import i18next, { StringMap, TFunctionKeys, TOptions, TOptionsBase, } from 'i18next'; import { useTranslation as useI18NTranslation, initReactI18next, } from 'react-i18next'; import { crc32 } from 'crc'; import { languageDetector } from './language'; import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import HttpApi from 'i18next-http-backend'; // /** * 允许出现的语言 */ export type AllowedLanguage = 'zh-CN' | 'en-US'; i18next .use(languageDetector) .use(HttpApi) .use(initReactI18next) .init({ fallbackLng: 'zh-CN', load: 'currentOnly', backend: { loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json', allowMultiLoading: false, addPath: (...args: any[]) => { console.log('缺少翻译:', ...args); }, }, react: { // Reference: hashTransKey(defaultValue: string) { // return a key based on defaultValue or if you prefer to just remind you should set a key return false and throw an error return `k${crc32(defaultValue).toString(16)}`; }, }, } as any); type TFunctionResult = string | React.ReactNode; // Fork from i18next interface TFunction { // basic usage (key: TKeys): string; < TResult extends TFunctionResult = string, TKeys extends TFunctionKeys = string, TInterpolationMap extends object = StringMap >( key: TKeys, options?: TOptions | string ): TResult; // overloaded usage < TResult extends TFunctionResult = string, TKeys extends TFunctionKeys = string, TInterpolationMap extends object = StringMap >( key: TKeys, defaultValue?: string, options?: TOptions | string ): TResult; } /** * 国际化翻译 */ export const t: TFunction = ( key: string, defaultValue?: string, options?: TOptionsBase & Record ) => { try { const hashKey = `k${crc32(key).toString(16)}`; let words = i18next.t(hashKey, defaultValue, options); if (words === hashKey) { words = key;`[i18n] 翻译缺失: [${hashKey}]${key}`); } return words; } catch (err) { console.error(err); return key; } }; /** * 本地翻译 * @example * localTrans({'zh-CN': '你好', 'en-US': 'Hello'}); * * @param trans 翻译对象 */ export function localTrans(trans: Record) { const lang = i18next.language as AllowedLanguage; return trans[lang] ?? trans['zh-CN'] ?? trans['en-US']; } /** * 设置i18next的语言 */ export async function setLanguage(lang: AllowedLanguage): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { i18next.changeLanguage(lang, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } /** * 获取i18n语言 */ export function getLanguage(): string { return i18next.language; } /** * 监听语言变更 */ export function onLanguageChange(cb: (lang: string) => void) { i18next.on('languageChanged', cb); } /** * fork from i18next/react-i18next/-/blob/src/useTranslation.js * i18n for react 使用hooks */ export function useTranslation() { const { t: i18nT, ready } = useI18NTranslation(); const [_t, _setT] = useState(() => t); useEffect(() => { _setT( () => (...args: any[]) => (t as any)(...args) ); }, [i18nT]); return { t: _t, ready }; }