_64;
element.data.register_write.physical_address = physical_address;
element.data.register_write.value = value;
template void Recorder::RegisterWritten(u32,u8);
template void Recorder::RegisterWritten(u32,u16);
template void Recorder::RegisterWritten(u32,u32);
template void Recorder::RegisterWritten(u32,u64);
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/crc.hpp>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "citrace.h"
namespace CiTrace {
class Recorder {
struct InitialState {
std::vector<u32> gpu_registers;
std::vector<u32> lcd_registers;
std::vector<u32> pica_registers;
std::vector<u32> default_attributes;
std::vector<u32> vs_program_binary;
std::vector<u32> vs_swizzle_data;
std::vector<u32> vs_float_uniforms;
std::vector<u32> gs_program_binary;
std::vector<u32> gs_swizzle_data;
std::vector<u32> gs_float_uniforms;
* Recorder constructor
* @param default_attributes Pointer to an array of 32-bit-aligned 24-bit floating point values.
* @param vs_float_uniforms Pointer to an array of 32-bit-aligned 24-bit floating point values.
Recorder(const InitialState& initial_state);
/// Finish recording of this Citrace and save it using the given filename.
void Finish(const std::string& filename);
/// Mark end of a frame
void FrameFinished();
* Store a copy of the given memory range in the recording.
* @note Use this whenever the GPU is about to access a particular memory region.
* @note The implementation will make sure to minimize redundant memory updates.
void MemoryAccessed(const u8* data, u32 size, u32 physical_address);
* Record a register write.
* @note Use this whenever a GPU-related MMIO register has been written to.
template<typename T>
void RegisterWritten(u32 physical_address, T value);
// Initial state of recording start
InitialState initial_state;
// Command stream
struct StreamElement {
CTStreamElement data;
* Extra data to store along "core" data.
* This is e.g. used for data used in MemoryUpdates.
std::vector<u8> extra_data;
/// Optional CRC hash (e.g. for hashing memory regions)
boost::crc_32_type::value_type hash;
/// If true, refer to data already written to the output file instead of extra_data
bool uses_existing_data;
std::vector<StreamElement> stream;
* Internal cache which maps hashes of memory contents to file offsets at which those memory
* contents are stored.
std::unordered_map<boost::crc_32_type::value_type /*hash*/, u32 /*file_offset*/> memory_regions;
} // namespace
Reference in New Issue