You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

557 lines
12 KiB

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/// <reference types="react" />
* Tailchat
* : pnpm run plugins:declaration:generate
* Tailchat
declare module '@capital/common' {
export const useGroupPanelParams: any;
* @deprecated @capital/component
export const openModal: (
content: React.ReactNode,
props?: {
* @default false
closable?: boolean;
maskClosable?: boolean;
* modal
onCloseModal?: () => void;
) => number;
* @deprecated @capital/component
export const closeModal: any;
* @deprecated @capital/component
export const ModalWrapper: any;
* @deprecated @capital/component
export const useModalContext: any;
* @deprecated @capital/component
export const openConfirmModal: any;
* @deprecated @capital/component
export const openReconfirmModal: any;
* @deprecated @capital/component
export const Loadable: any;
export const getGlobalState: any;
export const useGlobalSocketEvent: <T>(
eventName: string,
callback: (data: T) => void
) => void;
export const getJWTUserInfo: () => Promise<{
_id?: string;
nickname?: string;
email?: string;
avatar?: string;
export const dataUrlToFile: any;
export const urlSearchStringify: any;
export const urlSearchParse: any;
export const appendUrlSearch: any;
export const getServiceWorkerRegistration: any;
export const getServiceUrl: () => string;
export const getCachedUserInfo: (
userId: string,
refetch?: boolean
) => Promise<{
_id: string;
email: string;
nickname: string;
discriminator: string;
avatar: string | null;
temporary: boolean;
export const getCachedConverseInfo: any;
export const getCachedBaseGroupInfo: any;
export const getCachedUserSettings: any;
* @example
* localTrans({'zh-CN': '你好', 'en-US': 'Hello'});
* @param trans
export const localTrans: (trans: Record<'zh-CN' | 'en-US', string>) => string;
export const getLanguage: any;
export const sharedEvent: any;
export const useAsync: <T extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>>(
fn: T,
deps?: React.DependencyList
) => { loading: boolean; value?: any; error?: Error };
export const useAsyncFn: <T extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>>(
fn: T,
deps?: React.DependencyList
) => [{ loading: boolean; value?: any; error?: Error }, T];
export const useAsyncRefresh: <T extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>>(
fn: T,
deps?: React.DependencyList
) => { loading: boolean; value?: any; error?: Error; refresh: () => void };
export const useAsyncRequest: <T extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>>(
fn: T,
deps?: React.DependencyList
) => [{ loading: boolean; value?: any }, T];
export const useEvent: any;
export const uploadFile: any;
export const showToasts: (
message: string,
type?: 'info' | 'success' | 'error' | 'warning'
) => void;
export const showSuccessToasts: any;
export const showErrorToasts: (error: any) => void;
export const fetchAvailableServices: any;
export const isValidStr: (str: any) => str is string;
export const useGroupPanelInfo: any;
export const sendMessage: any;
export const showMessageTime: any;
export const joinArray: any;
export const useConverseMessageContext: any;
export const navigate: any;
export const useLocation: any;
export const useNavigate: any;
* @deprecated please use createMetaFormSchema from @capital/component
export const createFastFormSchema: any;
* @deprecated please use metaFormFieldSchema from @capital/component
export const fieldSchema: any;
export const useCurrentUserInfo: any;
export const createPluginRequest: (pluginName: string) => {
get: (actionName: string, config?: any) => Promise<any>;
post: (actionName: string, data?: any, config?: any) => Promise<any>;
export const postRequest: any;
export const pluginCustomPanel: any;
export const regCustomPanel: (info: {
| 'personal'
| 'setting'
| 'groupdetail'
| 'navbar-more'
| 'navbar-group'
| 'navbar-personal';
icon: string;
name: string;
label: string;
render: React.ComponentType;
}) => void;
export const pluginGroupPanel: any;
export const regGroupPanel: any;
export const messageInterpreter: {
name?: string;
explainMessage: (message: string) => React.ReactNode;
export const regMessageInterpreter: (interpreter: {
name?: string;
explainMessage: (message: string) => React.ReactNode;
}) => void;
export const getMessageRender: (message: string) => React.ReactNode;
export const regMessageRender: (
render: (message: string) => React.ReactNode
) => void;
export const getMessageTextDecorators: any;
export const regMessageTextDecorators: any;
export const ChatInputActionContextProps: any;
export const pluginChatInputActions: any;
export const regChatInputAction: any;
export const pluginChatInputButtons: any;
export const regChatInputButton: any;
export const regSocketEventListener: (item: {
eventName: string;
eventFn: (...args: any[]) => void;
}) => void;
