@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/math_util.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "pica.h"
@ -20,16 +21,31 @@ namespace Rasterizer {
static void DrawPixel(int x, int y, const Math::Vec4<u8>& color) {
const PAddr addr = registers.framebuffer.GetColorBufferPhysicalAddress();
u32* color_buffer = reinterpret_cast<u32*>(Memory::GetPointer(PAddrToVAddr(addr)));
u32 value = (color.a() << 24) | (color.r() << 16) | (color.g() << 8) | color.b();
// Assuming RGBA8 format until actual framebuffer format handling is implemented
*(color_buffer + x + y * registers.framebuffer.GetWidth()) = value;
// Similarly to textures, the render framebuffer is laid out from bottom to top, too.
// NOTE: The framebuffer height register contains the actual FB height minus one.
y = (registers.framebuffer.height - y);
switch (registers.framebuffer.color_format) {
case registers.framebuffer.RGBA8:
u32 value = (color.a() << 24) | (color.r() << 16) | (color.g() << 8) | color.b();
*(color_buffer + x + y * registers.framebuffer.GetWidth()) = value;
LOG_CRITICAL(Render_Software, "Unknown framebuffer color format %x", registers.framebuffer.color_format);
static const Math::Vec4<u8> GetPixel(int x, int y) {
const PAddr addr = registers.framebuffer.GetColorBufferPhysicalAddress();
u32* color_buffer_u32 = reinterpret_cast<u32*>(Memory::GetPointer(PAddrToVAddr(addr)));
y = (registers.framebuffer.height - y);
u32 value = *(color_buffer_u32 + x + y * registers.framebuffer.GetWidth());
Math::Vec4<u8> ret;
ret.a() = value >> 24;
@ -43,6 +59,8 @@ static u32 GetDepth(int x, int y) {
const PAddr addr = registers.framebuffer.GetDepthBufferPhysicalAddress();
u16* depth_buffer = reinterpret_cast<u16*>(Memory::GetPointer(PAddrToVAddr(addr)));
y = (registers.framebuffer.height - y);
// Assuming 16-bit depth buffer format until actual format handling is implemented
return *(depth_buffer + x + y * registers.framebuffer.GetWidth());
@ -51,6 +69,8 @@ static void SetDepth(int x, int y, u16 value) {
const PAddr addr = registers.framebuffer.GetDepthBufferPhysicalAddress();
u16* depth_buffer = reinterpret_cast<u16*>(Memory::GetPointer(PAddrToVAddr(addr)));
y = (registers.framebuffer.height - y);
// Assuming 16-bit depth buffer format until actual format handling is implemented
*(depth_buffer + x + y * registers.framebuffer.GetWidth()) = value;
@ -90,30 +110,43 @@ static int SignedArea (const Math::Vec2<Fix12P4>& vtx1,
return Math::Cross(vec1, vec2).z;
void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v1,
const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v2)
* Helper function for ProcessTriangle with the "reversed" flag to allow for implementing
* culling via recursion.
static void ProcessTriangleInternal(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v1,
const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v2,
bool reversed = false)
// vertex positions in rasterizer coordinates
auto FloatToFix = [](float24 flt) {
return Fix12P4(static_cast<unsigned short>(flt.ToFloat32() * 16.0f));
auto ScreenToRasterizerCoordinates = [FloatToFix](const Math::Vec3<float24> vec) {
return Math::Vec3<Fix12P4>{FloatToFix(vec.x), FloatToFix(vec.y), FloatToFix(vec.z)};
static auto FloatToFix = [](float24 flt) {
// TODO: Rounding here is necessary to prevent garbage pixels at
// triangle borders. Is it that the correct solution, though?
return Fix12P4(static_cast<unsigned short>(round(flt.ToFloat32() * 16.0f)));
static auto ScreenToRasterizerCoordinates = [](const Math::Vec3<float24>& vec) {
return Math::Vec3<Fix12P4>{FloatToFix(vec.x), FloatToFix(vec.y), FloatToFix(vec.z)};
Math::Vec3<Fix12P4> vtxpos[3]{ ScreenToRasterizerCoordinates(v0.screenpos),
ScreenToRasterizerCoordinates(v2.screenpos) };
if (registers.cull_mode == Regs::CullMode::KeepClockWise) {
// Reverse vertex order and use the CCW code path.
std::swap(vtxpos[1], vtxpos[2]);
if (registers.cull_mode == Regs::CullMode::KeepAll) {
// Make sure we always end up with a triangle wound counter-clockwise
if (!reversed && SignedArea(vtxpos[0].xy(), vtxpos[1].xy(), vtxpos[2].xy()) <= 0) {
ProcessTriangleInternal(v0, v2, v1, true);
} else {
if (!reversed && registers.cull_mode == Regs::CullMode::KeepClockWise) {
// Reverse vertex order and use the CCW code path.
