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162 lines
5.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# ubi_reader/ubi
# (c) 2013 Jason Pruitt (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from ubireader import settings
def ubi(ubi, tab=''):
buf = '%sUBI File\n' % (tab)
buf += '%s---------------------\n' % (tab)
buf += '\t%sMin I/O: %s\n' % (tab, ubi.min_io_size)
buf += '\t%sLEB Size: %s\n' % (tab, ubi.leb_size)
buf += '\t%sPEB Size: %s\n' % (tab, ubi.peb_size)
buf += '\t%sTotal Block Count: %s\n' % (tab, ubi.block_count)
buf += '\t%sData Block Count: %s\n' % (tab, len(ubi.data_blocks_list))
buf += '\t%sLayout Block Count: %s\n' % (tab, len(ubi.layout_blocks_list))
buf += '\t%sInternal Volume Block Count: %s\n' % (tab, len(ubi.int_vol_blocks_list))
buf += '\t%sUnknown Block Count: %s\n' % (tab, len(ubi.unknown_blocks_list))
buf += '\t%sFirst UBI PEB Number: %s\n' % (tab, ubi.first_peb_num)
return buf
def image(image, tab=''):
buf = '%s%s\n' % (tab, image)
buf += '%s---------------------\n' % (tab)
buf += '\t%sImage Sequence Num: %s\n' % (tab, image.image_seq)
for volume in image.volumes:
buf += '\t%sVolume Name:%s\n' % (tab, volume)
buf += '\t%sPEB Range: %s - %s\n' % (tab, image.peb_range[0], image.peb_range[1])
return buf
def volume(volume, tab=''):
buf = '%s%s\n' % (tab, volume)
buf += '%s---------------------\n' % (tab)
buf += '\t%sVol ID: %s\n' % (tab, volume.vol_id)
buf += '\t%sName: %s\n' % (tab,'utf-8'))
buf += '\t%sBlock Count: %s\n' % (tab, volume.block_count)
buf += '\n'
buf += '\t%sVolume Record\n' % (tab)
buf += '\t%s---------------------\n' % (tab)
buf += vol_rec(volume.vol_rec, '\t\t%s' % tab)
buf += '\n'
return buf
def block(block, tab='\t'):
buf = '%s%s\n' % (tab, block)
buf += '%s---------------------\n' % (tab)
buf += '\t%sFile Offset: %s\n' % (tab, block.file_offset)
buf += '\t%sPEB #: %s\n' % (tab, block.peb_num)
buf += '\t%sLEB #: %s\n' % (tab, block.leb_num)
buf += '\t%sBlock Size: %s\n' % (tab, block.size)
buf += '\t%sInternal Volume: %s\n' % (tab, block.is_internal_vol)
buf += '\t%sIs Volume Table: %s\n' % (tab, block.is_vtbl)
buf += '\t%sIs Valid: %s\n' % (tab, block.is_valid)
if not block.ec_hdr.errors or settings.ignore_block_header_errors:
buf += '\n'
buf += '\t%sErase Count Header\n' % (tab)
buf += '\t%s---------------------\n' % (tab)
buf += ec_hdr(block.ec_hdr, '\t\t%s' % tab)
if (block.vid_hdr and not block.vid_hdr.errors) or settings.ignore_block_header_errors:
buf += '\n'
buf += '\t%sVID Header\n' % (tab)
buf += '\t%s---------------------\n' % (tab)
buf += vid_hdr(block.vid_hdr, '\t\t%s' % tab)
if block.vtbl_recs:
buf += '\n'
buf += '\t%sVolume Records\n' % (tab)
buf += '\t%s---------------------\n' % (tab)
for vol in block.vtbl_recs:
buf += vol_rec(vol, '\t\t%s' % tab)
buf += '\n'
return buf
def ec_hdr(ec_hdr, tab=''):
buf = ''
for key, value in ec_hdr:
if key == 'errors':
value = ','.join(value)
elif key == 'hdr_crc':
value = hex(value)
buf += '%s%s: %r\n' % (tab, key, value)
return buf
def vid_hdr(vid_hdr, tab=''):
buf = ''
for key, value in vid_hdr:
if key == 'errors':
value = ','.join(value)
elif key == 'hdr_crc':
value = hex(value)
elif key == 'compat':
if value in PRINT_COMPAT_LIST:
value = PRINT_COMPAT_LIST[value]
value = -1
elif key == 'vol_type':
if value < len(PRINT_VOL_TYPE_LIST):
value = PRINT_VOL_TYPE_LIST[value]
value = -1
buf += '%s%s: %r\n' % (tab, key, value)
return buf
def vol_rec(vol_rec, tab=''):
buf = ''
for key, value in vol_rec:
if key == 'errors':
value = ','.join(value)
elif key == 'crc':
value = hex(value)
elif key == 'vol_type':
if value < len(PRINT_VOL_TYPE_LIST):
value = PRINT_VOL_TYPE_LIST[value]
value = -1
elif key == 'flags' and value == UBI_VTBL_AUTORESIZE_FLG:
value = 'autoresize'
elif key == 'name':
value = value.strip(b'\x00').decode('utf-8')
elif key == 'padding':
value = value.decode('utf-8')
buf += '%s%s: %r\n' % (tab, key, value)
return buf