export const pluginColorScheme: any;
export const regPluginColorScheme: any;
export const pluginInspectServices: any;
export const regInspectService: any;
export const pluginMessageExtraParsers: any;
export const regMessageExtraParser: any;
export const pluginRootRoute: any;
export const regPluginRootRoute: any;
export const pluginPanelActions: any;
export const regPluginPanelAction: (
| {
name: string;
label: string;
icon: string;
position: 'group';
onClick: (ctx: { groupId: string; panelId: string }) => void;
| {
name: string;
label: string;
icon: string;
position: 'dm';
onClick: (ctx: { converseId: string }) => void;
) => void;
export const pluginPermission: any;
export const regPluginPermission: (permission: {
* key,
* , :
key: string;
title: string;
desc: string;
default: boolean;
required?: string[];
}) => void;
export const pluginGroupPanelBadges: any;
export const regGroupPanelBadge: any;
export const pluginGroupTextPanelExtraMenus: any;
export const regPluginGroupTextPanelExtraMenu: any;
export const pluginUserExtraInfo: any;
export const regUserExtraInfo: any;
export const pluginSettings: any;
export const regPluginSettings: any;
export const pluginInboxItemMap: any;
export const regPluginInboxItemMap: any;
export const pluginGroupConfigItems: any;
export const regPluginGroupConfigItem: any;
export const useGroupIdContext: () => string;
export const useGroupPanelContext: () => {
groupId: string;
panelId: string;
} | null;
export const useSocketContext: any;
* Tailchat
declare module '@capital/component' {
export const Button: any;
export const Checkbox: any;
export const Input: any;
export const Divider: any;
export const Space: any;
export const Menu: any;
export const Table: any;
export const Switch: any;
export const Tooltip: any;
* @link
export const notification: any;
export const Empty: React.FC<
prefixCls?: string;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
imageStyle?: React.CSSProperties;
image?: React.ReactNode;
description?: React.ReactNode;
export const Popover: any;
export const Tag: any;
export const TextArea: any;
export const Avatar: any;
export const SensitiveText: React.FC<{ className?: string; text: string }>;
export const Icon: React.FC<{ icon: string } & React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>;
export const CopyableText: React.FC<{
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
| boolean
| {
text?: string;
onCopy?: (event?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
tooltips?: boolean | React.ReactNode;
format?: 'text/plain' | 'text/html';
export const WebFastForm: any;
export const WebMetaForm: any;
export const createMetaFormSchema: any;
export const metaFormFieldSchema: any;
export const Link: any;
export const MessageAckContainer: any;
export const BaseChatInputButton: any;
export const useChatInputActionContext: any;
export const GroupExtraDataPanel: any;
export const Image: any;
export const IconBtn: React.FC<{
icon: string;
className?: string;
iconClassName?: string;
size?: 'small' | 'middle' | 'large';
shape?: 'circle' | 'square';
title?: string;
danger?: boolean;
active?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
export const PillTabs: any;
export const PillTabPane: any;
export const FullModalField: any;
export const DefaultFullModalInputEditorRender: any;
export const DefaultFullModalTextAreaEditorRender: any;
export const openModal: (
content: React.ReactNode,
props?: {
* @default false
closable?: boolean;
maskClosable?: boolean;
* modal
onCloseModal?: () => void;
) => number;
export const closeModal: any;
export const ModalWrapper: any;
export const useModalContext: any;
export const openConfirmModal: any;
export const openReconfirmModal: any;
export const Loadable: any;
export const Loading: React.FC<{
spinning: boolean;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
children?: React.ReactNode;
export const LoadingSpinner: React.FC<{ tip?: string }>;
export const LoadingOnFirst: React.FC<{
spinning: boolean;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
children?: React.ReactNode;
export const SidebarView: any;
export const GroupPanelSelector: any;
export const Emoji: any;
export const PortalAdd: any;
export const PortalRemove: any;
export const ErrorBoundary: any;
export const ErrorView: React.FC<{
error: Error;
export const UserAvatar: React.FC<{
userId: string;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
size?: 'large' | 'small' | 'default' | number;
export const UserName: React.FC<{
userId: string;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
export const Markdown: any;
export const MarkdownEditor: any;
export const Webview: any;
export const WebviewKeepAlive: any;
export const Card: any;
export const Problem: any;
export const JumpToButton: any;
export const JumpToGroupPanelButton: any;
export const JumpToConverseButton: any;