ProcessTriangleInternal(v0, v2, v1, true);
if (registers.cull_mode != Regs::CullMode::KeepAll) {
// Cull away triangles which are wound clockwise.
// TODO: A check for degenerate triangles ("== 0") should be considered for CullMode::KeepAll
if (SignedArea(vtxpos[0].xy(), vtxpos[1].xy(), vtxpos[2].xy()) <= 0)
@ -155,9 +188,10 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
auto textures = registers.GetTextures();
auto tev_stages = registers.GetTevStages();
// Enter rasterization loop, starting at the center of the topleft bounding box corner.
// TODO: Not sure if looping through x first might be faster
for (u16 y = min_y; y < max_y; y += 0x10) {
for (u16 x = min_x; x < max_x; x += 0x10) {
for (u16 y = min_y + 8; y < max_y; y += 0x10) {
for (u16 x = min_x + 8; x < max_x; x += 0x10) {
// Calculate the barycentric coordinates w0, w1 and w2
int w0 = bias0 + SignedArea(vtxpos[1].xy(), vtxpos[2].xy(), {x, y});
@ -220,7 +254,7 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
int s = (int)(uv[i].u() * float24::FromFloat32(static_cast<float>(texture.config.width))).ToFloat32();
int t = (int)(uv[i].v() * float24::FromFloat32(static_cast<float>(texture.config.height))).ToFloat32();
auto GetWrappedTexCoord = [](Regs::TextureConfig::WrapMode mode, int val, unsigned size) {
static auto GetWrappedTexCoord = [](Regs::TextureConfig::WrapMode mode, int val, unsigned size) {
switch (mode) {
case Regs::TextureConfig::ClampToEdge:
val = std::max(val, 0);
@ -228,7 +262,15 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
return val;
case Regs::TextureConfig::Repeat:
return (int)(((unsigned)val) % size);
return (int)((unsigned)val % size);
case Regs::TextureConfig::MirroredRepeat:
int val = (int)((unsigned)val % (2 * size));
if (val >= size)
val = 2 * size - 1 - val;
return val;
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unknown texture coordinate wrapping mode %x\n", (int)mode);
@ -236,6 +278,10 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
return 0;
// Textures are laid out from bottom to top, hence we invert the t coordinate.
// NOTE: This may not be the right place for the inversion.
// TODO: Check if this applies to ETC textures, too.
s = GetWrappedTexCoord(texture.config.wrap_s, s, texture.config.width);
t = texture.config.height - 1 - GetWrappedTexCoord(texture.config.wrap_t, t, texture.config.height);
@ -262,7 +308,9 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
auto GetSource = [&](Source source) -> Math::Vec4<u8> {
switch (source) {
// TODO: What's the difference between these two?
case Source::PrimaryColor:
case Source::PrimaryFragmentColor:
return primary_color;
case Source::Texture0:
@ -378,6 +426,25 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
return result.Cast<u8>();
case Operation::MultiplyThenAdd:
auto result = (input[0] * input[1] + 255 * input[2].Cast<int>()) / 255;
result.r() = std::min(255, result.r());
result.g() = std::min(255, result.g());
result.b() = std::min(255, result.b());
return result.Cast<u8>();
case Operation::AddThenMultiply:
auto result = input[0] + input[1];
result.r() = std::min(255, result.r());
result.g() = std::min(255, result.g());
result.b() = std::min(255, result.b());
result = (result * input[2].Cast<int>()) / 255;
return result.Cast<u8>();
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unknown color combiner operation %d\n", (int)op);
@ -402,6 +469,12 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
case Operation::Subtract:
return std::max(0, (int)input[0] - (int)input[1]);
case Operation::MultiplyThenAdd:
return std::min(255, (input[0] * input[1] + 255 * input[2]) / 255);
case Operation::AddThenMultiply:
return (std::min(255, (input[0] + input[1])) * input[2]) / 255;
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unknown alpha combiner operation %d\n", (int)op);
@ -475,7 +548,7 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
// TODO: Does depth indeed only get written even if depth testing is enabled?
