mirror of https://github.com/yuzu-mirror/yuzu
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
// Copyright 2017 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include "common/bit_field.h"
#include "common/color.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/math_util.h"
#include "common/vector_math.h"
#include "video_core/texture/etc1.h"
namespace Pica {
namespace Texture {
namespace {
constexpr std::array<u8[2], 8> etc1_modifier_table = {{
{2, 8}, {5, 17}, {9, 29}, {13, 42}, {18, 60}, {24, 80}, {33, 106}, {47, 183},
union ETC1Tile {
u64 raw;
// Each of these two is a collection of 16 bits (one per lookup value)
BitField<0, 16, u64> table_subindexes;
BitField<16, 16, u64> negation_flags;
unsigned GetTableSubIndex(unsigned index) const {
return (table_subindexes >> index) & 1;
bool GetNegationFlag(unsigned index) const {
return ((negation_flags >> index) & 1) == 1;
BitField<32, 1, u64> flip;
BitField<33, 1, u64> differential_mode;
BitField<34, 3, u64> table_index_2;
BitField<37, 3, u64> table_index_1;
union {
// delta value + base value
BitField<40, 3, s64> db;
BitField<43, 5, u64> b;
BitField<48, 3, s64> dg;
BitField<51, 5, u64> g;
BitField<56, 3, s64> dr;
BitField<59, 5, u64> r;
} differential;
union {
BitField<40, 4, u64> b2;
BitField<44, 4, u64> b1;
BitField<48, 4, u64> g2;
BitField<52, 4, u64> g1;
BitField<56, 4, u64> r2;
BitField<60, 4, u64> r1;
} separate;
const Math::Vec3<u8> GetRGB(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const {
int texel = 4 * x + y;
if (flip)
std::swap(x, y);
// Lookup base value
Math::Vec3<int> ret;
if (differential_mode) {
ret.r() = static_cast<int>(differential.r);
ret.g() = static_cast<int>(differential.g);
ret.b() = static_cast<int>(differential.b);
if (x >= 2) {
ret.r() += static_cast<int>(differential.dr);
ret.g() += static_cast<int>(differential.dg);
ret.b() += static_cast<int>(differential.db);
ret.r() = Color::Convert5To8(ret.r());
ret.g() = Color::Convert5To8(ret.g());
ret.b() = Color::Convert5To8(ret.b());
} else {
if (x < 2) {
ret.r() = Color::Convert4To8(static_cast<u8>(separate.r1));
ret.g() = Color::Convert4To8(static_cast<u8>(separate.g1));
ret.b() = Color::Convert4To8(static_cast<u8>(separate.b1));
} else {
ret.r() = Color::Convert4To8(static_cast<u8>(separate.r2));
ret.g() = Color::Convert4To8(static_cast<u8>(separate.g2));
ret.b() = Color::Convert4To8(static_cast<u8>(separate.b2));
// Add modifier
unsigned table_index =
static_cast<int>((x < 2) ? table_index_1.Value() : table_index_2.Value());
int modifier = etc1_modifier_table[table_index][GetTableSubIndex(texel)];
if (GetNegationFlag(texel))
modifier *= -1;
ret.r() = MathUtil::Clamp(ret.r() + modifier, 0, 255);
ret.g() = MathUtil::Clamp(ret.g() + modifier, 0, 255);
ret.b() = MathUtil::Clamp(ret.b() + modifier, 0, 255);
return ret.Cast<u8>();
} // anonymous namespace
Math::Vec3<u8> SampleETC1Subtile(u64 value, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
ETC1Tile tile{value};
return tile.GetRGB(x, y);
} // namespace Texture
} // namespace Pica
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Copyright 2017 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/vector_math.h"
namespace Pica {
namespace Texture {
Math::Vec3<u8> SampleETC1Subtile(u64 value, unsigned int x, unsigned int y);
} // namespace Texture
} // namespace Pica
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
// Copyright 2017 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/color.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/math_util.h"
#include "common/swap.h"
#include "common/vector_math.h"
#include "video_core/pica.h"
#include "video_core/texture/etc1.h"
#include "video_core/texture/texture_decode.h"
#include "video_core/utils.h"
