package op
import (
type User struct {
version uint32
alistCache atomic.Pointer[cache.AlistUserCache]
bilibiliCache atomic.Pointer[cache.BilibiliUserCache]
embyCache atomic.Pointer[cache.EmbyUserCache]
func (u *User) AlistCache() *cache.AlistUserCache {
c := u.alistCache.Load()
if c == nil {
c = cache.NewAlistUserCache(u.ID)
if !u.alistCache.CompareAndSwap(nil, c) {
return u.AlistCache()
return c
func (u *User) BilibiliCache() *cache.BilibiliUserCache {
c := u.bilibiliCache.Load()
if c == nil {
c = cache.NewBilibiliUserCache(u.ID)
if !u.bilibiliCache.CompareAndSwap(nil, c) {
return u.BilibiliCache()
return c
func (u *User) EmbyCache() *cache.EmbyUserCache {
c := u.embyCache.Load()
if c == nil {
c = cache.NewEmbyUserCache(u.ID)
if !u.embyCache.CompareAndSwap(nil, c) {
return u.EmbyCache()
return c
func (u *User) Version() uint32 {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&u.version)
func (u *User) CheckVersion(version uint32) bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&u.version) == version
func (u *User) SetPassword(password string) error {
if u.CheckPassword(password) {
return errors.New("password is the same")
hashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(stream.StringToBytes(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
return err
atomic.StoreUint32(&u.version, crc32.ChecksumIEEE(hashedPassword))
u.HashedPassword = hashedPassword
return db.SetUserHashedPassword(u.ID, hashedPassword)
func (u *User) CreateRoom(name, password string, conf ...db.CreateRoomConfig) (*RoomEntry, error) {
if u.IsBanned() {
return nil, errors.New("user banned")
if u.IsAdmin() {
conf = append(conf, db.WithStatus(model.RoomStatusActive))
} else {
if password == "" && settings.RoomMustNeedPwd.Get() {
return nil, errors.New("room must need password")
if settings.CreateRoomNeedReview.Get() {
conf = append(conf, db.WithStatus(model.RoomStatusPending))
} else {
conf = append(conf, db.WithStatus(model.RoomStatusActive))
var maxCount int64
if !u.IsAdmin() {
maxCount = settings.UserMaxRoomCount.Get()
return CreateRoom(name, password, maxCount, append(conf, db.WithCreator(&u.User))...)
func (u *User) NewMovie(movie *model.BaseMovie) (*model.Movie, error) {
if movie == nil {
return nil, errors.New("movie is nil")
switch movie.VendorInfo.Vendor {
case model.VendorBilibili:
if movie.VendorInfo.Bilibili == nil {
return nil, errors.New("bilibili payload is nil")
case model.VendorAlist:
if movie.VendorInfo.Alist == nil {
return nil, errors.New("alist payload is nil")
return &model.Movie{
Base: *movie,
CreatorID: u.ID,
}, nil
func (u *User) AddMovieToRoom(room *Room, movie *model.BaseMovie) error {
if !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionCreateMovie) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
m, err := u.NewMovie(movie)
if err != nil {
return err
return room.AddMovie(m)
func (u *User) NewMovies(movies []*model.BaseMovie) ([]*model.Movie, error) {
var ms = make([]*model.Movie, len(movies))
for i, m := range movies {
movie, err := u.NewMovie(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ms[i] = movie
return ms, nil
func (u *User) AddMoviesToRoom(room *Room, movies []*model.BaseMovie) error {
if !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionCreateMovie) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
m, err := u.NewMovies(movies)
if err != nil {
return err
return room.AddMovies(m)
func (u *User) IsRoot() bool {
return u.Role == model.RoleRoot
func (u *User) IsAdmin() bool {
return u.Role == model.RoleAdmin || u.IsRoot()
func (u *User) IsBanned() bool {
return u.Role == model.RoleBanned
func (u *User) IsPending() bool {
return u.Role == model.RolePending
func (u *User) HasRoomPermission(room *Room, permission model.RoomUserPermission) bool {
if u.IsAdmin() {
return true
return room.HasPermission(u.ID, permission)
func (u *User) DeleteRoom(room *RoomEntry) error {
