@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include "emu_window.h"
#include "video_core/video_core.h"
bool EmuWindow::touch_pressed = false;
void EmuWindow::KeyPressed(KeyMap::HostDeviceKey key) {
Service::HID::PadState mapped_key = KeyMap::GetPadKey(key);
@ -17,7 +19,68 @@ void EmuWindow::KeyReleased(KeyMap::HostDeviceKey key) {
EmuWindow::FramebufferLayout EmuWindow::FramebufferLayout::DefaultScreenLayout(unsigned width, unsigned height) {
* Check if the given x/y coordinates are within the touchpad specified by the framebuffer layout
* @param layout FramebufferLayout object describing the framebuffer size and screen positions
* @param framebuffer_x Framebuffer x-coordinate to check
* @param framebuffer_y Framebuffer y-coordinate to check
* @return True if the coordinates are within the touchpad, otherwise false
static bool IsWithinTouchscreen(const EmuWindow::FramebufferLayout& layout, unsigned framebuffer_x,
unsigned framebuffer_y) {
return (framebuffer_y >= layout.bottom_screen.top &&
framebuffer_y < layout.bottom_screen.bottom &&
framebuffer_x >= layout.bottom_screen.left &&
framebuffer_x < layout.bottom_screen.right);
void EmuWindow::TouchPressed(const FramebufferLayout& layout, unsigned framebuffer_x,
unsigned framebuffer_y) {
if (IsWithinTouchscreen(layout, framebuffer_x, framebuffer_y)) {
u16 touch_x = VideoCore::kScreenBottomWidth * (framebuffer_x - layout.bottom_screen.left) /
(layout.bottom_screen.right - layout.bottom_screen.left);
u16 touch_y = VideoCore::kScreenBottomHeight * (framebuffer_y - layout.bottom_screen.top) /
(layout.bottom_screen.bottom - layout.bottom_screen.top);
Service::HID::TouchPress(touch_x, touch_y);
touch_pressed = true;
void EmuWindow::TouchReleased(const FramebufferLayout& layout, unsigned framebuffer_x,
unsigned framebuffer_y) {
if (IsWithinTouchscreen(layout, framebuffer_x, framebuffer_y)) {
touch_pressed = false;
void EmuWindow::TouchMoved(const FramebufferLayout& layout, unsigned framebuffer_x,
unsigned framebuffer_y) {
if (touch_pressed) {
if (IsWithinTouchscreen(layout, framebuffer_x, framebuffer_y)) {
EmuWindow::TouchPressed(layout, framebuffer_x, framebuffer_y);
} else {
touch_pressed = false;
EmuWindow::FramebufferLayout EmuWindow::FramebufferLayout::DefaultScreenLayout(unsigned width,
unsigned height) {
ASSERT(width > 0);
ASSERT(height > 0);