# Tailchat [![Docker Publish](https://github.com/msgbyte/tailchat/actions/workflows/docker-publish.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/msgbyte/tailchat/actions/workflows/docker-publish.yml) ![Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)](https://img.shields.io/docker/v/moonrailgun/tailchat/latest) ![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/moonrailgun/tailchat) [![CI](https://github.com/msgbyte/tailchat/actions/workflows/ci.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/msgbyte/tailchat/actions/workflows/ci.yaml) [![Codemagic build status](https://api.codemagic.io/apps/63e27be62b9d4ca848b5491d/android/status_badge.svg)](https://codemagic.io/apps/63e27be62b9d4ca848b5491d/android/latest_build) [![deploy nightly](https://github.com/msgbyte/tailchat/actions/workflows/vercel-nightly.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/msgbyte/tailchat/actions/workflows/vercel-nightly.yml) ![tailchat](https://socialify.git.ci/msgbyte/tailchat/image?description=1&font=Inter&forks=1&issues=1&language=1&logo=https%3A%2F%2Favatars.githubusercontent.com%2Fu%2F86033898%3Fs%3D200%26v%3D4&name=1&owner=1&pattern=Circuit%20Board&stargazers=1&theme=Light) [简体中文](./README.zh.md) ## Next generation noIM application in your own workspace ### Not only another `Slack`, `Discord`, `Rocket.Chat`.... If you are interested in the concept of `noIM`, welcome to read my blog: - [It's time to officially step into the era of noIM](https://tailchat.msgbyte.com/blog/2023/03/01/the-era-of-noIM) Official Documentation: [https://tailchat.msgbyte.com/](https://tailchat.msgbyte.com/) **Nightly version** Try it online: [https://nightly.paw.msgbyte.com/](https://nightly.paw.msgbyte.com/) > Nightly version is the automatic compile version, that means, every commit code will be automatically compiled. > The reliability and stability of the data are not guaranteed, you can deploy with stable version with docker images or github release page ## Motivation At present, the existing IM applications only focus on chatting itself, and IM is naturally a multi-person collaboration method. In my opinion, it should be able to take on more responsibilities, and form its own unique way of forwarding external applications through IM workflow. Therefore, I bring up the point of `noIM`, which means **Not only IM**. Instead, it designed a highly customized application platform for individuals/teams centered on IM, with third-party applications as enhanced functions, and a plugin system as the glue connection layer in the middle. To this end, the functions were abstracted, and a lot of time was spent designing the underlying mechanism. An instant messaging application such as `Tailchat` was born for expansion from the beginning of the underlying design. Through `Tailchat`'s plugin system, developers can easily use their favorite applications as part of `Tailchat` in a very natural way. Different from traditional integration methods such as `Slack`, the integration of `Tailchat` is more free, as if it is a native function. ## Feature - Pay attention to privacy, only invited members can join the group - Prevent strangers, add friends only by nickname + a random string of numbers - Two-level group space, dividing different topics by panels - Highly customized group space, create original group space by grouping with dragging and dropping. At the same time, more plugins can be used to add more capabilities - It can be rigorous or fun. Through the combination of plugins, `Tailchat` can be created for different scenarios. It can be for individuals or for enterprises - The backend microservice structure is ready for large-scale deployment. Don't worry about what to do after the number of user growth Learn more in our [website](https://tailchat.msgbyte.com/) ## Performance and Expansion Tailchat is a modern open source IM application which based on **React** + **Typescript** Front-end microkernel architecture + backend microservice architecture, `Tailchat` is ready for clustering deployment. The front end empowers the application through the plugin system, which is very simple and easy to expand for the secondary development of `Tailchat`. **NOTICE: Although the core functionality of Tailchat is currently in a stable stage, its exposed interface for third-party developers is still being improved. Generally speaking, it is backward compatible, but retains the possibility of Break Change** ## Preview ![](./website/static/img/intro/hello.png) ![](./website/static/img/intro/plugins.png) ![](./website/static/img/intro/roles.png) Visit the official website to learn more: [https://tailchat.msgbyte.com/](https://tailchat.msgbyte.com/) ## Communication If you are interested in `Tailchat`, welcome to join `Tailchat`'s seed user exchange group, your feedback can help `Tailchat` grow better ### Tailchat [Tailchat Nightly Group](https://nightly.paw.msgbyte.com/invite/8Jfm1dWb) ### Producthunt Tailchat - The next-generation noIM Application in your own workspace | Product Hunt