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274 lines
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# Extensible Event Format (nicknamed EVE) event log in JSON format
- eve-log:
enabled: yes
filetype: regular #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis
filename: eve.json
# Enable for multi-threaded eve.json output; output files are amended with
# an identifier, e.g., eve.9.json
#threaded: false
#prefix: "@cee: " # prefix to prepend to each log entry
# the following are valid when type: syslog above
#identity: "suricata"
#facility: local5
#level: Info ## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical,
## Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug
#ethernet: no # log ethernet header in events when available
# server:
# port: 6379
# async: true ## if redis replies are read asynchronously
# mode: list ## possible values: list|lpush (default), rpush, channel|publish
# ## lpush and rpush are using a Redis list. "list" is an alias for lpush
# ## publish is using a Redis channel. "channel" is an alias for publish
# key: suricata ## key or channel to use (default to suricata)
# Redis pipelining set up. This will enable to only do a query every
# 'batch-size' events. This should lower the latency induced by network
# connection at the cost of some memory. There is no flushing implemented
# so this setting should be reserved to high traffic Suricata deployments.
# pipelining:
# enabled: yes ## set enable to yes to enable query pipelining
# batch-size: 10 ## number of entries to keep in buffer
# Include top level metadata. Default yes.
#metadata: no
# include the name of the input pcap file in pcap file processing mode
pcap-file: false
# Community Flow ID
# Adds a 'community_id' field to EVE records. These are meant to give
# records a predictable flow ID that can be used to match records to
# output of other tools such as Zeek (Bro).
# Takes a 'seed' that needs to be same across sensors and tools
# to make the id less predictable.
# enable/disable the community id feature.
community-id: false
# Seed value for the ID output. Valid values are 0-65535.
community-id-seed: 0
# HTTP X-Forwarded-For support by adding an extra field or overwriting
# the source or destination IP address (depending on flow direction)
# with the one reported in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. This is
# helpful when reviewing alerts for traffic that is being reverse
# or forward proxied.
enabled: no
# Two operation modes are available: "extra-data" and "overwrite".
mode: extra-data
# Two proxy deployments are supported: "reverse" and "forward". In
# a "reverse" deployment the IP address used is the last one, in a
# "forward" deployment the first IP address is used.
deployment: reverse
# Header name where the actual IP address will be reported. If more
# than one IP address is present, the last IP address will be the
# one taken into consideration.
header: X-Forwarded-For
- alert:
# payload: yes # enable dumping payload in Base64
# payload-buffer-size: 4kb # max size of payload buffer to output in eve-log
# payload-printable: yes # enable dumping payload in printable (lossy) format
# payload-length: yes # enable dumping payload length, including the gaps
# packet: yes # enable dumping of packet (without stream segments)
# metadata: no # enable inclusion of app layer metadata with alert. Default yes
# If you want metadata, use:
# metadata:
# Include the decoded application layer (ie. http, dns)
#app-layer: true
# Log the current state of the flow record.
#flow: true
# Log the metadata field from the rule in a structured
# format.
#metadata: true
# Log the raw rule text.
#raw: false
#reference: false # include reference information from the rule
# http-body: yes # Requires metadata; enable dumping of HTTP body in Base64
# http-body-printable: yes # Requires metadata; enable dumping of HTTP body in printable format
# websocket-payload: yes # Requires metadata; enable dumping of WebSocket Payload in Base64
# websocket-payload-printable: yes # Requires metadata; enable dumping of WebSocket Payload in printable format
# Enable the logging of tagged packets for rules using the
# "tag" keyword.
tagged-packets: yes
# Enable logging the final action taken on a packet by the engine
# (e.g: the alert may have action 'allowed' but the verdict be
# 'drop' due to another alert. That's the engine's verdict)
# verdict: yes
# app layer frames
- frame:
# disabled by default as this is very verbose.
enabled: no
# payload-buffer-size: 4kb # max size of frame payload buffer to output in eve-log
- anomaly:
