@ -12,13 +12,17 @@
typedef u32 Handle;
typedef s32 Result;
const Handle INVALID_HANDLE = 0;
namespace Kernel {
// From kernel.h. Declarations duplicated here to avoid a circular header dependency.
class Thread;
Thread* GetCurrentThread();
// TODO: Verify code
const ResultCode ERR_OUT_OF_HANDLES(ErrorDescription::OutOfMemory, ErrorModule::Kernel,
ErrorSummary::OutOfResource, ErrorLevel::Temporary);
// TOOD: Verify code
const ResultCode ERR_INVALID_HANDLE = InvalidHandle(ErrorModule::Kernel);
enum KernelHandle {
enum KernelHandle : Handle {
CurrentThread = 0xFFFF8000,
CurrentProcess = 0xFFFF8001,
@ -41,10 +45,10 @@ enum {
class ObjectPool;
class HandleTable;
class Object : NonCopyable {
friend class ObjectPool;
friend class HandleTable;
u32 handle;
virtual ~Object() {}
@ -61,106 +65,130 @@ public:
return UnimplementedFunction(ErrorModule::Kernel);
class ObjectPool : NonCopyable {
~ObjectPool() {}
friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(Object*);
friend void intrusive_ptr_release(Object*);
// Allocates a handle within the range and inserts the object into the map.
Handle Create(Object* obj, int range_bottom=INITIAL_NEXT_ID, int range_top=0x7FFFFFFF);
unsigned int ref_count = 0;
static Object* CreateByIDType(int type);
// Special functions that will later be used by boost::instrusive_ptr to do automatic ref-counting
inline void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(Object* object) {
template <class T>
void Destroy(Handle handle) {
if (Get<T>(handle)) {
occupied[handle - HANDLE_OFFSET] = false;
delete pool[handle - HANDLE_OFFSET];
inline void intrusive_ptr_release(Object* object) {
if (--object->ref_count == 0) {
delete object;
bool IsValid(Handle handle) const;
* This class allows the creation of Handles, which are references to objects that can be tested
* for validity and looked up. Here they are used to pass references to kernel objects to/from the
* emulated process. it has been designed so that it follows the same handle format and has
* approximately the same restrictions as the handle manager in the CTR-OS.
* Handles contain two sub-fields: a slot index (bits 31:15) and a generation value (bits 14:0).
* The slot index is used to index into the arrays in this class to access the data corresponding
* to the Handle.
* To prevent accidental use of a freed Handle whose slot has already been reused, a global counter
* is kept and incremented every time a Handle is created. This is the Handle's "generation". The
* value of the counter is stored into the Handle as well as in the handle table (in the
* "generations" array). When looking up a handle, the Handle's generation must match with the
* value stored on the class, otherwise the Handle is considered invalid.
* To find free slots when allocating a Handle without needing to scan the entire object array, the
* generations field of unallocated slots is re-purposed as a linked list of indices to free slots.
* When a Handle is created, an index is popped off the list and used for the new Handle. When it
* is destroyed, it is again pushed onto the list to be re-used by the next allocation. It is
* likely that this allocation strategy differs from the one used in CTR-OS, but this hasn't been
* verified and isn't likely to cause any problems.
class HandleTable final : NonCopyable {
template <class T>
T* Get(Handle handle) {
if (handle == CurrentThread) {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(GetCurrentThread());
* Allocates a handle for the given object.
* @return The created Handle or one of the following errors:
* - `ERR_OUT_OF_HANDLES`: the maximum number of handles has been exceeded.
ResultVal<Handle> Create(Object* obj);
if (handle < HANDLE_OFFSET || handle >= HANDLE_OFFSET + MAX_COUNT || !occupied[handle - HANDLE_OFFSET]) {
if (handle != 0) {
LOG_ERROR(Kernel, "Bad object handle %08x", handle);
return nullptr;
} else {
Object* t = pool[handle - HANDLE_OFFSET];
if (t->GetHandleType() != T::GetStaticHandleType()) {
LOG_ERROR(Kernel, "Wrong object type for %08x", handle);
return nullptr;
return static_cast<T*>(t);
* Returns a new handle that points to the same object as the passed in handle.
* @return The duplicated Handle or one of the following errors:
* - `ERR_INVALID_HANDLE`: an invalid handle was passed in.
* - Any errors returned by `Create()`.
ResultVal<Handle> Duplicate(Handle handle);
// ONLY use this when you know the handle is valid.
template <class T>
T *GetFast(Handle handle) {
if (handle == CurrentThread) {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(GetCurrentThread());
* Closes a handle, removing it from the table and decreasing the object's ref-count.
* @return `RESULT_SUCCESS` or one of the following errors:
* - `ERR_INVALID_HANDLE`: an invalid handle was passed in.
ResultCode Close(Handle handle);
const Handle realHandle = handle - HANDLE_OFFSET;
_dbg_assert_(Kernel, realHandle >= 0 && realHandle < MAX_COUNT && occupied[realHandle]);
return static_cast<T*>(pool[realHandle]);
/// Checks if a handle is valid and points to an existing object.
bool IsValid(Handle handle) const;
template <class T, typename ArgT>
void Iterate(bool func(T*, ArgT), ArgT arg) {
int type = T::GetStaticIDType();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; i++)
if (!occupied[i])
T* t = static_cast<T*>(pool[i]);
if (t->GetIDType() == type) {
if (!func(t, arg))
* Looks up a handle.
* @returns Pointer to the looked-up object, or `nullptr` if the handle is not valid.
Object* GetGeneric(Handle handle) const;
bool GetIDType(Handle handle, HandleType* type) const {
if ((handle < HANDLE_OFFSET) || (handle >= HANDLE_OFFSET + MAX_COUNT) ||
!occupied[handle - HANDLE_OFFSET]) {
LOG_ERROR(Kernel, "Bad object handle %08X", handle);
return false;
* Looks up a handle while verifying its type.
* @returns Pointer to the looked-up object, or `nullptr` if the handle is not valid or its
* type differs from the handle type `T::HANDLE_TYPE`.
template <class T>
T* Get(Handle handle) const {
Object* object = GetGeneric(handle);
if (object != nullptr && object->GetHandleType() == T::HANDLE_TYPE) {
return static_cast<T*>(object);
Object* t = pool[handle - HANDLE_OFFSET];
*type = t->GetHandleType();
return true;
return nullptr;
Object* &operator [](Handle handle);
void List();
/// Closes all handles held in this table.
void Clear();
int GetCount() const;
* This is the maximum limit of handles allowed per process in CTR-OS. It can be further
* reduced by ExHeader values, but this is not emulated here.
static const size_t MAX_COUNT = 4096;
static size_t GetSlot(Handle handle) { return handle >> 15; }
static u16 GetGeneration(Handle handle) { return handle & 0x7FFF; }
/// Stores the Object referenced by the handle or null if the slot is empty.
std::array<Object*, MAX_COUNT> objects;
enum {
MAX_COUNT = 0x1000,
* The value of `next_generation` when the handle was created, used to check for validity. For
* empty slots, contains the index of the next free slot in the list.
std::array<u16, MAX_COUNT> generations;
* Global counter of the number of created handles. Stored in `generations` when a handle is
* created, and wraps around to 1 when it hits 0x8000.
u16 next_generation;
std::array<Object*, MAX_COUNT> pool;
std::array<bool, MAX_COUNT> occupied;
int next_id;
/// Head of the free slots linked list.
u16 next_free_slot;
extern ObjectPool g_object_pool;
extern HandleTable g_handle_table;
extern Handle g_main_thread;
/// The ID code of the currently running game