using TextureFormat = Pica::Regs::TextureFormat;
namespace Pica {
namespace Texture {
constexpr size_t TILE_SIZE = 8 * 8;
constexpr size_t ETC1_SUBTILES = 2 * 2;
size_t CalculateTileSize(TextureFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case TextureFormat::RGBA8:
return 4 * TILE_SIZE;
case TextureFormat::RGB8:
return 3 * TILE_SIZE;
case TextureFormat::RGB5A1:
case TextureFormat::RGB565:
case TextureFormat::RGBA4:
case TextureFormat::IA8:
case TextureFormat::RG8:
return 2 * TILE_SIZE;
case TextureFormat::I8:
case TextureFormat::A8:
case TextureFormat::IA4:
return 1 * TILE_SIZE;
case TextureFormat::I4:
case TextureFormat::A4:
return TILE_SIZE / 2;
case TextureFormat::ETC1:
return ETC1_SUBTILES * 8;
case TextureFormat::ETC1A4:
return ETC1_SUBTILES * 16;
default: // placeholder for yet unknown formats
return 0;
Math::Vec4<u8> LookupTexture(const u8* source, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
const TextureInfo& info, bool disable_alpha) {
// Coordinate in tiles
const unsigned int coarse_x = x / 8;
const unsigned int coarse_y = y / 8;
// Coordinate inside the tile
const unsigned int fine_x = x % 8;
const unsigned int fine_y = y % 8;
const u8* line = source + coarse_y * info.stride;
const u8* tile = line + coarse_x * CalculateTileSize(info.format);
return LookupTexelInTile(tile, fine_x, fine_y, info, disable_alpha);
Math::Vec4<u8> LookupTexelInTile(const u8* source, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
const TextureInfo& info, bool disable_alpha) {
using VideoCore::MortonInterleave;
switch (info.format) {
case Regs::TextureFormat::RGBA8: {
auto res = Color::DecodeRGBA8(source + MortonInterleave(x, y) * 4);
return {res.r(), res.g(), res.b(), static_cast<u8>(disable_alpha ? 255 : res.a())};
case Regs::TextureFormat::RGB8: {
auto res = Color::DecodeRGB8(source + MortonInterleave(x, y) * 3);
return {res.r(), res.g(), res.b(), 255};
case Regs::TextureFormat::RGB5A1: {
auto res = Color::DecodeRGB5A1(source + MortonInterleave(x, y) * 2);
return {res.r(), res.g(), res.b(), static_cast<u8>(disable_alpha ? 255 : res.a())};
case Regs::TextureFormat::RGB565: {
auto res = Color::DecodeRGB565(source + MortonInterleave(x, y) * 2);
return {res.r(), res.g(), res.b(), 255};
case Regs::TextureFormat::RGBA4: {
auto res = Color::DecodeRGBA4(source + MortonInterleave(x, y) * 2);
return {res.r(), res.g(), res.b(), static_cast<u8>(disable_alpha ? 255 : res.a())};
case Regs::TextureFormat::IA8: {
const u8* source_ptr = source + MortonInterleave(x, y) * 2;
if (disable_alpha) {
// Show intensity as red, alpha as green
return {source_ptr[1], source_ptr[0], 0, 255};
} else {
return {source_ptr[1], source_ptr[1], source_ptr[1], source_ptr[0]};
case Regs::TextureFormat::RG8: {
auto res = Color::DecodeRG8(source + MortonInterleave(x, y) * 2);
return {res.r(), res.g(), 0, 255};
case Regs::TextureFormat::I8: {
const u8* source_ptr = source + MortonInterleave(x, y);
return {*source_ptr, *source_ptr, *source_ptr, 255};
case Regs::TextureFormat::A8: {
const u8* source_ptr = source + MortonInterleave(x, y);
if (disable_alpha) {
return {*source_ptr, *source_ptr, *source_ptr, 255};
} else {
return {0, 0, 0, *source_ptr};
case Regs::TextureFormat::IA4: {
const u8* source_ptr = source + MortonInterleave(x, y);
u8 i = Color::Convert4To8(((*source_ptr) & 0xF0) >> 4);
u8 a = Color::Convert4To8((*source_ptr) & 0xF);
if (disable_alpha) {
// Show intensity as red, alpha as green
return {i, a, 0, 255};
} else {
return {i, i, i, a};
case Regs::TextureFormat::I4: {
u32 morton_offset = MortonInterleave(x, y);
const u8* source_ptr = source + morton_offset / 2;
u8 i = (morton_offset % 2) ? ((*source_ptr & 0xF0) >> 4) : (*source_ptr & 0xF);
i = Color::Convert4To8(i);
return {i, i, i, 255};
case Regs::TextureFormat::A4: {
