const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const { crc32 } = require('crc'); const esbuild = require('esbuild'); console.log('Scanning Translation in src folder...'); // 扫描语言 const lngs = ['zh-CN', 'en-US']; module.exports = { input: [ 'web/**/*.{ts,tsx}', 'shared/**/*.{ts,tsx}', // 'src/shared/i18n/__internal__/__scan__.ts', // Use ! to filter out files or directories '!src/**/*.spec.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', '!web/e2e/**/*.test.{ts,tsx}', // '!src/shared/i18n/**', '!**/node_modules/**', ], output: './', //输出目录 options: { debug: false, sort: true, func: false, trans: false, lngs, defaultLng: 'zh-CN', resource: { loadPath: './src/shared/i18n/langs/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json', //输入路径 savePath: './src/shared/i18n/langs/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json', //输出路径 jsonIndent: 2, lineEnding: '\n', endWithEmptyTrans: true, }, removeUnusedKeys: true, nsSeparator: false, // namespace separator keySeparator: false, // key separator interpolation: { prefix: '{{', suffix: '}}', }, }, transform: async function customTransform(file, enc, done) { //自己通过该函数来加工key或value 'use strict'; const parser = this.parser; const content = await fs.readFile(file.path, enc); parser.parseFuncFromString( content, { list: ['lang', 't'] }, (key, options) => { options.defaultValue = key; const hashKey = `k${crc32(key).toString(16)}`; parser.set(hashKey, options); } ); // 如果是 tsx 文件,则使用esbuild转换成jsx后再输入 if (path.extname(file.path) === '.tsx') { const { code } = await esbuild.transform(content, { jsx: 'preserve', loader: 'tsx', }); parser.parseTransFromString( code, { component: 'Trans', i18nKey: 'i18nKey' }, (key, options) => { /** * 处理scanner与react-i18next算法不一致导致的问题 * Reference: */ let sentence = options.defaultValue; // remove surrounding interopations to match i18next simpilied result // @see sentence = sentence.replace(/<(\d+)>{{(\w+)}}<\/\1>/g, '{{$2}}'); sentence = sentence.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); options.defaultValue = sentence; const hashKey = `k${crc32(key || sentence).toString(16)}`; parser.set(hashKey, options); } ); } done(); }, };