if (registers.output_merger.depth_test_enable) {
u16 z = (u16)(-(v0.screenpos[2].ToFloat32() * w0 +
u16 z = (u16)((v0.screenpos[2].ToFloat32() * w0 +
v1.screenpos[2].ToFloat32() * w1 +
v2.screenpos[2].ToFloat32() * w2) * 65535.f / wsum);
u16 ref_z = GetDepth(x >> 4, y >> 4);
@ -524,6 +597,7 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
auto dest = GetPixel(x >> 4, y >> 4);
Math::Vec4<u8> blend_output = combiner_output;
if (registers.output_merger.alphablend_enable) {
auto params = registers.output_merger.alpha_blending;
@ -574,7 +648,7 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Unknown color blend factor %x", factor);
@ -607,86 +681,78 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Unknown alpha blend factor %x", factor);
auto srcfactor = Math::MakeVec(LookupFactorRGB(params.factor_source_rgb),
auto dstfactor = Math::MakeVec(LookupFactorRGB(params.factor_dest_rgb),
using BlendEquation = decltype(params)::BlendEquation;
static auto EvaluateBlendEquation = [](const Math::Vec4<u8>& src, const Math::Vec4<u8>& srcfactor,
const Math::Vec4<u8>& dest, const Math::Vec4<u8>& destfactor,
BlendEquation equation) {
Math::Vec4<int> result;
auto src_result = (combiner_output * srcfactor).Cast<int>();
auto dst_result = (dest * dstfactor).Cast<int>();
switch (params.blend_equation_rgb) {
case params.Add:
auto result = (src_result + dst_result) / 255;
result.r() = std::min(255, result.r());
result.g() = std::min(255, result.g());
result.b() = std::min(255, result.b());
combiner_output = result.Cast<u8>();
auto src_result = (src * srcfactor).Cast<int>();
auto dst_result = (dest * destfactor).Cast<int>();
case params.Subtract:
auto result = (src_result - dst_result) / 255;
result.r() = std::max(0, result.r());
result.g() = std::max(0, result.g());
result.b() = std::max(0, result.b());
combiner_output = result.Cast<u8>();
switch (equation) {
case BlendEquation::Add:
result = (src_result + dst_result) / 255;
case params.ReverseSubtract:
auto result = (dst_result - src_result) / 255;
result.r() = std::max(0, result.r());
result.g() = std::max(0, result.g());
result.b() = std::max(0, result.b());
combiner_output = result.Cast<u8>();
case BlendEquation::Subtract:
result = (src_result - dst_result) / 255;
case params.Min:
// TODO: GL spec says to do it without the factors, but is this what the 3DS does?
Math::Vec4<int> result;
result.r() = std::min(combiner_output.r(),dest.r());
result.g() = std::min(combiner_output.g(),dest.g());
result.b() = std::min(combiner_output.b(),dest.b());
combiner_output = result.Cast<u8>();
case BlendEquation::ReverseSubtract:
result = (dst_result - src_result) / 255;
case params.Max:
// TODO: GL spec says to do it without the factors, but is this what the 3DS does?
Math::Vec4<int> result;
result.r() = std::max(combiner_output.r(),dest.r());
result.g() = std::max(combiner_output.g(),dest.g());
result.b() = std::max(combiner_output.b(),dest.b());
combiner_output = result.Cast<u8>();
// TODO: How do these two actually work?
// OpenGL doesn't include the blend factors in the min/max computations,
// but is this what the 3DS actually does?
case BlendEquation::Min:
result.r() = std::min(src.r(), dest.r());
result.g() = std::min(src.g(), dest.g());
result.b() = std::min(src.b(), dest.b());
result.a() = std::min(src.a(), dest.a());
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Unknown RGB blend equation %x", params.blend_equation_rgb.Value());
case BlendEquation::Max:
result.r() = std::max(src.r(), dest.r());
result.g() = std::max(src.g(), dest.g());
result.b() = std::max(src.b(), dest.b());
result.a() = std::max(src.a(), dest.a());
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Unknown RGB blend equation %x", equation);
return Math::Vec4<u8>(MathUtil::Clamp(result.r(), 0, 255),
MathUtil::Clamp(result.g(), 0, 255),
MathUtil::Clamp(result.b(), 0, 255),
MathUtil::Clamp(result.a(), 0, 255));
auto srcfactor = Math::MakeVec(LookupFactorRGB(params.factor_source_rgb),
auto dstfactor = Math::MakeVec(LookupFactorRGB(params.factor_dest_rgb),
blend_output = EvaluateBlendEquation(combiner_output, srcfactor, dest, dstfactor, params.blend_equation_rgb);
blend_output.a() = EvaluateBlendEquation(combiner_output, srcfactor, dest, dstfactor, params.blend_equation_a).a();
} else {
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "logic op: %x", registers.output_merger.logic_op);
const Math::Vec4<u8> result = {
registers.output_merger.red_enable ? combiner_output.r() : dest.r(),
registers.output_merger.green_enable ? combiner_output.g() : dest.g(),
registers.output_merger.blue_enable ? combiner_output.b() : dest.b(),
registers.output_merger.alpha_enable ? combiner_output.a() : dest.a()
registers.output_merger.red_enable ? blend_output.r() : dest.r(),
registers.output_merger.green_enable ? blend_output.g() : dest.g(),
registers.output_merger.blue_enable ? blend_output.b() : dest.b(),
registers.output_merger.alpha_enable ? blend_output.a() : dest.a()
DrawPixel(x >> 4, y >> 4, result);
@ -694,6 +760,12 @@ void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
void ProcessTriangle(const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v0,
const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v1,
const VertexShader::OutputVertex& v2) {
ProcessTriangleInternal(v0, v1, v2);
} // namespace Rasterizer
} // namespace Pica