u32 morton_offset = MortonInterleave(x, y);
const u8* source_ptr = source + morton_offset / 2;
u8 a = (morton_offset % 2) ? ((*source_ptr & 0xF0) >> 4) : (*source_ptr & 0xF);
a = Color::Convert4To8(a);
if (disable_alpha) {
return {a, a, a, 255};
} else {
return {0, 0, 0, a};
case Regs::TextureFormat::ETC1:
case Regs::TextureFormat::ETC1A4: {
bool has_alpha = (info.format == Regs::TextureFormat::ETC1A4);
size_t subtile_size = has_alpha ? 16 : 8;
// ETC1 further subdivides each 8x8 tile into four 4x4 subtiles
constexpr unsigned int subtile_width = 4;
constexpr unsigned int subtile_height = 4;
unsigned int subtile_index = (x / subtile_width) + 2 * (y / subtile_height);
x %= subtile_width;
y %= subtile_height;
const u8* subtile_ptr = source + subtile_index * subtile_size;
u8 alpha = 255;
if (has_alpha) {
u64_le packed_alpha;
memcpy(&packed_alpha, subtile_ptr, sizeof(u64));
subtile_ptr += sizeof(u64);
alpha = Color::Convert4To8((packed_alpha >> (4 * (x * subtile_width + y))) & 0xF);
u64_le subtile_data;
memcpy(&subtile_data, subtile_ptr, sizeof(u64));
return Math::MakeVec(SampleETC1Subtile(subtile_data, x, y),
disable_alpha ? (u8)255 : alpha);
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unknown texture format: %x", (u32)info.format);
return {};
TextureInfo TextureInfo::FromPicaRegister(const Regs::TextureConfig& config,
const Regs::TextureFormat& format) {
TextureInfo info;
info.physical_address = config.GetPhysicalAddress();
info.width = config.width;
info.height = config.height;
info.format = format;
return info;
} // namespace Texture
} // namespace Pica
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// Copyright 2017 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/vector_math.h"
#include "video_core/pica.h"
namespace Pica {
namespace Texture {
/// Returns the byte size of a 8*8 tile of the specified texture format.
size_t CalculateTileSize(Pica::Regs::TextureFormat format);
struct TextureInfo {
PAddr physical_address;
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
ptrdiff_t stride;
Pica::Regs::TextureFormat format;
static TextureInfo FromPicaRegister(const Pica::Regs::TextureConfig& config,
const Pica::Regs::TextureFormat& format);
/// Calculates stride from format and width, assuming that the entire texture is contiguous.
void SetDefaultStride() {
stride = Pica::Texture::CalculateTileSize(format) * (width / 8);
* Lookup texel located at the given coordinates and return an RGBA vector of its color.
* @param source Source pointer to read data from
* @param x,y Texture coordinates to read from
* @param info TextureInfo object describing the texture setup
* @param disable_alpha This is used for debug widgets which use this method to display textures
* without providing a good way to visualize alpha by themselves. If true, this will return 255 for
* the alpha component, and either drop the information entirely or store it in an "unused" color
* channel.
* @todo Eventually we should get rid of the disable_alpha parameter.
Math::Vec4<u8> LookupTexture(const u8* source, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
const TextureInfo& info, bool disable_alpha = false);
* Looks up a texel from a single 8x8 texture tile.
* @param source Pointer to the beginning of the tile.
* @param x, y In-tile coordinates to read from. Must be < 8.
* @param info TextureInfo describing the texture format.
* @param disable_alpha Used for debugging. Sets the result alpha to 255 and either discards the
* real alpha or inserts it in an otherwise unused channel.
Math::Vec4<u8> LookupTexelInTile(const u8* source, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
const TextureInfo& info, bool disable_alpha);
} // namespace Texture
} // namespace Pica
Reference in New Issue