# Anomaly log records describe unexpected conditions such
# as truncated packets, packets with invalid IP/UDP/TCP
# length values, and other events that render the packet
# invalid for further processing or describe unexpected
# behavior on an established stream. Networks which
# experience high occurrences of anomalies may experience
# packet processing degradation.
# Anomalies are reported for the following:
# 1. Decode: Values and conditions that are detected while
# decoding individual packets. This includes invalid or
# unexpected values for low-level protocol lengths as well
# as stream related events (TCP 3-way handshake issues,
# unexpected sequence number, etc).
# 2. Stream: This includes stream related events (TCP
# 3-way handshake issues, unexpected sequence number,
# etc).
# 3. Application layer: These denote application layer
# specific conditions that are unexpected, invalid or are
# unexpected given the application monitoring state.
# By default, anomaly logging is enabled. When anomaly
# logging is enabled, applayer anomaly reporting is
# also enabled.
enabled: yes
# Choose one or more types of anomaly logging and whether to enable
# logging of the packet header for packet anomalies.
# decode: no
# stream: no
# applayer: yes
#packethdr: no
- http:
extended: yes # enable this for extended logging information
# custom allows additional HTTP fields to be included in eve-log.
# the example below adds three additional fields when uncommented
#custom: [Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Authorization]
# set this value to one and only one from {both, request, response}
# to dump all HTTP headers for every HTTP request and/or response
# dump-all-headers: none
- dns:
# This configuration uses the new DNS logging format,
# the old configuration is still available:
# As of Suricata 5.0, version 2 of the eve dns output
# format is the default.
#version: 2
# Enable/disable this logger. Default: enabled.
#enabled: yes
# Control logging of requests and responses:
# - requests: enable logging of DNS queries
# - responses: enable logging of DNS answers
# By default both requests and responses are logged.
#requests: no
#responses: no
# Format of answer logging:
# - detailed: array item per answer
# - grouped: answers aggregated by type
# Default: all
#formats: [detailed, grouped]
# DNS record types to log, based on the query type.
# Default: all.
#types: [a, aaaa, cname, mx, ns, ptr, txt]
- tls:
extended: yes # enable this for extended logging information
# output TLS transaction where the session is resumed using a
# session id
#session-resumption: no
# custom controls which TLS fields that are included in eve-log
#custom: [subject, issuer, session_resumed, serial, fingerprint, sni, version, not_before, not_after, certificate, chain, ja3, ja3s, ja4]
- files:
force-magic: no # force logging magic on all logged files
# force logging of checksums, available hash functions are md5,
# sha1 and sha256
#force-hash: [md5]
#- drop:
# alerts: yes # log alerts that caused drops
# flows: all # start or all: 'start' logs only a single drop
# # per flow direction. All logs each dropped pkt.
# Enable logging the final action taken on a packet by the engine
# (will show more information in case of a drop caused by 'reject')
# verdict: yes
- smtp:
#extended: yes # enable this for extended logging information
# this includes: bcc, message-id, subject, x_mailer, user-agent
# custom fields logging from the list:
# reply-to, bcc, message-id, subject, x-mailer, user-agent, received,
# x-originating-ip, in-reply-to, references, importance, priority,
# sensitivity, organization, content-md5, date
#custom: [received, x-mailer, x-originating-ip, relays, reply-to, bcc]
# output md5 of fields: body, subject
# for the body you need to set app-layer.protocols.smtp.mime.body-md5
# to yes
#md5: [body, subject]
#- dnp3
- websocket
- ftp
- ftp-data
- rdp
- nfs
- smb
- tftp
- ike
- dcerpc
- krb5
- bittorrent-dht
- ssh
- arp:
enabled: no
- snmp
- rfb
- sip
- quic
- dhcp:
enabled: yes
# When extended mode is on, all DHCP messages are logged
# with full detail. When extended mode is off (the
# default), just enough information to map a MAC address
# to an IP address is logged.
extended: no
- mqtt:
# passwords: yes # enable output of passwords
# string-log-limit: 1kb # limit size of logged strings in bytes.
# Can be specified in kb, mb, gb. Just a number
# is parsed as bytes. Default is 1KB.
# Use a value of 0 to disable limiting.
# Note that the size is also bounded by
# the maximum parsed message size (see
# app-layer configuration)
- http2
- pgsql:
enabled: no
# passwords: yes # enable output of passwords. Disabled by default
- stats:
totals: yes # stats for all threads merged together
threads: no # per thread stats
deltas: no # include delta values
# Don't log stats counters that are zero. Default: true
#null-values: false # False will NOT log stats counters: 0
# bi-directional flows
- flow
# uni-directional flows
#- netflow
# Metadata event type. Triggered whenever a pktvar is saved
# and will include the pktvars, flowvars, flowbits and
# flowints.
#- metadata
# EXPERIMENTAL per packet output giving TCP state tracking details
# including internal state, flags, etc.
# This output is experimental, meant for debugging and subject to
# change in both config and output without any notice.
#- stream:
# all: false # log all TCP packets
# event-set: false # log packets that have a decoder/stream event
# state-update: false # log packets triggering a TCP state update
# spurious-retransmission: false # log spurious retransmission packets