[install_fw] Add support images for qcom targets

remittor 1 year ago
parent 1b04256d39
commit daff3fc02a

@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ class XqFlash():
compat = dt.get_property('compatible', path)
except ValueError:
continue # go to next node
if compat.value != compatible:
if not compat or compat.value != compatible:
continue # go to next node
return res
@ -447,7 +447,13 @@ class XqFlash():
fit_name = fit_dt.get_property('description').value
print(f'FIT: name = "{fit_name}"')
self.fit_dt = fit_dt
fdt1 = self.get_fdt_node(fit_dt, '/images/fdt*1')
cfg_list = fit_dt.get_node('/configurations')
def_cfg_name = cfg_list.get_property('default').value
print(f'FIT: def_cfg: "{def_cfg_name}"')
def_cfg = fit_dt.get_node(f'/configurations/{def_cfg_name}')
def_fdt_name = def_cfg.get_property('fdt').value
print(f'FIT: def_fdt: "{def_fdt_name}"')
fdt1 = self.get_fdt_node(fit_dt, f'/images/{def_fdt_name}')
print('FDT: desc = "{}"'.format(fdt1.get_property('description').value))
print('FDT: type = "{}"'.format(fdt1.get_property('type').value))
print('FDT: arch = "{}"'.format(fdt1.get_property('arch').value))
@ -461,16 +467,17 @@ class XqFlash():
print('KRN: type = "{}"'.format(krn1.get_property('type').value))
print('KRN: arch = "{}"'.format(krn1.get_property('arch').value))
print('KRN: compression = "{}"'.format(krn1.get_property('compression').value))
print(f'KRN: len(data) = {len(krn1.get_property("data"))} bytes')
krn_size = len(krn1.get_property("data"))
print(f'KRN: data = {krn_size} bytes')
krn_dt_data = fdt1.get_property('data').data
dt = fdt.parse_dtb(krn_dt_data)
self.krn_dt = dt
dt_tree = dt.info(props = True)
#with open('dt_tree.txt', "w") as file:
# file.write(dt_tree)
dt_compat = dt.get_property('compatible').value
print(f'FDT: compatible = "{dt_compat}"')
dt_compat = dt.get_property('compatible')
print('FDT:', dt_compat)
dt_model = dt.get_property('model').value
print(f'FDT: model = "{dt_model}"')
@ -498,12 +505,22 @@ class XqFlash():
if self.img_stock:
die('FIT: Error (4566)')
initrd1_data = initrd1.get_property('data')
self.init_image(rootfs, initrd1.get_property('data').data, 'FIT: Found second "rootfs" section!')
kernel.initrd = True
self.init_image(rootfs, initrd1_data.data, 'FIT: Found second "rootfs" section! (initrd)')
kernel.initrd = True
rootfs.initrd = True
if kernel.into_ubi:
rootfs.into_ubi = True
return 2
if not footer and krn_size > 6*1024*1024 and kernel.ostype == 'openwrt':
print(f'FIT: detect initrd into kernel image')
self.init_image(rootfs, b'0' * 1024, 'FIT: Found Second "rootfs" section! (InitRD)')
kernel.initrd = True
rootfs.initrd = True
if kernel.into_ubi:
rootfs.into_ubi = True
return 2
if footer:
hr = self.parse_footer(image, offset + fit_size)
if hr >= 1:
@ -576,6 +593,8 @@ class XqFlash():
kernel_volume = data
if volume == 'rootfs' and len(data) > 1024:
rootfs_volume = data
if volume == 'ubi_rootfs' and len(data) > 1024:
rootfs_volume = data
print(f'UBI: volume: "{volume}" \t size: {len(data)} ')
out = { }
@ -741,6 +760,7 @@ class XqFlash():
self.install_fw_num = None
self.install_method = 0
kernel_num = dev.get_part_num("kernel")
kernel0_num = dev.get_part_num("kernel0")
kernel1_num = dev.get_part_num("kernel1")
@ -749,17 +769,32 @@ class XqFlash():
rootfs1_num = dev.get_part_num("rootfs1")
if kernel0_num > 0 and kernel1_num > 0 and rootfs1_num > 0:
self.install_method = 100
self.install_parts = [ ]
osl_num = dev.get_part_num("OS1")
os2_num = dev.get_part_num("OS2")
if osl_num > 0 and os2_num > 0 and rootfs_num > 0:
self.install_method = 200
die("Unsupported install method 200")
self.install_method = 50
self.install_parts = [ 'OS1', 'OS2' ]
die("Unsupported install method 50")
rootfs_1_num = dev.get_part_num("rootfs_1")
if kernel_num < 0 and rootfs_num > 0 and rootfs_1_num > 0:
self.install_method = 200 # qcom ipq807x
self.install_parts = [ 'rootfs', 'rootfs_1' ]
if not fw_img.data or not kernel.data or not rootfs.data:
die('Cannot firmware image! (200)')
if not kernel.into_ubi:
die('Kernel image must be into UBIFS (200)')
if kernel.ostype == 'openwrt':
if not kernel.initrd:
die('OpenWRT: Supported only InitRamFS images (200)')
firmware0_num = dev.get_part_num('firmware')
firmware1_num = dev.get_part_num('firmware1')
if firmware0_num > 0 and firmware1_num > 0 and kernel_num > 0 and rootfs_num > 0:
self.install_method = 300
self.install_parts = [ 'firmware', 'firmware1' ]
if not kernel.data:
die('Cannot kernel image! (300)')
if not rootfs.data:
@ -779,7 +814,8 @@ class XqFlash():
ubi0_num = dev.get_part_num('ubi')
ubi1_num = dev.get_part_num('ubi1')
if ubi0_num > 0 and ubi1_num > 0 and kernel_num < 0:
self.install_method = 400
self.install_method = 400 # mtk filogic
self.install_parts = [ 'ubi', 'ubi1' ]
if not fw_img.data or not kernel.data or not rootfs.data:
die('Cannot firmware image! (400)')
if not kernel.into_ubi:
@ -855,28 +891,11 @@ class XqFlash():
rootfs.partname = part['name']
rootfs.cmd = 'mtd -e "{part}" write "{bin}" "{part}"'.format(part=rootfs.partname, bin=rootfs.fn_remote)
if self.install_method == 300:
fw_img.partname = 'firmware'
if self.install_method in [ 200, 300, 400 ]:
fw_img.partname = self.install_parts[0]
if self.img_stock:
if self.install_fw_num == 1:
fw_img.partname = 'firmware1'
fw_part = dev.get_part(fw_img.partname)
fw_img.addr = fw_part['addr']
fw_img.cmd = 'mtd -e "{part}" write "{bin}" "{part}"'.format(part=fw_img.partname, bin=fw_img.fn_remote)
kernel.cmd = None
rootfs.cmd = None
if 'ro' not in fw_part:
die(f'Cannot get readonly flag for partition "{fw_img.partname}"')
if fw_part['ro']:
die(f'Target partition "{fw_img.partname}" has readonly flag')
if self.install_method == 400:
fw_img.partname = 'ubi'
if self.img_stock:
if self.install_fw_num == 1:
fw_img.partname = 'ubi1'
fw_img.partname = self.install_parts[1]
fw_part = dev.get_part(fw_img.partname)
fw_img.addr = fw_part['addr']
fw_img.cmd = 'mtd -e "{part}" write "{bin}" "{part}"'.format(part=fw_img.partname, bin=fw_img.fn_remote)