if !u.HasRoomPermission(room.Value(), model.PermissionEditRoom) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
return CompareAndDeleteRoom(room)
func (u *User) SetRoomPassword(room *Room, password string) error {
if !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionEditRoom) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
if !u.IsAdmin() && password == "" && settings.RoomMustNeedPwd.Get() {
return errors.New("room must need password")
return room.SetPassword(password)
func (u *User) SetRole(role model.Role) error {
if err := db.SetRoleByID(u.ID, role); err != nil {
return err
u.Role = role
return nil
func (u *User) SetUsername(username string) error {
if err := db.SetUsernameByID(u.ID, username); err != nil {
return err
u.Username = username
return nil
func (u *User) UpdateMovie(room *Room, movieID string, movie *model.BaseMovie) error {
m, err := room.GetMovieByID(movieID)
if err != nil {
return err
if m.Movie.CreatorID != u.ID && !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionEditUser) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
return room.UpdateMovie(movieID, movie)
func (u *User) SetRoomSetting(room *Room, setting model.RoomSettings) error {
if !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionEditRoom) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
return room.SetSettings(setting)
func (u *User) DeleteMovieByID(room *Room, movieID string) error {
m, err := room.GetMovieByID(movieID)
if err != nil {
return err
if m.Movie.CreatorID != u.ID && !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionEditUser) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
return room.DeleteMovieByID(movieID)
func (u *User) DeleteMoviesByID(room *Room, movieIDs []string) error {
for _, id := range movieIDs {
m, err := room.GetMovieByID(id)
if err != nil {
return err
if m.Movie.CreatorID != u.ID && !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionEditUser) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
for _, v := range movieIDs {
if err := room.DeleteMovieByID(v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (u *User) ClearMovies(room *Room) error {
if !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionEditUser) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
return room.ClearMovies()
func (u *User) SetCurrentMovie(room *Room, movie *model.Movie, play bool) error {
if !u.HasRoomPermission(room, model.PermissionEditCurrent) {
return model.ErrNoPermission
room.SetCurrentMovie(movie, play)
return nil
func (u *User) SetCurrentMovieByID(room *Room, movieID string, play bool) error {
m, err := room.GetMovieByID(movieID)
if err != nil {
return err
return u.SetCurrentMovie(room, &m.Movie, play)
func (u *User) BindProvider(p provider.OAuth2Provider, pid string) error {
err := db.BindProvider(u.ID, p, pid)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (u *User) SendBindCaptchaEmail(e string) error {
return email.SendBindCaptchaEmail(u.ID, e)
func (u *User) VerifyBindCaptchaEmail(e, captcha string) (bool, error) {
return email.VerifyBindCaptchaEmail(u.ID, e, captcha)
func (u *User) BindEmail(e string) error {
err := db.BindEmail(u.ID, e)
if err != nil {
return err
u.Email = e
return nil
func (u *User) UnbindEmail() error {
err := db.UnbindEmail(u.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
u.Email = ""
return nil
func (u *User) SendTestEmail() error {
if u.Email == "" {
return errors.New("unbound email")
return email.SendTestEmail(u.Username, u.Email)
func (u *User) SendRetrievePasswordCaptchaEmail(host string) error {
if u.Email == "" {
return errors.New("unbound email")
return email.SendRetrievePasswordCaptchaEmail(u.ID, u.Email, host)
func (u *User) VerifyRetrievePasswordCaptchaEmail(e, captcha string) (bool, error) {
if u.Email != e {
return false, errors.New("email has changed, please resend the captcha email")
return email.VerifyRetrievePasswordCaptchaEmail(u.ID, e, captcha)